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Author's Notes

"This is part one of a short series where two teenage girls discover their attraction for each other through corporal punishment and spanking."

I was walking across the schoolyard to the cafeteria when I saw them. Two of the older girls who looked like they were fighting. There was a small group of spectators gathering around them.

There was clearly something up, so I quickly made my way over to see what was going on - one of my responsibilities as Head Girl was to monitor the behaviour of the other girls during break.

As I walked, I could see that they were tussling quite forcefully over something. Then I noticed that one of the girls was Kate Milton – the Hockey Captain. And the other one was – Jo maybe? I didn’t know what they were fighting about, but I knew I needed to stop them. There were teachers on patrol as well, and if they were spotted, there would be trouble!

I tried to get in between them to separate them, but they were brawling and spitting like two cats!

‘What the fuck are you doing? Get off!’

I reached for the item they were fighting over – was it a plate?

‘Let go!’ I panted. I felt a shove, and I stumbled and heard a crash.

‘Oh, bloody hell – now look what you’ve done, you stupid bitch!’ It was Kate that had spoken.

I looked down and saw the broken pieces of the plate - if that was what it was. Oh no! I was mortified. How had that happened? It looked important. Had it been me that had broken it?

‘Oh, Kate – I’m sorry! I didn’t mean…’

‘Oh, God, if it isn’t Miss Goody Two-shoes, the Head Snitch!’ announced the other girl, who I now recognised as Jo Bradley – one of the more notorious girls in the school.

‘What’s going on? Why are the three of you fighting?’ Bloody hell - it was Miss Jones, the maths teacher. What awful timing!

Jo didn’t waste any time.

‘We weren’t fighting, Miss Jones – not until Judy tried to grab the award that Kate was showing me. Me and Kate tried to stop her taking it, and she shoved us, and threatened to make sure we got caned if we didn’t give it to her!

My jaw dropped at this outright lie. I’d only just arrived on the scene, and I was being accused of starting the fight and trying to take the – the whatever it was!

Miss Jones gave me a hard look.

‘All right, all three of you – to the Headmistress’s office, right now! We will sort it out there!’

Miss Jones quickly marched the three of us across the school. After a word with the secretary, we all trooped in to see Mrs Griffiths, the Headmistress.

‘I found the three of them fighting, Mrs Griffiths. And this broken plate on the ground.'

The Headmistress looked carefully over the three of us.

‘I see – two usual suspects, and our Head Girl? Your presence, Miss Bradley, does not surprise me. Miss Milton – this will be the third time for you this term. Not what I expect from my Hockey Captain. And Judy, how are you involved? Trying to break them up, were you?’

Before I could speak, Jo broke in.

‘She wasn’t trying to break us up, Miss – she started it! Kate was showing me the award her mum got for hockey, Miss. It was her – she just started pushing me, and I fell over. And we weren’t fighting. We were just playing!’

Oh, this wasn’t going to go well. Not well at all.

‘Hmmm, I see. Miss Milton, let’s hear what you have to say?’

I looked at Kate, who was staring back at me, directly into my eyes. There was hostility there, and I could almost see the cogs whirring in her brain.

‘Yes, Mrs Griffiths - Jo’s right - we weren’t fighting at all. Just a bit of banter. And if Judy here hadn’t tried to snatch my mum’s plate for no reason, it wouldn’t have been broken!’ she said the words deliberately. It felt like she was daring me to contradict her. Though if I were brutally honest, there was an element of truth in what she’d said, I guess. Not about the fight though.

Looking dubious, the Headmistress turned to me;

‘Well, Judy – can you confirm their story?’ She was obviously expecting me to deny it. Jo was always making things up, and was known for it. It was unusual for Kate, though. She must really be upset about the plate.

I looked at Kate. I knew that she didn’t particularly like me, and that she was angry with me as well. And I knew she now expected me to drop them in it. Me, the Head Girl, or ‘Miss Goody Two-shoes’ as they all liked to call me. It was painful, because I’d had a crush on Kate for as long as I could remember. She was bright, good looking, popular and, not incidentally, had the most wonderful, long, firmly muscled legs I’d ever seen. I always felt clumsy beside her, and I guess I was a bit jealous.

