“Hi, Dad! It’s good to hear your voice!” Jack’s daughter Diana said when she answered the phone.
“How are you, Princess?” he asked, using the term of endearment his wife had insisted on for their baby girl named after the British Royal.
“I’m good. Very busy, but good! You?”
“Never better!” he replied, surprising her with his positive response.
“Yes, it sounds like it!
“And how’s Lee?”
“She’s good too. We have an anniversary coming up, you know.”
“Yes, I remember! Maybe you’d like to take a short vacation in Florida to celebrate? The summer temperatures are falling to more comfortable levels.”
“Maybe. What’s up, Dad?” she asked, sensing this was more than a routine call.
“I’d love to have you come visit sometime soon. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
“You’ve got a girlfriend, Dad?” she said, jumping to the obvious conclusion and when there was no correction, added sincerely, “I’m so happy for you!” having long ago wished he’d find someone as special as her Mom.
“Thank you. Haley’s very special to me!”
“Haley? Would that be the same Haley you were doing some work for? A staircase, was it?”
“Yes, that’s her,” he admitted, wondering if she would remember more.
“I recall you talking about her. That was only a few months ago. I wondered then whether you had more than giving her a good staircase in mind!” she said suggestively. “Wait! Didn’t she have young kids?” she asked, suddenly remembering.
That was the part he was worried about. Haley was only three or four years older than Diana, which was bound to raise some suspicions, but he knew his daughter was a fair and pragmatic individual and hoped she’d wait until she met her to form an opinion.
“Yes, Cindy is eight, and Evan is five. They’re great kids!”
Diana wanted to be happy for her Dad. She knew he’d not developed any real interest in any other women he’d encountered and was only superficially aware of some that showed an interest in him. Genuinely hoping this was different, she promised herself to reserve judgment until she met Haley, just as he had when she’d revealed she was a lesbian and started a relationship with Lee.
“Look, Diana. I know she’s only a few years older than you, but …” he started after a pregnant pause.
“I’d love to meet her, Dad!” she interrupted. “Really! If she makes you happy, then I’m happy for you!”
After other pleasantries and planning, he got off the call, relieved to have broken the news to Diana, and she hadn’t questioned his judgment about Haley. Not yet, anyway. They still had to meet, which would happen in two weeks. Now he had to tell Haley, who would likely be nervous about such a meeting, but he wasn’t sure which would make her more apprehensive: meeting a daughter that was old enough to be her sister or worried she’d see his motive for having them meet and think he was moving too fast for her.
The truth was that he was thinking about marriage, but not necessarily in the near term. He hoped their relationship would grow to the point that they’d both be thinking about more of a commitment, but if Diana was going to be a problem, he’d prefer to deal with that sooner rather than later. It would also give the two women in his life, time to get to know each other before more serious discussions took place.
“Oh God, Jack! I love this!” Haley cried, sitting in her favorite place; on Jack’s face. “Oh! Ohh! Ho! Ho! I’m gonna cum! I’m cumming, Jack!” she warned, always afraid that he might not like being trapped between her thighs when her juices started flowing freely, especially if she squirted, now a more frequent occurrence with her fantastic lover.
Moving down his prone body, she felt his erection against her bottom and smiled devilishly as she rose to guide him inside.
“Love me, Jack?” she asked as a tease.
“More than you can imagine!” he replied.
“Ooo, it feels so good to have you in me like this! Oh, that’s it! Slow and gentle,” she sighed as their hips worked in unison toward yet another climax.
She bent forward, switching between kissing his lips and face, and dangling her tits over his mouth, offering a taste while their pace slowly but steadily increased. They’d cum so many times already they savored the long climb to another incredible peak together. Feeling him gliding smoothly inside her, giving to her as he had, she was reminded how grateful she was that they’d weathered their first storm, despite feeling she’d come close to screwing it up.
Jack would disagree, feeling like it hadn’t been a close call as his love for her would have prevailed somehow, no matter what it took, and moments like this, with her riding on his cock only reinforced those beliefs.
