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Author's Notes

"A continuation of Part One, obviously. Reading the previous part will give you background. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Hope you enjoy."

Ms. Zan pats Bill on the top of his head, spins on high heels and struts away.  He thinks to himself as she disappears, ‘She IS a Goddess.’  Then his repressed guilt inevitably surfaces.  What has he done?  What has he let Her do to him?  How could She control him, so quickly, so completely?  What’s next?

Mindlessly, Bill wipes up the floor and then trudges down the hall to the guest room.  The door is ajar.  Suitcase in hand he enters.  Spotting a small adjacent bathroom, he washes up quickly.  Deciding not to unpack his suitcase yet, Bill wanders around the space seeing himself in the full-height mirrored headwall behind a plush, metal-framed bed.  He shakes his head in disgust, but deep down he knows he’s trapped by his alluring niece.  His mind is full of nothing but desire for Her.  Complicating his predicament is this room.

Its sidewalls are covered with various “R-rated” collages of Zandy and groups of girls, and groups of guys.  He studies them longingly.  The females are all quite sexy, the males as well.  From the poses it’s quite obvious that all of them adore Ms. Zan.  Her muscular physique and provocative attire are always the focal point.  All others pale in comparison to Her splendor. 

He grows hard.  Touching himself thoughtlessly, he stares at his vampish niece in each, and every pic.  This is a room dedicated to her sexuality.  How can this exist in his brother’s home?  This must be Her private guest room.   

Checking his watch, Bill realizes he’s been waiting nearly half an hour.  Zandy is yet to appear, and he’s becoming crazed with lust for her again.  Has She forgotten him? 

As if on cue, the door swings open without a knock, and She glides in.  “Hi, baby,” Goddess Zan chirps.  Dramatically twirling around, She asks, “Like Me in emerald green?” 

Bill is stunned silent by the succulent sight.  Daring, skin-fit latex oozes over all Her majestic curves.  The shimmering metallic catsuit stretches taut as a drumhead across Her enormously enhanced chest.  It then puckers at Her itsy-bitsy waist and clings like a second skin to the rest of Her mighty form.

Zandy carries in her hand a pair of embossed gold ankle boots that compliment her dangling earrings.  She struts in front of Bill intentionally brushing against the bump in his slacks.  “Uhh, honey,” She coos, “I like My big, hot uncle.”  Seating herself on the bed, She gazes up at Bill as sleek, powerful legs are crossed.  He stares dumbstruck.

“Slip these on My pretty little feet, darling.”  Bill willingly drops to his knees.  “I’m going to take you shopping before tonight’s party,” She announces.  Leaning back slightly, golden waves of hair fall over Her bare, brawny shoulders.

“What?” Bill manages to blurt out.

Zandy smiles slyly, sliding brightly painted toes between his legs, up his slacks, and into one of the boots.  “My girlfriends are coming over.  I’m going to show you off, cutie-pie.  You are going to be My special one.”            

“I da, don’t think…” he says before Zandy interrupts.

“Billy-boy, you aren’t here to think,” She states emphatically, “You are here to please Me.”  With both boots now on, Ms. Zan rises.  Motioning Bill to stand up, the buff bombshell purrs, “Aren’t you?”  Without needing an answer, She strides to the doorway.  Her enthralled uncle follows.

Once outside Bill rushes to open the driver’s side door.  Goddess Zan purrs, “Nice,” as She gracefully descends into the contoured crimson leather.  Bill gets in next to Her as the Porsche roars into life.

“Gorgeous car,” her passenger says. 

“It is.  My Daddy G gave it to Me.  My Daddy G gives Me lots and lots of things.”

“Brother George?” he exclaims in disbelief.

“Umm, your bro is now My Suga-babe,” She states proudly, incestuous intent overtly implied.  Slipping on dark-tinted designer shades, Zandy continues, “You see he just loves all My muscles, My arms, My legs, and so much more.”  As She speaks, her hands slither over the latex-coated areas ending with a hand rubbing languidly up and down Her pussy.

Bill hears the words, comprehends their meaning, and simply knows they are true, outrageously so.  He has felt the irresistible power of this magnificent creature in just a few hours.  How could any male, even a father, deny Her.  It’s not possible.  As his gaze follows Her stroking finger, Bill delves further, “Your mother?”

