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Author's Notes

"These stories relate the exploits of teenage girls Judy and Kate, and Kate’s mother, Ruth. It is a wider story of love touching on many themes, but with spanking at its core. If you want to catch up, the first four parts are all quite short. I hope you enjoy!"


The pair of them were giggling like schoolgirls when they came through the front door.

“What have you two been up to?” I asked with a smile.

“Oh, nothing,” my daughter, Kate, said with a snigger.

“It doesn’t sound like nothing to me,” I replied, arching my eyebrows. “Are you going to tell me, or will I have to beat it out of you?” I said, keeping my tone light-hearted to indicate that I was joking.

Interestingly, Judy blushed deep red at my comment and began to stutter a reply.

“Um, w- well, the other day we ran into Mrs G - Griffiths — you know, the Headmistress at the school…” started Judy.

“…and we ended up talking about how we got together – you know, when you first met Judy and spanked her,” continued Kate.

Yes, I remembered that day very well.

“…and Judy ended up admitting she’d lied that day she got caned and, well, Mrs Griffiths said she ought to have been punished for lying…”

Kate’s words died away as she exchanged looks with Judy, who was, if anything, blushing an even deeper shade of crimson.

“…and so that’s where we’ve been,” she finished lamely.

“What – Judy’s been punished by Mrs Griffiths?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes, exactly! It was quite something. Judy got a really hard bare-bottom caning over Mrs Griffiths’ desk.”

I knew very well that Judy had a fascination with corporal punishment, however, this sounded incredibly unusual.

“But you’ve left school, Judy. She can’t do that to you now!”

“I know,” said Kate. “But, well, I kind of volunteered Judy for it, so it was all consensual - show mum what you got, Judy.”

Bashfully, Judy turned and raised her skirt. With shock, I could see the raised weals either side of her panties. Judy shyly pushed her panties down and I could see she’d been given a real thrashing.

I swallowed. Until very recently, I had been the disciplinarian in the family and both of these girls had been over my lap on more than one occasion. But now, I acknowledged, things were different…

The sight of the raised stripes on Judy’s bottom had the butterflies going in my stomach.

I wondered what it had felt like. Tentatively, I reached out a hand and gently stroked the swollen ridges on Judy’s raw and well-punished bottom.

My daughter, seeing the look on my face, gave me a mischievous grin. “Maybe it should be your turn next, mum. Maybe…” she paused. “…maybe you should pay a visit to Mrs Griffiths…?”

Kate gave my bottom a cheeky slap as Judy tugged her panties back into place and they continued past me, heading for their bedroom.

“Hey!” I protested feebly.

But she knew I wasn’t angry with her. Instead, the image of Judy’s bottom remained firmly stuck in my mind and I felt a sudden rush of juices to my pussy as I imagined my own nether regions in her place. My face coloured up at the thought.

Admit it, Ruth. You want your deserving buttocks to look like Judy’s. And your daughter knows it.

I realised how much things had changed in the last few months. The girls had matured even more now that they were at college, and through a series of unlikely events, I was no longer the disciplinarian in the family; I’d given that responsibility – perhaps rather rashly - to my daughter several months ago - the last time they were home in fact.

I remembered that occasion even more vividly than when I’d first met Judy. It wasn't something I ever thought would happen to me. Inwardly, I shivered. In my mind, a door had been opened and I didn't think it could be closed again. And I admitted to myself that I relished the thought of being thrashed on my bare bottom - couldn't stop thinking about it, in fact. Couldn't stop thinking about being bent over the knee of a strong, dominant woman...

A woman like Mrs Griffiths, yes.

Embarrassingly, I felt another gush of liquid in my already damp knickers at the thought of feeling her cane on my waiting bottom. I’d tried spanking myself before, but it just wasn’t the same – especially after I’d experienced the real thing. I wanted – needed - someone to do it for me.

In my covert little fantasies, the person spanking or caning me was often faceless – though it was always a woman. Which was strange because I’d never been with a woman before – never even thought of it until I’d seen Kate and Judy together – seen how much they doted on each other and how natural their love seemed.

And that wasn’t all you’d seen, was it? nagged the little voice inside my head. Your inquisitive eyes had seen more than they’d been meant to, hadn’t they?

So, now I had something new to consider; Kate’s throwaway remark had me thinking of all sorts of different possibilities. I knew Mrs Griffiths. Not well, but we tended to cross each other's paths several times a year – either at school events or at the occasional social happening; we had once both frequented the same Bridge club.

She was, to be honest, a quite stereotypical headmistress. About 5” 9’, she was quite big-boned, with her hair usually up in the severe bun that seemed to be required by school mistresses everywhere. She was always smartly dressed in a dark business suit with a matching jacket and skirt.

