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I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.

I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.

My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in her mid-thirties. She was absolutely gorgeous, with an incredible busty, curvy figure. For a young twenty-three-year-old guy like myself, I definitely considered her the best MILF I had ever seen.

On my first full day, I had caught Lupe having sex with one of the other guests. She had certainly been enjoying herself, and had also worked out I had been spying on her. Lupe later explained that my uncle’s financial situation was dire, and that she had made a financial agreement with the only two other guests. For an increase in the rent, Lupe would sleep with them twice a week.

Lupe had then asked if I wanted to make a similar arrangement with her, which I absolutely did. Of course, these arrangements had to be kept secret from my uncle. Since then, I had already had sex with Lupe twice.

I had also enjoyed spying on her again, at her request. But then I had spied on one of the guests with a different woman, Izzy. It later became clear that Izzy also had her own guesthouse on the other side of town, and that once-a-month Lupe and Izzy swapped over, and ‘serviced’ each other’s guests. Lupe had informed me that Izzy would be coming to see me the next day…


The previous evening Lupe had explained everything about what had been going on when I had spied on Mr Dubois in his room opposite mine. That it was part of a reciprocal agreement between Lupe and Izzy. Izzy owned the Casa Rosita guesthouse with her husband across town. It had been Izzy who had given Lupe the idea of having sex with her long-term guests for extra money, as that was exactly what Izzy had been doing at her guesthouse for some time.

Izzy and Lupe slept with each of their own long-term renters twice a week, for three out of the four weeks of the month. But in the final week of each month, they went to each other’s guesthouses to fuck the guests there. They did this to give some variety to the guests, hoping to encourage them to stay longer.

Lupe had also explained that the next day Izzy would come by so I could get one of my weekly sessions from her. I was very much looking forward to it. Izzy was a stunning, slim, blonde MILF, with a great ass and huge tits.

When spying on her with Mr Dubois, I had sadly not been able to check out her incredible body. Earl Dubois, an older black man, with a big, thick cock, had sadly been standing the whole time, and his large frame had completely blocked my view.

But Izzy had stopped by my room to introduce herself afterwards, and I had at least got to briefly check out her incredible figure. She had been wearing a very short skirt, and a blouse that had gotten wet in the pouring rain and become somewhat transparent. It was quite a sight.

I had gone to sleep later that night, thinking of Izzy. When I had made my ‘arrangement’ with Lupe, I had no idea I would be getting to sleep with Izzy as well. It was certainly an amazing bonus.

Lupe had told me Izzy was looking forward to it as well. The long-term renters at Izzy’s guesthouse were, like at Lupe’s, all older gentleman. It seemed Izzy was just like Lupe in that she was excited to fuck a man younger than herself. Apparently, Lupe had told her all about our time together, and Izzy was intrigued to meet me.

The next day was a Friday, and after breakfast, I saw Uncle Gerry kiss goodbye to his wife Lupe in the courtyard of the guesthouse. I was sitting out on the veranda outside my room on the first floor. Uncle Gerry waved up to me from down in the courtyard, as he made his way to his truck parked out in the street. He owned a workshop on the outskirts of town, and would be there until late afternoon.

Of course, Lupe’s arrangements with her guests, and now with me, were a secret from my uncle. So Lupe always had to conduct ‘servicing’ her guests during the daytime when her husband was not there. Izzy also had to visit here to service Lupe’s guests when Uncle Gerry was not here, as she too would surely raise his suspicion. Similarly, Izzy and Lupe had to service Izzy’s guests during the day when Izzy’s husband wasn’t around.

Lupe had two guests at present, Mr Cohen, and Mr Dubois, plus myself of course. Two one-hour sessions a week per guest meant Lupe enjoyed six sessions a week.

For Lupe, this seemed perfect, as she serviced a guest each day, Monday to Saturday. It matched the days that her husband was away at work. Then on Sunday, she spent the whole day with Uncle Gerry on his day off.

