James Miles is not a player, even though he’s available. He knows precious little about the new version of the game, although once he participated in something similar years ago. Online dating isn’t for him. Nightclubs, discos, concerts (except for jazz) are not his thing. Yet, given all his misgivings, here he finds himself in a very chic, very exclusive hotel lounge. At least he tells himself that he’s just an innocent spectator, albeit quite uncomfortable. James is really feeling just like what he is, a middle-aged voyeur watching the sophisticated hunks and babes around him. All of them drinking, conversing, laughing, flirting, and pairing up for later in the evening. He has none of the obvious skills needed to enter this competition. So, he sips his scotch in silence…
She is, in a word, magnificent. Just before She arrived, James was going to slink out and call it a night to forget. However, he promptly froze upon witnessing Her entry into the room. It was spectacular, light reflecting off Her sensuously undulating body like rays from the sun. Dangerous. Hypnotic. There was no resisting Her magnetic aura. He was, to say the very least, enthralled.
She moves through the space as if She owned it, and every male in it. He has no doubt that She is a premier predator, her gaze constantly surveying for prey. James soon loses count of how many guys She’s so quickly and effortlessly aroused, only to brush each one aside. She exists in a class all of Her own. There seems to be no one She considers worthy. No one.
Now he’s been ogling Her for nearly forty minutes, discreetly he hopes. Knowing he has absolutely no chance of even talking to Her, he realizes he’s just torturing himself. He decides, for a second time, to take his aching groin to his hotel room for self-relief.
Then, the most unlikely of occurrences happens. She glances his way. Her brilliant blue eyes instantly burn into his soul. Now, there is no way on earth he could leave. There is no way he can possibly look away. In seconds She turns him to stone. In a fog of lust, James beholds Her sultry, seductive smile, sees Her turn and slither away from Her latest admirer and sees Her index finger beckon to him. He stops breathing. Certainly, this cannot be happening to him.
As if on a tractor beam, he is pulled to Her, staggering like an infant learning to walk. He knows not why She might want him, or what he’ll say to Her, or how to act in her presence. Stopping a safe distance away, James squeaks out his feeble opening, “You are absolutely stunning.”
“Really, are you stunned?” She snickers.
“Ya, yes, I must sa, say…”
“Then say it,” the divinely gorgeous creature demands as She tosses back Her hair arrogantly.
“I’m stunned!”
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“No,” he confesses meekly.
“I know what’s hard,” Her reply tingles his scrotum, just as if She were actually fingering him.
“Ya, You, d, do?”
“Ummm, yesszz,” She purrs taking a small step closer to his quivering form, “That would be boys hitting on ME…and scoring.”
James clears his dry throat and offers somewhat thoughtfully, “Of course, you must have heard all of their lines.” He feels a modicum of calmness pass over him and with it a pinch of courage.
“I haven’t heard yours…Yet!” She challenges, running both hands down along her torso and over her hips provocatively. His eyes uncontrollably follow the motion until he is mindlessly staring at her divine temple under tightly drawn leather.
His sliver of courage evaporates, “ I, ah, don’t have, ah, any…”
“Try,” She responds in a quiet, but stern manner.
He hesitates, nerve ends rattled, then blurts, “You look so colossal tonight.” He knows as soon as he says it that it’s lame.
“I AM colossal,” She snaps back, “Are you hung…colossally? If not, get out of my sight.”
James recoils at Her ferocity, but She reaches out and tenderly touches his beet-red cheek, “Try again.”
He knows there is no way of impressing this playful vixen, so he says flatly, “I work out at the gym. Do you?”
“I do,” is Her immediate answer before arching her back to allow her ravishing dress to stretch taut and cling like a second skin to Her buff upper torso. James moans pitifully at the sight. “And…I like My boys to have huge, hard muscle... I see yours is hard, but not huge, so beat it.”
He hangs his head dejected and totally embarrassed. Then, he feels Her fingernail jab the underside of his chin and easily raise his face. “You get one more chance, sweetheart.”
