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A Handy Man - The Next Night - Pt. 3

"Haley and Jack have a special planned night together"

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Author's Notes

"A continuation of my first MILF series. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” Haley said, still basking in the afterglow of her evening with Jack.

“Me too. I understand, but your kids won’t, and we may have already created a stir in the neighborhood if anyone’s seen my truck in your driveway so late.”

“I don’t care. Do you?” she asked with a smile.

“No. I don’t,” he replied and kissed her long and hard.

Her memory did not include anything like the time she’d just spent with Jack, and she wanted to know it wouldn’t be the last but was afraid to seem too eager, too hungry. She now knew how it felt to be held by his strong arms, and pulled them tighter around her to prolong the experience.

“I should go,” he said finally.

“Please don’t? Just five more minutes!” she pled.

She wished he could stay and hold her like this all night, but that wasn’t possible. Not yet. Accepting the inevitable, she let go of his arms and turned to kiss him again. Sitting up, they looked into each other’s eyes, both wanting to say the same thing but afraid to do it.

“Haley, I …,” he started but hesitated before revealing his true feelings. “I want you to know how special this was for me, and I’m hoping it was for you too.” Her smile and a hand on his cheek told him it was. “I’d really like to do this again with you. Soon!”

“Jack, I’m so happy to hear you say that! And it can’t possibly be too soon for me!”

“Tomorrow?” he said, hoping he wasn’t pushing too hard.

“I can’t wait!” Haley said and grabbed him for a big hug.

Jack left after a long, passionate kiss at the door, and as he turned to look back at her, she was reluctant to close the door until he’d driven off.

She couldn’t remember when she was last so happy. She cautioned herself not to make too much of it too soon but still grabbed a congratulatory glass of wine and went outside to sit by the pool in nothing but her still-damp panties. Sitting in a chaise lounge, she looked up at the stars, thinking about what a difference a single day made.

It was well after midnight when she checked on Cindy and Evan again before going to bed herself. Sleep came easily to her as she thought about tomorrow, hoping to make it even more special.


“Hi, Mr. Jack!” both kids crowed when he came into the kitchen where they were sitting waiting for dinner. Evan put his hand up for a high-five before Jack sat down.

“You’re gonna have dinner with us, Mr. Jack?” Cindy asked.

“I’d like to, if it’s okay with you guys?”

“Yay!” they both crowed.

Jack watched Haley move confidently around the kitchen, preparing dinner. He thought she looked great, dressed in tight jeans and a white T-shirt. He always appreciated a woman with a natural look and setting, finding it just as arousing as seeing them dressed to the ‘nines’ in some sexier locale.

Like most women, Haley didn’t agree and apologized repeatedly for losing track of time today and not being as prepared as she had planned. She’d wanted to have the kids done with their dinner and off playing while she and Jack had a more quiet, intimate setting for their meal. Had their ‘thing’ progressed further at this point, he would have shown his appreciation and helped with the meal, but as this was new to them both, that didn’t feel right in front of her kids.

As it happened, the kids finished their smaller portions of delicious lasagna and grape juice ‘wine’ long before the adults, and they managed to spend some time alone finishing their dinner and drinking real wine.

“I’m sorry, Jack! My mother stopped by unexpectedly, and I couldn’t find a way to get her to leave. I wasn’t prepared to explain why she shouldn’t stay for dinner, so I’m afraid she left somewhat suspicious,” Haley explained.

“Haley! It’s okay. I loved eating with your kids. They’re a lot of fun. I miss that age.”

“And look at me?! Dressed like I’m the maid or something!”

Jack got up and stood behind her chair. When she looked up at him, he tipped her chin further and kissed her lovingly. As the kiss became more passionate, he let one hand slide off her shoulder and onto her bra-less breast with her moaning into his mouth. Squatting beside her chair, that hand moved to her thigh and points north.

“I think you look sexy as hell,” he said just before she grabbed his face in both hands and pulled him in for a taste of her tongue.

He returned to his chair, and they toasted themselves with a light clink of their crystal wine glasses and finished their late meal in light conversation.

When finished, he helped her move the dishes to the sink, and more than once, they landed in another tight embrace. She had to admit that these simple shared acts of domesticity felt good, but she was also careful not to read too much into it.