“She is nobody. Weak, boring. She’s merely My maid,” Ms. Zan snarls cruelly.  “And Bobby,” She snickers, referring to a younger brother, “I’m letting him watch and wank till he turns eighteen next year.  Then he’ll be mine as well.”  Dipping Her head slightly Zandy gives Bill a wicked sideward glance and notes the stunned look on his face.  She pivots in the bucket seat.  Voluminous tits settle inches from his mouth, hard nipples are prominent in the shiny rubber.  The tip of a fingernail scraps down his nose and circles his lips, “Taste Goddess Zan.”

Bill senses the wet nail snake into his mouth.  The aroma is sweet as he closes his eyes and begins helplessly suckling.  “You see, I own My family.  They obey Me, and they worship Me,” he hears Her coo, “So will you, Billy-boy. Soon, very soon.”  The hair on the back of his head is grasped, and the finger is replaced by luscious lips.  The kiss is long, aggressive with a swirling tongue slashing all about.  Totally overwhelmed, he melts into Her ferocious passion.

As abruptly as it began, the embrace ends as Zandy shoves him back.  “Let’s play a game,” She says slyly, “One I play with Daddy G.”  She grabs Bill’s hand and separates the index and middle fingers.  They are pushed into Her mouth, and She sucks on them.  Her eyes pierce Bill’s with a playful eroticism that spurs a surge in his already stiffening member.  After a few moments She removes the saliva-drenched digits and purrs, “It’s called ‘Quick Squirt’. What can you do for Me in ten minutes, umm?”  Ms. Zan puts his two fingers directly against Her latex-sheathed pussy.  “Time starts now!”

The car lurches forward and leaps onto the street.  Bill swivels in the seat knowing exactly what he’s to do.  This is risky he senses as the Porsche speeds up, and She slowly spreads.  It is also deliciously kinky as he begins caressing.  To his complete surprise he discovers the catsuit has an open crotch.  The tips of his fingers explore the moist surfaces of Her full outer lips.  Then he moves inward.  Her tunnel is large, but with every massaging motion it constricts.  In less than a minute his fingers are in tight, and being drawn powerfully with each stroke. 

“Go, baby,” She encourages. His pace quickens and moves deeper.  Curving upward the tips of his fingers search.  “Push in harder,” She growls.  Bill does and Ms. Zan responds by thrusting Her hips.  Seconds later She squirms and hisses, “There, Yes, yes.”  He’s found Her “G”  and works it furiously.

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The sports car darts into the express lane and She accelerates passed a 100.  “Yah, baby. Now do My clit!”

Bill is obsessed.  He backs out and rubs the huge, hard protrusion with utter abandon.  “Work it. Faster, faster,” he hears over the rush of wind from outside.  Time is non-existent.  She is writhing in the seat.  She is so fucking hot, so fucking gorgeous.  Juices flow down his arm.  Bill leans and mindlessly licks them off, wanting desperately to tongue Her.  A hand grips his hair and pulls him up.  “Against the rules,” Ms. Zan pants.

Down an exit ramp they go, Bill stroking and kneading the pulsing nub.  Rounding a corner on squealing tires, Ms. Zan squeals also, “Harder.  Fuck.  Fuck.  Work it.”  She guides the Porsche into a parking lot and screeches to a halt.

Bill knows She’s on the brink as thighs quiver, torso lunges and She snarls, “Yah, yah, Fuck’n Yah!”  He looks over to see Her hair bouncing around Her wildly tossing head. This is the sexiest bitch-goddess ever.

“Yes, Yes…Yesszz,” She screams in the confines of the car.  Bill keeps on plunging as She keeps on screaming.  Zandy grabs his arm and humps it through the splendidly savage orgasm.  It lasts nearly a minute as She shakes and moans.  Bill is mesmerized, in total awe.

Finally, the Muscle Goddess settles back in the seat, her colossal bosom heaving.  “Umm, nice job, Billy-boy.  I’m hoping you are even better with your tongue.  I’ll try it out tonight.”  Now it’s Bill’s turn to softly moan and suck on his deliciously coated fingers.  She chuckles at the huge stain in his pants.  “Now get out and come over here,” She says seductively while opening the door.

He stumbles around to where the majestic Ms. Zan now stands.  “See what you did,” pointing at a translucent puddle on the glossy, polished seat.  Bill mumbles incoherently.  “That is My precious nectar. Clean it up,” She demands.  Her weakened uncle willingly kneels and begins licking it up.  “No one, I mean No one wastes My offering, bitch.”  Hearing that final word sends chills through his body.  Of course, Goddess Zan is quite correct.  Bill is Her new and obedient bitch.

