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Fun in Cabo Part 3

"Linda and Carol head out on a sailboat."

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On the drive to the restaurant, Linda suggested we take her boat out for a short trip.  She said I would only need to pack a few things,  that I would not really need much in the way of clothing and that she would bring the sunscreen and toys.  We could even head right to the boat that evening, and she would just have everything we needed brought to us. That way we could be underway first thing in the morning.

“That sounds awesome, but…”

“No buts!  It is the perfect plan.”

Without even waiting, she pulled out her mobile phone and made a call.  She spoke in Spanish, obviously giving orders to someone who just listened, as she barely took time to take a breath.  After talking non-stop for almost two minutes, she paused for about twenty seconds, said a few more things, then apparently gave her approval by saying “Adios’ and hanging up.  She immediately made another call, this time rattling off instructions for nearly three minutes.  I was pretty sure I heard my name in there a couple of times, so I guessed she might be talking to someone at the house.  That probably meant that the first call had something to do with the boat.  Linda then made three other quick calls, then finally hung up and took in a deep breath.

“There, all set.  After we eat, we can go park on “Besando Colina” and watch the sunset… if we aren’t too busy doing something else.  Then Maria will drive us to the boat and we can sleep there.  Have you ever fallen asleep on a gently rocking boat?”

Again, she jumped right in to describe… in great detail, not only falling asleep, but making love on a boat as well.  She assured me that everything I needed would be brought to the boat by the time we got there, and if anything was missing, she would send for it or just buy a new one.  I could see there was no sense in arguing with her, as once she made up her mind, there was little chance of changing it.  Far easier just to nod my head to her.  And it really did sound like fun.  When I tried to ask about where we would go on the boat, she just smiled and said that would be a surprise.

We finally arrived at the restaurant, and Maria dropped us off at the front door.  Linda gave her some instructions before we exited the car, then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car behind her.  When we walked into the building, she said something to the maitre d’, who replied then led us to a table next to the window.  We were up on a bluff, and the view of the ocean was amazing.  We had barely settled in when a man came over and kissed Linda’s cheek, then introduced himself to me as the restaurant owner, Carlo.  He said Linda was a dear friend and he had been trying to get her to the restaurant since he opened it over a year ago.  He thanked me for finally getting her to come. 

After assuring us that we would have the best dinner we have ever tasted and kissing my hand, he walked away, signaling to someone as he did.  Several people immediately swooped down on us, clearing extra settings off the table, bringing us bottled water and glasses with ice,.  A minute later, another waiter brought two huge Margaritas, placing one in front of each of us.  Linda picked hers up and we toasted each other, clinking our glasses together.  I took a sip of the drink and had to admit it was one of the best Margaritas I had ever tasted.

After about ten more minutes, , a waiter brought a platter with several appetizers including some sort of shrimp, what looked like mini quesadillas, sausage rollups and two other items.  There was also a bowl of hot queso dip and chips. We slowly worked our way through the appetizers and I thought to myself I was glad I had gone easy on the food at the opening.  Linda and I talked about our college days (remember fries and ketchup packets and the strawberry ice cream?), the men in our life and more importantly, the women.  I found out her dad had retired early and turned the business over to her two younger brothers.  He had wanted to make Linda the President, but she had already begun her spa business, so she had declined.

Her mom had had a stroke, but had nearly fully recovered, with just some minor weakness on her left side.  It was the reason her dad had decided to retire.  They had done quite a bit of travelling since and were on a month long cruise at the moment.  I told her that even though I had moved out of state, I visited my parents about once a month.  The company I worked for still had offices in the city, and I travelled there quite often on business, so made a point of spending time with them anytime I was in town.  And I spoke to them several times each week on Skype.

While we were engaged in conversation, water was replenished, fresh drinks magically appeared, dishes were cleared and new food was placed in front of us.  The main meal consisted of several entrées with a clean plate for both of us to have a taste of each; salad of some sort, gazpacho and rice and beans and more.  The Margaritas were replaced with wine.  Finally, dessert arrived; plantains with a heavy cream and ice cream with a delicious chocolate sauce.  I have no idea how long we were there, but I was vaguely aware of other diners coming and going. 

The owner had stopped by a couple of time to make sure everything was ok.  We both assured him everything was amazing.  By the time we were done, I was so stuffed, I could barely move.   As we were getting up to leave, a waiter handed us a bag of Mexican cookies, saying they were from the owner.  Linda handed him three crisp $100 dollar bills, telling him it was the tip, and to make sure everyone got a share.  Even though, I never saw Linda call her, Maria pulled up in the limo just as we walked out the door.  We climbed in the back where a chilled bottle of sweet wine and two frosted glasses were waiting.  We were both pretty giddy by then, and the wine was sure to help that situation intensify.

Maria drove up some winding roads to another bluff with another amazing view of the ocean.  The sun was beginning to set, and the colors were an awesome mix of red and orange and deep purple.  Just as I was about to say it was too bad I didn’t have my camera, Linda reached into a compartment on the door and pulled it out.  We opened the sun roof and stood up, giving me some spectacular photos.  Linda insisted on taking some selfies as well.  We made all the typical poses, but got a few good ones as well.  We finally sat back down and Linda knocked on the divider between the front and back of the limo.  The engine started up and we drove off.