“I don’t know, I mean, thi, this is my first time…”
“Ummm,” She interrupts, adding, ”A virgin! My favv-or-ite kind of boy!” With that titillating comment, She reaches, grabs his tie and, as if James was a captured prisoner, pulls him behind Her. She struts, as he stumbles, over to a small side bar. Arriving, he is gleefully slung against an adjacent column as Her hands grab the lapels of his dinner jacket and She lifts upward. James goes up on his tiptoes, seeing a bright, mischievous grin glowing on Her face. “Having fun playing my little game?” She whispers.
“I, I’m just so, so, I mean…you’re just soo…”
A finger pressed to his lips ceases his stammering. “Relax. I always give a guy time to…re-charge,” She says slyly, releasing Her firm grip on him. “And…hydrate,” She offers expectantly.
Even as overwhelmed with the last few minutes as James has been, he catches the suggestion, “Would you, ahh…”
“Daphne loves cock…tails.”
He moans again, but now he has a name for this teasing temptress, “What’s, Da, Daphne’s pleasure?”
“Absolutely everything,” She murmurs, “Wanna know my favorite?” James can only shake his head. “It’s a ‘Pussy Pleaser’.”
“P, p, pus…”
“Yesszz. I have one, or sometimes two, in a night. Can you…?”
He’s completely flummoxed from Her sexual teasing and babbles, “Can, can, I, ah…wh, what?”
“Yes, well, maybe later. For now, Daphne wants a ta-alll, hot…toddy.” With that utterance She hovers a hand over the bar counter, palm down, and ever so precisely moves it upward. She watches him, as he watches Her measure how big it needs to be, “This tall…and steamy.”
James swallows audibly, “I, I’ll order it, f, for…”
“Daphne ordered it, you’ll bring it to Her!” and with that terseness, She pivots and begins sauntering away. He finds himself panting as She nears a doorway to one of the two private balconies. An attendant swiftly gets the door, and She steps out into the brisk air…
…James walks onto the small balcony, Her drink in hand. He freezes at the beguiling vision. She is seated, gloriously iridescent in the moonlight. Her platinum white tresses flow smooth and silky on either side of Her cover-model glamorous face. Continuing downward the luxurious blonde waterfall perfectly frames a pair of mammoth breasts. Her impossibly long legs are crossed and extend enticingly out of the open slit of Her gown. He gazes up their tanned sleekness to an exposed hip. No undergarments, as he had fantasized while ogling Her earlier. On Her lovely, slim feet reside strappy gold platform pumps with towering stiletto heels. She dangles one of these elegantly attired feet outward. James longs to kiss her toes, caress her ankles and…

“Here!” She says smartly, breaking his revelry. One of Her hands is patting the adjacent tabletop. Awkwardly he places the drink mug down, his eyes now searching for another chair. There is none.
“You may kneel,” is Her matter-of-fact suggestion.
“Ohh, Daphne…”
“Mzz Daf-Nee.” She corrects, as James melts down on his knees before Her.
“Yes,” he gushes, “Ms. Daphne,” then adds, “Your Highness.”
“Humm, am I Queen…or Baroness…or Goddess? Which would you worship?”
“If it were You, then any of them,” he gushes as his mind searches its memory for a time that he’s ever felt this turned-on, yet this diminished.
“Quite so. This evening I’m wearing My royal purple gown. Does it excite you?”
“Tr, tremendously,” he’s back to stammering meekly.
She looks amused as Her fingers slither over the contours of Her alluring curves, “Night Passion is the color. Embossed patent leather is the material. Umm, and skintight is the fit.”
“Incredibly sexy. I, I’m so…”
The front of Her hand covers his mouth, “Hush, Little Man. You are in My presence to serve, Not to speak!” With that announcement, Daphne leans back. As if in slow motion, She reaches for the toddy mug, blows away the steam and sips. Then even slower and much more seductively, She licks around glossy lips, smiles wickedly and strokes one side of Her blonde mane and then the other. This delicious display lasts over a minute, with Her eyes never leaving James’. He is a quaking mess, when She ultimately breaks the electrified silence. “Good Boy. Following My instructions.”
Her captivated prey is speechless as Daphne continues, “ For I have many instructions for My little jimmie.”
He gasps, “You, you know m, my name.”
“Daphne knows all about you,” and She ticks off his specs in a taunting chant, “Cee-Ee-Oh…De-Vor-Cee... So-Well-The… So-Hor-Nee, Umm?”