Moments later the two approach a small storefront in a strip mall.  Astonishingly, the windows are dark tinted, and the stylish entrance sign simply reads “FEMFET.”  Bill opens the door allowing Zandy to stroll in.  He steps to the side as She twists the door lock and flicks off the ‘Open’ sign.  The interior is chic, tastefully lite and filled with displays of fetish wear and shelves of sex toys.  Bill has been to porn shops before to buy his wife items to expand their sex life (which never happened), but this is a lavish emporium.  A female clerk rushes forward and gushes, “Oh, Goddess, welcome.”  Ms. Zan casually presents the back of her hand which the girl kisses reverently.  “Hi, Rikki,” She purrs.

“I’m having this one,” Her head nods Bill’s way, “at a party tonight.  Fit it for Me with a pretty white harness, babe.”  She turns to Bill, stretches arms down over his shoulders and pulls him into the curvature of Her powerhouse physique.  An undulating hip probes his groin, and She whispers, “I have all my hunks wear one. You’re My hunky uncle, aren’t you?”  As Her bone finds his boner, he grunts his agreement.  “Yesszz, you are, honey,” She affirms.

Her skilled hands swiftly unbutton his shirt, while Ms. Zan gives specific instructions to the clerk.  Tugging up on his shirttail, She says to Bill, “Off.”  He quickly complies.  Seconds later his trousers are slid down below his knees.  Rikki returns at the very moment Zandy pulls his boxers down and a jumbo penis flips out.  The clerk gives a low wolf whistle.  Bill is horribly embarrassed and tries to cover his swollen genitals, but Ms. Zan grabs his wrists.  “I want it out,” She hisses. 

He mumbles, “Yes, whatever pleases you.”  Abruptly ‘clerk Rikki’ slings the harness across his chest from behind.  Catching the leather straps expertly, she snugs each one up tightly.  A lascivious smirk forms on Ms. Zan’s cover model face, “You look so rugged, sooo sexy.”  Stepping forward Her fingers tweak and twist his nips. 

Bill whimpers, “That hurts.” 

“It’s supposed to, bitch,” She chirps.  Undaunted, Her hands slip over the studded leather, nails scrapping down the exposed portions of his bare skin.  Then she scoops up a glob of pre-cum off his leaking cockhead.  The sensation makes Bill cower and whine.  Staring up into Her fiery eyes, he wants to cum so badly.  He sees that She knows it, and knows that Her teasing has gotten him to the edge.  A finger deposits sticky goo on his lips.  Her stare is a command, so he licks it off.  Bill is realizing how far down Goddess Zan has taken him.  Yet he cannot deny this wicked beauty.    

“Billy is such a randy boy,” She impishly states, winking at Rikki.  Zandy’s hand encircles his stiffness and mockingly strokes it. “Such a big, mature man is my pretty uncle. But he has so little control.”  Her hand stops moving and begins squeezing.  Bill begins sinking and groaning.  “I can do this,” She smiles, bending as he lands on his knees, “Orrr…”  Rikki eagerly completes the thought, “Cage it, Goddess.” 

The cute clerk spins around and trots over to a display case, while Ms. Zan releases her iron grip.  Bill exhales,  plopping on the floor in considerable discomfort.  All he sees through blurred eyes are burly calves projecting from glittering ankle boots.  A sudden strong urge to kiss them overtakes him.  He’s never felt servile to any female before Zandy, but has there ever been a more desirable one than Her?

“Umm, perfect.” He hears Her murmur, seeing a small box move from Rikki’s to Zandy’s hand.  She looks down on Her new plaything, “I want your…now, my package tucked into this bad boy, locked up tonight, so no one gets you before Me.”  Her hand gestures upward and Bill struggles to his feet.  His former rock-hard erection is nearly gone from the abuse inflicted on it.  For good measure, the Goddess gives it a couple vicious slaps.  Bill yelps and shrivels to nothing.

“I’ll get you in it when we’re home, sweetie.”  Zandy proclaims, spinning and pulling Rikki over to her.  Hands caress the clerk’s waist, then hips, then ass.  “Good girl!” is whispered before a lusty kiss is shared.  When the passion ends, Ms. Zan swiftly gives instructions to the breathless babe, “Tighten the harness and let him dress.  He’ll pay.  Add a giant tip for yourself,“ Zandy beams, running a finger back and forth through the pixie’s wet pussy.

“Yes, Mistress,” Rikki replies, adding “I adore you.”

“Of course, you do,” Zandy giggles as Her gaze turns to Her conquered uncle.  “Heel,” is Her one-word command.  With that, the divine Goddess of Muscle vainly tosses Her blonde tresses to the side and exits the shop.

Written by neallowe
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