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I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.

I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.

My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in her mid-thirties. She was absolutely gorgeous, with an incredible busty, curvy figure. For a young twenty-three-year-old guy like myself, I definitely considered her the best MILF I had ever seen.

On my first full day, I had caught Lupe having sex with one of the other guests. She had certainly been enjoying herself, and had also worked out I had been spying on her. Lupe later explained that my uncle’s financial situation was dire and that she had made a financial agreement with the only two other guests. For an increase in the rent, Lupe would sleep with them twice a week.

Lupe had then asked if I wanted to make a similar arrangement with her, which I absolutely did. Of course, these arrangements had to be kept secret from my uncle. Since then, I had already had sex with Lupe twice.

But then I had spied on one of the guests with a different woman, Izzy. It later became clear that Izzy also ran a guesthouse on the other side of town, and that once-a-month Lupe and Izzy swapped over, and ‘serviced’ each other’s guests.

I had visited Izzy and her unsuspecting husband at their guesthouse the next morning, on the pretext of fixing Izzy’s laptop, at her request. Whilst there I had seen Lupe arrive to service one of Izzy’s guests. Izzy had told me she would meet me later that afternoon back in my room at Lupe’s guesthouse, and that we would engage in some roleplay scenario. Later that afternoon I was excited to return to my room and see what Izzy had planned…


Once outside the room, I knocked on the door, and opened it, stepping inside.

“Oh, I’m sorry sir,” I heard Izzy’s voice, from behind the door.

As the door closed behind me, it revealed one hell of a sexy sight.

Izzy stood there dressed in a full, sexy French maid's outfit. It was a classic black and white piece, the top barely managing to contain her huge breasts, and an enormous amount of cleavage on show. The black frilly ‘skirt’ part of the outfit could barely be called a skirt at all, it was so short. It looked like Izzy had bought the outfit one size too small to maximise the effect.

The skirt was so short in fact that her stocking tops were fully visible. So too were a little of the straps holding them up, that were presumably attached to a suspender belt underneath that tiny skirt. The black skirt also had a tiny white apron tied across the front. The black fishnet stockings led my eyes down finally to her black high-heeled shoes.

“I was just cleaning your room sir, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Izzy smiled.

The door closed behind me. My god, she looked incredible. For a moment I just stood there taking it all in. Then I remembered I was supposed to be playing along.

“Oh yes, no problem,” I replied, smiling.

Izzy grinned again, perhaps relaxing a little as she could see I was going along with it.

“I haven’t quite finished, sir. Do you mind?” Izzy asked.

“No of course not,” I said, looking around for a moment.

I noticed a small stool on the floor, which wasn’t usually here. I guessed Izzy had brought it, but for what purpose I couldn’t say. There was a feather duster on the desk that she must have brought along to complete her outfit. I also noticed a small box of cleaning products to complete her props.

“Where should I sit? I don’t want to get in your way,” I asked.

“Please, sit here sir,” Izzy took my arm and guided me to sit on the side of the bed, “I’ve already made the bed for you.”

“Oh yes, very nice. Thank you,” I said, sitting down.

She stood in front of me for a second, looking down on me, smiling.

“My name is Izzy, by the way,” she said, holding out her hand.

I took her hand and kissed it.

“Very pleased to meet you, Izzy,” I replied, “I’m Jack.”

“Oh! Jack,” she giggled, letting me hold her hand for just a little longer than was necessary.

Finally, Izzy turned and picked up her feather duster from the desk.

“Well, I should get on,” Izzy replied, “But you just relax, sir. Take it easy.”

Izzy ‘the maid’ began dusting over at the desk, which was directly in front of me, about five feet away. Every time she bent over slightly; the black frilly skirt rode up, revealing her stunning ass. I could see more of the black suspender belt straps that held up her stockings. I could also see her tiny black panties, nestled in between her gorgeous ass cheeks.

“I’ve not seen you here before, Izzy,” I commented, as my eyes followed every move of that ass. My cock was stirring in my shorts.

“Oh yes, I often work at a different guesthouse across town. But when the boss here is busy, I come and clean here too,” Izzy replied, looking over her shoulder at me, “Were you out swimming, Jack?”

“Ah, yes. Yes, I was,” I said.

“That robe looks wet,” Izzy commented, “Let me take it for the laundry.”

I nodded, as she walked back over to me. I stood and removed the robe, now standing in front of her in just my black boxer shorts. Izzy took the robe, throwing it to the floor by the door. I sat back down on the side of the bed and she returned to her dusting duties at the desk.

“You’re a very fit young man, Jack,” Izzy said, glancing over her shoulder at me again, admiring my body, “How old are you?”

“I’m twenty-three,” I told her.

“Ah ok. Well, you have a very nice body, if you don’t mind me saying so,” Izzy continued, “Do you have a girlfriend here?”

“Er... No. No, I don’t,” I replied.

Perhaps this was the way into moving the role-play along, I thought.

“Do you have a boyfriend, Izzy?” I asked.

“Me? Oh, I’ve been married a long time,” Izzy said, “But I’m sure a handsome young man like you will find a nice girl here in town soon.”

Izzy then looked under the desk for a moment.

“Oh, what’s that?” she asked, “The tile here has a nasty stain on it.”

Izzy took a small cleaning brush from her little box of cleaning products. She also pulled a small thin cushion from the box, and threw it on the floor in front of her.

Izzy got down on her knees, resting them on the cushion. She then bent over completely, her head and shoulders disappearing underneath the desk. She began scrubbing furiously at the tiled floor underneath the desk.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Izzy’s incredible ass was now raised up in the air for all to see, except it was a show with just one audience member. I was sat directly behind her, so had the perfect view. My cock was getting harder with every second.