“Oh, Haley! You feel so good! I’m gonna cum! Cum with me!”
“I. Am. Jack! I … I … oh yeah! Oh yeah! Ohhhhmmmm!” she gasped as the powerful peak was reached, and his cock throbbed inside her, planting his seed deep within.
“I love you, Haley! I love you so much!” he said with panting breaths, pulling her to him, rolling to their side for a deeply passionate kiss.
“I love you too!” she managed between tongueful kisses.
They lay facing each other, eyes dancing and saying things words could not. Gentle smiles added to the conversation before Haley instinctively turned to rest her back against her strong man. She could lie like this for hours, loving the feeling of his body supporting her in more than a physical way, and she often would, falling asleep in this heavenly place. But not tonight.
“Did I tell you?” Jack started, knowing he hadn’t but trying to make it sound casual. “Diana’s coming to visit.”
“Diana? Your daughter! I’m finally going to meet her!” she replied, hoping she sounded excited, but the worry in her voice came through. “What’s the occasion?”
“No occasion. I asked her to come,” he answered and wasn’t surprised when she turned to face him again. “I wanted her to meet you,” he added when her eyes asked the obvious next question.
So many thoughts jumbled in her mind. Of course, she wanted to meet Diana eventually, but why now? She saw it as a positive step in their relationship, especially since the specific reason for her visit was for them to meet. Jack must feel confident enough in them to do it, but was there another reason? Did he have some further commitment in mind? Marriage occurred to her first, but living together was another possibility. The question of whose home briefly entered her mind appropriate for either scenario, but another fear was at the root of her concern.
What would she think of her Dad with a woman only a few years older than her? They were close enough in age to be siblings; the thought of Diana as the little sister she never had came to mind. Jack hadn’t revealed much about her, so she had little to go on to predict a reaction. What if Diana saw her as one of the golddiggers Jack had tried so hard to avoid? Would she be able to tell Jack’s wealth and security was the farthest thing from her mind? Before Jack interrupted the lightspeed conversation in her head, her final thought was, ‘We’ve just come through one crisis, and now this!’
“You’ve got nothing to worry about,” he offered, seeing the concern in her eyes. “She’s gonna love you.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Because I do!”
“Oh, Jack! I hope you’re right, but what if she doesn’t? What if she thinks I’m just another desperate single mom looking for someone to assure her future without really caring about you?”
“Sure, many people could come to that conclusion, but I’d like to think that even a little time spent with us would allay those fears. Diana wants me to be happy and has often questioned me about my romantic life, and there being none, until now, I think she’ll look past the suspicions and be happy for us both.”
“I hope you’re right!” she replied, tears beginning to form. “When is she coming?”
“Two weeks from today!”
“Two weeks!? I’m gonna be a bundle of nerves until then! I wish it were sooner!”
And she was a bundle of nerves that only seemed to ebb when they were making love. He tried his best to comfort her, several times wanting to tell her about his experience with her coming out and how relieved she was that he accepted it with only the briefest concern, but he’d rather let Diana make that point. He felt his belief in Diana’s new love would become her belief in his love for Haley. At least, that’s what he hoped.
“Good news!” he announced several days later. “Diana’s had a change in plans. She’s coming this weekend!”
“Oh my God! Tomorrow? Oh, Jack!” she cried, her nerves ramping up again.
“I thought you’d be happy it was sooner?” he questioned, knowing she would be like this the day before, regardless of which day it was.
“Yes, but … no, I … oh, I don’t know what …” she stammered, only finding some comfort in Jack’s arms.
“It’ll be alright, whatever Diana thinks!” he said, showing for the first time that he’d considered the possibility of the meeting not going well.

Haley went to work for only a few hours that Friday to let them know she’d be leaving early and taking the following Monday off. An hour before they were to leave for the airport to pick them up, her mother showed up to watch the kids.
“What should I wear?” she asked Jack, taking no cue from his casual slacks and blue-striped oxford shirt.