Linda cozied up next to me and said we had an hour or so drive to the boat, and she wondered aloud what could we possibly do to fill that time.  She then described some things in great detail, each one followed by a prolonged demonstration.  We kissed and sucked and licked, poked and pinched and before we knew it, Maria was on the intercom saying we had arrived.  We both made an attempt to make sure all our buttons were done up properly, makeup not too smeared and hair somewhat combed.  But I doubt we could have fooled anyone.  The door opened; we grabbed our belongings and stepped out. 

We were in a marina, near a gate leading to the docks.  Boats of all shapes and sizes were moored alongside long metal walkways.  A uniformed man was waiting at the gate to let us in.  Linda led the way past numerous boats and I wondered which was hers.  She finally stopped in front of a magnificent sailboat.  It had a huge center mast and had to be at least 80 feet long.  It was painted a deep blue with what appeared to be teak trim and decks.  I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. 

“Damn Linda!  This is gorgeous. When you said boat, I had no idea.”

“Wally and I got a really good deal on it.  It belonged to the estate of the first house we bought in Cabo.  It had been in an outdoor storage yard for over six years.  And before that, it had sat in the water for a couple more but never used. We had to replace all the sails, refinish all the wood, had the hull sandblasted and repainted as it was this truly awful green that was all chipped anyway.  Some animals had gotten inside one of the guest cabins, so that had to be completely refurbished.  The rest of the interior wasn’t too bad, but we had it completely gone over and added some upgrades as well.  They basically just included it with the house as it cost nearly 500k to have it refurbished.  Of course, we didn’t pay that much, since Wally’s guys that worked on the house did a lot of the interior work on the boat and refinished the deck and trim as well.”

“Well, it’s amazing.  What is it, around 80 feet?

“92 actually.  Master cabin, three guest quarters and room for a crew of four.  Dining area that can accommodate eight, full galley, sitting area with a 60 inch HD TV.  Satellite dish so we can get reception anywhere.  And I forget what else.  Wally and I used to do a lot of entertaining, and some of those threesomes, were sometimes moresomes, lol.  Or at least different combos of couples, threesomes and moresomes.  We had some wild times before he decided he was more interested in watching one or two other guys fuck me while one of my girl friends sucked on his cock and balls.  Since the boat came with the house, I got it in the divorce as well.  Wally really wanted it, but I had the better lawyer.  I try to get out in it whenever I am in town, even if only for a few hours and it is available for private charters the rest of the time.  I don’t really advertise the charters other than by word of mouth and one rental office in town, but I get enough that way so the boat pretty much pays for itself.

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We climbed on board and were met by a female in a sharp white uniform.  She greeted Linda and said nearly everything was ready to leave at first light.  They were expecting one more delivery and the rest of the crew would be arriving any time.  Linda’s luggage was in the master suite and unpacked.  She had been uncertain just where to put the other bag, but as soon as she was told, she would see to it that it was unpacked immediately.  Linda laughed.

“Please put it into my cabin.  This is my guest and old friend from college, Carol. Carol, this is Captain Hernandez, but we just call her Sonia.”

“Pleased to meet you Miss Carol.  I hope you will enjoy the trip.  The weather is looking to be just about perfect.”

“Pleased to meet you as well, Sonia.”

“I am going to give Carol the grand tour, then we will be retiring for the evening.  It has been a long day.  I will buzz you if we need anything.”

“Very good Miss Linda.  I will see to the bag right away.  Good night to both of you.”

Sonia snapped off a salute and went below decks.  Linda showed me around the wheelhouse, and the other areas above deck, pointing to a private entrance to the master cabin.  We then toured the lounge area, the dining room, the galley and the guest rooms.  By the time we made it to the master suite, my bag was there and unpacked.  Linda asked me to check quickly to see if there was anything Olivia had not packed.   I took a quick inventory, and though I was not sure just exactly what I would need clothes-wise, it did seem like everything was covered.  My cameras, laptop and charging cords for everything were there, as was my makeup and toiletries.

“Looks like everything is here.”

“Good, then we can get comfortable.  Would you like a beer?”

“Sounds good.”

I lowered the zipper on my dress, letting it slip to the floor and kicking my shoes off as I did. I undid the front clasp on my bra and tossed it aside. Linda had shed her clothing as well and pulled two Xibecas from a small fridge.  She walked over and handed one to me, then took a long swig from her bottle.  Then she leaned in and kissed me hard on the mouth.  I pushed my tongue into her mouth and wrestled with hers.  I put my bottle of beer against her breast and laughed when she jumped back.


“Hey!  That’s payback for the ice.”