Her so-called skirt covered nothing now. Izzy’s stunning ass was framed by her stocking-tops beneath, and her suspender belt above. Her tiny black panties were clearly visible, packed tightly in between her perfect ass cheeks.

“Oh, it’s really stubborn,” Izzy said, as she continued scrubbing under the desk.

Every motion of her scrubbing made her hips sway. Every so often she would wiggle her ass, as she worked on that stain. I would bet that there really wasn’t a stain under there, but if there was, I hoped it never, ever came loose.

I sat there with a huge grin on my face, just staring at that amazing, gorgeous, pert, firm ass. It bounced and wiggled, and I knew it was bouncing and wiggling just for me. It was designed to have an effect, and it was certainly working. My cock was passing half-mast, heading for full power.

“Oh, sir, it’s a very stubborn stain. I think I might be down here for some time, I’m sorry,” Izzy-the-maid explained, “Please sir, you go ahead and do whatever you need to, and enjoy yourself. I think I might be down here for quite a while.”

I grinned to myself. I knew exactly what that meant. I pulled my shorts down a little, and started stroking my cock.

I continued jerking my cock, as I stared at Izzy’s perfect ass wiggle and jiggle just for me. I was soon at full hardness. She had such a lovely peach of an ass, not too big, not too small, just stunning. Her skin was completely unblemished, quite remarkable.

“Are you okay back there, sir?” Izzy asked, “I’m sorry this is taking so long.”

“Yes, it’s fine, take your time,” I told her.

“Ah ok, thank you,” she replied.

No, thank you, I thought. What a great show Izzy was putting on for me. Even with a girlfriend, you wouldn’t ever get to just so blatantly stare at her ass for such a long time. It was a wonderful luxury.

Izzy certainly knew what men liked and wanted. Izzy continued this show for at least another five minutes, never stopping for a rest or complaining. I can see why she had brought the little thin cushion for her knees though.

Izzy then shifted her position slightly, and I noticed she was now pushing down on her cleaning brush with both hands, and using her body weight to scrub it back and forth. This meant her ass was now literally thrusting back and forth too. It looked just like it would do if Izzy were being fucked doggystyle. It was incredibly sexy.

I gave out a little gasp at the sight, as I continued to jerk off.

“Are you okay, sir?” Izzy asked again, “What are ya doin’ back there?”

She had either heard my gasp or the sound of my jerking my cock. My mind raced. Was I supposed to admit I was jerking off over the sight of her amazing ass? Would Izzy-the-maid then get turned on and crawl over here to suck me off?

Or was I supposed to play it innocent? Which way did I want the role-play to go? I guess it was up to me. I decided to play innocent for now, and see what other naughty fun Izzy would come up with to tempt me.

“Oh, I’m just er… Reading a book,” I told her.

“The stain isn’t coming up, sir. Do you want me to continue?” Izzy-the-maid asked.

She was asking if I was enjoying the show and wanted more, or wanted to move on to other things.

“Well, why don’t you try a little longer?” I replied.

“Sure,” she replied.

Izzy carried on jiggling that ass for me for another good five minutes. I stared and jerked; jerked and stared. All with a huge grin. I was very impressed with her dedication to the role-play, it made it so much sexier.

“It still won’t come up, sir. Do you want me to keep trying?” Izzy asked eventually.

Again, she was asking if I wanted more of the Izzy ass show, or try something new. I decided perhaps it was time to move on.

“No, don’t worry then, thank you anyway,” I said.

I quickly pulled my shorts back up. Izzy began to come out from under the desk. As a final thought, I quickly grabbed my Colombia guide book from the shelf and placed it across my crotch to cover the large bulge caused by my erection.

Izzy stood up, and turned toward me, and smiled. She kicked away the cushion on the floor toward the door. But then she suddenly looked upset, like she was about to cry.

“Oh, I’m sorry, are you alright?” I asked, concerned. Had I taken the role-play too far? Surely not.

“No, it’s okay, I’m just being silly, I’m so sorry, Jack,” Izzy blubbed, wiping away a genuine single tear from her eye, “It’s just, it’s just… No I shouldn’t bother you with this. I just met you.”

“No, it’s fine, if you need to talk to someone. You know, weirdly, sometimes someone you don’t know is easier to talk to,” I said sympathetically, handing her a tissue.

“Thank you,” Izzy said taking the tissue and dabbing her eye, “Yes, that’s true. It’s just I found out today my husband has been cheating on me, you see. It’s very upsetting.”

“Oh my, I’m so sorry to hear that,” I replied, genuinely concerned for Izzy.

“I mean, I’ve been a loyal wife many years, so I just don’t know how this has happened, you know,” Izzy continued.

Oh wow. Give this woman an acting award. She really had me there for a second, but I now understood this to be a quite brilliant performance.

Izzy had not been loyal to her husband for a long time, I knew that for a fact. This was Izzy-the-maid talking, within the confines of our role-play. How had she managed that tear? Incredible.

“But anyway, I’m so sorry if I embarrassed myself,” Izzy said, smiling again, throwing the tissue in the trash.

“Oh no, not at all,” I replied. I would have stood up to put my arm around her and comfort her, but my huge erection might have blown where we had gotten in our role-play so far.

“Well, I’m almost finished then, sir,” Izzy announced, “Just one last task I noticed in the bathroom.”

I nodded, wondering where she was leading this role-play next.

Izzy stepped into the bathroom for a second, then reappeared to grab the small stool she had brought with her, plus her box of cleaning products, then went back into the bathroom again.

“Oh! Oh dear,” I heard Izzy say a moment later, her high heels click-clacking noisily on the bathroom floor tiles.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Well, would you mind helping me for a minute?” I heard Izzy say.