I wondered if Lupe ever got another guest to come to stay, one that she could also make an arrangement with, what she would do then? She was already an extremely busy lady. Perhaps on some days she would have to squeeze in a morning session with one guest, and a second session with another guest in the afternoon?

But that seemed unlikely. Lupe seemed to do what she did because she loved sex, and the money was a nice bonus. I didn’t feel that money was the driving factor in the way she made her arrangements.

I wasn’t sure how many guests Izzy was currently servicing at her guesthouse. But apparently, her arrangements mirrored that of Lupe’s: an additional monthly payment matching the monthly rent, for two one-hour sex-fuelled sessions a week.

A few minutes after my uncle left the Casa Madre guesthouse, Lupe popped up the stairs and along the veranda to my room. Lupe explained Izzy had called her and had asked for me to go down to Izzy’s guesthouse, Casa Rosita, on the far side of town. I asked why; that I had thought Izzy was going to visit me here in my room? Lupe explained that Izzy was still coming here in the afternoon, but that she had asked if I could help her with something this morning first, and to meet her there around 10 am.

I didn’t mind, of course, but was curious as to what it was Izzy needed me for. I asked Lupe to call her to say I would be there. Lupe gave me instructions on how to get there; it was pretty simple as this was a fairly small town. Just before 10 am I headed downstairs, borrowed my uncle’s scooter and made my way over to the far side of town.

I arrived at Casa Rosita less than ten minutes later. It was a slightly rundown building, as most establishments were in this town. There was an office at the front, with direct access from the street.

To the left of the office was a small enclosed courtyard, where I could make out that the guesthouse was in fact two separate three-storey buildings, positioned on each side of the courtyard. The courtyard had a wall that hid it away from the street, and had a large panelled gate with a security card reader for access.

As I parked up the scooter, I saw Izzy come out of the office to greet me. She wore a similar outfit to what I had seen her in the day before; a white buttoned blouse which showed off just a hint of cleavage, and a short black skirt. The shoes she wore were black this time, instead of yesterday’s pink ones.

She approached hurriedly, taking me by the arm and escorting me toward the office.

“My husband is here, just go along with what I say, okay?” Izzy said, grinning, and giving me a cheeky wink.

“Er... okay,” I replied.

I was immediately marched into the office with Izzy on my arm, where a swarthy, fairly well-built man in his late-forties sat. He stood as I entered.

“Jack, this is my husband, Emiliano,” Izzy said.

Emiliano held his hand out. I shook his hand, smiling, but saying nothing as I didn’t know what the hell was going on yet.

Ola, Jack, Izzy says you might be able to fix her laptop,” Emiliano stated, looking me in the eye.

“Well, er, yes. I said I would try,” I lied, my mind racing, “I mean, I’m no expert or anything, but I’ll give it a go.”

My heart was pounding.

“Lupe said you were a wiz with hers,” Izzy explained, smiling, “I was telling Emil I met you at Lupe’s yesterday, and you had very kindly offered to take a look at it for me.”

“Yes. Yes, that’s right,” I told Emil.

“Well, take a seat here and give it your best, Jack,” Emil said, motioning toward a desk behind the front office counter.

I sat at the desk, and started taking a look at the laptop screen. I opened up the system settings to just see what spec the laptop had and what version of its operating system it was running.

“Oh, I didn’t know you could bring that up,” Izzy said, looking over my shoulder at the screen.

“So, what exactly is the problem with it?” I asked.

“Well, several things actually. I made a list,” Izzy replied, picking up a piece of paper from the office front desk countertop, “The first thing is the font for emails is too small. When I type an email, I can hardly read it.”

“Well, I’m no help with this kind of thing,” Emil smiled, “I don’t really even know how to send an email.”

Emil laughed, and his wife Izzy giggled.

“It’s true, Jack. He’s hopeless at this stuff,” Izzy stated, standing behind me to look over my shoulder at what I was doing for a moment.

