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Fun in Cabo Part 5

"Carol's vacation in Cabo comes to an end."

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By the time we woke up, the mainland was in sight. We went topside for some breakfast, then took a shower and changed into shorts and sleeveless tops. Linda suggested a good pair of walking shoes rather than flip flops, and we each packed small bags with a sarong that could also be used as a shawl along with some other items, and I brought along my camera. When we docked at Mazatlan, we grabbed sun hats and glasses and took a cab to the center of town. We spent a few hours walking around, seeing some of the sights and shopping. We nibbled different foods from street vendors and bought a bunch of candy we gave to a group of kids following tourists around. Mid-afternoon, Linda hailed a cab and told the driver to take us to the airport.

“Are we flying to Paris already?”

“No, Mexico City. Tomorrow, we will tour the ruins at Teotihuacan, which means City of the Gods. There’s like 600 pyramids there. After that, we will spend some time in Mexico City itself.”

“I am not even going to try and argue with you or ask about our luggage.”


We arrived at the airport and went to the service office of one of the local airlines and Linda had a conversation in Spanish with one of the reps. After showing our passports, our luggage was produced and we were given boarding passes. After packing some of our purchases in our suitcases, and consolidating the rest, we checked our bags and went through security. On the way to our gate, we stopped and picked up two smoothies and some fish tacos, then went to our gate, where the plane was already boarding. We found our seats and settled in for the approximately two hour flight.

By the time we arrived in Mexico City, claimed our luggage and got to our hotel, it was already nearly 8pm. After depositing our bags in our room, we went to the dining room and had a light dinner. Then we walked a block down the street to a nightclub where we drank and danced for several hours, then walked hand in hand back to the hotel. We crawled into bed and were asleep in minutes.

The next morning, after showering and having some breakfast, we boarded a van that would be taking us to the ruins, along with several other people we picked up at two other stops. We followed the tour guide to explore the largest of the structures, which is the Pyramid of the Sun. We also went through the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, listening to the tour guide telling us all about them. After walking with the group to several other structures, we were free to explore on our own. We were free to stay as long as we wanted and take any of the vans that returned to Mexico City hourly. There were a couple of places to eat, and we selected one about 2pm, then spent another four hours exploring. I took hundreds of pictures. We finally hopped on one of the vans and got off at our hotel.

Linda asked the concierge to recommend a good nearby restaurant and get us a table. We went to our room, freshened up, and changed into sundresses and sandals. When we returned to the lobby, the concierge said a table was being held for us and the hotel shuttle was outside to drive us there. After enjoying an amazing dinner, we strolled hand in hand the two miles back to the hotel, stopping along the way to check out some of the shops and popping into another nightclub for a short time. It was well after midnight when we finally strolled back into the hotel, holding hands and giggling. After a gentle love-making session, we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, after showering and breakfast, we packed our bags, then bought tickets for one of the on-off bus tours around the city. We got off at many of the sights to take a tour, then moved on to the next place. We skipped lunch, but stopped early for a light dinner, toured a bit more, then headed back to the hotel. We showered off the dust of the day, then checked out and headed back to a smaller airport where the private jet was waiting to whisk us to Paris. The flight attendant greeted us as we boarded and helped us with our luggage. As soon as we settled in, the pilot requested permission from the tower to depart.

“Good evening Ms. Burke. I hope you and your guest enjoy the flight. The weather is looking good, so it should be a smooth flight. As soon as you are ready, please let me know and I will get your dinners ready. In the meantime, is there anything I can get you to drink?”

“A glass of cabernet for me, please.”

“Do you have any Moscato?”

“No Miss…?”

“Carol will be fine.”

“…Miss Carol, but we have an excellent Riesling.”

“Riesling will be fine, thank you.”

She brought us our drinks and a bit later served us a dinner of Chicken Marsala, baked potato and fresh lima beans in a garlic butter sauce. That was finished off with a fluffy chocolate bread pudding topped with freshly whipped cream. We washed it all down with several mixed drinks.

“The sleeping cabin has been prepared if you wish to use it. If you should need anything, just buzz on the intercom. We should be arriving in Paris early afternoon their time.”

“Thank you Beth. Have a good evening and we will see you tomorrow.”

We got up and went to the back of the plane where a curtained off area contained a bed and a small bathroom. We got undressed and crawled into the double bed. Linda kissed me and I pushed my tongue into her open mouth and wrestled with hers. Our hands groped each other’s bodies, squeezing and caressing; rubbing and tweaking. I reached behind her and pulled her hips into mine. Her hand wedged between us, fingers buried inside of me. Our breasts pressed together so tightly, we could feel the other’s heartbeat. Turning into a 69 position, our mouths and hands exploring and pleasuring each other until our strength was exhausted. We fell into a deep sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Welcome to The Mile High Club,” the first words I heard when I woke up.

“Just as you promised.”