“You know what I like! Dress for me, not her,” he replied.
“Yeah, easy for a man to say!” she protested. “Mom?!”
Like a mother on the night of her daughter’s first prom, she helped Haley not only with her clothes and hair but also with her worries.
“Haley, have you never considered that Jack isn’t all that many years younger than me? I could tell how happy you were and how he cared for you just by seeing you two together, so age didn’t matter. I’m sure the love Diana will see between you will convince her.
“That’s what Jack keeps saying. I hope you’re both right!”
She chose a simply patterned peasant blouse with black jeans and sandals, which was surprisingly exactly what Jack suggested.
“You look beautiful!” Jack said, taking her in his arms. “We should go. Ready?”
“No,” she said, managing a slight laugh.
They waited in Tampa airport for the tram at Airside C to deliver their visitors, Haley hugging Jack possessively. The flight being a little late only added to Haley’s nerves, but eventually, Jack said, “There they are!” ‘They!?’ she thought suddenly.
“Hi, Daddy!” Diana said, using the more affectionate term of endearment whenever she saw him in person.
“Hello, Princess!” he replied, hugging her tightly. “Hi, Lee! It’s good to see you both! Diana, this is Haley!”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Diana!” Haley said, her nerves somewhat diminished by her open and friendly countenance.
“And you, Haley! This is my wife, Lee!” she said, noticing the initial surprised look on Haley’s face. “Dad! You didn’t tell her?”
“I didn’t think it made any difference,” he said, confident in his defense.
“And it doesn’t!” Haley jumped in. “I’m sorry for my initial reaction. It was just unexpected! Very nice to meet you too, Lee!”
“It’s nice to meet you as well, Haley. Don’t worry. You’re not the first!” Lee offered, helping diffuse the situation.
Tensions eased as they made their way to the car and the restaurant for dinner. Conversation flowed easily as Haley, Diana, and Lee got to know each other, and though Haley was somewhat comforted, she still worried about what his daughter’s final verdict would be. Jack had tried to reassure her that he’d still be there no matter what happened, but she knew it would get much more difficult without her approval.
Haley slept alone that night as Jack took care of his houseguests. She wondered if they were talking about her and what might be said, her fears ramping up again despite the evening having gone better than she’d expected.
The next day was spent eating and sightseeing, starting with a breakfast prepared by Jack, followed by another visit to the James Museum, as Diana had always been interested in Native American art. Lunch at the Teak restaurant at the St. Petersburg Pier was extended as all enjoyed the gorgeous weather with the elevated view of the St. Pete skyline. Diana was amazed at how much it had changed since her parents had moved to Florida from Raliegh/Durham, where she and Lee still lived.
After wandering around the shops on Beach Drive, they eventually made their way back to Haley’s home to pick up her mother and the kids for pizza. They all crammed into Haley’s SUV for the short drive to Beach Pizza and then across the street to the Redington Shores beach, Diana wanting to see her favorite feature of the area: a sunset over the Gulf of Mexico.
Between seasons, the beach had just enough people to feel exciting without feeling crowded, and they all piled onto a blanket to await the show. Jack played in the sand with Cindy and Evan while the women talked. The sun was still half an hour away from the horizon, but the light, whispy clouds were already beginning to show the faint pastel hues of blue, lavender, and pink, one of its more subdued displays.
“Haley, take a walk with me?” Diana offered.
“Oh. Sure!” she said, her nerves heightened by the unexpected invitation, but she hoped for the best and set off on their walk.
“I wasn’t thrilled when my parents told me they were moving to Florida, but I’ve always loved the beach at sunset. I sometimes wonder whether my mother would still be alive if they hadn’t moved.”
“That must’ve been hard,” Haley responded to Diana’s openness.
“It was; still is sometimes. But Dad was happy here, so I accepted it. His well-being is very important to me, and he seems very happy with you.”
“He’s a wonderful man who makes me very happy as well.”
