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I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.

I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.

My uncle was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in her mid-thirties. She was absolutely gorgeous, with an incredible busty, curvy figure. For a young twenty-three-year-old guy like myself, I definitely considered her the best MILF I had ever seen.

On my first evening, I had overheard my Uncle Gerry having sex with Lupe. The next day, after checking out the local town, I had returned earlier than planned to the Casa Madre guesthouse. I had again heard a woman having sex.

But it was not my Uncle with Lupe. I followed the sound to discover it was one of the other guests in their room, old Mr Cohen, an elderly gentleman in his late sixties. I had managed to sneak into his bathroom that had a separate entrance, and peek through a small hole in the wall into his bedroom.

Incredibly, I found Mr Cohen was fucking Lupe, my uncle’s young wife. Due to me being clumsy, I had made some noise, Lupe had heard it, and seemed to have worked she was being spied on. Yet, she carried on with Mr Cohen until he finished, seeming to perhaps enjoy the extra attention. As the guesthouse was very sparsely occupied, it wouldn’t have taken long for her to figure out it was me that had been spying on her.

Later that afternoon, there was a knock on my door. Lupe was there, looking very fetching, and saying that we need to talk before my uncle returned from work. I had let her in, desperately wondering what she was going to say…


Lupe strolled into my room, and the door closed behind her. She turned to face me; her arms folded across her very impressive chest. She wore a tight, light-beige vest top. The top’s design meant perhaps even more cleavage was on display than when we had first met. She had a very short tight blue-jean skirt, and of course her high heels.

“So,” Lupe said.

“Yes. So,” I replied, trying to avoid her gaze.

Lupe giggled, breaking the ice a little. I smiled, rather sheepishly.

“Okay Jack, I’m just gonna say it, and put it out there,” Lupe said, “I know you saw me this afternoon, right?”

“Erm, saw you?” I replied innocently.

“Come on, let’s both be honest with each other,” Lupe said, smiling a little, “You saw me, with Mr Cohen, right? It was you, wasn’t it? It’s okay, Jack. I just need to explain.”

I nodded, admitting my guilt. I felt like a dirty pervert right now. Although Lupe had been cheating on my uncle, so perhaps she was feeling some guilt too?

“Alright, good,” Lupe continued, “Okay, let’s sit down and talk, huh?”

I sat on the side of the bed. Lupe took the chair by the desk and moved it to sit in front of me.

“Okay, Jack. What you saw, you know, it’s not exactly what you think, you know?” Lupe explained, “But I’ll get into that later. I need to tell you some things about your uncle.”

“Ok,” I nodded. I still couldn’t meet Lupe’s gaze. I felt like a naughty schoolboy; like Lupe was going to slap me at any moment, even though she was actually being very nice.

“So, your uncle is really struggling here, I mean financially. I don’t think he really painted you an accurate picture last night when he told you all about his businesses,” Lupe continued.

Lupe went on to tell me they had taken out a huge loan to buy this guesthouse. He had then borrowed more to start renovating it. She explained there was plenty of work at his workshop outside of town repairing and overhauling tractors and farm machinery, but there wasn’t a lot of money in it.

Apparently, there wasn’t a lot of money in Uncle Gerry’s other job either, as a sales rep for an American tractor parts company, selling and delivering to farms up and down the Pacific coast of Colombia.

They had decided to buy the guesthouse as they had been reliably informed that tourism was soon to return to their town. A decade ago, a shipwreck off the coast had caused an oil spill along the three beaches here. The government had promised to clean it up, but it never happened. Then a Colombian TV network had done a piece about the oil spill at the town’s beaches, and tourism from any Colombians had dried up almost overnight.

The locals had attempted to clean up one of the beaches themselves, and it had been fairly successful. Lupe and Uncle Gerry had then discovered the company who owned the ship that caused the spill was being forced by the Colombian government to clean up the other two remaining beaches. It meant that tourism would surely return to the town soon. Based on that, Uncle Gerry had gotten the loan to buy the guesthouse.

But the shipping company later went bankrupt, and there was now little hope of the beaches being properly cleaned up, and therefore unlikely tourism would return here any time soon. The guesthouse had twenty-four rooms, and including myself, had only three paying guests. It wasn’t looking good.

“I love your uncle, I really do,” Lupe continued, “But you must understand, I came from nothing. I didn’t own a pair of shoes until I was twelve, you know? I can’t go back to being poor again, I won’t.”

“I see,” I replied. It was interesting to know the recent history of the area, but I was unsure what all this had to do with Lupe and Mr Cohen.

“So, I needed a contingency plan, you see? If things don’t go well for your uncle. I need something for myself, you know?” Lupe explained.

“Right, but…” I began, but Lupe interrupted, putting her hand on my leg.

“I’m not having an affair with Mr Cohen, if that’s what you were thinking,” Lupe continued, “It’s an arrangement I have with him, you understand?”

I wasn’t sure I did, but I certainly liked her hand on my thigh.

“I have a similar arrangement with the other long-term guest in room twenty-four,” Lupe told me, “They pay for a room, but also for a woman. Me. You understand?”

Again, I simply nodded.

“They pay their rent, and then they pay the same amount again to me, you know? For my services,” Lupe giggled, patting my leg again, “And that money goes to my contingency fund, just in case.”

I smiled at Lupe. She had it all figured out, I guess.

“So, now you know what was really going on with me and Mr Cohen earlier,” Lupe said, grinning, “Did you enjoy what you saw, Jack?”

“Ah, I mean, sure. I guess,” I mumbled.

“Jack, you’re so shy. It’s cute,” she giggled, “Come on, I know you loved it. I could see you from the shadow on the wall, through the glass bricks. I could tell you were jerking off like crazy.”