I got up from the bed, but of course, still had a huge bulge in my boxer shorts. I decided to stand with my arm draped in front of it to hide it, as I walked into the bathroom.

Izzy stood with her back to the sink, looking at the wall that separated the bathroom from the bedroom.

“You see, up there,” she pointed.

At the top of this wall, just below the ceiling, ran a line of glass bricks, two bricks high. It ran from one end of the wall to the other. I guess it was to let in additional light from the bedroom into the fairly compact bathroom. The bathroom only had one small window at one end, which was frosted glass, so didn’t let much light in.

The glass bricks too were not clear either, but frosted in some fashion. It was these bricks that Izzy was pointing up to.

“I need to clean up there,” Izzy explained, “I can just about reach it on this stool, you see. But with my high heels, it’s a bit unsafe. If I take my shoes off, I can’t reach it.”

“I see,” I stated. But I couldn’t yet see how this would advance our role-play together.

“If I stand on the stool, could you just hold me for a minute, so I don’t fall?” Izzy asked.

Now I understood what was about to happen. This could be really fun.

“Yes, of course. I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” I replied.

I moved to stand in front of Izzy, with my back to the wall, attempting to still hide my erection. She moved the stool in front of me, and stepped up onto it.

I placed my hands on her waist to steady her.

“Thank you, that’s better,” Izzy said, smiling down at me.

Izzy then leant forward, so she could reach the glass bricks to begin dusting them. As she did so a huge smile must have spread across my face. Izzy’s huge tits were inching closer and closer toward my face. I was about to enter heaven.

Then we got touch-down, as my nose pressed up against her tits. She was teasing me, as she moved her tits back and forth, as she dusted the glass bricks above.

But eventually, she leaned forward further, and held it there. My nose, and then my whole face was pushed right into her massive cleavage. Her huge tits enveloped me.

This was paradise. Izzy’s boobs felt so big and firm on my face. What an incredible woman she was.

“Oh, I’m slipping,” Izzy said, “Can you move your hands around a bit.”

She put her hands on mine, and moved them around her waist to her lower back. She then went back to cleaning the bricks above me, and my face disappeared back in between her tits again.

“Oh no, that’s not it,” Izzy complained, “I’m going to fall, Jack. Can you hold me lower?”

“Lower?” I asked, innocently, but another grin spreading across my face.

“Yes, lower. As low as you need to go,” she instructed me from above, “I need to be safe.”

I nodded my head in between her boobs. I moved my hands down her back, over the tiny excuse for a skirt, and grabbed two handfuls of her lovely ass. She said nothing and went back to cleaning.

I could feel my cock throbbing at full power, straining at my boxer shorts. I gripped her stunning firm ass harder. Fuck, this was incredible; my hands on Izzy’s amazing ass, and my face in her huge tits.

I held her like this for some time, enjoying the wonderful sensation. Finally, Izzy stopped cleaning, and her boobs sadly backed away from my face.

“Well, I finished the dusting,” Izzy said, “Maybe I should wash these glass bricks though? What do you think?”

She was asking was I tired of this game, or did I want more? Well, I definitely wanted more.

“Yes, they look dirty,” I said, looking up at her.

“Yes they do, can you pass me that cloth?” Izzy replied, pointing at her small box of cleaning products she had left next to the sink.

I took the duster from Izzy, threw it in the box, and passed her up the cloth. I did this all with my other hand clasped firmly on her ass.

Izzy turned back to the glass bricks, and thankfully my face was returned to in between her breasts.

“Oh, they’re very dirty,” Izzy exclaimed.

She began furiously rubbing the glass bricks above me. This had the effect of her tits bouncing around on my face, and her ass jiggling in my hands.

I decided to take further advantage of the situation, and slowly worked my fingertips under her panties, to get a proper grope of her stunning ass. Izzy-the-maid didn’t mention my hands' appearance in her panties, presumably because she was ‘concentrating on her work too much’ to notice.

It made me wonder what other things Izzy-the-maid might not notice. I pursed my lips, and pressed them to her tits as they bounced around my face. Still no reaction from Izzy-the-maid, so I slipped out my tongue and licked her bouncing breasts.

Izzy continued scrubbing away above me. I began kissing, licking and sucking on her beautiful cleavage that was pressed up against my face, as I continued to grope her wiggling ass.

Then pure delight happened, as I noticed one of the shoulder straps of Izzy’s little French-maid outfit slipped off her shoulder. Was that an accident, or had Izzy made that happen? I couldn’t be sure with a face full of her bouncing cleavage. Then a moment later the other strap slipped off the other shoulder.

How Izzy had achieved that, I couldn’t say, as my view was severely, and wonderfully restricted. Izzy pulled away just a little, as she continued to scrub. The white cups of the outfit that covered her breasts now had nothing holding them up. I grinned, as I knew what was about to happen.

As Izzy’s body still continued to shake about as she scrubbed away, the top of her outfit slowly, inch-by-inch, fell away. Izzy’s incredible naked boobs finally came into view in all their glory. My god, they were a work of art.

Izzy stopped scrubbing for a moment, so I could take in the view. Her tits were perfect. So big, but so firm, with perfect nipples. They really stood up and said hello.

Then she leant forward again, and went back to her scrubbing, her huge tits pressed back on my face. I continued kissing them, licking them, and finally began sucking on her fantastic nipples.

I occasionally looked up at Izzy from within her tit-valley. I noticed she never looked down, looking directly ahead at her work. I guess the game was that Izzy-the-maid was an extremely dumb blonde, and hadn’t realised half her clothes had fallen off, and that a young man had his hands in her panties groping her ass, whilst he sucked on her huge naked tits. It was certainly a game I was willing to play all day.

I’m sure she did occasionally look down to check what was going on, just not when I was looking up, so as not to spoil the illusion.