Izzy then motioned to some clean laundry sitting in a plastic bag on the front desk countertop.

“Honey, can you take that to room eight for me?” Izzy asked her husband, “And get the money from them? I stuck the bill on the bag.”

Si, my love,” Emil replied.

He took the laundry from the front desk and disappeared outside.

“Sorry, I had to get rid of him for a minute,” Izzy said, perching herself on the side of the desk next to me, “I just wanted him to meet you.”

“Wait, what? You wanted your husband to meet me?” I asked incredulously.

Izzy giggled.

“Yes, because I hoped you might want to spend some time down here,” Izzy grinned, “Secretly watching me work? Like you do with Lupe? I think that would be really fun.”

Izzy again winked at me, giving me a dazzling smile. She obviously wanted me to spy on her here too, when she was servicing the guests. I didn’t know that she would be wanting me to spy on her, but I was certainly open to the idea. But what had any of that got to do with me meeting her husband?

“Uh-huh,” I simply said, nodding, but rather confused.

“I just wanted him to meet you, just in case he ever ran into you again here,” Izzy explained, “At least then I could say you were helping me with my laptop, or fixing the wi-fi or something.”

“Ah okay, I see,” I replied.

Izzy reached over to the window in front of me, and adjusted the blinds a little. We could now see Emil outside room eight, on the ground floor of the enclosed courtyard, in the building across the courtyard outside the office window. Emil had his back to us and was talking with the guest in the doorway, but it was too far away to be able to hear what was being said.

I could just see a figure in the doorway, but it wasn’t well lit. I could not make out the guest's face. I wondered if it was the Australian guy that Lupe had told me she had fucked yesterday afternoon.

“It’s just if you were here spying on me, you know, doing what I do, and my husband came back for some reason, he wouldn’t get suspicious if he saw you walking on the veranda, or in the courtyard or something,” Izzy continued, “And you seem quite a quick-thinker, Jack, you could come up with some bullshit to explain why you were here. You could even give me a knock on the door of whichever room I was busy in to warn me, right?”

“Of course, sure,” I replied, nodding.

Izzy had really thought a lot about this. I guess she liked the idea of someone watching her fuck, just as Lupe did. Lupe must have turned Izzy on to it. But it seemed Izzy would need some excuse as to why I might be as Casa Rosita guesthouse.

It made sense. If Uncle Gerry came home early, and I happened to be spying on Lupe at the time, I could of course warn her, and it wouldn’t look suspicious for me to be walking through the courtyard of Casa Madre, as I was staying there. I had a reason to be there.

So this was Izzy’s way of making sure I had a reason to be walking around Casa Rosita, just in case her husband came home early when Izzy was doing something she shouldn’t be doing. I got it. I’d just wish she had told me about this the day before when we had had our brief chat. Perhaps she had not thought of it then.

Talk about being thrown into the thick of it. Walking into the office with her husband; knowing that I would be sleeping with his wife later today. Not knowing what it was she had, and had not, told him. But I was starting to calm down now, now that I knew what was going on.

Perhaps this had been a little test of Izzy’s; to see if I could lie quickly under pressure. I thought I had done rather well under the circumstances.

Izzy undid one of the buttons on her blouse, and more of the top of her stunning bust came into view. Izzy grinned at me.

“So, are you looking forward to this afternoon?” she purred, “I know I am.”

I nodded, but didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t help but stare at her cleavage.

“Oh, are you shy, Jack?” Izzy grinned, “Lupe said you were a little shy during your first time with her, but you soon warmed up. Perhaps it will be the same with us?”

Izzy giggled, and undid a second button on her blouse. I could now see even more of her gorgeous, amazing breasts. It was also now obvious to me she wasn’t wearing a bra under her blouse.

“You like that, do you, Jack?” Izzy asked, smirking, crossing her legs, “You like what you see?”

“Oh, yeah,” I gasped.