I didn’t know what to say, I’d been completely caught out.

“it’s okay, Jack. You’re a young guy,” Lupe said, taking my hand in hers, “I’m sure you must have thought about being with a woman like me many times, no? What would you call me? A MILF, right?”

I smiled, nodding. Lupe giggled, and stood up, but kept hold of my hand. She moved over to the desk and sat on it. She spread her legs wide. I briefly saw her little white knickers, before she pulled me close to stand between her legs; very close.

I could see right down her huge cleavage now.

“So, you like me, right Jack?” Lupe asked, looking up at me.

“Of course,” I told her.

“Yeah I know, and I like you too,” Lupe replied, holding my other hand now too, “So is it true what my husband said last night? The men in your family all like pretty women with big tits and curvy asses?”

Lupe giggled again. My uncle had said that. But he had been talking about trying to set me up with a girlfriend, from one of the local girls in town.

“Hmm. So, what do you think, Jack?” Lupe grinned, “You want to make an arrangement with me?”

Lupe let that sink in for a moment. My god, this sex goddess was offering herself to me. The problem was she was the wife of my uncle. Technically she was my aunt, although I didn’t think of her as such.

Lupe said nothing more, waiting. She just looked at me, grinning. She pulled one shoulder strap of her vest top away, revealing even more of her cleavage. She blew me a kiss, with her big, pouty, glossy lips.

I thought about my poor uncle, totally unaware his stunning wife was already sleeping with the two other guests here. Now she was offering to make his nephew the third. But I couldn’t keep my eyes off her huge tits right in front of me. How could any man resist this?

I nodded, smiling sheepishly again.

“Yeah? Okay, good,” Lupe grinned, kissing me on the cheek and running her hands over my chest, “It’ll be fun Jack. Don’t worry about anything. Oh, we’re gonna have so much fun.”

“Ok,” I replied.

“So, just to talk quickly about the money side, you give me the same amount for your rent again, upfront, okay?” Lupe explained.

I was paying 750,000 Colombian pesos in rent a month, which was only £150, or $200. To have a woman like Lupe in my bed for the next month, it seemed like a steal.

“So, you get two hours a week with me,” Lupe continued, her hands running across my chest, “It’s up to you. You can have a single two-hour session once a week, or two one-hour sessions on different days, you decide. And of course, we need to meet when Yerry is not here.”

“I see,” I replied. Lupe always pronounced my uncle’s name as ‘Yerry’, not Gerry.

“You just have to give me some advance notice if you need to change your day, because I still have to service the other two guests as well, you understand?’ Lupe grinned, “And of course, we have to keep this arrangement secret from your uncle, you know?”

“Yes, I understand,” I told her.

“So, we have an understanding then, Jack.” Lupe said, smiling, and gave me another peck on the cheek, “So this week I can see you tomorrow, is that okay?”

“Sure,” I said, grinning.

“Ok, we’ll have our first bit of fun tomorrow here in your room. Then I let you decide if you want two-hour or one-hour sessions after that,” Lupe said, “But if you get horny when it’s not your day to fuck me, you can always pop over and spy on me again. No extra charge.”

“Really?” I asked as Lupe giggled.

“Sure, why not, I liked you watching me,” Lupe said, whispering, “Just be quiet, and neither of those guys will know. You got me all wet watching me fuck.”

“I did?” I asked.

“Uh-huh. And tomorrow I’m sure you’re gonna get me all wet again, aren’t you, Jack?” Lupe replied.

“Well, I’ll do my best, ma’am,” I joked.

Lupe laughed. She had a lovely, sexy laugh. I felt confident enough now to move my hands from hers, and hold her at her waist.

“Just one more thing, Jack. I want you to know what you’re getting,” Lupe said, “When I come to your room, then I’m your whore. You can do whatever you want with me, fulfil any fantasy, you understand?”

I nodded. Lupe was some woman.

“I mean it. You can think about that tonight, while you jerk off,” Lupe giggled, “I’ll dress up however you like, be whoever you like. I’ll do whatever you ask.”

“Stockings,” I blurted out. God, I was so turned on; I wasn’t even sure I’d said it or just thought it.

“Stockings?” Lupe giggled, putting her hands on my chest again, “Okay, good. Good start. Do you want suspenders with a belt, or hold-ups? I have both.”

“Hold-ups,” I told her.

“Well alright,” Lupe giggled again, “So you do know what you want. Black ones, yeah? And what else?”

“And high heels,” I told her.

“Of course. And nothing else? Okay, classic look then,” Lupe replied, “Do you want me to strip for you first?”

“Oh yes please,” I said, almost begging.

“Yeah, a little strip-show first to build the anticipation? Alright, well how about I bring some other black lingerie, and then I’ll strip down to just stockings and high heels for you?” Lupe asked, “And then after that, you can fuck me, or tell me to suck, or whatever you want darling, okay?”

I nodded. Lupe grinned and leant in closer to whisper in my ear. Her perfume was amazing, she always smelled so good.

“I’m quite an experienced woman, Jack. So, you can’t shock me,” Lupe whispered, “If there’s something you want to do to me or something you want me to do to you, or say to you, you just tell me. And if you feel shy in asking, you can just whisper like this in my ear what you want, okay?”

I nodded again, smiling.

“I want to make you happy, honey,” Lupe said, then saw the time on her watch, “Oh, I’d better go, Yerry will be home soon, I’ve got to start dinner.”

I stepped back to let Lupe off the desk. I grabbed my wallet to give her the extra money for our ‘arrangement’.

“Ah honey, give it to me tomorrow, okay?” Lupe told me, opening the door out onto the veranda, “Come down for dinner with us in an hour. But remember, not a word about any of this to your uncle.”

