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Fun in Cabo Part 2

"Getting to know an old college friend again."

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When I opened my eyes, the light was streaming through the window.  I looked around for a clock, but could not spot one.  I finally dug my phone out of my purse and checked the time.  It was only a bit after 8am, but late for me as I was usually up and running (literally) by 6am.  I found my running clothes and strapped on my shoes, then made my way to the kitchen.  Olivia was there and told me Linda had left for an early morning meeting, but would be home for the midday meal around 2pm.  I was free to use the pool or her private gym or if I wanted to go somewhere, Olivia would call Maria who would drive me wherever I wished.  If I wanted something to eat, I only needed to ask, and someone would fix it for me.

I told her I wanted to go for a run, and after putting the address of the house in my phone and getting Linda’s mobile number, plus the house phone number into my phone as well, I put on my headphones and took off.  The roads were rather winding, but by basing my direction on the sun, I felt I was keeping a handle on my location.  After I had been out about 45 minutes, I decided to start heading back.  After several wrong turns, I finally consulted the GPS on my phone and made it back home in about thirth five more minutes.  Olivia was waiting for me at the door and looked quite worried, fearing I had gotten lost or hit and was lying in a ditch somewhere.  I told her I was ok and would like to see the gym, and then maybe go for a swim.  I did some upper body work, then about thirty laps in the pool, and then showered. 

I made my way back to the kitchen and one of the maids pointed to the coffee pot.  I nodded and she poured me a mug.  In very broken English, she asked if I wanted anything to eat.  I spotted some sweet rolls and pointed to one of them.  Olivia came in and asked me again if I wanted anything else to eat or drink.  When I said no, she explained that their big meal was served around 2pm and that Linda would be home a bit before that, and asked what I wanted to do until then.  I told her that I would go walking along the beach for a while, and set off down the path to the water.  After marking which set of stairs led back up to her house, I headed down to the water.  I walked a couple of miles down the beach, taking my time and looking for shells and shark’s teeth.  I had my smaller camera, and took a lot of pictures of waves and of porpoises frolicking close to shore.

I finally turned around and headed back, keeping an eye out for the scarf I had tied at the bottom of the stairs.  When I spotted it, I headed back to the house.  I let Olivia know I was back and went to freshen up and change. It was already after 1pm, so by the time I made my way back to the dining area, it was nearly 2pm.  Linda was already there and sipping on a lemonade.  She offered me one and then we sat down.  She asked about my day, though I guessed she had already gotten a synopsis.  She told me she would draw me a map of a good route to run, where I would be safe.  She said she had to go back to the spa after the meal for a bit to look after a few last minute details for the grand opening.  The spa had actually been open for about a month to work out any bugs and get all the workers trained, but a big blowout was planned with newspaper coverage and local dignitaries in attendance.  A couple of the local business had given away some free treatments and winners could redeem their prizes starting tomorrow.  I was welcome to join her, then she would take me on a drive around Cabo to see the sites at night. 

After a traditional comida we rested up for a bit, then headed into town.  I was not the least bit surprised to see Linda was still driving a cherry red Mustang convertible.  She said it was the same one from college.  Every year, she took it in to have all the little dings and marks pounded out and fixed.  And now she left it there in Cabo, so it didn’t get much use.  Climbing into that car brought back memories of drives home on holidays and some weekends, as my parents’ house was on her way home.  She still drove like a madman, but it was a blast to be back in that car.  We pulled up in front of the spa and she threw her keys to the valet.

The spa was a hive of activity, with her manager tossing out instructions in Spanish.  Linda went into her office after calling over one of the girls to give me the ten dollar tour.  The girl, who said her name was Theresa spoke decent English.  She said that Miss Linda required all her employees to speak passable English as she was right between several resorts and hoped to get some of the spa business for services they did not provide as well as catering to the locals.  Theresa took me through each area and explained the different services in each one.  The spa had been offering special pricing for the past month so the workers could have people to practice on.  Finally, she returned me to Linda’s office.

While I was being given the tour, the front reception area had been transformed.  Tables with pristine white tablecloths were along one wall, and would be covered with food and flower arrangements tomorrow.  A rainbow of colored balloons festooned the entrance welcoming people in.  An area had been set up for photo ops.  Name tags were neatly lined up on the counter for the various people expected to attend the grand opening.  A few more things were expected to be delivered yet tonight before closing, but Linda was leaving her manager in charge of that. 

