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A Handy Man - Getting There - Pt. 6

"Haley and Jack's weekend together continues and concludes on a high note."

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Author's Notes

"Haley is clearly more than just a MILF to Jack, but for the sake of consistency, I'm leaving the story in that category."

“I’m sorry, Daddy! Are you really gonna spank me?” Haley asked, continuing her naughty, little girl role.

“Come with me, young lady!” Jack said as he took her wrist and led her to the bedroom, both smiling.

He’d intended to sit on the bed, but then he noticed the perfect upholstered armless chair in the corner. He let go of her wrist long enough to move the chair away from the wall and sat down, holding both of her wrists. She didn’t want a whole punishment scene, so he simply guided her down over his lap.

While he’d never done this before, this view of her gorgeous bottom was inspiring, to say the least. Her pretty green panties would do a poor job of protecting her bottom, but this wasn’t going to be severe enough for her to feel the difference. It didn’t matter, though, as she took the decision away from him.

“You’re not gonna pull my panties down, are you Daddy?” she said, looking up at him.

In seconds they were banded about her thighs, and she wiggled her butt at him, impatient for him to start. Taking his cue, he raised his hand and playfully spanked each cheek in turn, getting faked yelps and complaints of him spanking her ‘so hard.’ Gradually increasing the intensity, he watched and listened for hints as to how far to go, and so far all he heard was desire.

He imagined she’d received a few dozen spanks, with the sound of the smack telling him how hard they’d gotten, which wasn’t very hard at all, just enough to feel a little sting, he guessed.

“Ooo! I think Daddy likes spanking me!” she cooed when she felt him poking her from below.

“Have you had enough, young lady?” he asked, hoping she’d say yes and take care of that.

“Mmm, no. Give me ten more, Jack? And a bit harder, okay?” she pled.

Ten more came all too quickly, and the increased sting of these smacks kicked the pleasure up a notch as well.

“More! Please?” she begged and lifted her hips, inviting him to spank harder still. Finally, after the first six of what he’d consider ‘real’ spanks, she’d had enough. “Okay! Enough! Ooo, such a luscious sting!” she said, sliding off his lap. Kneeling on the floor, she slid her hands up his thighs, down to pull his boxers off, and back up to take him in hand. “Thank you for spanking me, Daddy!” she said in a voice that mocked her little girl role-playing.

Between his knees, she had him in her mouth, licking his lollipop and enjoying the sounds of his arousal as her tongue flicked the underside of his glans. Feeling his hand in her hair, she took her cue to take him deeper and, as before, took in a little more each time, her eyes smiling when her nose touched his belly.

“Oh yeah, Haley!” he cried as he felt the tightness of her throat, and only a dozen strokes later, he spewed his viscous produce into her mouth. She could feel the pulsing as it shot forth, and when it stopped, she made a show of swallowing it all in one gulp.

“Mmm, good! I really liked my spanking! It was just enough!”

“Turn around and let me see the damage,” he said, watching her stand and turn. “Oh!” he started when she shoved her butt in his face. “Just a nice, rosy pink! Mmm, and this is nice and pink, too!” he said, grabbing her hips and pulling her close for a long, slow lick through her slit.

“Mmm! More, please!” she pled, taking his hands and leading him to the bed. “Can I sit on your face again?” she asked. She’d been waiting for a chance to do it again, having loved it the first time, and his answer was to jump on the bad, lie on his back, and hold his arms out for her.

“You’re so good to me!” she said as she climbed on board, sitting on his chest and squirming for just the right position.

“That’s because you’re so good!” he replied.

She bent down for a long kiss and then, sitting up, shifted forward and aimed for his outstretched tongue, moaning as it snaked its way inside. Holding still to keep his tongue right where it was and lower to get every bit of it inside, she loved the way it darted in and out. Her legs shook as she held herself up, the muscles still tired from the afternoon bike ride, especially the final race through the rain.

“Oh God, that feels so good!” she said with a breathless sigh, her arms falling to the bed to support her while he ran his tongue through her seeping slit. Rocking her hips, his nose and mouth sawed through her gash, her sap smearing his face. Again, she held the position, this time trying to contain the giant wave that threatened to crash over her and crash it did, with a triggering slap on her pink ass.

Her body shook with so little control she would have dropped onto his face, smothering him, had he not held her up. She felt tears in her eyes as she thought of the wonderful day and the wonderful man who made it possible. She rolled to his side, where he could see the streaks on her face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked with concern, wiping a new tear as it streaked down her cheek before taking her in his arms and hugging her tightly.