“Of course,” I replied, nodding again, as Lupe blew me a kiss, and made her way back to her home area of the building to cook dinner.

I sat on the side of the bed, trying to take in everything that had just happened. I couldn’t believe tomorrow I was going to get to fuck my Uncle Gerry’s stunning, smoking-hot busty wife. It was an incredible opportunity, but one I had to be careful with.

I was soon supposed to go to share dinner with Lupe and Uncle Gerry. I must make it feel natural, and normal, like the night before; before Lupe had offered to fuck my brains out like a whore for the next month. I must not look down her cleavage or at her ass like I had the night before, or eventually, Uncle Gerry would catch me looking and surely become suspicious.

I took another shower and got dressed for dinner.

A little later I went down for dinner. Apparently, I was being invited to dinner because I was family. The two other guests staying here had to make their own arrangements for their meals, other than the breakfast Lupe provided each morning. But there were two or three simple restaurants in town they could frequent.

As it was the previous night, I sat with Uncle Gerry at the kitchen table. We chatted about my journey around the local area on the borrowed Honda scooter. I did not mention anything that had happened after I returned to the guesthouse. Lupe finished preparing our meals, and then we ate.

I was probably a little less chatty this evening, as I didn’t want to say anything out of order. Lupe played it very natural, it was as if me catching her with Mr Cohen, and her arrangement with me had never happened. It was an amazing performance. Perhaps she was just used to keeping secret what happened at the guesthouse when Uncle Gerry was away.

We finished our meals, and chatted some more, before I thanked Lupe for dinner, and returned to my room. I watched some TV, then sat out on the veranda in front of my room for a while. Once again, I saw Mr Cohen go for his shower in the separate bathroom next to his guest room, and then afterwards return to his room, and turn out his lights.

Around 10 pm, I heard a very recognizable noise. Again, Uncle Gerry was pounding away at his wife Lupe. From my room, it was pretty faint, but the sound of Lupe’s panting and moaning was becoming familiar.

I thought about going down to room eighteen and listening through the wall again, as I had last night. But I then thought better of it. I had done more than my share of creeping, peeping, and spying today. I shouldn’t push my luck.

I was amazed at Lupe’s libido. She had made love with her husband last night, got screwed by Mr Cohen this afternoon, and was now fucking her husband again this evening. Tomorrow she would be fucking me, if all went well. She was quite a woman.

I called it a night and went to bed. Lupe had joked I would be jerking off tonight thinking about tomorrow’s activities. I certainly lay there with a hard-on, but thought I had better save myself. I was going to need my energy, and my sperm, for tomorrow.

In the morning I awoke, showered and dressed, and then went down for breakfast with Lupe and Uncle Gerry. Lupe wore her little tight black hotpants again but with a tight orange T-shirt today. I guessed these were the type of thing she always wore in the morning to do her chores around the guesthouse.

After breakfast, Uncle Gerry got up and kissed Lupe goodbye, groping her ass on the way out. I heard his Jeep startup, and off he went to his workshop for the day.

“Well Jack,” Lupe said, as she washed up at the kitchen sink, “Got any plans today?”

Hell yeah, I did. I mean I thought we did. Wait, was had happened, I thought?

“Relax, I’m just kidding you,” Lupe giggled.

I laughed too, relieved.

“But I need you to get out from under my feet this morning, I’ve got to clean your room and the others, and do the laundry too,” Lupe explained, “Why don’t you take another trip around town or something?”

“Uh, okay sure,” I replied, rather hesitantly.

“Maybe come back here at midday and shower, and I’ll come to see you in your room at 1 pm, alright?” Lupe suggested.

“At 1 pm?” I asked.

“Yes Jack, I’ll come to your room at 1 pm. In my stockings,” Lupe purred, and giggled, “Now get out of here. I got things to do.”

I smiled and headed out. I took the scooter for a spin. I went up to a ridge above the town and took some photos and a video for my publisher back home in London.

I had planned to go further afield today to get some photos of particular plants, but my plans with Lupe were now my priority. It would have to wait for another day. I ate a spot of lunch in town and then headed back to the Casa Madre guesthouse.

I parked the scooter in the courtyard. I couldn’t see Lupe around. I went up the staircase, and along the second-floor veranda to my room.

I took another shower, and had a quick trim of my pubic hair to keep it neat. I then had a shave. I put on my aftershave, deodorant, and clipped my fingernails and toenails. I wanted to look my best for Lupe.

I brushed my teeth, flossed and used my mouthwash. I then dressed in jeans and a fairly smart shirt. I didn’t want to look too smart, but not too casual either. I wanted to show I had made an effort.

I then sat on the side of the bed. It was a quarter to one. I turned on the air-con; I was nervous and didn’t want to sweat and have to shower again. I closed all the louvred window shutters and pulled the curtains.

I quickly went around the room and checked for any holes or gaps. I didn’t want anyone spying on me and Lupe. But I didn’t find any, this room had been renovated to a much better standard than Mr Cohen’s room.

Finally, just after 1 pm, I heard the familiar click-clack of Lupe’s high heeled shoes coming down the veranda outside. I could feel my heart beating faster. I had never been with an older woman, and certainly never with anyone as drop-dead sexy as her. I hoped I could live up to any expectations she had.

There was a knock at the door, and I got up to open it. There stood Lupe, smiling, wearing a plain black satin dressing gown. What was underneath was a mystery. I could only see from the knees down, that she was wearing stockings, and her little black high heels.

“Hi Jack,” she grinned, coming in and closing and locking the door behind her, “You ready for me?”

She was holding a little clutch-bag and put it on the desk.

“Sure,” I said, with no conviction.