I was having the time of my life. I decided to push the game further. I removed my right hand from underneath Izzy’s panties and tried to pull down my boxer shorts. Eventually, I managed to get them down around my ankles and stepped out of them.

I then began jerking off again, my cock was so hard. My left hand stayed in Izzy’s panties groping her ass, whilst I continued to lick and suck on her bouncing, jiggling tits.

I looked up again at Izzy. I moaned in pleasure.

“Are you okay, Jack?” Izzy-the-maid asked, without looking down at me.

“Uh-huh,” was all I could manage, nodding, with a mouthful of her right nipple.

“Hang in there, I’m going as fast as I can,” Izzy continued, “It’s just so dirty. So dirty.”

Yeah, that’s right I thought. Only a dirty mind could have come up with this wonderful scenario. My mind was also racing with all the dirty things I wanted to do to her. So dirty indeed.

“Dirty, dirty, dirty,” Izzy repeated, “Just so dirty.”

We carried on like this for at least another five minutes, me jerking off as I groped Izzy’s ass and sucked on her tits. All the while Izzy-the-maid continued scrubbing away, oblivious to all the fun I was having below.

“It’s just so dirty. So, so dirty,” Izzy would repeat every once in a while, ramming home the point.

Eventually, Izzy stopped scrubbing, and her body stopped wiggling and jiggling for me.

“Well, I think that’s as clean as it’s going to get,” Izzy proclaimed, “Or do you want me to keep trying, sir?”

Just like when she gave me her ass-show from under the desk earlier, she was asking if I wanted this more ‘interactive’ show to continue, or move on to something else.

I had certainly enjoyed this wonderful part of our role-play, but I was horny as fuck now and wanted to move on.

“Mmm, maybe leave it for now,” I replied in between mouthfuls of tit-flesh, “It looks fine now.”

“Okay then,” Izzy said, “Well, thank you for keeping me safe up here, Jack.”

She stood back up straight, as I removed my hand from her panties. Izzy then held my other hand as she carefully stepped down from the stool, back onto the tiled floor.

Suddenly a look of shock came across her face, as Izzy-the-maid finally saw I was naked, my aching-hard cock pointing right up at her. Then she looked down to see her breasts were exposed, and placed her hand over her mouth.

“Oh, my goodness!” Izzy-the-maid exclaimed, motionless for a moment.

Izzy then pulled her top back up, pulling back on the shoulder straps, and sadly covering up her incredible breasts.

“Oh, Jack, I’m so sorry,” Izzy continued, “I didn’t realise my top had come off.”

“Er, yes. I didn’t want to say anything, but…” I mumbled.

“No, no, it’s fine. It’s my fault,” she interrupted me, “And don’t be embarrassed about, you know, your erection. You’re a young man, it’s perfectly natural.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” I replied, trying to stifle a grin.

“Oh, don’t apologize, it’s my fault. I was concentrating on those dirty, dirty glass bricks. I didn’t notice,” Izzy said, “Did your boxer shorts fall down?”

“Oh yeah, I guess they’re too loose, or something,” I lied.

“Well, once again, I’m very sorry, Jack. Are you okay?” Izzy asked, taking my hand, “Why don’t you sit here for a minute?”

She motioned for me to move over to the toilet. She dropped down the toilet seat, and the lid. I then sat down on top of the lid.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry to have had that effect on you, Jack,” Izzy continued, “I didn’t mean to, of course, I hope you believe that.”

“Yes, of course,” I replied, gripping my hard cock, “It’s just…”

“Ah yes. Well, I can’t leave you like that, can I?” Izzy said, staring at my cock, “It’s just, well, no-one must find out if, you know, if I helped you out. You understand?”

“Oh, Izzy, please,” I moaned, stroking my dick.

“Well, alright, but just a hand-job, okay?” Izzy said, giving in.

She moved the thick fluffy bathroom mat in front of me, and got down on her knees on to it. She then finally took my cock in her dainty little hand and began slowly stroking it. She looked up at me and smiled.

“How’s that?” she asked.

“Good,” I replied, panting slightly.

A hand-job was great, but at some point, I wanted to move on to much more naughtier deeds. Plus, I wanted to get Izzy out of that outfit. At the moment I couldn’t even see her tits, as I had done just moments ago. I needed a way to move the role-play on further.

“Jack, you have a lovely cock,” Izzy purred, “So nice and young. So big and super hard.”

Izzy giggled.

“And you’ve got fantastic tits, Izzy,” I told her, and began tugging at her shoulder straps.

“Jack! I said just a hand-job,” Izzy said, resisting me.

“Come on, darling. A topless hand-job. There’s hardly any difference,” I told her.

“Oh, go on then,” Izzy relented, allowing me to pull off her shoulder straps.

I urgently pulled down her top to reveal her amazing tits again, as I took them in both hands.

“Hey, naughty boy,” Izzy scolded me, “I didn’t say you could touch them.”

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But she then smiled and made absolutely no attempt to try to remove my hands from her chest. Her boobs were incredible. So full, firm, and natural, with perfect button nipples. Eventually, Izzy giggled.

“You like big tits, do you, Jack?” Izzy asked, grinning, still slowly stroking my rock-hard cock.

“Oh yeah, your tits are fucking amazing,” I told her.

I pulled her closer to me and pushed my face into her tits.

“Jack! Oh my god, behave yourself,” she scolded me for a second time, but again did not attempt to remove my face from her chest.

Her other hand moved to fondle my balls. I kissed, licked, and sucked on her huge boobs; except this time my hands were free to grope them too. I let her carry on slowly jerking me for some time as I feasted on her tits.

Finally, I moved up her chest, kissing as I went until I made it to her neck. I then nuzzled, kissed, and nibbled her neck and ear.