She asked him if he’d be okay alone for a bit while she went to shower and dress the way she’d originally intended. Jack assured her it wasn’t necessary, hugging her from behind.

“I wasn’t expecting you to be wearing anything in an hour or so,” he said with a handful of tits.

“Please, Jack? I know you like my ‘mommy housewife’ look, but I’d really like to show you better! Okay?” she asked, kissing him quickly before heading to the shower without waiting for an answer.

It took nearly an hour, as she’d lost track of time again. When she came to the family room, still in a bathrobe and her hair wrapped in a towel, she chuckled at the sight of Jack playing Chutes & Ladders with Cindy and Evan. He looked up and smiled, letting her know he was enjoying himself, even if it wasn’t what he was expecting to be doing by this time in their evening together.

“Aww, we’re almost finished!” Cindy complained when Haley tried to send them to bed. She allowed another ten minutes to finish the game, with Cindy happy that she’d won. They said goodnight to Jack and went to their bedrooms, and another twenty minutes passed getting them to sleep.

Returning to the family room, still in her robe and toweled hair, she fell into Jack’s outstretched arms for a hug.

“I think I like the way you looked before better,” he said, holding her at arm’s length.

“Yeah? Maybe you’d like this better?” she said as she opened the robe and let it fall to the floor while pulling the towel off her head.

“Oh! Wow!” he exclaimed.

He first noticed the lacy camisole that highlighted her tits though they were completely hidden from view, while her midriff shown through the sheer bodice. Bikini panties, a garter belt, and sheer stockings drew attention to that magic place between her legs. Best of all was the color. He appreciated the purity of white instead of other more common racy colors like red or black. He wasn’t looking for a porn star; he just wanted a gentle, loving woman.

“You’re so beautiful, Haley! Just … beautiful!” he repeated, taking her all in.

“Thank you! And you’re overdressed!” she replied and removed his shirt, wanting to see and feel his bare muscular chest.

He stood still as she ran her hands over his chest, tweaked his nipples a little, and then pulled him in close, wanting to feel the lump in his pants she’d watched growing as soon as she dropped her robe. She pressed her hips hard against him, grinding her pussy into his erection as their tongues played inside.

“Mmm, I want to feel your chest against mine, Jack,” she whispered in his ear while their hands roamed.

“So do I, but I want to play with my delicate doll dressed as she is for a while,” he whispered back, moving around behind her, enveloping her in his strong arms.

“Oh, Jack!” she cooed, feeling his hardness now against her ass as he pulled her hips in tighter. She felt him grinding her now and moved her hips in sync with his while his hands slid up to her heaving chest. She knew he would make the torture of having to remain clothed as she was well worth the wait, but she wanted so badly to feel their naked bodies pressed together.

Holding her tender orbs in his hands, he plied them gently with fingers barely able to feel her nips through the substantial bra. He, too, wanted to feel bare flesh since it had been ages since anyone had tried to seduce him like this, but he wasn’t going to rush it.

Still polishing his erection with her ass, she loved when he pushed it between her cheeks, briefly wondering what he’d feel like in her bottom, but that thought passed when one hand slipped between her legs. Covering her pussy with his whole hand, he pulled her against him again as he jerked his hips, reviving the image of her taking him anally.

“Ooo, you’re nice and wet, Haley! And I’m ready for dessert!” he said, turning her around to kiss her deeply as her hands found his ass.

His hands slid down her sides to her hips as he knelt to get his first taste of her peach pie. He nuzzled his nose and mouth into her saturated panties, sucking her juicy nectar into his mouth. He wondered to what degree the situation enhanced the flavor as his mouth bore down on her wet crotch.

“Oh God!” she gasped when he pulled the gusset of her panties aside to run his tantalizing tongue through her slippery slit, savoring her bouquet.

“Mmm, delicious!” he said, standing again and crushing her body in his grasp as he repeatedly kissed her face and neck.

“Your turn!” she said as he came up for air to look into her penetrating eyes.

