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I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife when I stayed at their guesthouse on the Pacific coast of Colombia.

I traveled to Colombia on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a small remote town, as my uncle had moved there from the UK many years ago, and had bought a guesthouse.

My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in her mid-thirties. She was gorgeous, with an incredible busty, curvy figure. For a young twenty-three-year-old guy like myself, I considered her the best MILF I had ever seen.

On my first full day there, I caught Lupe having sex with one of the other guests. She had certainly been enjoying herself and had also worked out that I had been spying on her. Lupe later explained that my uncle’s financial situation was dire and that she had made a financial agreement with the only two other guests. Lupe would sleep with them twice a week for an increase in the rent.

Lupe had then asked if I wanted to make a similar arrangement with her, which I absolutely did. Of course, these arrangements had to be kept secret from my uncle. Since then, I had already enjoyed sex with Lupe on numerous occasions.

But then I spied on one of the guests with a different woman, Lupe’s friend Izzy. It later became clear that Izzy also ran a guesthouse on the other side of town, and that once-a-month Lupe and Izzy swapped over, and ‘serviced’ each other’s guests.

Izzy, a gorgeous blonde Latina busty MILF, had visited me in my room on a couple of occasions to service me since. I had even spied on Izzy and Lupe as they together had entertained six young men at the same time during an epic gangbang session.

Just recently I had been in bed with Lupe, and she had told me about numerous sexual adventures she had participated in when she was younger. Not to be outdone by her friend, the next time I was with Izzy, she had also begun to tell me about naughty escapades from her youth…

I was in bed with Izzy in one of the empty rooms in her guesthouse and already had enjoyed a first bout of frantic sex with her earlier. She had then begun giving me an oily massage as I lay on my front, and recounted tales from her youth. I had already heard about her working as a ‘bottle-girl’ at a nightclub in Cali, and then as a stripper at a strip club in Bogota.

But that had ended badly when she was caught getting spit-roasted by a local singer and his friend up in one of the VIP rooms when she was supposed to be just giving a lap dance.

Izzy continued the tale, telling me that after Bogota, she had briefly moved back to Cali and worked in a retail store for a month or so. But she was just biding her time, checking the job market in the national newspapers, looking for a new adventure. It was not long before she felt she had found it.

She successfully applied for a job up north on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, at a high-end beach resort near the city of Cartagena. Izzy fancied a change of scenery, and the beaches and ocean seemed very appealing.

Izzy’s job title at the resort was ‘guest liaison officer’. For a few weeks, she learned the ropes by shadowing the current liaison officer, Mandy. The job wasn’t too difficult. It meant keeping the paying guests happy, smoothing over any issues the guests might be unhappy with, and generally arranging anything they required.

Mandy was heavily pregnant, and Izzy was there to replace her when her maternity leave started. Izzy’s salary wasn’t great, but she soon learned from Mandy that good commissions could be earned if she could convince guests to upgrade their rooms to more expensive suites.

Mandy showed Izzy how to chat with guests at the breakfast bar, or around the pool, get to know them, and generally be friendly. Mandy would often subtly bring up the fact there were bigger, more luxurious suites available, and offer to show guests around one, to see if they were interested in upgrading.

If she felt it necessary, Mandy would offer the guest a big discount on the first night in one of the suites if they wanted to move rooms. If guests decided to upgrade, Mandy would receive a nice commission. But if she had to offer the discount on the first night, her commission was reduced.

After almost a month of working at the resort, Mandy left to have her baby, and Izzy took over properly. She had her own tiny little office behind the reception desk. She answered only to the resort manager.

Izzy enjoyed the freedom of not having any specific tasks to do, other than chatting with guests, and ‘spreading smiles’ as she called it. If the guest had any problems with the resort or their room, Izzy would immediately call maintenance, housekeeping, or other relevant departments to have the issue fixed as quickly as possible.

If the guest needed anything out of the ordinary, Izzy would be there to organize it. For example, if a married couple was celebrating an anniversary, Izzy would organize a special candlelight dinner on the beach with amazing food and wines, and perhaps a small band to play music for them so they could dance the night away. If families had a birthday for one of their children, Izzy would organize a party with balloons, cake, and entertainment for the kids. Of course, the resort charged the guest extra for these services.

However, these types of duties were part of her job, and Izzy received no commission for organizing these events.

Where Izzy could make extra money was by selling guests on upgrading their standard rooms to the more expensive suites. For the first few weeks, Izzy tried her best to convince various guests of the benefits of the larger, more luxurious suites, in the manner Mandy had taught her. But she had little success.

For one thing, the economy was not so good at that time. Also, even though wealthy people frequently visited the resort, Izzy felt the suites were really overpriced. Therefore, even though guests liked the suites when Izzy showed them around when she had to tell them the cost, most guests declined to upgrade.

Izzy occasionally convinced some to upgrade, but always with a big discount on the first night, meaning her commission was not very much. Izzy spoke to the manager about the pricing of the suites, asking if he might at least have a trial to lower the cost for a month and see how they did. But the manager disagreed, stating the owners were trying to build a brand of exclusivity to the resort, and discounting their prices went completely against that.

After a few more weeks, Izzy began to formulate a plan on how she might sell room upgrades to guests, without giving them the first-night discount, and therefore maximizing her commission. She scoped out all the types of guests the resort had. After consideration, she decided she was going to target a certain type of guest at the resort, single men.