James is reduced to sobbing, “Yes, yes, tha, that’s me.”
“I know what you want…desperately want,” Daphne dramatically uncrosses her legs, sending one pump grazing his chest before re-crossing them. Leaning slightly, tits undulating, She reaches for a silver clutch and withdraws a flash drive from its interior. “You want, You crave…instructions, orders, demands from Ms. Daphne,” Her arm extends, palm of a hand upward with the drive in its center. “For you, jimmie.”
In total awe of Her beauty and audacity, he gazes into Her hypnotic eyes then to the flash drive, then back to Her eyes.
“Are you brave, boy? Brave enough to serve Me?”
He whimpers and reaches for the little computer object, but She closes a fist on it and retracts Her arm.
“Stand up,” She commands abruptly. He does.
“Un-button your jacket.” He does. Daphne moves quickly to slide the drive into his left front trouser pocket, brushing against his raging hard-on.
“Poor baby,” She coos insincerely, “I wonder what you’re going to do with that tonight?”
His embarrassment could not be more intense, nor could his lust for this mysterious, demanding diva.
James plops down on the metal flooring as he watches Her remove a jeweled cell from the purse. She taps a few keys with the tips of talon-like nails before slipping the phone to Her ear and speaking, “My car. Fetch it…Now.”
Returning the cell to the silver clutch, She picks up Her drink and sips, ignoring the male groveling at Her feet as if this were a common occurrence. James feels a sereneness wash over him as if this is where he belongs. In seconds a car flashes below the balcony and screeches to a halt at the hotel entrance.
“Ms. Daphne is departing,” She sternly announces causing a low, whining sound from Her new boy-toy.
“You want to know where I’m going, don’t you?”
“Yes, oh yes…”
“Anywhere I desire,” She caustically answers. “Little jimmie wants to kiss Me goodbye so very, very much.”
“Yes,” he groans. She snickers and gracefully arises from the chair to turn and swoop Her lush tresses aside. Tilting shoulders, She arches a hip upward. One of Her bronzed hands caresses the firmness of a succulent, leather-encased ass. Then an index finger stretches out and points to the center of Her curvaceous left globe. James is now mindlessly hyperventilating.
“Well?” She exclaims. Instantly he waddles the short distance to the offering and tenderly presses his lips to the shiny surface. The very moment he touches Her, Ms. Daphne moves a step forward.
With dripping sensuality, She spits out the words, “Sweet…Wet…Dreams…Baby-Boi.” The flashing rays of light off Her ultra-sexy bod (that James experienced when first She arrived) are repeated as She sways to the door, pulls it open, and exits the balcony.
James is awestruck and despairingly touches himself. A lake of gooey liquid has seeped through his boxers and pants. It takes all his fading willpower not to finish what She has created tonight. Instead, he leaps up and hopefully gazes into the crowded room. She is just disappearing into the distant foyer. It's useless to follow her with the head-start She has, so he turns and scampers back to the railing. Looking down, the gleaming car is in full view. He knows the make and model instantly: Mercedes Benz AMG-GT. It’s the same vehicle he drives, except Her’s is exceedingly sexier. A vibrant, metallic red, with racy magnesium wheels and sporting a custom spoiler on its rear deck trumps his common gray coupe.
Leaning farther over, he sees Her emerge from the entry. A male attendant is draping a white ermine jacket over Her shoulders as She descends the steps. Then he drops back as the valet swings open the driver’s side door. Ms. Daphne reaches to tousle the young guy’s hair before settling down into a sumptuous black leather bucket. With that movement, Her blondness illuminates brilliantly against the dark interior. One of Her legs still extends from the car’s interior and the uniformed male quickly kneels in front of it. James’ view is blocked, but he still can see the tip of Her pump slide out from between the valet’s bent knees, tipping up it then gliding slowly back out of sight. ‘ Ohh gawd, to feel that,’ he tells himself.
Now the two of them must be conversing because the guy is fervently bobbing his head up and down for some time. Eventually, She presents the back of a hand at the top of the car door, and it is cradled and kissed. With that, She then pivots inward and grasps the wheel. He pops up, closes the door and backs away. The Mercedes engine growls once as She revs it, then a second time. Squealing tires declare Ms. Daphne’s departure into the night.