“Jack, come on now. We agreed just a hand-job to give you some relief,” Izzy complained, “I must insist.”

I moved from her ear, down her cheek, kissing as I went, until I reached her mouth, kissing her gorgeous full lips.

“No Jack,” Izzy whispered, then whimpered as I kissed her again.

Izzy kissed me back, and we were soon kissing with tongues, on and on. Her hands moved from my cock and balls to wrap around my neck and pull me into her kiss even more. Izzy was a great kisser, and I hoped I was keeping up.

We kissed like this for ages it seems, like long-lost lovers. It was a wonderful feeling, kissing such a beautiful, sexy, incredible woman like Izzy. It felt now like my lust for Izzy was matched by her lust for me.

Eventually though, I felt it was time to step up the role-play once again.

“Where’s your husband right now?” I whispered in her ear, kissing her neck again.

“I don’t know,” she whimpered, “I don’t know.”

“With her?” I asked.

Of course, in reality, Izzy’s husband had gone off to his job, and it was his wife who was fooling around behind his back. But in our role-play Izzy-the-maid’s husband had been cheating on her, and I wanted to remind her of it.

“Maybe,” Izzy replied as I kissed her on the lips again, “Maybe.”

I sat back a little for a breather. Izzy’s hands moved to my chest, as she looked admiringly at my body, and my hard, young cock.

“Bad boy,” Izzy said, with a grin, running her finger over my lips, “Alright. What do you want?”

“Suck me,” I told her.

Izzy grinned, shaking her head slightly for a moment. I blew her a kiss.

“Oh, go on then,” Izzy relented, smiling, “A blow-job, but that’s it, you understand me? And not a word of this to anyone.”

I hadn’t agreed to anything when she had set her limits to a hand-job, so I certainly wasn’t going to acknowledge this limitation either.

Izzy’s head dropped into my lap, and she began licking along the length of my shaft. Over and over Izzy’s lips and tongue ran up and down the entire length of my cock. Endlessly she teased me, until finally, she ran her lips up to the head of my engorged penis, her tongue flicking across my manhood.

Izzy looked up at me, grinning, and then took me in her mouth. She maintained eye contact, as her head began bobbing in my lap, her lips sliding halfway down my shaft and back again. Again, and again, over and over she repeated this; and without ever averting her gaze upward toward me.

I could feel her tongue also pressed against the underneath of my shaft as she continued to suck me. I could see her glossy lipstick smearing up and down my dick, just as it had on my lips when we had kissed. It was such an incredibly sexy sight to see this beautiful topless, busty, married woman on her knees, lovingly looking up at me as she sucked my ever-hard dick.

Izzy finally came up for air, grinning again, and began greedily sucking on my balls. First one, then the other, as her dainty hand slowly jerked the head of my cock. She made lots of slurping sounds as she licked and sucked my testicles. It sounded like heaven.

I leant forward and took her huge tits in my hand. I groped and squeezed them, marvelling at their firmness. Finally, my left hand moved to hold her head, as my right hand took the base of my dick. I then force-fed Izzy the head of my cock, and she happily took it, sucking me once more.

I pushed her head down into my lap, as I stared at the top of her head, bobbing up and down. Izzy began taking me deeper into her mouth, eventually getting her lips to the base of my cock, and I could feel the head of my cock now down her throat. She made a few gagging noises, but continued to suck me. My hands moved back to grope her tits again.

Eventually, Izzy slowly came up for air, saliva dripping from her lips and chin. I took the base of my cock in one hand, the back of her head in the other. I began slapping my cock all over her face.

“Bad boy,” Izzy purred, smirking.

I slapped my rock-hard, saliva-covered cock over Izzy’s face for some time. I had done this to Lupe too of course; it felt wonderful to do the same to her busty-blonde partner-in-crime. I slapped my cock against her mouth, her cheeks, her nose, her chin. I slapped the head of my dick on her forehead as she licked at the base.

I pushed the head further into her hair, so I could force-feed her my balls. She took both of them in her mouth at the same time, swirling her tongue across the underside of my sack. What a sight this was; a married woman with her younger lovers’ balls in her mouth, his hard cock lying across her nose and forehead. I wondered what her husband Emiliano would think if he knew what his wife was up to right now.

I pulled at Izzy’s outfit, so it fell lower down to her midriff.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Izzy giggled, still licking my balls.

I grinned, took her by the hand, and pulled her up off her knees and back to her feet. I then pulled again at her outfit, yanking it down to her ankles.

“Hey,” Izzy scolded me again, but with a smile, and happily stepped out of the outfit around her feet.

Izzy now stood in front of me in just her stockings held up by her suspender belt, tiny black panties, and high heels. I was still holding her hand, so I stood, and lifted her hand up, so she could twirl around for me. She looked incredible, this topless busty blonde beauty, her tits and ass jiggling for me as she spun around for me again and again.

I then sat back down on the lid of the toilet seat, and hooked my thumbs into the sides of her panties. I began tugging them down. But Izzy-the-maid resisted me, placing her hands on mine.

“Hey, come on, we agreed. Just a blowjob,” Izzy warned me.

“Oh, I just want to look at that beautiful ass of yours,” I told her, grinning.

Izzy-the-maid sighed, looking down on me.

“Oh, go on then,” she relented.

I slowly pulled those panties down over her stocking tops, over her thighs, her knees, her calves, and finally down to her ankles. She daintily stepped out of them. I got a quick peek at her beautiful shaved pussy, before she placed her hands over it, blushing.

I turned her around to stare at that amazing naked ass. It was a work of art, lovely, full and firm. I grabbed at it, and groped it, before sinking my face into it.

“Hey, you supposed to be just looking at it,” Izzy-the-maid again scolded me.