I took two long swigs of beer, then set the bottle down on the nightstand.  The bed had been turned down and I lowered my panties as I sat down, leaving them where they fell.  I took another long swig, nearly finishing the bottle.  I lay down and patted the bed next to me.  Linda took the last gulp of her beer and jumped over me to the other side of the bed, then quickly straddled me, pinning my arms down under her legs.  She leaned in and kissed me, long, slow and passionately.  I felt my heart pounding as her body slowly stretched out on top of mine.  Her mouth stayed locked on mine as she rolled to the side.  My hands roamed over her body, stroking up and down her arm, finding a breast and squeezing it, a low moan as the result.

I rolled over on top of her, finally breaking our kiss.  I slid down, my mouth finding a nipple and sucking it deep in my mouth.  My hand squeezed and massaged her breast and I was rewarded with several drops of milk.   I switched to the other breast, repeating what I did and got several more drops.  As I moved further down, I began twisting my body until we were in a 69 position.  Our mouths sought the other’s clit and fingers probed, curled and twisted, until we both reached the edge, with Linda exploding just seconds after I did.  I was amazed at how quickly we had fallen into sync with each other.  We returned to a face to face position and exchanged a deep passionate kiss. We soon fell asleep locked into each other’s arms.

When I opened my eyes, I was facing the other direction and Linda’s arm was draped over my shoulder, her hand softly teasing my nipple.  As I stirred, she nuzzled into my neck, kissing it gently.  I turned to face her, kissing her on the mouth.

“About time you woke up sleepyhead!  I have been tickling your nipple for hours.  I was just about to give it a good twist.”


“Okay, okay, maybe two minutes, but it was so nice feeling it harden under my touch.”

“They do seem to have a mind of their own… Any little touch and they perk right up.  What time is it?  Have we gotten underway yet?”

Well, I never worry about time when I am on the boat.  I have banished all the clocks and forbidden the crew to let me see any watches.  I am sure we are underway, as the captain was given orders to leave at the first sign of light.  We have quite a bit of sailing to do reach our destination.  I don’t hear the engines, so we must be under sail, meaning the winds are good.  Ready for some breakfast?”

“Yes!  Believe it or not, even after that meal last night, or maybe because of it, I am famished.  Or maybe it’s the sex.”

“Lol.  Shall we make our way to the dining room then?  Or perhaps you would prefer to sit out on the deck and admire the view?”

“Oh yes, the deck sounds lovely.  Just give me a minute to find something to wear and run a comb through my hair.”

“There is a nice selection of sarongs in the top drawer of the dresser.  I’m wearing the deep blue one with the pink flowers.  Pick one out for yourself while I take care of a few things in the little girls room, then it will be all yours.”

“Uhm, no top?

“Don’t worry sweetie, all women crew, and just like the house, they are used to seeing me and my guests wander about the boat in various stages of undress.  A sarong is more than sufficient.”

A few minutes later, we were headed topside and the outdoor sitting area.  One of the crew, who was introduced as Lola, greeted us with a couple of mimosas and asked what we would like for breakfast.  After deciding what we wanted to eat, Lola headed to the galley to give the cook our selections.  I stood up and walked to the railing.  I looked around and all I saw in every direction was deep blue sea.  The skies were also a deep blue with puffy white clouds.  The sails were billowing in the wind and the bow was cutting though the water at a fast clip.  The weather was perfect, though sunscreen was going to be a must.

Linda called to say breakfast had arrived.  I went back into the sitting area and removed my sunglasses.  A plate of migas and a bowl of fresh fruit was set in front of each chair.  Another mimosa was also on the table in front of my seat.  After finishing, we decided to work on our tan lines for awhile.  When we got closer to our destination, she was sure I would want to get out my camera. We rubbed sunscreen on each other and stretched out naked on a couple of lounge chairs.  I was a little nervous at first, but she assured me the crew was used to it.

“If the captain spots any whales, she will let us know so that you can get some pics if you like.  Sometimes they come quite close to the boat.”

“That would be amazing!”

While we tanned, we chatted a bit and napped a bit.  We put on more sunscreen and kissed when we did.  Every so often, I would hear one of the crew come and refill or refresh our ice water.  At one point, another crew member, who Linda introduce as the first mate, Carmela, came over to announce the captain had spotted a pod of whales heading in our direction. They were going to lower the sails and drop a sea anchor and see if they would get close.  I put my sarong on and went down to get my good camera and telephoto lens.  I scanned the water and finally spotted them.  I counted at least six whales that were indeed headed in our direction.  I snapped off a couple of pictures, but they were still far off.

Linda called me over to look through a set of binoculars mounted to the deck.  I could see that there were a couple of boats off in the distance that appeared to be headed toward the whales and pushing them towards us.  She said they were probably whale watching tour boats from the mainland.  We continued watching as the boat bobbed gently up and down.  At one point, Linda left, returning a few minutes later wearing a bikini top, and handing me mine.

“You probably want this since the tour boat might get within binocular distance soon.”

I slipped on the top, and every few minutes, snapped off a couple of photos.  The whales continued moving closer and I was getting some amazing shots.  The tour boats finally turned around and headed back to their home ports on the mainland.  The whales passed by our portside only about 200 yards out, so I got some good close-ups.  I counted eleven whales as best as I could see.  The captain finally got underway again, and after a bit, Linda pointed out an island.

Written by adele
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