We left the spa and took off again in the ‘Tang and headed to the hills.  Dusk would be falling soon and Linda said the sunsets were quite beautiful.  We parked on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean and reminisced about our school days.  At one point, Linda leaned over and kissed me.  It was a long passionate kiss and she buried her tongue deep in my mouth.  I wrapped my hands in her hair and held her tight to me.  I let go with one hand and reached between us, squeezing her breast.  In response, she ran her hand up my dress and pushed my panties aside.  When she felt that I had pubic hair, she smiled.

“We may have to fix that.”

I told her that my last girlfriend had liked my bush fairly closely cropped, but that I found that just a bit itchy at times, so I had let it grow out a bit after we ended the relationship.  I still kept it trimmed, but had not been clean shaven in ages.  All she did was start up the car and head back to town.  We parked in a little garage next to the spa and she let us inside by a side door.  And that is how I found myself lying naked and face down on a massage table with a butt plug up my ass.  Suddenly I realized Linda was talking to me.

“Hey, where did you go?”

“Just thinking is all.”

“Well turn over.  Your butt is nice and smooth.  Time to get the rest of you that way.“

I turned over and she leaned down and kissed each tit.   When she gave each one a little nip and I moaned, she just smiled and gave each tit a little harder bite.  Her kisses worked their way down over my mound and she kissed my clit.  Then she placed a warm towel over my pussy mound and began lathering up the shaving cream again.  After removing the towel, she thoroughly worked the lather into my bush.  Then sharpening the razor, she carefully shaved me smooth.  Every so often she would rinse the soap off, lather me up again, sharpen the razor. and shave some more.  Finally, she was satisfied with her work and rinsed me off completely, making sure to tap the butt plug every once in a while. Next she worked some lotion into my freshly shaven skin, including my ass.  Then she slid down between my legs and proceeded to lick suck and tongue fuck me to an intense orgasm.

”God, I have wanted to do that to you since the first time you walked into my room in college!  Why don’t we head back to the house and have a bit more fun?”

After dressing and putting away the shaving paraphernalia, we hopped into the Mustang and headed back to her house.  I had forgotten about the butt plug until we hit the first bump.  After that I think she aimed for every bump and hole in the road she saw and sped up as she hit them.  We pulled up in front of the house and Linda left the car running as we walked into the house.  The male servant that had carried my bag inside earlier went outside and I assumed, put the car away as I heard it drive off.  She led me down the hall to her bedroom.  My bedroom was dwarfed by hers, and her bathroom, which had glass walls  had to be at least twice the size of the one in my room.

I was pretty horny so as soon as she shut the door, I was pulling my dress off and kicking my sandals across the room.  Linda was way ahead of me, already naked and opening a drawer of toys.  I pushed her down on the bed and planted myself firmly between her legs.  I wet two fingers and slid them up and down her slit, then plunged them inside her.  My mouth covered her clit and sucked it deep into my mouth as I got my first taste of her.  Her low moan told me everything I needed to know as my fingers twisted and curled inside her.  Each time I pulled them out, I felt her walls try to grab them and hold them in.  Her pussy was warm and soaking wet, her juices coating my hand.  I pressed in a third finger inside her and was rewarded with her hips pushing up hard against my hand.

The tip of my tongue continued teasing her clit even as I was sucking on it.  Her hands were now gripping the sheets and her hips were moving rhythmically up and down.  I matched my fingers to her pace and with my free hand, squeezed her boobs.  I could tell from her breathing, that she was getting close.  I slipped in a fourth finger and pushed down to my knuckles and stopped.  My mouth still covered her clit, but I stopped licking, just keeping my teeth clenched around it.  She stopped as well, but after a few seconds, she began squirming, then moaning “please, please”.  After a few more seconds, I started up again in earnest, and soon felt her tense up, then explode.  I kept my mouth firmly locked on her clit, while plunging my hand into her down to the thumb joint, then pulling out to my fingertips and then back in.  Her breathing was coming in rapid bursts and grunts.

Her hips were gyrating and bouncing up and down and I thought she was going to rip the sheets right off the bed.  Finally, she grabbed my head and pushed it away.  Slowly, she stopped jerking and her panting subsided.

Fuck me!”

“I think I just did… and apparently quite well.