She was also undoubtedly attractive, though I had never thought of her in that way before. Now I found myself reassessing. Mature in her years – older than I was by, what – probably ten or fifteen years? I didn’t really know for sure, other than she was from a slightly different generation with slightly different ideas of what was right and wrong. I very much admired her.

I also knew she was very strict with the pupils at her school. Now I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be caned by her. Caned just like Judy had been.

And now, the woman in my mind was no longer faceless. Now, it was the strict face of Lavinia Griffiths that I imagined ordering me to lower my knickers.

God, these thoughts were making me horny…


That night I dreamed. I dreamed I was bent naked over the desk in Mrs Griffiths’ office – I’d seen that big desk more than once and knew what happened there to the girls who had been caught misbehaving.

I’d misbehaved – I knew I had. I thought of what I had done and how I’d betrayed a trust. And in my dream, that was why I was there, bent over that desk being punished; punished like a naughty schoolgirl…

I woke up sweating, my damp thighs clamped together, shaking. The images were still vivid in my mind. My hand snuck between my legs; I was incredibly wet and slippery, and my fingers slid easily into my waiting snatch. My thumb found my desperate clit and it took only a few seconds of thrusting and circling before the heat built to a bucking climax that left me breathless and drained. 


Later that week, I dropped the girls at the railway station so they could return to their college.

When I returned home, I found a piece of paper on the kitchen table weighted down by the salt cellar. On it was a phone number next to a name: Mrs Griffiths. In my daughter's neat handwriting underneath were the words ‘just in case…’

Had Kate gleaned so much about me during that one occasion she had me over her lap? Had she realised what doors being given a good hiding had opened? Or did she know what I had done and realised I sought a way to atone for my sin?

I wondered if Kate realised I already knew Mrs Griffiths? Looking at the name and the number on the piece of paper, I found I had goosebumps.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

I took a deep breath and picked up the phone.


“Now,” said Lavinia Griffiths, placing her coffee carefully on the table. “It’s been a while since we’ve had the chance to catch up, Ruth. I appreciated the call, but what is it I can do for you? You sounded most enigmatic on the phone.”

I played with my cake fork. We were at one end of the café where we had been making small talk for the last few minutes. It was a busy Saturday morning, with lots of ambient noise and gentle music playing in the background. We were unlikely to be heard unless we got too loud. Even so, I didn’t really know how to start the conversation I’d invited Mrs Griffiths here for.

“I — I heard you bumped into my daughter and her girlfriend Judy recently?”

Lavinia looked up quickly, her eyes scanning mine, no doubt wondering what I knew, and where I was going with this.

“Yes, we did - in this very café, in fact. They’ve turned into a couple of super girls, Ruth. Kate’s really matured well.” She hesitated. “They seem to be good for each other.”

I nodded as I took a sip of my coffee. “They are. Ever since they’ve been going out, Kate’s been a changed person. And Judy’s had a lot to do with that, I think.”

Lavinia was quiet for a moment, absorbing my words.

“So, you haven’t had to discipline Kate for a while then?” she asked.

I could feel myself blushing slightly. Mrs Griffiths knew I was a strict mother and had punished Kate in the past when she deserved it. We’d actually discussed discipline when we’d last met, and I knew the headmistress approved of my approach.

How things change…

“No. In fact, that’s one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you.”


“I — I understand that you caned Judy?”

Mrs Griffiths stilled. “Ah — you know about that.”

“Yes. The girls told me all about it when they got home.” I eyed Mrs Griffiths carefully. “They were quite giggly if truth be told. I got the sense that they’d set the whole thing up.”

Mrs Griffiths cleared her throat. “Well, yes and no. I mean, we met in here by chance and had a bit of a catch-up – a bit like we’re doing now - and it turned out that Judy had lied to me some time ago – you know how I hate lying? Anyway, when I said she should have been punished for it – slightly tongue-in-cheek, really – I was somewhat taken aback by the response I got.”

Mrs Griffiths paused to take a sip of her coffee, clearly collecting her thoughts. She looked over the top of her glasses at me before continuing. “I want to be clear - I really wasn’t expecting anything to come of it. But - well, Kate seemed quite keen to take me up on my suggestion. And rather surprisingly, Judy went along with Kate – in effect, they volunteered. So, I thought ‘why not?’. A little unorthodox, perhaps, but ultimately, a just punishment was given out and…” and at this, Mrs Griffiths gave me a very questioning look. “…the girls rather seemed to get off on it, if I’m being honest.”

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“Hmm,” I said, neutrally. “I think I know what you mean. And – and how about you, Lavinia?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s not like it was part of your job – punishing them. Not anymore, anyway. Did you take pleasure in caning her?”