But she made no effort to pull away from my face and hands all over her ass. In fact, she bent over a little, to accentuate the curvy nature of that ass. After five minutes of groping and kissing her perfect butt, I finally stood up, and made a move to push my rock-hard cock up against that ass.

“No, no, Jack,” Izzy told me, turning back toward me, putting her hands on my chest.

“Come on, I just want to rub my cock up against the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen,” I replied.

“Best ass you’ve ever seen. Really?” she contemplated for a moment, “Oh, go on then. But we can’t do that here, let’s go to your bed.”

Just what I was thinking.

Izzy turned to move back into the bedroom. As she did so I gave her a nice firm slap on her ass.

“Bad boy,” Izzy smirked, taking my hand and leading me back into the bedroom.

Izzy got onto the bed on her hands and knees, her ankles hanging off the end. Her ass was positioned high up at just the right height for me.

“Go on then, do your worst,” Izzy said, looking back over her shoulder at me, “You can come over my ass cheeks, or I can suck you off later if you want. But that’s it, you understand? Nothing more.”

As ever I did not agree to her request, and said nothing. I simply grinned as I took her by the hips, pulling her just a little closer to me. I then pushed my cock in between her ass cheeks, and began slowly fucking them.

What a wonderful feeling, and a wonderful sight too. Izzy-the-busty-married-maid, on her hands and knees on my bed, virtually naked, and my cock pressed deep in her ass crack. She continued to look over her shoulder at me, staring lustily at my young hard cock.

It wasn’t long before I noticed her right hand come up to start rubbing away at her pussy. She gave out a long, satisfied sigh. I took the base of my cock in one hand and slapped my cock all over her ass. What a treat.

I slipped my left hand underneath her, and located her clit and began rubbing away at it. I thought she might have baulked at this, but she allowed it. Soon the room was full of the sounds of her soft moans and whimpers.

I decided it was time to push toward what I felt our role-play was headed for. I slowly rubbed my hard cock across her bald pussy. Again, she allowed it. But as soon as I began to push the head of my cock in between her pussy lips, her hand shot up to block my entry.

“Jack, no!” Izzy-the-maid exclaimed, in mock indignation, “We agreed.”

“Ah, god, please, Izzy. I got to fuck you right now,” I moaned, “I just got to. You’re the hottest woman I ever saw.”

“I am?” she replied, contemplating, “But even so, I can’t do that to my husband.”

“He’s probably cheating on you as we speak. Do you think he’s having any guilty feelings right now?” I countered, “No way. If you want to get back at him, at least in your own mind, I’m just the ticket.”

“Oh yeah?” Izzy-the-maid replied, still contemplating her situation.

I grinned at her, again pressing my cock against her pussy lips.

“Yeah, fuck him,” she finally said, grinning over her shoulder at me, “Come on then, give me your lovely young cock, you big stud.”

Izzy giggled. I pushed my cock inside her, she was already fairly wet, and I slipped in easily. For a woman who I knew must have fucked an awful lot of men, Izzy was pretty nice and tight. She felt wonderful, gripping my cock.

I began thrusting in and out. She was so hot. What an incredible luxury, getting to finally fuck this stunning busty blonde.

I gripped her hips and fucked her harder. Izzy whimpered and moaned beneath me, occasionally giving me some dirty talk filth.

“Yeah. Fuck me, fuck me,” Izzy gasped, “Gimme that big fucking dick.”

To me, it sounded like Izzy-the-maid had left the building, and our role-playing was over. Izzy just wanted to get fucked now.

I continued pounding away at her, slapping her ass from time to time. God, she looked incredible, her ass bouncing back and forth against me as I fucked her.

Suddenly she pulled away from me.

“Get on the bed,” Izzy ordered.

I did as I was told, and clambered onto the bed. Izzy pushed me onto my back, my head on the pillows. I shuffled back, so I could sit up more comfortably, resting against the headboard. Izzy then got on top, astride of me.

Izzy spread her legs, grinning, and fed my cock into her open, wet-and-waiting pussy.

“Jack, you’ve got a lovely young body,” Izzy beamed, looking down on me, almost salivating, “And you got a gorgeous, big fucking cock.”

Izzy gasped as she finally lowered herself completely onto my dick, taking it all the way to the hilt. Izzy grinned as her hands moved to caress my chest, and she began slowly bouncing up and down my cock.

Izzy had complimented me on my body, and the size of my cock. I didn’t think it was that large, but it certainly wasn’t small either. From the reaction I had gotten from Lupe, and the few other girls I had slept with back in London, I figured I was maybe slightly bigger than average. But I certainly wasn’t some super-hung stud like you saw on the internet porn sites.

Perhaps Izzy’s husband was quite small in the trouser snake department, or perhaps the male guests whom she was currently fucking over at Casa Rosita guesthouse weren’t particularly well hung either. But then I had spied on her just yesterday with the very well-endowed Mr Dubois, so who knew?

It could have been a comment for my benefit of course, but it just seemed like it was pretty genuine. I tried to put these thoughts from my mind and simply enjoy myself.

I watched Izzy’s huge tits rise and fall as she bounced up and down on my cock. Christ, they were huge. I groped them, held them, then buried my face in her bouncing titties. I licked and sucked on her bullet nipples as she rode me.

The sensation of her pussy sliding up and down my rock-hard dick was sensational. She was so wet.

I kept my head buried in her tits, and moved my hands to grab her stunning bouncing ass. My thumbs moved out to hold her hips, encouraging her to fuck me faster and harder. Izzy moaned and whimpered as she fucked me.

“Oh Jack,” she groaned, “I do love fucking a nice young guy with a lovely big dick.”

There it was again, another compliment on the size of my cock.

“You’re so much bigger than my husband, Jack,” Izzy purred, “Lovely big boy.”