The resort was just outside Cartagena, which had a very lively nightlife scene. Wealthy single men from all over Columbia, Venezuela, and other surrounding countries came to Cartagena to sample that nightlife. They would even have visitors from America and Europe too. Some of these men would end up staying at the resort Izzy worked at.

Sometimes they were single travelers. Others were traveling with one or two friends. Other times they were larger parties of six, seven, or even more guys. These larger groups were usually on a stag weekend for one of the guys who was soon to be married, or perhaps one of the men was celebrating a big birthday and turning forty, fifty, or even sixty on one occasion.

There were also the single business travelers, who had meetings in the heart of Cartagena during the week but fancied staying just outside the busy, jam-packed streets of the city, and out by the palm-tree-lined beaches.

These types of men probably only accounted for at best ten percent of the resort’s guests, often less than that at times. But Izzy decided they were a good target. These men were obviously fairly wealthy, otherwise, they wouldn’t be staying at this high-end resort in the first place.

A pretty young woman could often convince a man to do many things. But Izzy wasn’t going to be able to do that with his wife or kids standing next to him. No, she had targeted the single male business traveler, and the single males here to visit Cartagena’s nightlife party scene.

Izzy noticed these guys were usually nowhere to be seen in the mornings. Presumably, those here to party had been out drinking in the bars and nightclubs in Cartagena the night before and were sleeping it off in their rooms. Those here for business had left the resort to attend meetings in the city center.

These men began to surface around early afternoon and usually congregated around one specific area, the pool. The resort actually had three pool areas, but one was for kids, and the other for more serious swimmers.

But the third pool area had a pool bar, where guests could swim up and sit in a seat fixed under the water. They could then sit with the lower part of their body in the cool water, and order drinks and even food from the barman, who was in the dry on the other side of the bar.

This third pool area also had a hot tub and a cooling plunge pool. It even had a ‘grotto pool area’, where you swam across from the pool bar and through a waterfall into a little cave that had been cut into the cliff overlooking the resort. It was a private little area where you could sit, listen to the waterfall, and relax.

This third pool was where Izzy’s targets seemed to go to spend their afternoons. They sat at the pool bar, cooling off from the hot sun, and enjoying delicious cocktails. If it was one or two of them, it was usually a fairly quiet scene. If there were a large group of them together, sometimes it was a bit rowdier.

In the late afternoon or early evening, those that were here on business and had been in the city center for the day would often appear here too.

As none of her targets were around in the morning, Izzy got her normal duties done then. She would be found wandering around, chatting with the other couples and families that the resort was popular with, making sure everyone was happy, and organizing any upcoming special events. During this morning period of her workday, Izzy wore a smart business-like black pinstriped skirt and a white blouse. The only thing she carried around with her was her clipboard which she used to note anything she might need to.

At lunchtime, she would head back to the office suite behind the reception desk. She would update the manager on anything he might need to know about. She would eat her lunch in her tiny little office, and then catch up on any paperwork that needed seeing to.

Then around 2 pm, Izzy would get changed in her office. Off came the business outfit, and was replaced by something far less business-like. Sometimes she changed into tiny little jean short cut-offs that barely covered her ass and a tight little boob-tube top. Other times it was just a skimpy little bikini, whatever took her fancy that day.

Izzy would then head over to the pool bar first and see who was around. She would immediately start chatting with any single males, whether they were alone or in a group. Her job description of ‘spreading smiles’ certainly worked here. Any guy here was very happy to see such a gorgeous, young, busty blonde, with her perfect ass on display, and her huge tits almost falling out of whatever top she was wearing.

Sometimes she would wade into the water and sit beside them at the pool bar. It didn’t take long before one or more guys were buying her expensive drinks, and she was the center of attention.

Izzy would also go behind the bar and serve drinks to the guys. All the spirit bottles were up on a high shelf, behind the bar, meaning she had to face away from the guys at the bar, stand up on a step, and bend to reach the bottles. It meant all the guys at the bar got a real good look at that peach of an ass as she stretched for the bottle. In fact, there was a mirror behind all the bottles on the shelf, so Izzy could see which guy was taking the most interest in her ass as she flaunted it.

Izzy would then lean over to serve the drinks and chat and joke with the guys on the wet side of the bar. It meant the guy could see right down her huge cleavage, as Izzy chatted away, and had the guy drooling in no time. Izzy would never acknowledge that the guys were checking out her tits and ass, she played it all very innocently, smiling sweetly. Only if a guy mentioned something about her incredibly sexy body, would she react, feigning surprise, giggling, and lightly slapping him on the arm to punish him.

Izzy would occasionally wear a super-tight, and very thin, white T-shirt, with no bra on underneath. She would wade into the pool and sit at the pool bar with some guys. Some excuse would be found to splash Izzy, and her T-shirt became see-through, her huge boobs visible to all. After that, the guys ensured her T-shirt did not dry out in the blazing sun, occasionally splashing her now and again to guarantee the titty show continued, as Izzy would just giggle and pretend it was all innocent fun.

All these ploys and tricks made sure Izzy had all the guys’ attention. So when she finally narrowed her target to one single guy and asked if he was interested in going with her to view one of the larger, more luxurious suites, they often agreed.

Izzy would then escort the guy away from the pool, and up to the nearest golf buggy, and would drive him over to one of the suites on the other side of the resort. Izzy would then show him around the suite, always making sure to bend right over to show the guest the button for how this or that worked. It meant the guy got another good long look at Izzy’s ass and this time in private.