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” she sobbed and lay her head on his shoulder. The warmth and strength of his arms recalled the morning of this incredible day. She wouldn’t mind a bit if the night ended like this, in his arms, but she’d like just a little more.

“Make love to me?” she said with her chin propped on his chest, looking into his smiling eyes.

“Nothing would make me happier,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

Rolling onto her back, she reached for him to lay atop her tired body and kissed his face as they savored the feeling of all the other places they touched. His lips found one of her beautiful breasts, and he suckled gently as she ran her fingers through his hair, moaning softly.

Lifting his body, he reached down and, taking hold of his stiff cock, guided it down through her slit, finding her opening by feel. Her soft moan became not-so-soft as he slid all the way in with one smooth push.

“Oh, Jack!” she cried, feeling closer to him than ever.

Slowly, gently, they glided within each other, not racing to a climax but experiencing the other's extraordinary closeness, touch, and tenderness. Eyes, sometimes open, sometimes closed, spoke to the feeling they were both afraid to express verbally.

Panting, moaning, and whispering the other’s name, the excitement built for much longer than either believed they could last. Their breathing, heavy with the effort, accelerated in sync with their hips; faster, faster, holding their breath, and then …

“Ahhhmmm,” as their mutual climax bloomed like a flower in slow motion, their bodies still expressing their unspoken thoughts with tender touch. They kissed everywhere but on their mouths until they could breathe, and then just soft lips gliding over the others.

Jack rolled to his side and pulled Haley’s back against his chest, his arms holding her, hands touching her, and lips kissing her neck. It was still early in the evening, but he wouldn’t mind if they stayed here, just like this, till morning. It had been so long since he’d felt anything even close to the love, yes, love he finally admitted to himself, that he felt for Haley. He wanted so badly to tell her, but he didn’t want her to think even for a moment that it was just because of their incredible intimacy.

Haley had similar thoughts, but she also felt the fatigue from a day of activity she wasn’t used to. She, too, would stay here till morning given the chance but didn’t want to cut the evening short for Jack’s sake. Still, they lay together, quiet and just feeling each other for quite a while.

“How about some wine? Or another beer?” she asked him.

“Yeah, let’s!” he said and moved to get up, helping Haley when she moved more slowly.

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Donning only their underwear, they padded barefoot to the kitchen, where she produced a bottle of Zinfandel and handed it to Jack for opening while she retrieved the glasses.

“To us!” Jack said, offering a toast.

“To us!” she replied with a loving smile, and each took a sip.

“What!?” he said when she started laughing.

“I was just thinking of how you looked with all that mud on you!” she replied, getting him to laugh as well.

“Are you being naughty again? Hm? Do I need to put you back over my knee?”

“No! No, Jack! I’ll stop,” she promised but chuckled again before controlling herself. “Hey, are you hungry? Want something to eat?” The way to a man’s heart and all that.


“What would you like? I have …” she started but ended up screaming and giggling as he picked her up, plopped her down on the counter, lifting her knees up and apart before diving into her pantied crotch, tongue first. “Jesus, Jack!” she cried when his fingers got in the act, exposing her pussy to his tongue.

“Jack!” she screamed as he lifted her up with his face still buried in her crotch and carried her into the family room with her legs wrapped around his head.

Sitting her in an upholstered chair, he yanked her panties off, and with her knees pressed back against her tits, he devoured her pussy, enjoying a faceful of her juice when she came. She returned the favor with him on the floor, but rather than another mouthful of his seed, she climbed aboard and rode him to another simultaneous climax.

The night continued along similar lines, though they returned to bed. Long periods of just holding each other, interspersed with a variety of sexy fun, including a few spanks for both of them, until another kind of weariness took hold, and they fell asleep.


The morning was quieter, though they made love the same serene way as the night before getting up and starting their second day together. Haley’s mood was subdued as they got out of bed, knowing that tomorrow, she’d be waking up alone again.

It was Haley’s turn to make breakfast, her mood improving with the opportunity to make something more adult for a change, treating Jack to an omelet of her design with thick-sliced bacon and rye toast.

Jack took her to the relatively new James Museum in St. Pete, an extraordinary collection of art and crafts inspired or created by Native Americans personally collected by a prominent local businessman and philanthropist. She was already taken in by the entrance, where huge sandstone slabs simulated a western canyon. She appreciated both that Jack would have such an interest and that it was something she would have had to wait a long time for her kids to enjoy. She was particularly enthused by sculptures with unbelievable detail in their feathered garb.

