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Fun in Cabo Part 4

"Some fun on a private island."

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“That’s where we are headed.  It’s a private island, with about a half dozen huts.  A good friend of mine owns one and lets me use it whenever I want.  You are gonna love it.”

As we neared the island, the captain lowered the sails and started up the engines bringing us into a dock.  Linda told me to grab my camera, then we disembarked and walked over to a shed.  I wondered if this was one of the huts Linda mentioned.  We walked around to the other side and I saw it contained a couple of golf carts.  She got in one and patted the seat next to her.  As I climbed in, she started the cart up and pulled out.  We drove up a small hill and went around a curve when I spotted the “hut”. 

“I would hardly call that a hut.  But it is beautiful.”

“Well, it’s only a couple of thousand square feet, but the grass roof is a nice touch even if it isn’t real.  Anyway, we’re staying here tonight, maybe tomorrow night too. “

“You do know how to treat a gal, Linda.  You always did.”

I leaned in and kissed her, then followed her into the house after she plugged the cart in to keep it charged.  The interior was beautiful, done in native woods with lots of openings to the outside.  From one side of the house, you could see the ocean From another, there was a view of a waterfall flowing from the rocks higher up the hill.  All around there was lush foliage.  Linda took me by the hand and pulled me out the back of the house toward a path leading up the hill and towards the waterfall.  At one point, the path started following a stream of crystal clear water.

After about ten minutes, the foliage opened up to reveal a natural pool of the same clear water.  At the far end was the waterfall.  Linda took off the bikini top and sarong, kicked off her flip flops and ran to the water.  She climbed onto a rock and dove in.  When she popped up, she yelled at me to come in.  After snapping off a half dozen shots, I stripped and followed her in.  The water was the perfect temperature, with a sand bottom and a few rocks around the edges.  Linda dove underwater and swam towards the falls.  I followed as she swam under them and surfaced in a small grotto.  The water got shallower towards one side until it was only about a foot deep. She hopped up onto a rock and dangled her feet in the water.

I couldn’t resist.  I moved in between her legs spreading them open, my hand sliding her hood to the side as my tongue did a dance on her clit.


I moved my tongue lower, all the way down to her rosebud, running my tongue all around it, then slowly licking my way back up to her slit, poking my tongue inside her as deep as I could.  My thumb replaced my tongue on her clit and rubbed in small circles.  She leaned back on the rock and hooked her legs over my shoulders.  I continued alternating fucking her with my tongue and licking from her ass to her clit.  I moved at a slow pace, just wanting to give her as much pleasure as I could.  I occasionally gave her rosebud some extra attention with my tongue. Her moans told me she was enjoying that, so I pressed a fingertip against the opening.

Linda responded by pushing her hips into my hand.  I added some saliva to my finger and slowly entered her, feeling her relax to allow me in, then have her muscles tighten around my finger.  I moved it in and out slowly while my tongue fucked her pussy and my finger teased her clit. Several times I felt her start to tense up as her moans increased.  I stopped what I was doing briefly; just long enough to stop the orgasm from reaching a crescendo.  Finally, I pushed my thumb into her kitty and alternated moving my thumb and finger in and out. My tongue turned its attention to her now quite swollen and rock hard nub and I began increasing the pace.

Linda’s hips increased their movement to match my pace and her moans grew louder.  Her hands ball up into fists and start pounding the rock.  Her breath was coming in gasps and grunts and her legs stiffened.  Her whole body tensed and stopped moving, and I knew her climax was imminent.


Her hands were pounding the rock as I kept up my relentless ministrations on her.  Her hips were bouncing up and down until I feared she was going to have some bruises.  I finally started to slow the pace and then stopped.  I slipped my hand from her and slid out from under her legs.  I climbed next to her on the rock and leaned in to kiss her.  She was still gasping for air, and as I softly caressed one breast, I could feel her heart still pounding.

“That was a 68… you owe me one.”

We both broke out in laughter at that.

“Damn, Grasshopper.  You sure have come a long way since college!  I can see I am going to have to bring my “A” game with you.  I would do it now, but we should be heading back.  I would guess by now dinner is nearly ready.”

We swam back under the waterfall and across the pool where we reclaimed our belongings. I snapped off a dozen more photos, including several of Linda and the two of us.  We headed back down the path and I took a bunch more pics.  When we got back to the house, Lola was there waiting for us. 

“Margie has prepared dinner Miss Linda.  She was just waiting for you and Miss Carol to return before finishing the preparation.  I can bring your salads now if you wish, and something to drink.”

“That will be fine. Lola.  Is there fresh sangria?  Otherwise, whatever Margie thinks is best will do.”

We sat down in an open air dining area and Lola soon returned with our salads and sangria.  We chatted about our plans as we ate the salads and drank our drinks.