After showing the guy all the facilities and features the suite had, she would sit him down on the sofa in the living area. Izzy would tell him the cost to upgrade from his standard room to this suite.

But before the guy could balk at the cost, Izzy took his hand, placed it upturned in his lap, and then sat right on his hand. Izzy would grin, as the guy realized he had a hand full of Izzy’s ass. Only a tiny pair of jean shorts, or skimpy bikini briefs, stood between him and pussy heaven. Izzy then leaned in and whispered in his ear, being upfront with him, and explaining she got a commission if he upgraded his room, and that she really needed the money.

“I’d be very, very grateful,” Izzy would whisper in their ear, letting her hands fall to brush against the guy’s stiffening cock in his shorts.

Guys couldn’t get their credit cards out of their wallets fast enough. Izzy had left it deliberately vague what she was offering, just in case anyone got offended, but that literally never happened.

Izzy would stay sat on their lap, as she reached for the phone at the side of the sofa, and called the front desk. She would then give the receptionist the guest’s details, the new suite number they would be moving to, and his credit card number. As she waited for the receptionist to charge the guest’s card, Izzy would smile, and remove her top.

I wondered how many times the receptionist heard the words “Oh my god!” down the telephone line when Izzy was doing one of her suite upgrades, as the guest took in the sight of Izzy’s incredible, huge tits. Once the charge was completed, Izzy hung up the phone and allowed the guy to fondle her boobs, and bury his face in between them, if he had not already done so.

Now the charge had been taken, and the guest couldn’t go back on their decision to upgrade, Izzy’s commission was assured. As Izzy never offered any discount on the room upgrade, she would receive her full commission.

Izzy would now help the guest undress until he was sat naked on the sofa. She then got down on her knees on the thick rug, parted the guy’s thighs to shuffle in closer, and began sucking his throbbing hard cock.

Izzy made it last as long as she was able to. The guest might be staying here a few more days, or even a couple more weeks, but this would be the only time she was going to service him. So she wanted the guy to feel like he’d really got his money’s worth. She wasn’t going to just make him come as quickly as possible, as that wasn’t fair, and if the guy felt cheated in some fashion, he might even complain to the manager, and that situation Izzy had to avoid at all costs.

So Izzy started slowly, teasing him, licking his head and shaft, kissing his balls. Eventually, she would suck him, but slowly, sensually. She would stop now and again to suck on his balls or let him suck on her tits again. Then she would return to sucking him, slowly building up the rhythm each time.

She allowed the guy to grope her tits as she sucked him, or slap her ass. But her panties stayed on. If the guy began fumbling, trying to remove them, she would shake her head, and move his hands back to her tits. In this way, she made it clear to the guy he was only going to get a topless blowjob.

It would depend on the guy of course, but Izzy could make this last for quite a while. But eventually, every guy reached his limit, and he would begin moaning and groaning as he got closer and closer. Izzy would tell the guy he could finish wherever he wanted, in her mouth, on her tits, or all over her face. She wanted to make it special for the guy, as this was a one-time deal, and again Izzy didn’t want the guy to feel like he hadn’t got his money’s worth, as these suite upgrades were really quite expensive.

I asked Izzy what guys usually chose.

“All over my face mostly,” Izzy giggled, “I mean, that’s most guy’s fantasy, isn’t it?”

I nodded in agreement.

Izzy said she had targeted single male guys. She told me what she actually meant by that was they were traveling by themselves or with other male friends or colleagues. But of course, some of these men weren’t actually single. Some were married.

Izzy told me she got a real thrill when she looked up from sucking a guy’s dick and stare at the wedding band on his finger. She loved concentrating on that ring as the guy’s groans became louder. She adored thinking about his wife, back at their home somewhere in the world, oblivious to the fact her husband’s semen was now filling Izzy’s mouth, or splashing across Izzy’s face or tits. Izzy got excited thinking about the guy going home to his woman, having to keep it a secret for the rest of his life that while he was away in Cartagena he had enjoyed some busty blonde young tart sucking his cock.

Izzy said this ploy of hers to target the single men at the resort began to pay dividends immediately. Arriving at the pool bar in the afternoons in some skimpy, revealing outfit always ensured she got attention from any man present. Izzy just needed practice in singling out which particular guy was the right one to choose to offer a tour of one of the available suites.

Sometimes she got it wrong, and when asked the guy was too shy, or seemed to believe Izzy was trying to con him or take advantage of him in some fashion. Sometimes the guy she chose wanted to bring his friends along, which didn’t work for Izzy, as she needed to be alone with the guy for what she had planned.

But more times than not, she chose correctly, luring the guy back for a tour of an available suite, making her offer, securing payment for the upgrade, and then performing a topless blowjob. It meant over the next month or so, Izzy’s bank balance increased significantly with several big commissions. She became a very busy girl, and at least four or five times a week Izzy found herself on her knees sucking cock and taking a hot messy facial, or a hot load down her throat or over her tits.

The resort manager, Elonzo, was happy too, as his occupancy rate with his expensive suites had gone up. Elonzo wasn’t stupid though, he would see Izzy out by the pool in the afternoons in some skimpy outfit, and wave at her. He once spoke with her about it, saying he knew she was using her ‘womanly ways’ to charm these men into upgrading their rooms, and as long as that was all she was doing he didn’t see any harm in it. Elonzo was happy, as more money was coming into the resort, and that made his bosses, the owners, happy.