“What about Mr Dubois?” I asked, in between moving from sucking her left nipple to her right.

“Earl? Yeah, he’s got a very big dick,” Izzy gasped, “I like sucking him, it’s fun to play with., but when he fucks me it’s a bit too big. I still enjoy it, but you’re just perfect, Jack.”

“Thank you,” I replied, grinning up at her for a second, before I went back to pushing her nipples together.

“You’re very welcome, honey. You’re a gorgeous young man,” Izzy continued as she bounced, “You remind me of all the young guys I used to fuck in my late teens, before I was married.”

Well, it was certainly official now. Izzy-the-maid had left the room, as had our role-play, and it was just Jack and Izzy fucking now. I had also learned I had a bigger dick than her husband, which made me feel very good, and made me think Izzy would be returning for many more repeat sessions.

“So, I’m bigger than Emil?” I asked, again grinning up at her from between her tits.

“Oh yeah, for sure,” Izzy giggled, and yet somehow moaned at the same time, “I love him, but he’s not working with a whole lot down there. But you, oh, you’re so big and thick, and so fucking hard. This is exactly what I fucking need.”

“You fucked a lot of guys when you were younger then?” I continued my sex interrogation.

“Mmm, a lot,” Izzy panted, “So many. I lost count how many.”

“Sounds just like Lupe,” I replied, smiling.

“Yeah, I think we were both very similar back then,” Izzy whimpered, “I got lots of stories I can tell you about all the naughty things I got up to.”

“Yes, I want to hear them all,” I told her, slapping her ass.

Izzy began bouncing up and down my shaft harder and faster now. She was much more urgent now, and her moaning became more frequent, and louder too. Her huge boobs became almost a blur of bouncing tit-flesh.

I held her hips, encouraging her, and thrust up back into her as much as I could. At this, Izzy’s bouncing became frantic. She moaned so loudly that anyone on the veranda outside my room, or perhaps even out in the courtyard downstairs could hear her. I hoped there was no one out there to hear it.

I wondered whether Lupe had returned yet, whether she was outside and heard her friend Izzy’s moans. But she was probably still at Izzy’s guesthouse Casa Rosita across town, where I had seen her earlier. Lupe was probably on her hands and knees getting pounded from behind by ‘Beer-Belly’, the older guy I had seen her meeting and going off to his room with. Either that or she was on her knees sucking his cock.

I was very fond of Lupe, my uncle’s wife, but I did also very much enjoy thinking about her being a whore all over town. I wondered if I would come to feel similarly fond of Izzy. They were both sexy as fuck, of course. And Izzy obviously liked me just as Lupe did; yes, I’m sure I was going to develop similar feelings about Izzy that I had for Lupe.

Izzy’s bouncing and moaning finally reached a zenith. Surely, they could hear her out in the street by now. A couple more frantic bounces up and down my hard shaft, and Izzy climaxed with a scream. She then collapsed on top of me, panting hard, breathing very heavily.

I could feel the sweat on Izzy’s back, she had gotten quite a workout.

“Ooh, I love fucking dick,” she gasped, trying to still get her breath back.

I wasn’t sure if she was talking about getting dick in general, or specifically mine. I looked at her face, but she seemed to be in post-climax ecstasy mode, so I’m not sure she knew either.

Now it was my turn to fuck her. I rolled her over onto her back, putting her head on the pillow. I positioned myself on top of her, all the while my cock never left her sopping-wet pussy.

I pulled her legs apart a little wider, and began thrusting into her. I held myself up above her with my arms, so I could get the best view of her incredible body as I fucked her.

“Oh yes, darling. Give me that lovely big cock again,” Izzy whimpered.

Izzy looked incredible beneath me. Her stocking-clad legs, her huge tits, her beautiful face, pouting lips, and my bare rock-hard cock pounding her bald, tight, soaking wet pussy. It was quite a sight.

Izzy pushed her tits together for me, smirking. She bounced her tits on her chest, and played with her nipples, all for my benefit. She then raised her feet up high in the air, grinning again.

Izzy’s legs flailed around in the air as I fucked her. It briefly reminded me of the time I had first heard Lupe being fucked by my uncle, and I had briefly managed to peek through the window shutters of their room to see a similar sight.

Eventually, Izzy let her legs slowly fall back to the bed. But she spread them so wide, it looked like she was almost doing the splits.

“Oh yes, fuck me, Jack,” Izzy panted, almost whispering, “Screw me with that fucking big cock.”

Izzy’s panting and whimpering got more frequent again, and a little louder. She was getting excited once more. I continued pounding away at her lovely pussy.

“Ooh, you lovely big boy. Lovely big boy,” she repeated, blowing me a kiss, “This is what I needed.”

I moaned in pleasure. God, she felt good.

“This is what I needed,” Izzy said again, staring down at my cock disappearing in and out of her pussy, “Oh yeah, I’ve fucking missed this. I need pounding from a young stud with a fucking big thick cock. Fuck, yeah.”

I continued giving her what she needed, what she had been missing. She was loving it, and so was I. I moaned again.

“Don’t come yet darling, not yet,” Izzy pleaded, perhaps sensing I was getting close, “Give me one more, honey, go deeper, babe. Oh, I’m so close, give me one more. Oh, fuck me harder, babe.”

I did as the lady requested, pounding her pussy faster and harder. Harder and deeper. Izzy’s moaning became louder, her panting quicker. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to go the distance though.

“Ooh, good boy, yes,” Izzy cried, “Yes fuck me. One more, babe, and then I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, darling. Whatever the fuck you want.”