“Depending on how the weather is looking, we will head out tomorrow or the next day for the mainland.  We can spend some time exploring the ruins and soaking up the culture a bit.  Then I want to take you to my favorite restaurant in Paris.  The crew will take the boat back to Cabo and we can fly directly there.  We’ll fly back to Cabo then and spend the rest of the time there.”

“Linda, this is just too much.  I can’t let you spend all this money on me.  A last minute flight to Paris will cost a fortune.  If you insist on going, at least let me pay the airfare and hotel.”

“Nothing to pay.  Wally and I own a timeshare in a private jet service for which we pay a pretty penny.  I hardly ever use it except for short flights, so this will be fun.  Are you a member of the mile high club yet?”

“Well, no…”

“Then you will be joining.  And as far as the hotel, my mom and dad bought a condo there and right now, they are off on a cruise somewhere, so we can stay there for nothing.”

“You have this all figured out, don’t you?”

“Yep, pretty much.  Surely you remember what a controlling bitch I am?  Ever since I decided to open the spa in Cabo, because of YOU, I started plotting on just how I could seduce you.  Especially since you turned me down in school.  I really wanted to fuck you back then.  I never quite got over that.”

Lola brought out each course of our dinner, which was amazing.  It was topped off with homemade vanilla ice cream with fresh cantaloupe.  The table was cleared after each course and when we were done, Linda and Lola had a short exchange in Spanish. Then Lola returned to the kitchen.   A short time later Lola came back in and said they were returning to the boat and to just call if we needed anything or to let them know if we wished to leave.

Linda told me that Margie had prepared a midnight snack, and left the makings for breakfast for us.  The captain would check the weather forecast and send us a recommendation of when we should get underway.  So we would have the place to ourselves for the rest of the night and till at least lunchtime tomorrow. Lola had also brought up anything we might need from the boat, so we were all set.

“Now, about that one I owe you…”

Linda grabbed my hand, and led me to the sunroom..

“I think you need a little touch up. Stay right here while I get some supplies.  But we will have to forego the steamed towels and settle for a hot washcloth.”

Somehow, she produced the shaving mug, brush and straight razor, including the strop which she hooked onto the back of a chair. Removing my sarong. She had me lie down on the table, after covering it with a plush towel.  Linda covered my mound with the hot washcloth while she worked the shaving cream into a lather. After using the brush to spread the shaving cream all around my mound and outer labia, she sharpened the razor and had me smooth and dry again in short order.  Pulling me by the hand, she led me to the bedroom where she untied her sarong and tossed it aside.

Linda kissed me passionately on the mouth, then worked her way slowly down my body.  A great deal of time and attention was given to each breast; sucking, licking and leaving small bite marks all over them.  I could feel my juices already dribbling down the insides of my thighs.  Linda worked her way down my stomach licking and kissing down to my mound.  At that point, she pushed me gently down onto the bed.  Picking up where she left off, she began sucking on my mound, gently at first, then harder.  It suddenly occurred to me how often I had seen Wally with a hickey on his neck and arms.

After she was satisfied with her handiwork, Linda spread my legs further apart and began teasing my clit with her tongue.  She pushed two fingers inside my snatch, but only an inch or so, twisting and turning them, stimulating the sensitive area just inside.  At the same time, her tongue was finding all the right spots on my clit, slowly building my arousal until I could no longer hold back and cascaded over the edge.


“Oh trust me, it won’t be him fucking you.”

She turned me over onto my stomach and took something out of the nightstand drawer.  Pushing me further up on the bed, she hiked up my hips.  I felt a warm liquid being poured into my ass crack and dribbling down into my already soaking pussy.  Then I felt pressure against both of my orifices as the double strap on dildo penetrated me.  Linda got into a rhythm as she fucked me like a pro.  One hand reached under my chest and began squeezing my left breast and twisting the nipple.  Slowly she increased the tempo and the pressure on my nipple.  The combination of the pain and pleasure was amazing and it was not long before I found myself in the throes of another amazing orgasm.

I pressed my face into the bed as I screamed, and still she did not stop.  Slowing the pace just long enough for me to catch my breath, she would start in again, and quickly take me over the edge again and again until I finally collapsed.  She stretched out on top of me and gently rolled us to our sides.  She continued moving in and out of me slowly as I slowly regained my breath, and my heartbeat returned to normal.

I gasped, “I think we’re even.”

We both laughed as she pulled out and rolled off the bed.  I soon followed and we went back out to the porch to enjoy the evening.  We each had several beers and ate the appetizers Margie has left for us.  Linda took a call on the house phone that I assumed was from the captain. She said the weather was good for us to stay another night.  After awhile we went to bed where we spooned and fell asleep within minutes.  When I woke up, Linda was nowhere in sight.  I got up and walked around looking for her.  I found her in the kitchen actually cooking.