I quickly looked out the window to check on Emil, but he was still chatting with the guest in room eight. Izzy noticed I was checking on her husband.

“Mmm, it’s exciting isn’t it?” Izzy continued, briefly turning to look at her husband through the window, “Knowing he has no idea. No idea that his wife will be fucking your brains out in a few hours, hmmm?”

I nodded, still staring at her cleavage.

“You like that thought of that, don’t you Jack?” Izzy purred, leaning closer to plant a soft kiss on my cheek, “I know I do. I fucking love it.”

Izzy chuckled to herself, sat back up, and undid the remaining two buttons that were straining to keep her tits covered. Izzy held the bottom of her blouse together so that she didn’t fall out completely. I could now see her full and stunning cleavage. But her areolae and nipples were frustratingly still just, and only just, covered.

I sat there, breathless, motionless, staring at her amazing rack. I couldn’t believe she was trying this on here, with her husband right outside. I licked my ever-drying lips.

Izzy then held both halves of the bottom of her blouse together with just her right hand.

“I think I know of something that’s gonna be thrust in here later, don’t you, Jack?” Izzy grinned, putting a finger from her left hand in between her tits, and bouncing them up and down in front of me, “Lupe says you got a lovely hard, young cock for me. Are you gonna stick it in here?”

I nodded again, speechless, watching her huge boobs bounce for me. My own private little show in her husband’s office. My cock had stirred in my jeans.

Emil was certainly a lucky man to get to go to bed with such a sexy woman every night. But then he was unknowingly having to share her with any long-term resident of both Casa Rosita, and Casa Madre. I was certainly very lucky to be the next guy to experience his incredible wife in bed.

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“Well, what is it you’re into, Jack?” Izzy asked, seemingly very happy to let me continue to stare at her huge tits, “Do you have any especially sinful things you enjoy? I’d love to learn what they are.”

Izzy was just like Lupe, wanting to know every little quirk or dirty deed that each man she slept with enjoyed.

“Well, er...” I finally stammered.

“Oh yes, we’ve got to break the ice first, get rid of that shyness. Then you’ll be able to tell me all the naughty things you want to do to me, won’t you, Jack?” Izzy intonated in a sexy little voice, “I’m sure you will once I’m on my knees, sucking your cock.”

My eyes bulged at the thought, and another bulge was forming in my jeans. Izzy grinned again, stood behind me, still holding the bottom of her blouse with one hand. She pressed the back of my head into her open cleavage for a moment. With that, I got some idea of the size and weight of those huge tits of hers.

Izzy then stepped closer to the desk, bent over it to peer out the window toward her husband. Her amazing ass was inches from my face, encased in that super short, tight black shirt. There was a desk lamp that was on behind Izzy, and I could see the silhouette outline of her massive tits within her blouse.

I so wanted her to let go of the bottom of her blouse, so I could see those amazing tits in full. I wanted to reach out and grab them, grope them, suck on them. Izzy looked back at me without moving, grinning. She knew exactly what she was doing, exactly what I could now see, exactly what effect she was having on me.

She just stayed there, letting in me take in the view of her incredible body, smiling. I couldn’t stand it any longer, and I moved my right hand, and placed it gently on her right ass cheek. I moved my thumb lovingly across the black material of her skirt.

“Not quite so shy as I thought then,” Izzy grinned, looking me straight in the eye, “You know, I think I’m gonna do something special for you this afternoon. How do you feel about role-play?”

“Oh, role-play,” I repeated simply, again not sure what to say.

I guess it all depended on what the role-play was. I had never done anything like that before.

“Yeah, come on, it’ll be really fun, trust me. Let me pick one for you, and when I come to your room later just go with it,” Izzy said, “And if you like it you can pick the role-play next time, okay?”

I nodded, smiling. Izzy grinned back. I couldn’t believe I had my hand on this goddesses’ incredible ass, watching the reflection of her tits in the window almost falling out of her blouse. I began to move my thumb across her tight skirt, heading toward the edge so that I could get in underneath.