If I told the truth – that they had indeed been fighting, and were lying - they would both undoubtedly be caned. I don’t think Jo cared, but as it was Kate’s third offence, she would probably lose the Captaincy of the Hockey team as well.

I don’t know why I did it, but I wanted to make it up to her, somehow. And show her I wasn’t always Miss Goody-Goody – another of my nicknames. I also desperately wanted her approval.

‘It’s true, Mrs Griffiths. I did break the plate – it was my fault. I – I don’t know what came over me, Headmistress. I – I liked the look of the plate, and – and just wanted to hold it. There wouldn’t have been a fight if I hadn’t - if I hadn’t tried to take it. And it wouldn’t have broken. I know it was wrong, I’m sorry.’ I looked at my feet as I said the words, knowing I was likely to be the one punished now.

Kate looked gobsmacked. That was the only way to describe the expression on her face. We were all lying, and she knew it. But did she know why I didn’t shop her? I hoped not…

Mrs Griffiths raised her eyebrows at me, completely taken aback. I wasn’t entirely sure she believed me, to be honest, though it was difficult to tell.

‘Well, I’m very surprised at you, Judy – Miss Adams. Shocked even. I don’t expect that kind of behaviour from you - you should know better!’

I could see her thinking. Working out what she was going to do.

‘And, Head Girl or not, I’m afraid, if that’s what happened, then you will need to be punished for your poor behaviour and judgement.’

She looked at me, her eyes seeming to penetrate my mind. Could she tell I was lying? If she thought I was, she would probably punish me anyway, I thought, because lying was something she didn’t tolerate. She tended to dole out quite severe punishments for lying.

‘Is that what happened, Judy?’ She was giving me another chance. I didn’t take it.

‘I – yes, Headmistress.’ I looked at my feet. I couldn’t look her in the eye.

She took a deep breath, and sighed.

‘Hmmm. Very well. In a case like this, I would normally consider six strokes of the cane to be adequate punishment. You are, however, the Head Girl, and you are expected to set a good example for others to follow. You have failed to do that, young lady, one way or the other!’

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The doubt in her words was evident. And the Headmistress’ look of disappointment suddenly made me feel very ashamed for lying. Her eyes still seemed to be boring into my skull, looking for something – the truth, maybe…?’

Mrs Griffiths voice suddenly took on a very strict tone with me - not something I was used to.

‘So, I see no alternative than to make a bit of an example of you. You will have a full week of detentions,’ she paused, ‘and in addition, I shall give you fifteen strokes of the cane.’

I gasped when I heard her words. I was shocked. I hadn’t expected that! Oh, what had I done! That was a very severe punishment. She must know I was lying! I could suddenly feel myself wanting to cry. Fifteen strokes of the cane! I’d never been caned at all before! Three was normal for a first offence.

She looked at me, and then at the other girls. ‘Clearly, I owe you both an apology for jumping to conclusions. You will not, of course, be punished on this occasion.’

Mrs Griffiths glance back at me briefly, as she said the next words.

‘As it is the two of you who have been wronged, you may stay and witness Miss Adams punishment, which I will administer immediately. I think that is appropriate justice in the circumstances.’

I opened my mouth to protest, but then thought better of it as Mrs Griffiths glacial stare swivelled back to me, daring me to argue with her. I closed my mouth again. God, she was cross with me! Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jo looking smugly at me.

‘I am aware that this will be your first caning, Miss Adams. Normally, first offenders are caned over their knickers, however...’ Mrs Griffiths frowned at me;

‘… however, given your seniority, that feels too lenient. In the spirit of complying with the rules, I will compromise. A first punishment is usually only three strokes. Therefore, you may have the first three over your knickers. The remainder will be on your bare bottom.

I swallowed. She really was going to make an example of me.

‘Now, if you’d like to bend over the desk.’