“Oh, it’s okay to be nervous the first time, don’t worry honey, we’re gonna have lots of fun,” Lupe said, calming my nerves a little, “You look very nice Jack.”

“Thank you,” I replied.

“Very nice indeed,” Lupe said, licking her lips, “Come here for a minute.”

I stepped closer, put my arms around her waist. Lupe put her hands around my neck. She pulled me in for a kiss. Her lips were luscious and full.

I kissed her back. Then we kissed again, long and wet, her tongue flicking sensually across mine. We kissed like this for a few minutes, saying nothing.

“I love your lips, Lupe,” I told her, finally breaking the silence.

“Oh, thank you,” Lupe gave a little giggle, “I’ve been wanting to do that since we met.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Oh, si. Now, remember what I told you last night? I’m your whore, Jack,” Lupe purred, kissing me again, “Now what does my handsome young stud want from his whore this afternoon?”

“Oh, well...” I mumbled. I wasn’t sure what to say. Of course, I desperately wanted to fuck her. I just couldn’t get my words out.

“It’s okay, you’re still a bit nervous. Don’t worry,” Lupe told me, smiling, her hands on my chest, “I tell you what, why don’t you let me take the lead for a while? And when you feel more relaxed later, you can tell me what you really want, alright?”

I nodded.

“Okay, let’s get you more comfortable first,” Lupe said, unbuttoning my shirt and removing it, letting it fall to the floor.

Lupe grinned, running her hands over my chest and biceps. I wasn’t one of those big muscle guys, but I was fairly fit, athletic looking. She kissed my chest over and over.

“Ooh, Jack. Your chest is lovely, and a nice flat stomach,” Lupe purred, “You’re making me wet already. I’ve been looking forward to kissing your chest all day.”

Lupe then undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, and pulled them off one leg at a time. Now I stood in just my boxer shorts. Lupe looked down, seeing the huge bulge in my shorts, grinning.

“Well, I’ll come back to him later,” Lupe smirked, turning away, “Why don’t you sit here, honey.”

Lupe pointed to the end of the bed. I went and sat there, as instructed. Lupe took her phone out of her clutch-bag, and put some music on. It was some kind of upbeat Spanish language dance music.

Lupe then stood with her back to me, about two metres in front of where I sat. In time to the music, she began dancing, grinding her hips, the dressing gown swaying from side to side. She looked over her shoulder at me from time to time.

Lupe then pulling the dressing gown over her shoulders as she wiggled and jiggled to the music. She dropped the dressing gown down to her waist, and I could see the black straps of her bra. Finally, Lupe shimmied the dressing gown lower, and the masterpiece was revealed.

Lupe’s ass was a thing of beauty, absolutely stunning. I felt like my jaw just hit the floor. It was so full, curvy, bouncy, looked so firm, and with no blemishes at all. The only word I could think of was badonkadonk.

She wore tiny G-string sheer black panties. The tiny gusset hid away in between the most incredibly perfect ass cheeks I had ever imagined could exist.

“Wow,” was all I could manage.

Lupe giggled and looked over her shoulder as she continued to slowly wiggle and jiggle her jelly to the music.

“You like that?” Lupe asked, smiling.

I nodded, mesmerised.

“Yeah, you like staring at that ass, don’t you, Jack?” Lupe grinned at me over her shoulder, “You don’t need to steal little glances at it in the kitchen in front of my husband anymore. In here you can stare at it as long as you want, honey.”

I continued to stare at her ass, transfixed. No wonder Mr Cohen was so obsessed with it. Lupe let the dressing gown finally drop to the floor, revealing her stocking tops.

Lupe knew exactly what I wanted right now. She carried on shaking that ass for me, as I carried on staring at it, taking in every jiggle. It wasn’t too big, and it wasn’t too small, it was just perfect. Every woman in the world would agree, if they could pick an ass to have, it would be this one.

“Look at you, staring at my ass,” Lupe giggled, “Well, you’re gonna get to do a lot more than stare at it later.”

Lupe finally turned around. She wore a black bra, with some transparent sections, but it still hid away her nipples and areolae. It certainly showed off her huge cleavage. Lupe began jiggling her tits at me as she continued to dance.

“Well I know you love these,” Lupe grinned, bending forward so I could see right down her cleavage, “Don’t think I didn’t notice all your little glances at my boobs over the past couple of days.”

She then stood back up, and turned her back to me. She reached behind herself, unclasping her bra straps. Lupe removed her bra and threw it behind herself so that it landed on my head. I took it off my head and held it in my lap. I noticed the little label inside read 36H.

Lupe turned back to face me with a big smile, her hands struggling to hide her huge tits from my view. She stepped closer, massaged and bounced them, but still hiding them with her hands. My cock was now at full power, straining to be contained within my boxers. Finally, Lupe slowly slid her hands away, and for the second time, my jaw hit the floor.

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Lupe’s tits were absolutely stunning. So big, and so full, they really sat up on her chest and said hello. They were also flawless, with no imperfections in the skin. She had lovely areolae with amazing nipples that reminded me off erasers on the end of pencils looking right at me.

I stared at Lupe’s boobs for ages as she bounced and jiggled them right in front of my face, all with a big smile on her face. She seemed to be enjoying the attention of a younger man. I couldn’t help but reach for my cock and start tugging on it as I watched this incredible show.

“That’s it, honey, you play with your cock,” Lupe told me grinning.

Lupe then stepped even closer, took my head in her hands, looked down at me and grinned.

“I know this is what you’ve really been waiting for, Jack,” Lupe said.

She then pushed my head in between her tits, and I instantly felt like I had disappeared into heaven. My god, they were so big, with such soft smooth skin. My hands immediately left my cock to grope and massage them. I kissed and sucked on her boobs as hung on to them for dear life.