“Yes I did, and I always keep my promises.”

We dressed and went out into the main cabin and had a meal of poached eggs and sausage, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. A warm fresh berry crumble and coffee completed the meal. The day was crisp and clear and I took a number of pictures through the window. Linda asked if I would like to take some from the cockpit. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the copilot’s seat and getting some amazing shots. After clearing it, the pilot descended to an altitude that afforded me a spectacular view of the water and a couple of freighters through my telephoto lens. We finally returned to our cruising altitude and I returned to the main cabin.

That was very cool!”

“Piece of cake. One of the perks of owning timeshare in a private jet. I thought you might enjoy it.

“I did, Linda, very much.”

“I think we still have some time till we land, but why don’t we get our bags packed. We can leave the bags with our purchases here. No one is scheduled to use the plane, so the crew is taking the time for some R and R.”

We got our stuff together and watched the landscape pass under us. As we approached Paris, I spotted the Eiffel Tower as well as a few other landmarks and snapped off more pics. We landed and went through customs, then called for a limo to take us to the Burke’s condo. It was located in a part of the city with a view of the Arc de Triomphe. After unpacking, we walked over to the monument and toured through it, learning about the history and of course, taking lots of pics of the monument itself, and from the roof of it as well. We explored a bit of the area around the site, getting in a fair amount of walking.

Linda knew of a restaurant where we would get a great view of the city lights as they lit up. She called ahead to get us a table and we grabbed a taxi to take us there.

“Good evening Ms. Burke. So nice to see you again. How are your mother and father doing? I have not seen them in a while.”

“Thank you Sean. They are off on a cruise right now and having a good time. I am in town for a couple of days, showing my friend Carol here the sights. We just flew in from Mexico City, so our time clocks are all off. Bring us something good to eat and a nice bottle of wine. And do you think you can manage a window table for us. I want to show my friend the lights.”

“Of course Ms. Burke. Follow me.”

We were seated at a table overlooking a good portion of the city. The view from the fortieth floor restaurant was beautiful.

“Do you know everyone Linda?”

“My folks came here the first time they came to Paris. They got to talking to Sean and when they decided to buy a condo, he recommended a realtor and helped them find their place.”

The wine came followed by several courses of food and more wine. We watched the sky darken and the lights brighten. I took a series of photos as the change progressed, thinking it would make an interesting series.

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When we left the restaurant, we hopped into one of the horse and carriage tours that would take us around a portion of the city so we could see the lights. After two hours, the driver let us off a few blocks from the condo, and we walked the rest of the way. Even though the day had been much shorter than the time would suggest, we were tired.

Once we hit the bed though, lust seemed to kick in and give as a second wind. Linda leaned in and began kissing me. I responded by stroking her arms and back and pulling our bodies closer together. My heart was already pounding, and I could feel hers beating against my skin. She whispered she had a new toy she had been waiting to try out. Reaching under the pillow, she pulled out a double ended dildo that appeared to be about eighteen inches long. She took one end into her mouth, wetting several inches on one end, then handing it to me.

I took the other end and did the same, then slid it into her pussy. Linda took the end she had wet and held it taut as I slid my body towards hers. I put my hand over hers and began stroking the dildo in and out slowly and gently. As I lay back slightly, I reached for my clit and began to rub it between my thumb and forefinger. Linda watched as I did, smiling.

“Yesss babe, play with yourself. I do love to watch.”

I leaned back all the way letting go of the dildo and placed that hand on my breast. Tweaking and pinching the nipple, I moaned loudly. In response, she increased the intensity of the strokes. My hips were moving back and forth in rhythm with her stroking as I closed my eyes. I could hear Linda’s breathing start coming in gasps.

“Open your eyes babe. Watch me, watch my excitement build; watch us cum.”

I did as she suggested and watched. I watched her cheeks flush with arousal as I felt mine doing the same. I pinched and twisted my nipples harder and wished I could reach hers. The pace of the strokes increased, the climax growing closer as each one pounded into me, then I watched her face as it pounded into her. As she removed her hand from the dildo and reached for her own clit. I pushed toward her until our pussies were touching, the backs of our fingers rubbing against each other as we rubbed our clits in unison, until I could no longer stop the wave from crashing over me. As my body jerked with the power of the orgasm, Linda’s body responded as she exploded as well.

Finally, we both slowly stopped moving. We lay there for several minutes as our heart beats returned to normal, our fingers entwined and resting on our mounds. Once our breathing returned to normal, we turned to each other and removed the dildo. We spooned and soon drifted off to sleep. I woke up and heard Linda’s regular breathing, indicating she was still asleep. I slipped out of bed, grabbed some clothes and started a pot of coffee. Then I dressed and went down to a nearby bakery Linda said made the most amazing Crème brûlée. I purchased two individual containers as well as a fresh loaf of bread for breakfast. I stopped at a market and picked up some eggs, bacon and a container of fruit compote, then hurried back the condo, hoping she was still asleep.