Squatting as she opened the belt, snap, and zipper of his slacks, she then knelt as she pulled them down over his hips and let them fall to his ankles. She smiled when she saw the tip of his cock protruding above the waist of the black bikini briefs he’d worn. Held against his body by his briefs and almost reaching his navel, she licked her lips first as she glanced up at him and then licked the sensitive underside of his glans with the tip of her tongue. He groaned at the intense sensation as she reached around back to squeeze that butt she loved to stare at when he worked.

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Gripping the elastic of his underwear in back, she pulled them down, slowly releasing the beast until it fell free into her face. Taking the head into her mouth and licking the underside more insistently had him groaning loudly as he ran his hands through her hair, not wanting to push further into her mouth; quite the contrary, wanting to keep her from going too far at this point.

Reading him perfectly and wanting something different as well, she helped him step out of his pants, leaving him naked. She quickly licked again as she rose, licking her lips as she tasted him.

“I think I want to play with him in my room!” she said as she held his cock and guided him down the hall like a pull toy to her playroom.

She had him sit on the end of the bed and knelt again to take him instantly into her mouth, where she sucked and licked him to frenzied gasps and exclamations. Her hands on his sac, she could feel the tension building and tried to take all of him in but gagged more than once. She felt him stroke her hair as she made up with enthusiasm what she lacked in ability, sucking his cock like it was the last one on earth.

Surprised at how long he held on. she finally felt him stiffen and had his seed shooting down her throat seconds later. She smiled with pride as she looked up at him, and he pulled her onto his lap for a crushing hug with his mouth covering hers.

“Time for more dessert,” he said, helping her stand before him, “and this time, I’m going to take it out of the wrapper!”

His finger came away from her slit, visibly wet, and he licked it clean before pulling the simple white panties down, dropping them at her ankles, where she stepped out of them. Gasping deep, panting breaths, she could already feel a climax approaching as his finger again slipped between her swelling lips in search of her little nub. Finding it with his thumb, he rubbed it gently but firmly while his fingers traversed her dripping wet slit.

Moaning as he manipulated her pussy she couldn’t imagine anything feeling as good as this, only barely noticing him turning her to stand sideways before him. What she did notice was his other hand on her ass, squeezing her cheeks with a finger teasing her between while the one on her pussy turned up the heat.

Jack loved the sight of his sexy angel in white dancing in place to the tune his fingers were playing. It had been so long since he’d been able to please a woman this way, and he didn’t want to stop despite a full erection making its needs known.

She put her hand on his shoulder for stability as her knees weakened. Reaching for the clasp of her bra, she yanked it open and threw the garment to the floor before grabbing the finally-free tits and squeezing them roughly. Seconds later, she came with a squirting orgasm that surprised them both. One long stream of clear fluid shot straight out when he got his hand out of the way.

“Oh my God, Jack!” she gasped, unable to remember the last time that had happened.

“Yeah, ‘my God,’ Haley! You’re amazing!” he gushed as he pulled her down to sit in his lap again while she regained control of her breathing.

“Mmm, I love being with you like this,” she said softly while stroking his chest and noticing his erection poking her side. “I want this again,” she said, sliding her hands over it while also manipulating his sac between her fingers.

She stood up when he started to slide back on the bed, lying on his back with his arms behind his head and his empty flagpole standing proud. She smiled through a bitten lower lip and crawled up between his legs to have both hands holding it, and still, the head poked out the top.

As he felt her mouth close over it, he thought about just a couple of days ago when all this was just a fantasy, and now here was this wonderful, beautiful woman giving him her all. For reasons unknown, he thought about what would happen after today and desperately hoped it wouldn’t end. Suddenly he wanted her pussy in his mouth again, wanted to give her everything he had, and above all, wanted to make her happy.

“I want more dessert! Bring that pussy over here!” he pled.

She looked up at him and smiled. The only thing that would make giving him oral better was him licking her at the same time. She moved to his side and turned around, lifting her leg over him. He grabbed her thighs, lifted her body, positioned her pungent pussy right over his mouth, and lowered her body until she was dripping on his face.

“Oh yeah!” she said, feeling her pussy being sucked into his mouth and the flat of his tongue lapping at her lips.