“You’re in love,” she said as both statement and question.
“Yes, we’re very much in love!” she replied quietly, enthusiastic.
“My mother never knew about my sexuality,” Diana said, changing the subject abruptly. “I’ve always regretted not telling her, and it was a year later, when I was still grieving, when I finally told Dad. I didn’t want to keep it from him anymore as I had her. Lee had just come into my life at that point.”
“How did he react?” she asked, genuinely curious as this was all new to her.
“He was amazing, Haley. He asked a few questions, trying to be sure I knew for sure, but he told me that all he cared about was that I was happy. No warnings. No worries about what other people would think. My happiness was all that mattered.”
“I’m not surprised. I love his gentle strength,” Haley replied.
“My mom always said I took after him, so I wouldn’t be much of a daughter if I didn’t apply one of the most important lessons he taught me to him,” she said as she stopped to turn and face Haley. “So if you two provide so much joy for each other, as you obviously do, I’m more than happy. I’m overjoyed!”
“Oh, Diana! Thank you! You don’t know how much that means to me! To us!” she said, falling into Diana’s welcoming outstretched arms.
“I think I do, but just so you know, I won’t be calling you ‘Mom,’” she said with a laugh.
“I understand, but there’s no talk of marriage yet,” Haley chuckled as they faced each other with connected arms.
“Haley, I wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t thinking about it.”
“Well then, I guess that makes two of us,” she confessed quietly.
They walked arm-in-arm back to the others as the colors of the sky became more lively, though still muted shades, rather than the ‘sky on fire’ colors of the more spectacular Gulf sunsets. Jack saw them coming, realized the danger had passed, and ran to them, hugging them both.
“How did I get so lucky to have two such wonderful women in my life?” he asked before kissing them both.
As the three rejoined the others on the blanket, Cindy, the ever so mature for her nearly nine years of age, asked the familiar question.
“Now, are you gonna get married?”
“Cindy!!” Haley chided her gently.
“Would you like to have a big sister?” Diana asked while they were all still laughing at a child’s wisdom.
“That would be so cool!” Cindy responded to uproarious laughter.
They continued watching as the sky grew gradually darker, and when there was little color left in the sky, they packed up and left. They drove to Jack’s, presumably to drop the three off.
“Wait a sec, Haley,” Diana said to her as she walked around to the driver’s seat and then went to her father in the driveway. “Dad, stay with Haley.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, she needs you tonight. Besides, it’ll give Lee and me a chance to have some fun in the hot tub!”
“Thank you, Princess! For everything!”
“No, thank you, Daddy!”
Haley blew Diana a kiss, acknowledging her generosity as Jack got back in the car.
Later, they sat on her deck with glasses of wine, enjoying the cooler temperatures. The kids were in bed, her mother had gone home, and finally, they were alone.
“What a day!” Haley started. “I really like Diana!”
“I told you you had nothing to worry about.”
“Why didn’t you tell me she’s a lesbian?” she asked as a curiosity, not an accusation.
“I promised myself when she came out to me that I’d never treat her sexuality as something to be explained or warned about.”
“You’re a wise and thoughtful man, Jack Kelly!” she said and leaned over to kiss him quickly, but it just as quickly turned passionate. “I have been so tense but feel so relaxed now! Want to go inside?”
“Is that ‘inside’ as in, in the house, or …”
“Both,” she said with a sly smile.
Leaving their wine behind, Jack carried her to the bedroom, where he took many delicious trips ‘inside’ Haley. Over the following hour, they made love slowly and gently, relishing each tender touch of fingers, tongues, and genitalia, with each climax better than the last. Fingers wrapped around his sturdy erection or probed deeply inside for her ‘spot.’ Tongues licked and tasted only to prepare for another breathtaking joining while holding each other tightly, looking forward to an incredible future that was theirs to shape.
Everything seems to be coming together for Jack and Haley! What's next? Want to know? Look for future chapters! Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' my story if you like it and Thanks For Reading!!