“Oh!” Izzy suddenly exclaimed, but not from my hand movement.

Through the window, I suddenly spotted Emil turn away from room eight’s doorway opposite and start back toward the office. Izzy stood up straight, as my hand fell away from her ass. She hastily buttoned her blouse back up and adjusted her skirt.

“You better hide that too,” Izzy giggled, pointing to the bulge building in my jeans.

I placed my hand over my cock-bulge. I looked intently on the screen and brought up her email software and went into its settings, trying to look busy. Izzy moved to stand behind me, a few steps away.

Emil returned to the office a split-second later.

“Here’s his laundry money,” Emil said, setting some notes down on the front desk counter, “He’s a nice guy, huh? Always seems to be a very jovial fellow.”

I bet he was, I thought. The guest in room eight must have been chatting away with Emil, but surely thinking about all the times he had fucked Emil’s stunning wife. No wonder he was happy.

“Well, I should be off,” Emil said to Izzy.

“Oh okay,” Izzy replied, giving him a hug and a kiss on the lips, “Well, take care, I’ll see you later tonight?”

Emil nodded, then turned to me.

“Very nice to meet you, Jack. Thank you for your help with Izzy’s computer, I appreciate it.” Emil said, giving me a quick wave as he began to leave, “I’m sorry we can’t pay you for your work, hope you understand. But let me know if I can return the favour sometime, I owe you one, buddy.”

I almost wanted to laugh, and thought I caught a tiny grin on Izzy’s face. Don’t worry, ‘buddy’, I thought, your wife will be paying me back a hundred-fold later this afternoon, with her mouth, pussy, tits and ass.

“Ah, no problem, it’s nothing,” I replied.

“I’ll walk you out, honey,” Izzy said to her husband, then turned to me, “Jack, I have to go clean a couple of the rooms. Will you be okay by yourself for a while? Just follow that list I wrote and see if you can fix any of them.”

I nodded as Izzy stepped outside, and disappeared from view for a moment. I went back to trying to fix the minor issues the laptop had. It was all pretty basic stuff. I figured anything I didn’t know how to do I could just search for a solution online.

Through another window through the front, I saw Izzy kiss her husband Emil goodbye again, and he got into his car parked directly outside the office and drove off. If he wasn’t coming home until tonight, I assumed he was going to work at a job. Izzy then went into a small storeroom opposite. A few minutes later she reappeared wearing jeans shorts and a T-shirt.

I guessed she changed into more appropriate attire for cleaning the rooms. She was pushing a small trolley that held a mop and bucket and various other cleaning products. She went past room eight, and out of sight from the window.

I carried on cleaning up Izzy’s laptop. One thing it didn’t have was any anti-virus software, so I began downloading a free one, but the wi-fi was very slow, so it took quite a while.

After about forty minutes I was almost done, when I saw a familiar figure arrive outside the guesthouse. It was Lupe, dressed in a sexy little tight red dress and matching high heels.

What was she doing here? Then I remembered. Of course, it was the week that Lupe and Izzy were servicing each other’s guests. She must be here to meet one of Izzy’s guests in one of the rooms.

I wondered which room she was headed to? Of course, I had no idea how many guests were currently staying here, or which rooms they were staying in. Was Lupe going to room eight? I knew there was a guest in there.

I thought about going out to greet her, but then decided against it. I didn’t know how Lupe’s next lover might view her chatting with me out in the courtyard. I didn’t want to cause any problems.

Lupe headed toward the staircase next to room eight, made her way up the steps, and appeared up on the first-floor veranda. She tottered her way along to room sixteen, which was directly above room eight. She knocked on the door, and waited, then knocked again. Apparently, no one was home.

She looked around, then headed back toward the staircase. As she did so she must have seen me through the office window. She grinned and waved to me.

She looked amazing. This was obviously one of her ‘I’m-here-to-fuck’ outfits. I hadn’t seen her in this dress before, but I could certainly tell she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath it. Unfortunately, it looked like the lucky guy was going to miss his chance.