But of course, Izzy was doing more than using her charm to convince these men to upgrade. She had to be careful no one found out what she was up to.

An issue Izzy found she began to have, was with groups of single men. Izzy would eventually target one particular man, take him for a tour of the suite rooms, offer her deal, and blow him. But Izzy would then find the next day one of the other guys in the same group pestering her for a tour of one of the remaining suites. It was obvious the first guy had spoken with his friends about what had occurred the day before.

Initially, Izzy would happily take the friend off to another suite, and blow him too, after all, it was another commission in the bank for her. But Izzy soon realized these guys were talking openly amongst themselves about what Izzy was willing to do. Chatting in their rooms about her was one thing, but what if they were chatting in the restaurant about her, and a waitress overheard them? What if a guy at the pool bar was giving a blow-by-blow account of her performance the day before to his friends, and the barman could hear every word?

Izzy realized continuing like this was going to see her getting found out pretty soon. So Izzy changed her targets.

She began ignoring the single guys with no attachments. She also ignored the guys who claimed they had girlfriends or partners back home. Who knew if they really did have a girlfriend, and even if they did, how serious the relationship was?

No, Izzy decided to concentrate on those men who wore wedding rings on their fingers. The ring showed they were definitely married, and that they had something to lose if it came out what they had been up to with Izzy. Married men who cheated on their wives knew how to be discreet, how to keep a secret and the importance of doing so.

It meant the number of men that Izzy could target was reduced quite significantly. Izzy began greeting all guests at their initial check-in at the reception desk. She would chat with any guys and soon find out their deal. Any single man she would discard from the list in her head. Any married men who happened to be traveling without their wives, either by themselves for business, or away with their male friends for a vacation, or stag party would go to the top of her list.

At the reception, she would always be dressed in her business-like outfit. But she would use the standard things women use on men to make an impression. She would smile, use lots of eye contact, and repeatedly put her hand on their arm as she chatted with them.

Then perhaps the next day Izzy would see the married man in the pool bar, and shortly after she would arrive in a bikini or similar revealing outfit, and try to speak with them alone. If they were traveling by themselves, this was fairly easy, and she would sit at the bar and chat away.

If they were with a group of friends, it was a little more difficult. Izzy would initially chat with and entertain the group. But after a while, she would concentrate her attention on her intended target, only chatting with him, and slowly break away from the main group to sit at the other end of the long pool bar.

It wouldn’t take Izzy long before she had convinced the married man to follow her up for a tour of one of the available suites. Nature then quickly took its course, and the married man’s hands would soon be all over Izzy’s young firm tits, her mouth would be filled with hard, throbbing married cock, and eventually, Izzy’s face would be plastered in spunk.

This new plan worked wonders. Izzy noticed she no longer got asked for tours by friends of any of the married men she had entertained, as presumably, they were keeping it a secret. These men didn’t want their friends to let something slip once they got back home and their wives to find out what they had been up to in Cartagena.

Sometimes after entertaining one married man from a group of friends and securing her upgrade commission, on another day Izzy would entertain another married man from the same group. Again, she still had no problems, as she would often swing by and briefly chat with the group of guys if she saw them around the resort. There were no saucy comments or requests for tours from other guys, so it seemed to Izzy these married men really knew how to be discreet.

But Izzy found for the next two months, her commissions reduced significantly from that first month when she had been such a busy girl. There just weren’t that many married men travelling without their wives staying at the resort, compared to all the single guys. It was certainly safer this way, but far less profitable.

When she had targeted the single guys, Izzy had been on her knees sucking cock at least four or five times a week, sometimes every day. But now she was only going after married men, Izzy was earning a commission perhaps once a week, occasionally twice. Izzy was still having fun but wasn’t earning the kind of money she had become used to when working at the strip club back in Cali. That had become her aim, to earn a similar kind of amount she had enjoyed in her previous job.

Another thing Izzy was missing was sex. She enjoyed sucking off these married men, but what she really wanted to do now was go to bed with them, and enjoy a nice, good long hard fuck. But that was far too much risk. A ten or fifteen-minute blowjob was possible but much longer than that, and housekeeping, maintenance, or who knows who could come by the supposedly vacant suite for various reasons.

Izzy wanted to relax and enjoy herself with these married men in bed, and not be nervously thinking about if someone was going to come by and discover them. But she couldn’t figure out a way to achieve this with the current setup of her scheme. She could have just arranged to meet these married men in their rooms at a later time, but not being visible and out with customers around the resort for an hour or so would also surely be noticed by management eventually. Izzy could return to the resort in the evening and spend the night with them in their rooms, but again it would be suspicious as to why she was on the premises long after her shift had finished.

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Izzy really wanted to engineer some way of having full sex with the married men at the resort. There was just something so sexy and naughty about fucking a married man, especially if she was supposed to be working. Finally, after working at the resort for almost four months, a chance for Izzy to do exactly that was presented to her.

The resort manager had done a deal with a local company that owned several boats. This company rented or leased them out for various uses, but the jewel in their crown was a newly purchased twenty-two-meter-long luxury yacht named Melina.

Melina was almost twenty years old but had received a very recent refit. It had two overhauled engines capable of propelling the motor yacht at up to twenty-one knots. It had a sun deck, a bar area, and a lounge. Below deck, there was one large master cabin, with an ensuite bathroom, and two smaller cabins that shared the second bathroom.