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at, Ruth.” Lavinia was starting to sound a little huffy – defensive even. That wasn’t what I wanted at all.

“Don’t get me wrong, Lavinia,” I said hurriedly. “I’ve spanked Judy myself. In fact, I put her over my knee last year after you caned her for breaking my hockey plate.”

“Really? How did that happen?”

“I rather think it was just as she was getting together with Kate. It may sound odd, but she asked me to spank her ­- in loco parentis — instead of punishing Kate.”

“Well, that doesn’t surprise me.”

“It doesn’t?”

“No. Not after our recent meeting. I rather think she’s acquired a taste for it.”

“Yes...” I swallowed again, and I could feel the flush rising once more. “...Yes, well – that’s one of the reasons I was asking you about – you know. You obviously take your responsibilities very seriously, but I just wondered whether you enjoyed spanking Judy?”

Now Lavinia surprised me. She looked almost guilty.

“You have to understand, Ruth, that I had no remit to punish either of them. They are adults and have left the school. But Kate effectively asked me to cane her partner. And Judy seemed happy to go along. Did I get anything out of it? Well, yes. I feel like a wrong was righted, with everyone happy. Does that answer your question?”

I smiled. “Not entirely.” I paused. “You see, I think you are right. I’ve — I’ve spanked Judy more than once and, well…”


“I agree - I think she absolutely gets off on it. The thing is, the last time I spanked her I – I sort of got carried away. She was naked across my lap and I, um, er — touched her…”

“Touched her…?”

“Yes — I couldn’t help it. It was so erotic — she was clearly turned on. And I, er…” God, this was embarrassing!

“Gave her a helping hand?”

“Um, yes,” I said in surprise at Mrs Griffiths’ insight.

"How naughty of you," she said evenly.

"Yes," I whispered.

“And is that what you wanted to tell me?”

“Well, partly…”

“There’s more?”

I hesitated. I could feel my face starting to flush.

“Yes,” I finally whispered. “When I saw Judy after you’d caned her, she — she showed me the weals on her bottom and I realised I was — I was jealous. I wished…” I swallowed again. “…I wished it was me who had been caned by you. Me who had those ridges.”

I looked down at my hands. "You know, as - as punishment for - for what I did."

“Ah, I see...”

“And afterwards - that night, I um, I — I masturbated.” My eyes lowered shamefully. “I masturbated and had an orgasm like never before.” I looked up into Mrs Griffiths’ eyes, which were fixed on me steadily.

“Did you, indeed,” she said finally.

Her quiet voice gave me hope.

“You've obviously been a very bad girl, Ruth - in more ways than one.”

Mrs Griffiths' eyes bored into mine. "Wouldn't you agree?"

I swallowed as I listened to her choice of words. A very bad girl. "Yes," I whispered.

“And that is why you’ve come to me? You want me to punish you. To cane you?” she said, her voice tinged with a frostiness that hadn't been there a moment before.

I looked down again in embarrassment. As my courage deserted me, I began to waiver. “I — I don’t entirely know.”

Mrs Griffiths leaned toward me. “Really? You don’t know? I think you do know, Ruth – don't you?”

I could sense the change in her voice – her tone was low, strong and forceful; it was the voice of someone used to being in command. And now she was using it on me. I raised my eyes again to try and meet hers, and I could feel the heat in my cheeks as her eyes bored into me.

“Yes,” I finally whispered.

“So, you just lied to me, didn’t you, hmm? And you know how I deal with liars.”

She locked eyes with me once more. After a moment – a moment that seemed to stretch out forever – she smiled, and her voice softened.

“Now, are you asking me as a friend or as a strict headmistress?”

I licked my lips as I tried to gather my thoughts.

“Well, both, I guess. But — but maybe it’s the headmistress I’d need to deal with me in the first instance. One who — who punishes older girls after they’ve left school — if they need, or - or deserve it. Afterwards – afterwards, well, maybe I could do with a friend…”

“Hmm. Well, you’re certainly an ‘older’ girl, Ruth. But if you’re asking me if you deserve it, then I think we’ve already established that; lying, masturbating, giving a ‘helping hand’ to your daughter’s girlfriend…” Mrs Griffiths eyed me carefully. “But perhaps there are other reasons why you think you should be punished?”

I looked down again; she was very perceptive “Yes. I’ve — I’ve done something that I’m ashamed of.”

“I see. And would you like to tell me about it?” It was phrased as a question, but I recognised the implicit command in her voice. I blinked back tears as I sought the words to explain.