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We lay snuggled in each other’s arms just enjoying the feel of each other until her breathing completely returned to normal.  Linda commented about how much fun we would have had at school if only I had realized back then that girls were good.

We both laughed at her comment.  Then Linda looked at me like a little kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar and smiled a very wicked grin.

“Ever have sex in a sauna?”

“Can’t say that I have.  Isn’t it a bit warm in there for sex?”

“Mmhmm, but I have a special trick to help with that.  Let me get the sauna ready while you ponder what that might be.”

Linda walked around a corner in the bedroom, and for the first time, I noticed the pool in the room.  I could not tell how big it was since only one end was visible from her bed.  I assumed that maybe that was her trick, jump in the pool to cool off after the sauna.  Just thinking about making love in a sauna was getting me even hornier than I was already was, and my hand went to my clit.  I was playing with my tits with one hand and my clit with the other, when I heard “mmmmmmmm”.

“I love watching a woman play with herself.  Please don’t stop.”

I must have turned a bright shade of red and immediately stopped what I was doing.  Linda just chuckled.  Then she walked over to the bed, straddled my hips and leaned down and kissed me on the mouth, pushing her tongue against mine.  Her hands were methodically squeezing my breasts while she rolled my nipples between her thumb and forefinger.  Her actions were having a definite effect on my pussy.  After a few minutes, she stopped and said the sauna should be almost ready.  She took my hand and pulled me up, leading me to the sauna.  As we neared the pool, I could see that it was about twenty feet long, and irregularly shaped with a hot tub or whirlpool area on one side.  The sauna door was along the back wall and when we entered, I could see it was about eight feet long with a couple of different level benches along two of the walls.  It was already quite warm in there, and Linda had placed several very plush looking towels on top of a couple of the benches.

As she pushed me down gently on one of the benches, she pulled out a silk scarf.  I must have had a rather frightened look on my face and started to sit up.  As I did, Linda leaned in and kissed me again, then tied the scarf around my eyes.  I relaxed a little as she continued kissing me and gently pushing me back down.  Then I felt her tying another scarf loosely around one wrist and pulling my arm over my head, pulling the other arm up and tying that wrist with the scarf.  I was getting more intrigued at this point than anything else.  I had toyed with bondage in the past with one of my male lovers, and the experience had not been totally unpleasant.  Unfortunately, while he had a good start on the idea, his follow up was lacking.

Linda slowly worked her way down my neck and shoulders to my breasts.  She was using both her mouth and her hands to stimulate me.  Every so often, she would gently rake her nails along my skin, then lick and kiss the spot.  Her teeth grazed my nipples sending small shivers through me.  I could feel a bit of the heat from the wooden benches even through the thick towel, but it was far from unpleasant.  And the sensations from what Linda was doing and not knowing what would come next was kind if exciting, as was the idea of being restrained, even though I could easily pull my arms loose.  I was beginning to feel the perspiration forming on my skin.  And the heat inside my pussy was also rising.

Suddenly, I felt a totally different sensation along my breasts.  For an instant, I thought Linda has placed something hot against my skin, but quickly realized it was ice.  It rapidly melted and the cold drops rolled down my sides, warming before they hit the towel.  I could feel my nipples harden instantly as she ran the cube around and over them.  Ice on one nipple, and her warm mouth on the other; both nipples being teased but with opposite sensations.  Then she would switch.  After the cube melted down to nothing, I heard her reach for another.  She began rubbing it down my stomach and over my now smooth mound.

I shivered.  It was as much from arousal as from the coldness.  Then Linda reached up and pulled the scarf off my eyes.  I could see my skin glistening from both perspiration and the melting ice.  I was beginning to squirm under her, but she just kept it up.  The second cube quickly melted as well, and she reached into a bucket I had not noticed when we entered the sauna, and pulled out another cube.  She slid her body further down my legs and ran the cube down to my clit.  I jerked so hard, I nearly knocked her off me.  She just laughed and proceeded to slide the cube up and down my slit, then pushed it deep inside my pussy.  She then shifted her body to squeeze my legs together.