It also had a platform from which the two jet skis could be launched, plus a rigid dinghy for transporting tourists to the numerous islands that were popular in the area. The finish all over the yacht was very high-end.

The resort didn’t want to lease the yacht on any long-term basis, as it was very expensive. But they had done a deal with the company to be able to rent the yacht on a daily basis with one or two days’ notice, as long as the yacht was available. It meant the resort could offer its guests luxurious day trips to various islands all along the coast here.

On hearing this, Izzy went along on the first yacht day trip that was booked through the resort. It had been paid for by two wealthy families vacationing together. Izzy tagged along, telling Elonzo the resort manager that she needed to know exactly what facilities the yacht had so she could better sell the yachting day trip to other resort guests.

During the day, Izzy helped out the crew. The crew consisted of a captain and his deck hand who ran the yacht and assisted the guests with the jet skis and trips on the rigid dinghy to the islands. There was also a waitress the boat company provided to prepare and serve food and drinks to the guests.

Izzy checked out all the features on the yacht when the guests left to explore one of the tiny islands. A plan began to form in her mind.

The next day, Izzy spoke with Elonzo the resort manager. She told him she could increase the resort’s sales of the yachting day trips, just as she had done with the upgrades on rooms, but she wanted the same deal on her commission.

Izzy’s commission from upgrades on rooms was ten percent of the extra money the guest spent on their room accommodation. The longer the guest stayed in the upgraded room, the bigger her commission was. The day trip was a one-off payment, but as the fee for the day trip was so high, Izzy figured her commissions could be quite significant.

Elonzo spoke with the owners, and came back with an offer of eight percent of the resort’s slice of the day trip fee after the boat company’s fee had been taken care of. It still seemed like a good deal to Izzy, but she had a few stipulations of her own.

Izzy wanted to go along on any trip she had sold to a guest, telling Elonzo it was to ensure the resort’s high standards were upheld. Also, she didn’t want the boat company’s waitress they had provided. Izzy said she could have the food pre-prepared by the resort’s kitchen, and she could serve drinks, etc. This would cut the boat company’s fee to the resort as they no longer needed to provide a waitress, which meant the resort kept a slightly bigger slice of the profits.

Elonzo agreed to this too, and Izzy began making her plans.

Izzy went down to the docks one day, and spoke with the yacht captain, discussing the fact she would soon be bringing more business his way. The captain, whose name was Angelo, and originally from Venezuela, eventually agreed to a further requirement Izzy had to make her plan successful.

Now all Izzy needed was a likely target to come and stay at the resort. For the next few weeks, no one that fit the bill arrived. Izzy continued with her previous ploy of luring married men on a tour of an available suite, which always ended up with her topless and on her knees, her face covered in the married man’s spunk. But she was always on the lookout for a special type of married man to enact her new plan.

Finally, one Wednesday afternoon, almost a month after the resort announced they would be selling luxury yachting day trips, the right type of guy for Izzy came to stay at the resort.

His name was Mike and was an American. After chatting with him for a little while during his check-in at reception, Izzy learned that Mike was fifty-two years old, and married. He was traveling with another American guy in his forties, and a younger Canadian man around thirty. He and his colleagues were here to do business with a company in the city center, trying to sell them manufacturing machinery.

They planned to get their business done on Thursday and Friday, spend the weekend relaxing at the resort over the weekend, and then fly home on Monday.

The next day, in the late afternoon, Izzy arrived at the pool bar, finding Mike sipping at cocktails. He had finished his meetings earlier in the day and was now relaxing, chatting with Stanley, the other American guy, and Drew, the Canadian. Izzy waded into the pool, in her very tiniest black bikini, and immediately had all the men’s attention.

She joked and chatted with all three men, feeling their eyes constantly staring at her tits and ass. Eventually, Izzy pulled her usual trick, managed to drag Mike away from his colleagues, and sat at the other end of the bar with him.

Mike seemed a little awkward now he was alone with Izzy. She asked him what was wrong, and Mike told her he wished he had worn a T-shirt in the pool. He was rather self-conscious about the fact he was slightly overweight, with a hairy barrel chest.

Izzy assured him he looked great, placing both her hands on his chest and telling him he was very attractive. Mike seemed to like that and lost his awkwardness immediately. It helped that Izzy didn’t remove her hands from Mike’s chest, and stood there smiling up at him as he chatted away. Izzy couldn’t help but notice Mike’s eyes kept glancing down at her huge, wet cleavage.

Izzy soon brought up the idea that she’d love to show him around one of the available suites, and Mike happily agreed to follow her, waving goodbye to his colleagues at the other end of the bar.

Up in the suite, Izzy enacted her well-worn plan, and not too long later, Mike was erupting, spunking all over Izzy’s face and tits, and thanking Izzy profusely for all her ‘wonderful efforts.’

Izzy was happy she had gotten a commission for Mike upgrading his room, but her plan involving Mike went far further than this.

The next day, again in the late afternoon, Izzy arrived at the pool bar, and waded over to Mike, again sitting with Stanley and Drew. This time Izzy wore a tiny pair of blue bikini panties, and a thin, tight white T-shirt, with no bra or bikini top underneath. Her top was so tight it made her nipples poke out. The three men greeted her, and Mike bought her a drink.

There were no saucy comments or knowing looks from Stanley or Drew, so Izzy felt Mike hadn’t told his colleagues what they had gotten up to in his new upgraded suite the day before.