“Well, you see, it was whilst the girls were away at college. I was cleaning their room and – and I came across something that – well, I guess curiosity got the better of me.” I looked up to see Mrs Griffiths’ reaction, but she remained expressionless. Biting my lip, I continued. “You see, when I dusted Kate’s desk the computer came alive – I think it was just in sleep mode and I must have tapped the keyboard -anyway, she doesn’t have a password on it or anything, and, well, they were just there, in front of me…”

“What were?”

“A series of files listed under ‘Kate and Judy’, and there was this one file – a video file…

“You were looking through the files on your daughter’s computer?”

“Erm, yes – I was – I was just, you know, like I said, curious.”

“Yes, I can see that. But you knew it was something very private you were looking at, surely?”

I coloured up in shame, “Yes,” I whispered. “That much was very clear when I opened the file and played the video…”

“What did you see?” Now I could see the interest in Mrs Griffiths’ own eyes, her own curiosity getting the better of her.

“It - it was a video of Judy. She was naked; restrained - her wrists tied to the bedstead, her ankles tied to her wrist. She was - she was blindfolded and had a gag in her mouth. She had a dildo..."

“Okay, I think I’ve heard enough, Ruth,” interrupted Mrs Griffiths. She looked a little red in the face herself. She cleared her throat to regain her composure. “I can’t believe you would do such a thing and, clearly, you know it was very wrong. You’ve realised that you overstepped the mark – which is putting it mildly, and now you want to submit yourself to my authority on this matter – is that right?”

I couldn’t meet her eyes. “Yes,” I whispered.

“Very well, Ruth. I think I understand what you need, but I don’t think this is something that’s appropriate for school. Instead, I’d like you to come to my house tomorrow evening at 7pm and I will deal with you there.”

I nodded.

“To put you in the right frame of mind I want you to write out one hundred times ‘I have betrayed my daughter’s trust and need to be punished’.  I also require you to bring a one-page hand-written essay on how you think that punishment should be carried out. And Ruth? If you feel you should be punished like a naughty schoolgirl, I think you’d better dress the part, don’t you? I realise you might not have the exact items you need, but I expect an effort. Is that understood?

I swallowed. “Yes, Miss,” I said the words automatically, acknowledging the change in dynamic our conversation had precipitated.

“Good. To answer your earlier question, Ruth – yes, I did enjoy caning Judy. But I think I’m looking forward to this even more.”

Mrs Griffiths smiled at me as she finished her coffee.


Mrs Griffiths

As I walked home, I reflected on the conversation I’d just had with Ruth. Well, well, well. What an unexpected follow-up to last week's episode with the two young women.

And I had to admit that my pussy was getting decidedly damp thinking about it.

Mmm, yes – Ruth Milton! I’d always thought her a very attractive woman, but this new turn of events gave me plenty to think about.

I admitted to myself that I was drawn to her – especially after today. We’d crossed paths before on occasion, but I didn’t know that much about her except that she was essentially a single mother who had raised a young hellion of a daughter into something admirable. She was strong and yet I sensed a vulnerability about her that was incredibly endearing. Clearly, she was only just beginning to discover her own sexuality – something that often seemed to happen when teenage children grew up and left home, leaving both a void and opportunity.

My own sexuality had also been locked away for far too long. But it was waking up and I was damned if I was going to ignore it. Not at my age! If an opening presented itself, I was going to grab it with both hands.

And this looked like a perfect opportunity. Both Ruth and I knew that what she had done was not right, and as a result, I was happy to give Ruth what she wanted and needed.

But I was also thinking about what I wanted – what I needed. And what I wanted was Ruth Milton. If I played this right, we could both end up – well, the word sated came to mind. Or fulfilled. Hmmm – at this rate I would need to change my panties when I got home…

Yes - I was going to try and seduce her. The dynamic we had set meant that she would be in my power which would make it all the easier. It would be taking advantage, but I sensed that it might just be exactly what she wanted – though I suspected that, right now, she didn’t know what that was – which was also why I’d asked her to write how an essay describing how she thought she should be punished. That would tell me quite a lot about her. And anyway, I wouldn’t force her into anything. No, I would simply use the power of suggestion. I thought of her, bent naked over my dining room table and my pussy tingled.

Yes, if handled right, it could do us both a lot of good.

I was also curious. I had the same curiosity that had gotten Ruth into trouble. I knew I shouldn’t, but maybe I would get Ruth to describe in detail what she had seen in this video she had opened up; this Pandora’s box. My cunt juices began to flow as I tried to imagine what she had seen. Hmmm, perhaps I can use this video business to my advantage, I thought.

You’d like to see it too, wouldn’t you? said the little voice inside me.

Yes, I would, I admitted to myself. Which made me as bad as Ruth. And that conclusion led directly to the return of another image – the one that came to me at night when my guard was down – the one where I was the one bent naked over my desk being caned by Ruth’s daughter…

Written by TheShyThespian
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