I had never felt a sensation like it before.  I was both hot and cold at the same time.  I could feel the cold drops rolling from my pussy and down my ass crack.  By the time it dripped off me, the water was already warm.  It did not take long before the cube was completely gone.  Linda grabbed another cube, and this time slid down further, spreading my legs open.  Her tongue worked down my stomach licking the water off my skin.  When she reached my clit, it felt like an electric shock had hit me.  I felt the cube slide between my labia and thought she was going to put this one in my pussy as well, but she kept moving it lower.

I felt it push against my rim and pop inside in a single thrust.  At the same time, I felt her push several fingers inside me while her tongue was working my clit into a hard swollen nub.  The combination of feelings was very stimulating.  Her fingers were still a bit cold from holing the ice cube.  The coldness and wetness in my ass contrasted with the heat in my pussy.  Between her fingers pressing and pushing against my g-spot, and her tongue working on my clit wasn’t long before I felt that familiar feeling rising within me.  I could hear my moans getting louder as my hips raided and lowered in rhythm with Linda’s movements.


The orgasm hit me like a freight train.  My hips bucked and jerked.  My arms pulled out of the scarf and I grabbed her head, twisting my fingers in her hair and holding her to me until my body finally gave out.  I lay there, literally a wet rag, unable to move.  My breathing was in short pants as I struggled to catch my breath.  My heart was pounding. Linda kissed her way back up my body and kissed me hard on the mouth.  I could taste myself on her lips.  Finally, she gently pulled me into a sitting position.  After a minute or so, she helped me to my feet and led me to the pool.  I slid in, the water cooling me down.  She walked back over and turned off the sauna and grabbed several bottles of water from a small fridge.

“Here, I think you need to hydrate.”

“Gee, you think so?”

Linda sipped on her own bottle while I finished mine rather quickly.  She handed me the second bottle and I sipped that one much  slower.  Between the cooling water of the pool, and the ice cold water I was drinking, I soon felt my strength returning. 

“Well that was certainly different. Damn awesome, but different.  I always knew you were a wild child, but that was amazing!”

Linda laughed that old laugh I remembered so well from college.  After about fifteen minutes she reminded me we had an early day and that we should get some sleep. Once the grand opening was done, she would be free for the remainder of my visit.  We climbed out of the tub and quickly rinsed off under a shower along one wall.  After helping each other dry off, we headed to her bed, where we both quickly fell asleep.

What seemed like only minutes later, I heard the intercom buzz.  Linda slipped out of bed and answered.  After a short exchange in Spanish, she looked back over at me seeing I was awake, smiled.

“Rise and shine.”

“Uhm, I need to get back to my room.  And I would rather not walk through the house wearing the sundress I had on yesterday.”

Linda just laughed and handed me a robe. 

“The help is quite blind to who walks around here in what, and what room they came out of, so don’t worry.  Actually, if you like this arrangement, I can have them move your stuff in here while we are gone.  But no pressure.  If you wish to keep up the appearance we are not sleeping together, I can work with that and come to you at night and then sneak back in the morning.”

We both laughed at that and I told her move away.  We walked hand in hand to the dining room where there were several covered plates waiting for us on the table.  As soon as we sat down, a maid poured us each a cup of coffee.  Linda asked if I wanted any juice or fruit or anything else in particular.  I shook my head and lifted the cover off my plate.  Two perfectly cooked eggs covered with a salsa were centered on the plate, surrounded by thin strips of well buttered toast.  Linda lifted the cover off the third plate, which contained several different breakfast meats.  I was hungrier than I realized and wolfed down the eggs and toast, then had a couple of strips of bacon and some sausage as well.

The plates were removed and more coffee was poured.  Finally, we got up and headed in separate directions to prepare for the day.  We headed to the spa and I watched Linda work her magic with the dignitaries and the press.  She had obviously learned how to schmooze quite well.  I tried to stay out of the way, but Linda made sure I didn’t feel left out, pulling me into conversations and introducing me to various people.  Finally, the last dignitary left, the last bit of food cleared off the tables, and the balloon rainbow disassembled and given to the employees by the handful to pass out to the kids in the streets. 

The spa was doing a brisk business with many of the prize recipients claiming their prizes that day and appointments being made for the following days and weeks.  A couple of the resorts were buying blocks of time they could use for their guests.  All in all, it was a successful grand opening.  Linda finally said we would leave the rest of the day to the spa manager and we went outside where the limo was waiting to take us up the coast to a restaurant Linda had been wanting to try.  The next week was looking to be quite an adventure.

Written by adele
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