Her breasts still felt pretty firm, and I loved holding their weight in my hands. My lips and tongue were working overtime, licking, kissing and sucking like mad. I looked up at Lupe, with a mouthful of her left nipple, to see her looking down on me with a loving smile. I could tell Lupe knew just how happy she was making me by simply standing there and let me grope and suck on her huge tits.

Lupe let this go on for maybe fifteen minutes or more, saying nothing, holding my head and just letting me gorge myself on her stunning boobs. I lovingly licked and nibbled on her nipples. I kissed and sucked on every inch of each of her breasts, and there were a lot of inches to cover. This was an absolute fantasy come true, and Lupe was aware of it, and let me enjoy this moment to the fullest.

“I knew you were a boob man, Jack,” Lupe finally said, grinning, as she finally pulled away, my saliva glistening on her nipples, “I know you like my ass too, but big titties are what really gets you going, huh?”

Lupe giggled, massaging her breasts.

“Yeah, your tits are incredible,” I nodded, my hand returning to tug at my cock through my shorts, “I love your ass too though, it’s amazing.”

“Yeah? Okay then,” Lupe replied, turning her back to me again.

Lupe then bent over slightly, her stunning ass inches from my face. She then looked over her shoulder at me, reached back and slowly started pulling her G-string panties down. As she pulled them further down, she bent her head down lower and lower toward the floor. Eventually, her panties were sitting on her high heels, and her head was between her ankles.

It was a very sexy trick. Her gorgeous naked ass stood in front of me. Lupe gripped her ankles with her dainty little hands and looked up at me.

“It’s all yours, Jack,” Lupe grinned, wiggling her hips.

I needed no further invitation. I gripped her hips and shoved my face right into her ass crack. I could feel her amazing ass cheeks on either side of my face. Lupe wiggled, jiggled, and bounced her ass for me, as I went to town on it.

I kissed and licked her ass all over. I kissed her pussy lips, which Lupe seemed to enjoy the most. I ran my hands over every inch of her amazing ass. How Lupe stayed in this position all the time I didn’t know, perhaps she did yoga or something.

Eventually, she slowly stood back up, stepped out of her panties, and turned to face me again, grinning from ear to ear. I finally saw her pussy. It was clean-shaven, except for a cute, neatly-trimmed, thin landing strip.

“Did you enjoy your strip-show, Jack?” Lupe asked, as I nodded, “Well here I am, in stockings, high heels, and nothing else, just as you requested.”

I returned to jerking my cock through my shorts, enjoying the view of my uncle’s hot wife wearing just what I wanted, and nothing more. Jeez, she looked sexy as fuck.

“So, what would you like to do now?” Lupe asked, grinning at me jerking myself, “Or would you like me to make a suggestion?”

I simply nodded. Lupe smiled and took me by the hand to pull me up from the bed. She took a cushion from the chair and dropped it on the floor in front of me. Lupe grinned at me, that naughty grin of hers, as she then knelt on the cushion.

“Let’s see what Santa has bought me for Christmas,” Lupe grinned, looking up at me, as she hooked her thumbs into the elasticated band at the top of my boxers and slowly started pulling them down.

Inch by inch, my cock was revealed more and more, until it finally popped out and up, the head hitting Lupe in the face. Lupe stared at it for quite a while, grinning.

“Oh, Jack. We’re gonna have so much fun,” she finally said, reaching out and gripping my super hard cock, “It’s gorgeous. Nice size, nice thickness. I love the way it points up at the ceiling.”

Lupe didn’t take her eyes off my cock as she played with it for some time. I stepped out of my boxers around my ankles, to finally stand naked and fully erect in front of this goddess.

“Come here, baby,” Lupe said, grinning, “Let Lupe suck that lovely big cock.”

With that, she kissed the head of my dick, with her lovely soft, full lips. She ran her lips up and down my shaft, over and over, stopping only to kiss it from time to time. Then her tongue came out to play, licking and flicking up and down my shaft; top, side and bottom. Then she swirled that tongue over the head of my cock again and again; it felt incredible.

Lupe then concentrated on my balls for a while, licking and sucking them. She jerked my cock with her dainty little hand as she did so. Lupe got one of my balls into her mouth, then the other. Finally, she got them both in her mouth at the same time, her tongue continuing to work away at them.

Lupe then briefly came up for air, then took the head of my cock in her mouth, and worked her way down my shaft, until she almost got to the base. Back up for more air, and then she began sucking away in earnest, from the head to about halfway down my shaft, and back again. Over and over, and over again. She did not stop, or come up for air, just solid straight cock sucking for I don’t know how long.

It felt wonderful, my achingly hard cock being sucked so expertly by this stunning busty MILF. As she sucked, not only could I feel her lips surrounding my cock, but her tongue was running up and down the bottom of my shaft inside her mouth. I’d had blowjobs a few times from girls back home, but nothing like this. This was some next level shit.

Lupe kept looking up at me, giving great eye contact as she sucked me.

Finally, Lupe came up for air, grinning.

“Oh Jack, I love your cock, honey,” she told me.

But quick as a shot, her mouth was full of dick again. After a while, she took a breather, while she ran her lips and tongue all over my dick. Then she began sucking again, but this time more urgently.

Lupe began spitting and salivating all over my cock as she sucked away. Lots of sucking and slobbering noises ensued. Saliva ran down her chin and onto her tits. It was a wonderful sight.

“Come here, darling,” Lupe told me, moving to sit on the side of the bed.

I stood in front of her, and she took my hands and placed them on the back of her head. She then opened her mouth, and let her tongue slide out, enticingly.

“Now, fuck my mouth,” Lupe instructed me.