Lupe appeared at the bottom of the staircase. She began walking toward the office. I assumed she was either coming to say hello to me, or perhaps looking for Izzy to find out where the guy she was here to meet was.

But halfway across the courtyard she stopped, looked toward the gate that led out to the street. Lupe waved, and then laughed. A man in his late fifties was entering through the gateway. Lupe embraced him, and he put his arms around her too as she kissed him on the lips.

The gate clanged shut loudly behind the man.

The man was fairly tall, with thinning hair, and a grey moustache. He wore just a pair of khaki shorts and sandals. He had a quite large beer belly, which was on full display, as he wore nothing on top. I saw Lupe giggling, putting her hands on his belly and patting it jokingly.

I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but guessed she was thinking it wasn’t quite appropriate for a guy with such a beer belly to be walking around topless, and was just making a little joke of it. The guy held up a plastic bag with a couple of bottles of beer and water inside to show her. I guessed he had quickly gone out to get a few drinks from the local shop before their rendezvous, and had misjudged the timing, which is why he had almost missed Lupe. Still, I couldn’t work out why Mr ‘Beer-Belly’ didn’t have time to throw a shirt on first.

Lupe kissed him again, her hands still on his gut. Beer-Belly’s hands moved to grope her ass as he kissed her back. Lupe obviously knew this man fairly well; it was obvious this was not the first time she would be ‘servicing’ his needs.

I was sure if they were on the street, Lupe would not have greeted him like this, just in case Uncle Gerry, or anyone else that knew Lupe, happened to be passing by and saw her. That would have been very difficult to explain. But this courtyard was enclosed, and could not be peered into from the street, and so therefore fairly private. Anyone in the guesthouse who had seen it, however, presumably knew exactly what was going on, as they had probably already fucked Lupe too.

Lupe and Beer-Belly turned and headed toward the staircase. Beer-Belly’s right hand didn’t leave Lupe’s stunning ass as they walked away. Lupe quickly turned for a second, and grinned directly back at me.

They went up the staircase, and reappeared on the veranda above. I couldn’t work out where the guy was from. He looked a little bit Latino, but maybe with a mix of something else.

Lupe’s hands were still fixed on the man’s stomach. Knowing Lupe, I knew it wouldn’t be too long before her hands were working lower down on his ‘undercarriage’. Whether Beer-Belly had seen his own undercarriage in the last ten years though seemed unlikely.

He continued to grope her ass as they walked toward room sixteen. Lupe looked toward me again, pushing her tongue repeatedly into her cheek, in the universal signal for a blow-job. She grinned again at me.

The couple reached Beer-Belly’s room, and he fumbled for the key, opened the door and stepped inside. Lupe quickly turned to me, blowing me a kiss, then headed into the room. As the door slowly closed behind her, I saw Lupe reaching behind herself, and began unzipping that tight red dress.

Then the door closed, and the show was over. From the look of the guy, I made some judgements; right or wrong, who knew? But I suspected that less than a minute after the door locking shut, Lupe would be out of that dress, in just her panties and red high heels, on her knees, and sucking on his cock. I could be wrong, but it’s immediately what I thought of.

I made a mental note to ask Lupe about it during our next session together, to see if I was right.

There was no reason for me to stay any longer. Lupe was going to be busy sucking and fucking Beer-Belly for at least the next hour or so, the lucky old bastard. Izzy was off somewhere cleaning rooms.

I shut down her laptop, and wrote her a quick note, stating I had completed all the tasks on her list, and that I was heading back to my room in Casa Madre. I didn’t write anything else about this afternoon’s plan to meet there, just in case her husband returned early and saw it.

I headed out of the office, toward my parked scooter. The office door closed and locked behind me. As it did so I heard a shout from above. Izzy was coming down the staircase from the first floor. She briefly disappeared from view behind the wall of the enclosed courtyard, then reappeared through the gate.