Izzy asked the men how their meetings had gone today. The Colombian electronics company they were dealing with was interested in the machinery the American company the three men all worked for was selling, but they were still haggling over the price. Mike said it looked like they wouldn’t secure a sale on this visit, and perhaps they might need to return and try again in a month or so.

Izzy moved the conversation on, asking what their plans for the weekend were. They said they were just going to stay around the resort and relax. Izzy then brought up the fact the resort could organize a luxury yachting day trip around some of the local islands, and they might enjoy ‘a real boy’s day out.’

Izzy explained all about the amazing yacht, and the fact they could eat and drink in real luxurious comfort, with amazing views of the beautiful clear Caribbean sea, and some gorgeous islands. She told them they could jet ski, try fishing, snorkeling, or explore the many islands on foot, whatever they wished.

Mike seemed a little bit interested, Stanley and Drew rather less so.

“Of course, if you like, I could come along too,” Izzy said, smiling, “I mean, you might want a little female company on your boy’s day out?”

The guy’s interest in what Izzy was talking about suddenly increased.

“I have to be honest with you, I do get a small commission on these day trips,” Izzy admitted, “But I just know you would have a great time, and I’m more than happy to come along and make sure everything goes smoothly.”

“So, what would that involve exactly?” Mike asked, intrigued.

“So, we’ll head out to one of the islands; it’s extremely private out there. Once we arrive the captain and the deckhand will secure the yacht, and then they’ll leave on the dinghy, and head off to the island for the day,” Izzy explained, “So then it will be just the four of us on the yacht. As I said, it’s very, very private.”

“Ah, I see,” Stanley said, smiling over at Drew.

“Yeah, so you can just relax, and I’ll be your bikini-clad waitress, and serve you food and drinks all day,” Izzy grinned, “It’ll be fun, and we can do, you know, whatever. Wow, it’s hot.”

Izzy then deliberately splashed water onto herself, apparently to cool off, and her thin, tight white T-shirt suddenly became completely see-through. All three men took in the sight of her huge, firm natural tits. Drew just stared at Izzy, open-mouthed in awe. All three men said nothing, dumbfounded.

“I mean, I’m a very friendly girl, as Mike knows,” Izzy grinned at Mike, pushing her tits together with her upper arms, “I think we would all have a lot of fun.”

Mike leaned in closer to Izzy.

“So, would you be as friendly as you were with me yesterday?” he whispered.

“Oh no Mike, I’ll be much more friendly than that,” Izzy giggled, then turned to Mike’s colleagues, “Mike and I had just a little bit of fun in his room yesterday. But we can have a lot more fun than that out on the yacht.”

Stanley and Drew looked shocked, glancing over at Mike before quickly returning to stare at Izzy’s huge boobs through her wet transparent T-shirt. Obviously, Mike had kept their encounter a secret from his colleagues, which pleased Izzy. But she felt to move things along she had to reveal what had happened.

“I mean, out there, it’s just so private, and there’s no rush. We have all day,” Izzy continued, “So we can all just relax. I mean, out there I can be a full-service kind of waitress if you know what I mean. And to be clear, I can serve each and every one of you.”

Izzy was laying it on thick now. She wasn’t being explicit, but you didn’t have to read too much between the lines to figure out Izzy was offering to fuck each of them out on the yacht.

“And another thing, the yacht has a really great main cabin below deck, with a huge, super comfortable bed. You know, just in case any of you want to have a lie-down,” Izzy giggled.

All three guys looked at each other, grinning.

“So, er, what kind of cost are we looking at here?” Stanley asked.

“Well, I’ll be honest with you, it’s not cheap, but trust me, it will be worth it,” Izzy smiled.

Izzy then hit them with the cost of the day trip. All three were stunned at how much it was. Stanley and Drew shook their heads. Izzy could tell they were immediately out.

“Well, hold on now,” Mike said, sensing his colleagues weren’t up for it, “I mean if we split the cost three ways, it’s not quite so bad is it?”

It seemed that Mike was the wealthier of the three men, and was considering coming up with his third of the cost. But the other two guys told him there was no way they could afford it. Izzy was disappointed that it looked like her new plan at fallen at the first hurdle, but also disappointed in herself that she had perhaps read this group of men wrong.

“Oh no. And I was so looking forward to our trip together,” Izzy said disappointedly.

But Izzy then thought about what Mike had said about their meetings in town earlier that day, and it gave her an idea.

“Well, didn’t you take the guys from the company you’re trying to sell manufacturing equipment to out to dinner the other night?” Izzy enquired.

Mike had mentioned the fact when they had arrived on Wednesday that they were taking the company’s top reps out for a meal later that evening.

“Yes, that’s right,” Mike replied.

“Well, I assume you charged that dinner to your expense account, right?” Izzy asked.

“Well, yes but a dinner and the cost of this day trip are vastly different,” Stanley replied.

“Sure, but couldn’t you argue the cost of the day trip would be a lot less than you all having to fly down here again next month, and pay hotel bills and all your other expenses?” Izzy asked.

“Maybe,” Mike said.

“I mean, if you were to invite their top representatives along on our luxury yachting trip, don’t you think that might get your deal over the line?” Izzy suggested, “I mean, how many of them are there?”

Suddenly, Stanley and Drew looked interested again.

“Well, we’ve met with a number of their reps,” Stanley stated, “But there’s really only two of them who are the decision-makers.”