I didn’t need a second invitation and thrust my cock into her waiting mouth. I began thrusting in and out. I noticed one of Lupe’s hands had found its way to her pussy and she was playing with herself. She moaned as I continued fucking her lovely mouth, holding on tightly to her head with both hands.

I finally let my uncle’s wife take a breath, and rubbed my cock all over her beautiful face. I had always wanted to do this to a woman, but had never had the opportunity of a partner willing to do such a thing. But I knew now Lupe was up for anything. I took my right hand and ground my cock into her face, as she grinned up at me.

“Naughty boy,” she smirked, but she was obviously loving it as much as I was.

I held the base of my cock and beat her about the face with the head. Who knew how many other men had enjoyed delights like this with Lupe? I was just so happy to be one of them.

After more face-fucking, and slapping my cock all over her features, she finally stood up and kissed me. She sat me down on the side of the bed, and went to her clutch bag on the desk. Lupe pulled out a small bottle of baby oil. She then knelt on the cushion on the floor in front of me.

“I know what else you want,” Lupe said, rubbing baby oil all over her tits.

She then shuffled closer, and placed her tits in my lap, putting my cock in between them. Lupe pushed her tits together, smiling at me, as she began slowly bouncing her perfect huge firm tits up and down my shaft. It looked incredible, the head of my cock appearing at the top her cleavage, and then disappearing under huge amounts of tit-flesh, only to reappear again a second later. I laid back on the bed and looked down at the wonderful view.

“You like that, huh?” Lupe grinned, as I nodded in agreement, transfixed again, “Most men do. But you most of all, I think. You big boob hound!”

Lupe giggled, as did I.

“Did you dream of fucking my tits, Jack? I bet you’ve been fantasizing about fucking my big tits since we first met,” Lupe smirked.

“Oh, fuck, yeah,” I let out. I was starting to get too excited. In fact, it was a marvel I hadn’t already come.

“Ooh, is that too much?” Lupe asked, grinning, “Well then I think it’s time for pussy, Jack.”

I nodded, and Lupe took one of my towels to quickly wipe away the baby oil from her breasts and hands. She told me to move higher up on the bed, sitting with my back against the cushioned headboard.

Lupe then climbed on to the bed, and came and sat astride me. She leant forward and kissed me, and a grappled with her huge tits again.

“You know, I’m always very careful with the guests who fuck me, Jack. They have to wear a condom, you know?” Lupe explained.

I had assumed this, and earlier had laid out some condoms on the side-cabinet next to the bed. I reached for one, and Lupe took it from me.

“Are you clean, Jack?” Lupe asked.

I nodded, “Of course.”

“Okay. Because if you trust me, I’d much prefer to fuck you without one,” she told me, grinning.

I nodded again, and Lupe threw the condom behind her, reached for my cock, and began guiding it toward her pussy.

“Oh yeah, come here. Mama needs to fuck,” Lupe said as she pushed my cock inside her.

Lupe was already a little wet, and I slipped inside her easily. She gave out a little gasp as I achieved full penetration. She rested back astride me, and moved her hands to my chest, as she slowly began to ride my cock.

I relaxed, put my hands on her hips, and enjoyed watching Lupe work it. Her pussy felt so good sliding up and down my super-hard dick. Not too tight, not too loose, just a very nice fit.

I loved watching Lupe’s tits bounce, just a little, as she moved up and down on my cock. I played with her tits, then moved back to her hips and ass. There was so much to grope and kiss and look at, I just didn’t have enough hands, lips or eyes.

I would have never thought when I met Lupe, less than forty-eight hours ago, that she would ever be riding my cock wearing nothing but high-heels, stockings and a smile. Of course, I had fantasized about it, but this was real, this was not a dream.

Lupe was clearly enjoying herself too, panting as she bounced and bounced. She then leant back, her hands moving to the bed to support herself. She ground her pussy up and down, and from this angle, I got a better look at it. She grinned at me staring at her pussy.

Lupe leant forward again, her hands back on my chest, bouncing harder and faster now. I was loving the show, Lupe’s tits bouncing around much more now. Lupe was panting heavily, and moaning from time to time.

“Ah, fuck, si,” Lupe groaned.

I gripped her hips again and thrust up into her as much as I could, encouraging her.

“Si, Jack, si,” she moaned, bouncing even faster, her tits becoming almost a blur in front of my eyes.

I grabbed her bouncing tits, putting my thumbs on her nipples. They felt like little bullets now.

Lupe cried out, and then went very quiet, biting her lip. A few bounces more and she cried out again, and collapsed on top of me. I could feel her orgasm, her pussy muscles pulsating around my cock.

I then rolled Lupe onto her back and got on top of her. Lupe had pretty much taken the lead so far, but my confidence was building, and now it was my turn to lead. My turn to do the fucking.

I got on top of Lupe and slid my hard cock into her soaking wet pussy. She spread her legs very wide for me.

“Yes, darling, fuck me, you lovely big boy,” Lupe grinned excitedly.

I began thrusting in and out of Lupe. Her pussy felt so good around my cock. I noticed held her legs up high in the air, fully extended. It was just as I had seen them when spying through the gap in the window shutters when she had been getting fucked by my uncle on the evening I had arrived.

I arched my back up, so I could look down on Lupe as I fucked her. It was certainly very sexy, seeing her stockings and high heels up around my ears. It also meant I could see her huge tits bounce around on her chest.

Lupe pushed her tits together, looking up at me as she did so. She blew me a kiss.

“Oh yeah, you like that, don’t you Jack?” Lupe smirked, cradling her tits in her arms, “I can feel how much you like it. Ah si, you like looking at my tits while you fuck me, naughty boy.”