Seconds later, he was back in her mouth as they spurred each other on. She could feel him breathing heavily into her warm snatch and stepped up her efforts. Moving his hips in sync with her bobbing head, that familiar pressure started building, distracting him from her pussy. Every time he put his tongue back in her slit, her tongue found some new way to excite him, and before long he was spewing into her mouth again.

“Haley, you’re amazing!” he said as she got up and knelt beside him. Bending down to kiss him, he grabbed both tits, kneading them with his fingers, eliciting a moaning smile from her. “May I finish my dessert?” he asked with a cute smile.

“May I sit on your face?” she asked, wanting to do something she’d never done before.

His nod turned to a smile as he saw her lift her leg over him again, though facing him this time, and saw her pretty pussy coming down on his face while she watched. They shifted for and aft until his mouth splayed her luscious lips apart. He grabbed her ass and pulled her down onto his face, then guided her hips into a rocking motion where his chin, mouth, and nose were dragged through her savory slit.

“Oh fuck!” she cried as she discovered the joy of facesitting, grinding her pussy against his face while his tongue licked whatever was passing by. It didn’t take long before her movements became jerky, and yet another climax overtook her. “Oh my God!” she groaned as she came, squatting on his face and squirming with the spasms she couldn’t control.

Jack gasped for breath when she finally lifted off his face.

“Oh, Jack! I’m sorry!” she apologized, realizing she was so firmly planted on his face that he couldn’t breathe.

He just smiled and pulled her pussy back to his mouth, holding her trembling hips in place so his tongue could do its job, and she came even harder. Not able to take anymore, she slid down his body and smothered his sticky face with kisses as she lay atop him. Her eyes lit up when she felt his stiff cock between her legs and pressing into her slit from behind. She lifted her hips and stroked him with her pussy, watching his face for the pleasure she gave.

“I think it’s time he came inside!” she said as she sat up, lifted her hips, took hold of his long, hard rod, guided it to her silky slot, and sat down, feeling him filling her up as she slowly descended. Putting her hands on his shoulders, her hips rose and fell, and she grunted as each thrust bottomed out like he was hitting the end of her tunnel.

“You feel so good!” he moaned as he caressed her tits hanging in his face while watching his cock disappear inside her velvety sheath.

Breathing heavily and moaning almost continuously, they moved together, with him providing the last inch or two of thrust with upraised hips. So in tune with each other, they climbed to their mutual peak, holding on to arrive together. They called each other’s names as they joined and parted, feeling like they fit together perfectly.

“Come with me!” she cried, “Come with me, Jack!”

They were so close, and an accelerated pace made it happen as Haley could feel the pulsing of his ejaculation. He watched her body go stiff, then tremble erratically as they jumped off into the abyss together.

She fell to the bed beside him, pulling his offered arms tight around her as their breathing and heartbeats slowly returned to normal. She shivered when he kissed her neck and gently caressed her breasts.

“Oh, Jack! That was amazing! I’ve never felt anything …” she started as she felt him pull her hips closer to him. She didn’t compare him to anyone, satisfied to accept that he was more of a man than any she’d had before.

“I wish I could stay here, just holding you, for days!” he whispered in her ear.

She turned to face him with a loving smile and laid on his chest, loving the feeling of her naked tits pressed against his smooth, bare chest. They kissed like young lovers for the first time, eyes opened at times to read the passion in the other’s.

Another coupling started with his face between her thighs, licking and fingering her sore pussy until she came again, after which she turned over on all fours and waved her hips in a silent invitation to ‘Fuck me!’ Joined again, neither could believe how long the other lasted, with him pulling her trigger by fingering her clit, and again they came together, falling to the bed with his cock shrinking inside her.

It wasn’t days, but they lay together long enough to fall asleep, having exhausted each other. He woke her with kisses on her neck, her eyes fluttering open and a big smile when she saw his face, knowing it wasn’t a dream.

They hugged at the door as though they would be apart for a long time, but both knew it would be sooner than later without saying a word. He opened the door, gave her one more quick kiss, and stepped out. She watched him walk until he disappeared up the sidewalk. There was a word that each was afraid to say that described what they were feeling perfectly.



Mmm, that was really nice, wasn't it? How do you think things will progress from here? I hope you liked my story enough to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it and, Thanks For Reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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