“Hey, you all finished?” Izzy asked, beaming.

I told her that I was, that her laptop should run faster and safer now, and I had made her a few notes, with a few shortcuts to help her with issues she had written on her list.

“Ah how sweet, thank you, Jack. I’ll thank you properly later,” Izzy said, smiling, “Did you see Lupe?”

I told her I had, and she had seen me too, but she had now disappeared into the room of Beer-Belly. Izzy giggled at my nickname for her guest.

“Yeah well, knowing him as I do, Lupe’s gonna be a very busy lady this afternoon,” Izzy laughed.

She then told me she had gotten my mobile phone number from Lupe, and I should expect a text later this afternoon. I nodded, climbing onto the scooter.

“Just follow the instructions, and we’ll have some fun, okay? Alright, take care, Jack. See you later,” Izzy said.

With that, the gate closed behind her, and she disappeared.

I drove back to Casa Madre guesthouse, and parked the scooter in the courtyard. I quickly got some lunch from the street vendor around the corner, and brought it back to my room. I ate my lunch, then took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put my best aftershave on. I got dressed, and then sat on the bed watching local TV for a while, waiting for Izzy’s mysterious text.

I wondered if Lupe had finished fucking Beer-Belly yet. It had been more than an hour. But then I remembered that each guest could choose to have a one-hour session twice a week, or a two-hour session just once a week. I tried to figure if Beer-Belly was a two-hour man or not, but who knew.

Lupe certainly enjoyed herself with her own guests, and I’m sure she did with Izzy’s too. I imagined even if Beer-Belly’s session was just one hour, if he ran over that time Lupe wouldn’t be too bothered. She seemed very happy pleasing a man.

From what I had seen of Izzy with Mr Dubois yesterday, she was of a very similar mind. I couldn’t wait for her to arrive so I could get her into bed.

Around 1 pm I received a text on my phone. The number was unknown, as Izzy had not given me her number.

It said I should wear just a robe and boxer shorts. I should go down to the small pool area behind the end of the guesthouse building, behind where Lupe and Uncle Gerry lived. It also said I should go and wait there right now, leave my room unlocked, and take my phone with me.

I certainly wasn’t going to argue. I quickly got undressed again down to my boxer shorts, and grabbed the white towelling robe from the bathroom, and put it on. I quickly texted Izzy back to say I was on my way down to the pool area.

I then left my room, leaving the door unlocked, headed down the stairs, and across the courtyard downstairs. I went through the little passageway that led around the end of the building that had been converted into Lupe and Uncle Gerry’s home. I came out on the other side of the building by the pool area.

The pool area was quite compact, but nicely done, and enclosed by high fences and a hedge, so it wasn’t overlooked at all. At one end of the pool, there was a small hot tub section. I sat in one of the loungers on the small decking area, in a shady corner.

Was this where Izzy wanted to act out our role-play? Perhaps she did, or perhaps it was going to start here, and then move back to my room. But what type of role-play would it be? I hoped I could keep up, and not break the fantasy by saying or doing the wrong thing.

I wanted it to be fun, and just enjoy it. I wanted it to be fun for Izzy too.

I sat on the lounger for maybe fifteen minutes. Izzy had not appeared. What was going on? Had something gone wrong?

I decided I would give it a few more minutes. Then another text appeared on my phone.

It read, 'Come back to the room now. Everything is ready, just go with it, don’t be shy, enjoy yourself! Izzy xxx.'

I guess Izzy was in my room, and had needed me out of there for a while to prepare the role-play for me. I was very excited, if a little nervous that I didn’t know exactly what I was walking into. I got up out of the lounger, and headed back up to my room.

Once outside the room, I knocked on the door and opened it, stepping inside.

“Oh, I’m sorry, sir,” I heard Izzy’s voice, from behind the door.

As the door closed behind me, it revealed one hell of a sexy sight…







Written by Reddead2010
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