“OMG!  You cook?”

“Hey now sleepyhead, I am a great cook, and I actually do a lot of cooking.  I actually considered opening up a restaurant before opening my first spa.  There’s some OJ in the fridge and champagne if you want to add some to the OJ.  I hope you’re hungry.”

“It must be all this fresh air ‘cause I’m famished.  Though I guess it could be the sex…”

Linda told me to sit down and soon placed a plate in front of me with an English muffin topped with perfect looking Eggs Benedict, and slices of avocado on the side.  After finishing those, she pulled a tray of freshly made sweet rolls from a warming oven, which we washed down with a glass of ice cold milk.

“You remembered!”

“How could I forget you, Kris and Polo sitting in the cafeteria every week working your way though the tray of sweet rolls they put out on Saturday mornings?  You three were always there when I straggled in for a lousy bowl of cereal and some raisin toast.”


“So, what have you got planned for us today? Back to the pool?”

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“Something even better.  Go throw on a pair of shorts and a top and there are some hiking shoes in the closet that should fit you.  We are going for a little hike.”

I did as I was instructed, then waited while Linda changed as well.  There was a small backpack for each of us with water and supplies, plus my camera gear in mine.  Grabbing floppy hats and sunglasses, we took off following the path to the pool but veered off to the right when we came to a fork in the path.  The route became steeper until we were actually climbing the up the side of a rocky hill.  We stopped every so often to have some water or let me take some pictures, then pushed on.  It took an hour to reach the top, but as I looked around, it was well worth it.  The view was spectacular.  Linda handed me a pair of binoculars and pointed out towards the horizon.

“That’s mainland Mexico, where we will be heading tomorrow.  Over there is Baja, but it takes a really clear day to see it, and there is some haze today.  You can spot a few other small islands too.  If you look around the island, you can see some of the other huts and boat docks.  Looks like we have a couple of neighbors here today.”

Linda pointed out a couple of boats docked below us.  I snapped dozens of pictures with the telephoto lens and some interesting rock formations and flowers with the 50mm lens.  We laid down on a large smooth rock looking up at the clouds and reminiscing. After awhile, she pulled a small soft sided cooler from her back pack, removing a couple of small containers and some tortillas.  We ate the light lunch, then packed up.  We hiked back down the hill, taking a slightly different path close to the bottom and ended up back at the pool of water.  We stripped and jumped in, our bodies cooling in the water after the heat on the top of the hill.  We splashed and played around, chasing and racing each other.  Finally, we climbed out and found a soft spot of grass in the shade, where we cuddled up and took a little nap.  When we woke up, we gathered our belongings and headed back to the hut.

By the time we got back, it was late afternoon.  Linda suggested we shower and head back to the boat.  We would sleep there so the captain could leave early again while we slept in if we wanted.  We showered and put on our sarongs and flip flops.  I grabbed my camera, and we got back into the golf cart and drove back to the shed where Linda parked the cart and we walked to the boat.  As we boarded, Sonia greeted us.

“Welcome back aboard ladies.  Did you have a good time on the island?

“Very much so.”

“Lola and Carmella will go back and take care of things at the house.  Margie will take care of anything to need here, and you can let her know what you would like for dinner. In the meantime, can I get you something to drink?”

“Something really cold and thirst quenching” I piped in.

“And alcoholic…”

“Two cervesas coming up.”

We saw Lola and Carmella head up to the hill in a golf cart.  A few minutes later, Margie came out carrying two bottles of Modelo and handed them to us.  Linda told her to cook the half dozen filet mignons that were part of the food she had purchased and had been brought aboard.  We would all have grilled steak, baked potatoes, whatever fresh vegetable she had and a salad or sliced tomato and fresh mozzarella.  After a second beer each, we stripped down and laid out on the lounge chairs again to work on our tan lines.  Later, we saw the golf cart returning and Lola drove it out to the dock.  They unloaded a cooler and two small bags.  Lola took the bags down to our cabin and Carmella picked up the cooler, bringing it to the galley, then returned the cart to the shed.

“Everything has been cleaned and the house is locked up Miss Linda.”

“Thank you Carmella.  Please let Margie know that we can have dinner in an hour or so.  And if you would, bring us some lemonade, please.”

“Yes Miss Linda.”

After all six of us had dinner in the dining room, Margie and Lola cleared the dishes and cleaned the area. Linda and I went back out on the deck and sat down to watch the stars.  Sonia and the rest of the crew joined us after awhile, and we all enjoyed a beer.  After about an hour, the crew excused themselves, leaving Linda and me alone.  We sat side by side holding hands, then finally went down to our cabin.  We kissed and groped a bit, then spooned and soon fell asleep.




Written by adele
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