Lunch at one of the outdoor cafes on Beach Drive was equally enjoyable. Moon Under the Water was a British pub-style restaurant with tables on a porch and the sidewalk.  Watching the world go by on the nearby sidewalk, Haley realized they could be discovered by friends or neighbors at this popular social destination. She almost hoped someone would.

A walk to The Pier, recently rebuilt, found them on the upper decks, sitting on a bench looking at the St. Pete skyline. Having lived here much longer than Haley, Jack could remember when you could walk up Central Avenue on a weekend and not even see a car. The rebirth of this beautiful setting was a matter of local pride, and the country’s tourists had discovered it as well.

As he told Haley about it, he wondered if she’d pick up on the metaphor for his recent life of quiet, uneventful days becoming exciting and joyful, but Haley drew a parallel to her life, not Jack’s.

All too soon, it was time to head home; both a little melancholy about their wonderful weekend coming to an end. The car ride was uncharacteristically quiet until Jack asked her how to get to her mother’s home.

“You don’t have to go with me to pick up the kids, Jack,” she said.

“No, I don’t have to, but I want to. If it’s alright with you?” he asked, wondering if perhaps she didn’t want him to meet her mother. “You know I like your kids, right?”

“Yes, I know,” she replied, tearing up again.

“Do you not want me to meet your mother?”

“No. No, Jack,” she said, sniffling and putting her hand on top of Jack’s resting on the center console. “She knows all about you. I’d love for you to come with me!” she said, trying to smile with the corners of her mouth still downturned. She wished they were in Jack’s old truck with its bench seat where she could slide over and put her head on his shoulder.

“Hi, Mom!” Haley greeted her when her mother opened her door. “Are the kids ready?”

“Hello, Haley,” she started and, seeing her company, added, “Oh, hello, Jack! Yeah, they’re ready. Did you kids have a good weekend?”

“We had a fantastic weekend!” Haley said, turning to look at Jack when he put his arm around her waist and pulled her in.

“That’s great! I’m so glad …” her mother started but was interrupted by two rambunctious kids.

“Mom!” they called out in unison when they heard her voice, running to greet her with hugs.

“Mr. Jack!” Evan yelled, giving him the now traditional high-five.

They went back to the bedroom to retrieve their backpacks while the adults talked in the foyer.

“Thank you, Mom! I hope they weren’t a bother.”

“None at all. You know I love having them over, so consider it an open invitation any time you want,” she said with a motherly eye to Haley.

“Thank you, Mrs. Evans,” Jack started. “Next weekend, I think we’ll do something with the kids,” he said to Haley’s stunned face.

Smiling through her tears, she grabbed him around the waist and kissed him lovingly.

“We’re ready!” the kids cried, running through the house. When Cindy saw her Mom kissing Jack, she asked, “Is Mr. Jack gonna have dinner with us again?”

Haley looked to Jack for an answer.

“I’d love to! How about spaghetti?”

“Yay!” they hollered.

They offered Jack their hands, and he led them to the door, stopping to wait for Haley.

“Go ahead. Can you get them in their car seats?” Haley asked and added, after a nod from Jack, “I’ll only be a couple of minutes.”

“I’m really happy for you, Haley!” her mom said once they were alone. “What are you planning for them next weekend?”

“I have no idea! That was the first I heard about it!” she said, still fighting to control happy tears.

“Well, whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll have a great time!”

“We had such a good time this weekend, and now this!” she said, and with tears flowing freely now, she felt herself being pulled in for a maternal hug.

“You love him, don’t you?”

“I do, Mom! He’s so good to me! And I’m so afraid of screwing it up!” she admitted.

“I don’t think you will. Just take it easy and let it build on its own. You’re getting there.”

“Thanks, Mom! For everything!” she added expansively and pulled away.

“I’ll be happy to take the kids again Saturday night if the day goes well,” she offered to Haley’s bashful smile.  

Her mother pulled an old ratty tissue from her pocket and wiped her daughter’s tears, recalling the many times she’d done just that. They said goodbye, and Haley headed for the car.

“Come on, Mom! We want busghetti!” she heard the kids cry from the car.

She got in, leaned over to give Jack a soft and gentle kiss, and fastened her seatbelt for what she hoped would be an amazing ride.


What a great weekend together! It couldn't have gone better, unless they'd gotten over their fear of stating their true feelings. Think that'll come soon? I hope you've enjoyed this progression in their relationship. Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it if you did, and Thanks For Reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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