I caressed her thighs, and her stocking tops, as I continued to bang away at this busty angel. I leant back down again, her ankles resting on my shoulders. Lupe moaned as I fucked her as deep and hard as I could. She nibbled on my ear.

“Oh Jack, si. You lovely big young stud,” Lupe whispered, groping my buttocks “I love your firm, young body, Jack. You make me so wet.”

I moaned in pure pleasure, feeling Lupe’s huge breasts pressed against my chest as I screwed her.

“I’m not too old for you, am I Jack?” Lupe continued.

“Oh no, you’re fucking perfect Lupe,” I told her, shaking my head, “You’re so fucking sexy. You’re fucking sex on legs.”

Lupe giggled.

“Oh good. You make me feel young, Jack,” she whispered again, groping my ass again, “Like when I used to fuck boys back in my hometown when I was seventeen.”

“Oh yeah?” I grinned, thinking about that mental image for a moment, “Did you fuck lots of boys back then?”

“Oh, I did Jack, I did. And men too,” Lupe giggled, “Do you like that, Jack? You like a woman with lots of experience?”

“Oh yeah,” I nodded, continuing to bang away at her lovely pussy.

“Oh good, I’m glad,” Lupe grinned, panting, “I’ve got so much experience to show you, Jack. So much for you to enjoy. If you want, I can tell you all about what a naughty girl I used to be while you fuck me.”

I already knew Lupe was a ‘naughty girl’. She was fucking her two renters, and now her husband’s nephew. And all behind her husband’s back.

But getting to learn about what other horny things Lupe had gotten up to in her youth turned me on even more, if that was possible. I began fucking her even harder and faster.

“Oh, si. You do like that idea, don’t you Jack?” Lupe panted, “Perhaps next time, I can tell you some of my many sexy adventures whilst I suck your cock. Would you like that?”

“Oh fuck, yeah,” I told her, moaning, pounding away.

“Mmm, you love that pussy, don’t you Jack?” Lupe continued, “I know you love that ass too. Why don’t you take me from behind, Jack? You can stare at it while you fuck me.”

It sounded good to me. Plus, I was getting close now, and perhaps Lupe sensed that. It felt like she wanted me to have the best time, and really enjoy myself, which I was. Lupe was certainly enjoying herself too though.

I pulled out and Lupe got up on her hands and knees on the bed. She told me to stand at the side of the bed behind her.

“Oh wait, I got a better idea, honey,” Lupe said, looking over her shoulder at me.

Lupe shuffled down to the other end of the bed. She was now directly in front of the large mirror on the wall. I saw her idea as I moved down to stand behind her, my cock rubbing up against her perfect ass.

I could now have the best of both worlds. Looking down, I had her gorgeous ass bent over in front of me. Looking ahead, into the mirror in front of Lupe, I could see her smiling face, and her huge tits hanging down beneath her. I smiled back at her, and she blew me a kiss.

“Come on darling, fuck me. Fuck me however you want,” Lupe said looking into my eyes in the mirror, wiggling her ass at me.

I gripped her lovely wide hips and pushed my cock into her waiting pussy. I pulled on her hips, and she shuffled back a little closer to me, so that her lovely ass was pressed right up against me. I then began thrusting in and out of Lupe, her lovely wet pussy gripping my cock.

Lupe’s perfect, gorgeous sexy ass bounced back and forth against me as I fucked her. I caressed and groped it. What an absolutely stunning ass she had. I had fantasized about grabbing her by the hips and fucking her doggy-style when she had been on her hands and knees on the floor when showing me the air-con control just two nights ago.

Now that fantasy had come true. I slapped her on the ass. In the mirror, she grinned at me. I slapped her ass again and again.

Who knew that when I met my Uncle Gerry’s wife less than forty-eight hours ago, that I would soon be slapping her ass as I fucked her doggy-style. She seemed to quite enjoy it, so every now and then I would give her ass another slap. I loved also watching her tits in the mirror bounce and sway back and forth in time to my thrusts. I reached forward for a moment and took each boob in one hand, marvelling again at their size and weight.

Lupe was panting quite hard now, enjoying my shaft penetrating her over and over again. As I continued to thrust in and out, Lupe was pushing her hips back and forth against me harder and harder.

“Oh, si. Si, Jack. Don’t stop,” Lupe told me urgently.

I carried on pumping away, my hands back on her hips now. Lupe was getting very excited, panting and whimpering. I hoped I could last until she came, I was getting close again.

“Oh fuck, si,” Lupe moaned, “Lovely big boy.”

A minute more of fast and frantic fucking, and Lupe finally cried out, collapsing on the bed for a moment. I could again feel her pussy pulsating and contracting on my cock.

“Oh, fuck, yeah,” Lupe groaned, looking over her shoulder at me and smiling, “Oh, you lovely boy.”

Lupe raised herself up from the bed, and back onto her hands and knees. I began pumping in and out of her again.

“You enjoying yourself back there, Jack?” Lupe smirked at me in the mirror.

I nodded, groaning.

“You like the view, darling?” Lupe giggled, wiggling her ass.

“Oh fuck, yes,” I panted.

“Yeah, you are, aren’t you?” Lupe grinned, “I think someone is about to come, isn’t he?”

I nodded again. Jeez, I was going to explode she felt so good.

“Are you going to come inside me, darling?” Lupe asked cheekily, “Or somewhere else? It’s up to you, of course. Whatever you want.”

“Oh, erm…” was all I could manage.

“Not sure? Too many options?” Lupe giggled, “I think I know exactly what you want, and you’re just too shy to ask. Am I right?”

“Oh, well…” I stammered. She was right, too many wonderful options.

“It’s okay, honey,” Lupe said, “Come here.”