“Well, that would be fine, don’t you think?” Izzy said, smiling.

“You mean if we were to invite these two guys along, you would be willing to er, serve them too?” Mike asked, trying to phrase it delicately.

“Sure, I told you, I’m a very friendly girl,” Izzy giggled, her tits bouncing in her transparent T-shirt, “I’d love to serve you three lovely guys, and your two friends as well.”

“Er, well, what do you think Mike?” Drew asked.

Mike decided he needed to call their head office and get authorization for the cost of the day trip. He waded off out of the pool and back to his room to make the call.

Izzy stayed with Stanley and Drew, chatting and drinking. She found out Stanley was also married and had three young children. Drew was single, but had recently started dating a single mother.

As they were waiting for Mike to return, Izzy noticed the sun had dried out her T-shirt, and so splashed more water onto her chest, claiming she was hot, much to the delight of the guys. They carried on chatting with Izzy, but with little eye contact, unable to take their eyes off her soaking wet huge tits.

Izzy assumed they were just praying Mike came back with good news, as they now must be desperate to get the chance to fuck her.

Finally, Mike returned to the pool bar and gave the boys the thumbs up. The look of relief and happiness that spread across Stanley and Drew’s faces amused Izzy immensely.

But Izzy was relieved and happy too. Firstly, it meant a big commission for her. But perhaps more importantly, it meant Izzy was going to get fucked multiple times out on the yacht, something she was very much looking forward to.

Mike explained the company wouldn’t authorize the entire cost of the day trip, so secretly he was going to pay one-third, and he would charge the company credit card the other two-thirds. Drew and Stanley both thanked Mike for his generosity.

“Yes, thank you, Mike,” Izzy said, giving him a peck on the cheek, “Well this is a cause for celebration, don’t you think guys?”

Izzy ordered a round of drinks on the house for all four of them from the barman.

Izzy explained she had already checked about the availability of the yacht. It was not available tomorrow, but would be on Sunday.

“Sunday it is then,” Mike announced, raising his glass and downing it in one.

Izzy said she had some organizing to do if they wanted it for Sunday. Mike gave Izzy his own credit card, and the company one also, so they could be charged accordingly. Izzy said she would slip them under the door of his suite later when she was finished. Mike said he would call the two reps from the electronics firm he had been in negotiations with, and invite them along to the day trip on Sunday.

Izzy then said her goodbyes and left. Izzy got the receptionist to charge the credit cards, and call the boat company, who confirmed the charter for Sunday morning. Izzy then went to the kitchen and ordered food and drinks to be prepared early Sunday morning and to be delivered down to the jetty where the yacht would be. Everything was all set to go.

On Sunday morning the luxurious-looking yacht Melina arrived at the dock, and Izzy was there to meet it. She chatted with the captain, checking with him that he and his deckhand would make themselves scarce once they arrived at the island Izzy had selected. She also saw no sign of the waitress that the boat company usually provided, as per her instructions.

Izzy had agreed previously to pay the captain $100 for him and the deckhand to leave the yacht once they arrive at the island. How much of that money he shared with the deckhand was his business. With no waitress on board either, it would allow the guys to relax, knowing no one was around to tell tales about what occurred on board. It also meant Izzy could relax as there was no one around to report back to the resort manager about what she was up to.

Izzy wore a pair of fairly small jean shorts, but they were not too revealing. On top, she wore a black T-shirt, with a bra underneath, again not revealing at all. She didn’t want to give the wrong impression to any of the resort staff who might see her.

All the food and drinks were delivered and squared away on board. Izzy had her own bag of things she needed for her plan today and hid it away down in the large master cabin below deck.

Then around 9.30 am, Izzy’s guests arrived on the jetty. Mike, Stanley, and Drew wandered up to the yacht looking it up and down, obviously impressed. Alongside them were two Colombian men. One was in his mid-sixties, named Gilberto, and was a thin, nattily dressed man. The other was called Herc, around forty years old, and was Afro-Colombian, with dark black skin, and a thin mustache.

Izzy greeted them all, welcoming them on board. They assembled on the sundeck, and Izzy served them drinks as the yacht pulled away from the jetty and out to sea. Mike chatted with Izzy at the bar, but she noticed he had looked her up and down a couple of times, and looked just a little disappointed.

“Don’t worry Mike. When we get to where we’re going, and the crew has left us, I’ll change into something more… appropriate,” Izzy whispered.

Mike grinned, and relaxed, seemingly now happy Izzy wasn’t taking him for a ride. Izzy also got Mike to agree to lie to the two Colombian guys, and that if they asked, to tell them Izzy worked as an ‘independent hostess’ hired by the boat company. Izzy didn’t want them to know she actually worked at the resort, just in case they came around asking for her. It could cause trouble for her with the resort manager.

The yacht took just over an hour to arrive at the small tropical island Izzy had selected. There were other islands further out, but Izzy wanted to maximize her ‘private time’ without the crew on board.

The captain dropped the anchor and secured the yacht about three hundred meters off the coast of the island. The young deckhand readied the jet skis in case the guys wanted to use them. He then dropped the rigid dinghy into the water and got in. The captain followed him into the dinghy a few moments later.

Izzy handed them a hamper of food and drink for them to enjoy on their day on the island. She suspected they would probably drink and then fall asleep in some shady spot somewhere. The captain handed Izzy a two-way radio to call him back when they were ready to leave, or if they had any problems.