When I opened the door, I heard the shower running, so I hurried to the kitchen, sliced off a half dozen pieces of bread, cracked open some of the eggs and got the bacon sorted into a fry pan. I went back into the bedroom when I heard the shower stop and gave Linda a big kiss. She hugged me, soaking the front of my clothing.

“There you are! Where did you disappear to? I got up and looked around the apartment for you, but you were nowhere to be found. I even checked under the bed.”

“I wanted to surprise you. Went out for a few supplies. Are you hungry?”

“I love surprises! And yes, I am hungry.”

“Well dry yourself off and come join me in the kitchen.”

I went back into the kitchen and after searching through several cabinets, found some cinnamon and vanilla, adding some to the eggs, then beating them into a froth. I, turned the heat on under the bacon and poured the egg mixture over the bread slices, flipping them over a few times to make sure each side of each piece was fully coated and the eggs were all soaked up. When Linda came into the kitchen, I poured two cups of coffee and handed her one, then got out dishes and silverware. I set two place settings on one side of the island containing the stove top, and heated up the griddle for the French toast. When it was sufficiently hot, I added a big glob of butter and spread it over the griddle, then added the bread. I heated the compote slightly in the microwave, turned the bacon and flipped over the slices of bread. When the bacon was done, I split it between the two plates and did the same with the French toast when it was done.

I walked around and sat down on one of the stools, taking the fruit and spooned several large spoonfuls over the toast, then passed it to Linda.  She did the same and we sat quietly eating our breakfast.

“I guess I’m not the only around here that can cook. That was delicious, Carol. Thank you.”

“Well, thank you for a wonderful time and, uhm, well you know…"

“So cute! Can’t even say sex.”

“Well, I got us something else special too. We can have it now or save it for later.”

“Oh, now, now. Whatever it is, I want it now.”

I got the Crème brûlée out and placed one in front of each of us, moving the other dishes aside. We ate it all down, nearly licking the containers clean.

“You were right. That was wonderful.”

“I told you. They make some of the best stuff there. So you ready for another day of “speed touristing”? Since you cooked, I will clean up while you shower, then we can take off.”

I went in, showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, then we left. We got tickets to one of the hop on-hop off bus tours. We took the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and walked down, rode along the Champs-Élysées, took a stroll along the River Seine and toured Notre Dame. We ate lunch at an outdoor café, and bought souvenirs from street vendors. We rode the tour bus past other landmarks, listening to the tour guides describe them, getting off at others for a brief tour. By the time we covered as much as we could, it was getting late, so we headed back to the condo. Linda made a call to Sean, and thirty minutes later, another delicious meal was delivered to our door.

Linda said we would have time in the morning to take a short tour of the Musée du Louvre before heading back to the airport for the trip home. After a solid night’s sleep, we packed our bags and cleaned up after ourselves, then went down, dropped our bags at the condo’s concierge to be sent ahead to the airport and hailed a cab. We spent several hours at the museum, seeing just a small portion of the art. We left and walked to a small outdoor café where we ate lunch, then took another taxi to the airport. We boarded the plane, where all our belongings were waiting for us. We took off a short time later, heading back to Cabo for the last day of my vacation.

The flight home was smooth, and we gained back the seven hours we had lost plus one more. We got the chance for another visit to the Mile High Club, which we took full advantage of… twice. I added the pics from the last two days onto my laptop with the others I had downloaded earlier, and Linda and I picked several to post on my Facebook page, starting in Cabo, and going through the Paris trip. Once we were back at her house in Cabo, we also exchanged some more private pics we had taken. As we went through them, we laughed at some of the silly ones, and “awwwed” at some of the others. I was going to need to leave for the airport fairly early, so we had an early dinner.

I packed my bags except for what I would wear on the plane and made it an early night. In the morning, Maria packed my bags into the car and we made the trip to the airport.

“Next time, it will be my turn to host you, though I doubt I could ever match this trip. And let’s not wait so long, now that we have reconnected.”

“Oh, you can count on that. And I can hardly wait to see what you come up with to do.”

We exchanged a passionate kiss as Maria loaded my bags onto a cart. I got my boarding pass, went through customs and security and headed to the gate with my carry-on bag. After a short wait, the plane was boarded and took off. Several hours later, my neighbor met me at the airport to drive me home.

“So, did you have fun in Cabo? You certainly look nice and tanned and rested. Was it nice catching up with your friend?”

Now, being in the corporate world, I tended to downplay my sexuality, though I did not hide it from friends and family, nor ever deny it. I just did not walk around flaunting it especially while I was in business mode. I certainly was not ashamed of it, but even though great strides have been made, I still understood the realities of life in big business. But Judy was a friend.

“Oh, I had fun alright. Can’t wait to tell you the details!”


Written by adele
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