I pulled out of Lupe, and she sat on the side of the bed, in front of the mirror. She pointed for me to stand in front of her, and I went around the bed and did what I was told. She looked up at me and grinned, holding my cock in her right hand.

Lupe took my cock into her mouth and began sucking my cock with some urgency, moaning as she did so. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. I noticed she looked at herself in the mirror as she sucked me.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it, Jack?” Lupe said, in between mouthfuls of my cock, “I know exactly what you want, darling.”

Lupe sucked and sucked like there was no tomorrow, saliva running down her chin. She massaged my balls with her fingers as she sucked. I could feel the come building in my balls. Lupe finally came up for air and began furiously jerking my cock with her right hand, her left hand cupping my balls.

“Yeah, you want to spunk all over my face and tits, don’t you Jack?” Lupe beamed, “Oh yes, there’s nothing wrong that, darling. Nothing wrong at all. Come on, honey.”

“Ah, you fucking sexy girl,” I told her.

It was building and building inside me, very close now. Lupe looked at our reflection in the mirror.

“Oh, Jack, I do love watching myself suck cock,” Lupe told me, spreading her legs so I could see her pussy again, “I want to watch myself with my new young stud coming all over me.”

Seconds away now. Lupe put the head of my cock to her lips, kissing it. Her hand was a blur of movement on my rock-hard dick.

“I’m your whore. I’m your fucking whore, Jack,” Lupe said seductively, looking up at me, “You can do this to me whenever you want, darling.”

That was too much, and I finally exploded. Stream after stream of white-hot spunk shot all over Lupe’s face. The first one hit her directly on the lips, the second shot up onto her forehead. The third went mostly into her hair, and the fourth hit her left cheek.

It felt like a volcano of come. Lupe took it all with a big grin on her face. Another spurt hit her neck, and then the rest finally dribbled out onto her tits below. She sat for a moment looking at herself in the mirror.

“Mmm, I like this look,” Lupe giggled.

She kissed the head of my cock, and then licked off the remaining spunk at the tip. As she did so Lupe again looked at herself in the mirror. The sperm on her face began dribbling off her chin and dripping on to her boobs. She began massaging the sperm into her tits.

“Long ago, a man told me if I let him come on my tits, and I rubbed it in, it would make them bigger,” Lupe told me, looking up and giggling, “And I was stupid enough to believe him.”

I sat next to her on the bed. Lupe put her arms around me and hugged me for a moment. She then kissed me on the cheek.

“Okay, darling, I gonna take a shower,” Lupe told me, and got up and headed off to the bathroom.

I collapsed back on the bed, exhausted. What an incredible woman Lupe was. No wonder my Uncle Gerry had married her, the lucky old sod. Of course, he was totally unaware his nephew had just been sucked and fucked by his stunning wife, and I needed it to stay that way.

I could hear the water running in the bathroom, as Lupe took her shower.

I had to make this situation continue to work. To keep this incredible secret from my Uncle, to keep this assignment in Colombia going as long as possible. I could now imagine just what Lupe had offered me yesterday; to fuck her twice a week.

Now I’d had a taste of it, I had to make sure I got more. Lupe was like sexual heroin. I was instantly addicted, and couldn’t wait for my next fix.

I suppose the two other guests, Mr Cohen, and whoever the man was in room twenty-four felt the same. Surely that was why they were such long-term residents here. They couldn’t get enough of her either.

Certainly, now having three guests to service twice a week, Lupe was going to be a very busy lady indeed. I assumed she would see one of her three guests every day, from Monday to Saturday. Lupe could then have a day off on Sunday, as that was apparently the only day Uncle Gerry took off too.

I could no longer hear the water running, so assumed Lupe was getting dressed. But a moment later she reappeared back in the bedroom, with just a white towel wrapped around her.

“Ready for round two, Jack?” Lupe asked with a grin.

Lupe dropped the towel on the floor, and I saw her for the first time completely naked. She smiled and gave me a twirl as I admired her incredible body.

‘Oh Lupe, you’re a fucking knockout,” I told her.

Lupe giggled, putting her hands on her hips.

“Ah, thank you. Jack. You say such nice things,” Lupe replied, “Now what would you like next?”

I looked down at my flaccid cock. I think I was going to need a bit more recovery time.

“Oh, I’m not sure…” I began, but Lupe cut me off.

“Oh, don’t worry honey, sit back against the headboard for me,” Lupe said, getting on all fours at the end of the bed, and seductively crawling toward me, “I’m gonna suck you again. I’ll have your cock all big and angry in no time, darling.”

I did as I was told and sat back against the headboard. Lupe positioned herself between my thighs. She gave me a long, wet, passionate kiss.

“That was a great fuck, honey. Thank you,” Lupe whispered.

She grinned at me as her head dropped lower into my lap. Lupe began lightly kissing my shaft, cupping my balls.

“Once your big and hard, I want to hear all about what you want to do to me, Jack,” Lupe said, licking my balls, “I want to hear about all your fantasies. I want to make them all come true, darling.”

I could feel my cock starting to come back to life.

“Oh Lupe, you’re insatiable,” I told her.

“Ah, you’ve discovered my secret,” Lupe giggled, kissing the head of my dick, “Yes, it’s true. I really love sex. I can’t deny it.”

We both laughed. My cock was soon semi-hard. Lupe began licking the head like an ice-cream.

“I’ve got some lovely surprises planned for you over the next month, Jack,” Lupe purred up at me, “You’re gonna love it. We’re gonna have so much fun together.”

Lupe then took me in her mouth and began slowly sucking my cock. I reached forward and took two big handfuls of her tits.

I looked down at this angel’s head bobbing up and down in my lap.

Little did I know the surprises she had planned for me would be so incredible…





Written by Reddead2010
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