There was a sense of unreality about what was happening. And, still not quite believing it was happening to me, I stepped towards the desk and bent over as instructed. I felt Mrs Griffiths lifting my skirt so it rested on my back. My knickered bottom was now exposed to everyone in the room.

‘You need to stay bent over for all fifteen, Miss Adams, and keep hold of the far side of the desk with your hands. If you let go, that particular stroke won’t count, and will be delivered again. Do you understand?’

I nodded into the desk. ‘Yes, Mrs Griffiths.’

Good. Right, ready for the first stroke!

I waited. It seemed like an eternity. Then;


‘Owwwww!’ Oh, that hurt! I could feel the searing pain right across my bottom! I concentrated desperately on keeping hold of the desk.


‘Owwww!’ A sob was wrenched from me. Oh, it hurt so much!



I couldn’t believe this – I was being caned in front of the two girls who I had tried to separate in a fight. And I was probably getting more than they would have got between them! How did I get myself into this mess?

‘That was the first three strokes, Miss Adams. Now, please lower your knickers for the remainder of your punishment.’

Sniffing, I did as I was told, and pushed my knickers down until they were just above my knees. I suddenly felt incredibly exposed and could feel Kate and Jo’s gaze as I bared my bottom. I thought I heard a snigger, and felt a wave of humiliation wash over me.

I thought to myself that I could easily have avoided this caning, and still wasn’t quite sure why I hadn’t. My perfect record at the school was ruined. Though, to be honest, a reckless part of me was quite pleased about that. Sometimes I hated being Miss Goody Two-shoes!

Thwack! The next stroke landed on my bare bottom.

‘Arghhhh!’ I let go of the desk and half-stood up.

I hadn’t been ready for that one. And it was on my bare bottom too! It was only a tiny, thin piece of fabric, but when it was missing, it seemed to make a huge difference!

‘That one will not count, Miss Adams! Get back over the desk!’

Oh no. Now I would get sixteen strokes!


‘Owwwwww!’ I managed to hold on this time, but it was hard! Being caned on my bare bottom made such a difference!

I lost count after that. All I know is that I started crying. Each stroke was like a strip of fire landing on my bottom. After each stroke, I yelled and concentrated on holding on to the far side of the desk.


Then a stroke landed right on the crease between my bottom and my thighs. I couldn’t help it. I let go again, and stood up, crying out, automatically putting my hands on my bottom.

‘That one will not count either. Back over the desk!’ The command from the Headmistress was sharp, without any sympathy.

I was sobbing now, tears flowing freely down my face. My whole bottom felt like it was on fire.


‘That was your last stroke, Miss Adams. You may stand up and sort yourself out.’

Finally! Thank God for that!

I was still openly crying when I stood up. I felt ashamed of being caned by the Headmistress because I’d lied. Ashamed that the punishment on my bare bottom had been watched by the two girls, and ashamed that I was crying. Through my tears, I saw that Jo had a broad, gloating smile on her face. Kate’s expression seemed more of a troubled frown.

But as I carefully pulled my knickers up, I was aware of an unexpected warmth – a tingling in my pussy, and an awareness that I wanted to rub myself. God, I was aroused! How was that possible? God, I hope no one had noticed!

As I settled my knickers into place, I gasped as the material made contact with the angry raised welts I could feel on my bottom. Surreptitiously, I ran my fingers over the welts, marvelling at the ridges and heat of my swollen and tender skin. All of a sudden, I felt proud of my ‘battle scars’. And I felt an urgent need to masturbate. Instead, I tried to look composed as I lowered my skirt over my knickers and smoothed it back into place.

‘Your parents will be notified of your punishment today, and the reasons for it, Judy.’

‘Yes, Mrs Griffiths.’ I noticed it was back to Judy, now that my punishment had been completed.

The Headmistress hesitated.

‘I have to say, I’m very disappointed in you, Judy. Now, off to your next lesson!’

‘Yes, Headmistress.’

And, rubbing my bottom, I quickly left before either of the other two girls would be able to catch up with me. I needed to find somewhere quiet and private for a few minutes before I went to my next lesson…


Written by TheShyThespian
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