The dinghy then pulled away and took them over to the white sandy beach opposite. Izzy watched as the two men secured the dinghy on the beach, then walked across the beach with the hamper, behind the palm trees, and out of sight.

Izzy’s guests were still out on the sundeck, and sat around the bar, drinking and taking in the views. Izzy went over to Mike and said she was going below decks and would be back soon.

A few minutes later, the guys at the bar all stopped chatting, turning to see the vision that was coming up the stairs from the lower deck.

There was Izzy, wearing just a pair of tiny red bikini panties, black stripper heels, a huge smile, and nothing else. Her huge naked tits were on display for all to see. All five men stared at her in awe.

“So, shall we get this party started guys?” Izzy grinned, giggling.

“So can I refresh anyone’s drinks?” Izzy asked, grinning from ear to ear.

The two Colombian guys couldn’t believe their eyes. Izzy figured Mike hadn’t told them about her involvement in today’s trip. She tottered over to the bar in those super high-heeled shoes, her perfect tits and stunning ass bouncing and jiggling as she did so.

Izzy poured them all more drinks and enjoyed the stares from five older men, all with lustful grins across their faces. Izzy then came around from behind the bar and stood amongst them leaning back against the front of the bar, so they could all get a closer look at her amazing body. The guys all shuffled in, wanting to get closer to this gorgeous creature, and Izzy felt surrounded, but loved it.

For a few minutes, the conversation remained polite, as if the guys didn’t know quite what to say. But eventually, someone ended this.

“Fucking amazing tits,” Drew suddenly blurted out, then caught himself, embarrassed.

Everyone laughed at that, and the ice was broken. All the other guys then immediately chipped in with their own compliments about her boobs.

For the next five minutes, all talk was solely about Izzy’s amazing tits. Were they natural? What size bra did she wear? All sorts of comments, compliments, and questions.

Izzy loved all the attention she and her boobs were receiving, and happily answered all the guys’ questions. Izzy then took a small bottle of baby oil she had left earlier at the bar, poured some onto her breasts, and began rubbing it in, massaging and bouncing her tits up and down.

The guys loved it, whooping, hollering, and clapping. They all loved the sight of Izzy’s huge oily boobs glistening in the sunlight.

“Would you like to help me?” Izzy asked Stanley, who was sitting next to her.

She took his hands and placed them on her tits, allowing him to rub his hands over and over her huge slippery tits. Stanley said nothing, but the smile on his face said it all.

A couple of minutes later, Izzy turned to Gilberto, and placed his hands on her breasts.

“How about you sir, would you like a go on them?” Izzy giggled.

Gilberto nodded vigorously, and everyone laughed again, as they watched the old man grope and fondle a young woman’s lovely big boobs.

Then it was Drew’s turn, who marveled at the weight of her breasts as he toyed and played with them.

Herc then got his turn to enjoy Izzy’s wonderful tits, his dark hands endlessly rubbing baby oil into her light-skinned boobs.

Izzy had decided she wanted to give each guy a quick sample of what was to come, as whoever was going to be last to fuck her was going to have to wait quite a while.

Finally, Mike had his turn at massaging Izzy’s tits. Now they had all had a good feel of them, the guys began discussing Izzy’s amazing rack amongst themselves. They soon concluded she had the best boobs each of them had ever seen.

That made Izzy feel amazing. She was surrounded by a lovely group of older men, who all adored her, and were desperate to fuck her. On top of that, one by one, she was going to let them. That knowledge started to make her feel wet.

Mike then leaned in and gave Izzy a kiss on the lips, which she returned. This seemed to be some sort of unplanned signal to the other guys, who one by one surrounded Izzy even more closely. Soon multiple hands were moving over her body, groping and squeezing her tits and ass.

At one point she realized that Gilberto had two hands on her left breast, Drew had one hand on her right breast, Herc had one hand on her left ass cheek, Stanley was feeling up her right ass cheek, and Mike had his tongue in her mouth.

Izzy felt like the center of the world right now, and a very special, lucky lady. When another hand began probing at the front of her tiny panties, just covering her pussy, she gasped. My god she was really getting wet and was desperate to fuck one of these guys right now, and for a moment she didn’t really care which.

“Okay guys, let’s all back up for a second,” Izzy giggled, and was impressed that they did in fact step back almost immediately, “So, who’s going to be first?”

Izzy giggled again as all the guys claimed they should be first. She loved all this attention, but she now had a choice to make. But how should she choose? She thought about it for a second, then made her decision.

“Well, I think that seeing as how Mike really is the one that made this all happen, perhaps he should be first, okay?” Izzy declared as Mike began grinning.

Izzy then disappeared for just a moment, bringing out a hamper of food, and arranging some snacks up on the bar.

“Now there’s some food and snacks for you all here, and you can serve yourself drinks from the bar. If it gets too hot out here then head into the lounge over here,” Izzy stated, “I’ll be back in about an hour, so you guys work out some way of deciding who will be next, alright?”

Izzy then grinned at everyone, took Mike by the hand, and turned to escort him across the deck, toward the steps that led downstairs. Even though she had her back turned, Izzy could feel all the other guy’s eyes on her, following her bouncing tits and ass as she tottered across the deck in her high heels. She felt amazing, knowing she was going to spend the rest of the day on her knees or on her back, making five horny, lovely older men very, very happy…



Written by Reddead2010
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