I was doing exactly what I wanted right now, but the thought of what she had just said excited me greatly. How was I supposed to hold out from coming? But I couldn’t slow down, so I carried on thrusting in and out of Emiliano’s wife as fast and hard as I could, trying to make her happy again. Izzy was the kind of woman that deserved and demanded her ‘young stud’ fantasy to come true for a second time, and I was going to do my very best not to let her down.

A minute’s worth more of pounding away, and Izzy was moaning and wailing as loud as ever. She was very close, but so was I. O god, please let me last long enough, I thought.

“Oh yes, yes, yes,” Izzy exclaimed.

She was on the precipice. A few more thrusts from my ever-hard cock, and finally the flood gates opened. Izzy cried out so fucking loud, I wondered if Lupe heard her all the way over on the other side of town. I slowed my thrusting to a snail’s pace; I had just made it.

“Ooh, that was a big one,” Izzy finally whimpered.

She could have been talking about my dick, but I took it to mean it was an even bigger climax than her previous one.

I moaned again, I was still very close myself, and Izzy suddenly saw that. She sat up in the bed, my dick pulling out of her. Izzy sat back against the headboard, her hands reaching for me.

“Oh, I’m sorry honey, come here,” Izzy panted.

She pulled me closer, getting me to place my knees on either side of her hips.

“I know what you want, babe, don’t worry,” Izzy grinned up at me.

She took my cock in her mouth, her lips moving close to the base and back to the head again. She managed to spit onto my cock with it in her mouth, which was quite a trick. Her tongue swirled around my shaft.

Finally, she took my cock out of my mouth, it was covered in her saliva. She then let saliva dribble out of her mouth, and it dripped down her chin, and dropped into her cleavage. She using her hand she then smeared the saliva all over her tits.

“There you go, babe. I know what you want,” Izzy smiled, “Every young guy wants to fuck a huge pair of tits and come all over them, don’t they?”

Izzy took my achingly hard cock and placed it between her boobs, and then pushed them together.

“There you go, darling. Now you can fuck my tit-pussy to your heart's content,” Izzy continued.

I began fucking her amazing tits. They completely enveloped my shaft. Just the head would appear at the top of her cleavage, and then disappear back inside her ‘tit-pussy’. It looked, and felt, absolutely incredible.

Izzy looked up at me, grinning, pouting, blowing me kisses, as I fucked her stunning rack.

“You like fucking a big pair, don’t you Jack?” Izzy asked, as I nodded, pumping away, “You like fucking married women, and you love fucking a huge firm pair of tits, don’t you? I know.”

I was super close now, and Izzy knew it.

“Yeah, come all over my tits, Jack,” Izzy continued, encouraging me, “Come on my tits, or all over my face if you want. You can have whatever you want, remember? Good boy.”

I could feel my spunk building, my balls tightening.

“And after you come all over me, you can have a little rest, and then I’ll get you all big and hard again, don’t worry,” Izzy explained, “Then I’m gonna suck you. And then you can fuck me however you want.”

I was seconds away now.

“Yes, you can fuck me again,” Izzy went on, “However. You. Want.”

I groaned. A throaty, deep groan.

“Yes, babe,” Izzy purred, looking down at the head of my cock popping into view from the top of her cleavage, “Spunk all over me.”

That was too much for me, and I finally came, the first spurt of white-hot come splattering over Izzy’s chin. The second hit her left cheek. She grinned as the third hit her in the neck. I pulled my cock back a little to let the last few spurts over her tits.

It was an incredible relief; Izzy had really worked me up into quite a state. Busting my nut over her incredible tits was exactly the way I would have wanted my first time with her to be. She certainly knew exactly what men wanted.

She looked up at me with a very self-satisfied grin. I was pleased I had made her happy too. I had given Izzy two orgasms, and she seemed pretty happy getting plastered in spunk from her ‘young stud lover-boy’.

She reached up and pulled my head down, carefully kissing me on the lips, but not letting my come on her face get on me.

“Did you enjoy that, Jack?” Izzy whispered.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” I told her, breathing heavily.

“Mmm, good boy,” she told me, “Ok, you take a rest, I’m gonna get cleaned up.”

I moved to sit next to her. Izzy bent down, putting the head of my cock in her mouth, licking it clean. She then sat back up, grinning, and kissing me again, caressing my arms and chest.

“Alright, I’m gonna take a nice long hot shower. You take a quick nap, and think nice sexy thoughts,” Izzy continued.

“Okay,” I replied, closing my eyes.

“Then I’m gonna change into a different outfit for you, and come back out here and get you all big and hard again,” Izzy whispered in my ear, “Then you can have whatever you want, babe, you understand me? Whatever you want, I’ll do, you just tell me.”

She kissed me again on the cheek. I then felt her weight shift in the bed, and then heard the click-clack of her high heels on the tiled floor as she moved off into the bathroom. I kept my eyes closed, but could hear the shower running.

What a wonderful role-play it had been, and a great fuck too. I wondered what new outfit Izzy was going to wear later for me. I would need to keep my strength up, but I had no doubt such a sexy and experienced woman as Izzy would soon get me up and running again.

I was happy that Izzy had clearly enjoyed herself too. I drifted off for a while. It could have been for five minutes, or maybe twenty, I couldn’t tell.

I awoke with a startle, hearing Izzy in the bathroom.

“You ready for me, babe?” Izzy called out through the bathroom door, “I’ll be just a minute.”

I rubbed my face awake, and then got under the covers in the bed. Whilst waiting, I decided I would take the next week off from travelling around getting my photo assignments. I could spend the week enjoying the attentions of Lupe here at Casa Madre, and I was sure Izzy would be up for more fun across town at Casa Rosita.

I began to fantasize about all the things I could get up to next week with Lupe and Izzy. Then, the bathroom door began to open.

“Come on then, babe,” I heard Izzy purr, “Tell me what you want.”





Written by Reddead2010
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