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I met my husband, John when I was a sophomore in college.  He was the proverbial older man; a forty-year-old widower with two teenage sons. Boys my age had always seemed immature to me so when he hit on me in the local coffee shop I was intrigued.  I was a virgin although I had relieved a couple of my earlier dates with my hand to prevent “blue balls,” whatever that is.  I enjoyed a sense of power when they neared their climax and spurted gook all over the back seat but otherwise, I didn’t feel much excitement.  John changed all that with his slow, tender lovemaking.  I soon learned the joy of sex with a real man.

We got serious pretty quickly.  My parents were dismayed with the situation but soon became resolved to it and grew to love John finally.  We married within six months of our first date.  His sons were quite amused to have a step-mom nearer their age than their dad’s; plus I was a great help with homework while I finished my degree.  John owns his own business and when I graduated I became his business manager.

Now, fifteen years later, my only regret is that, because John had had a vasectomy, we never had a child together although the sons are providing grandkids for me to enjoy.  And a fringe benefit of no child-bearing and lots of time in the gym is that my figure is nearly as tight as when we met.  It has been a wonderful relationship and life together couldn’t be better.

Not surprisingly, after fifteen years with the same sex partner, things have become rather routine.  I know that John sometimes watches porn in his office.  Once I followed his browser history to a site of women cuckolding their husbands. I was intrigued but he hasn’t spoken of it to me so I respect his privacy and haven’t done it again.  Anyway, I could never humiliate him like that.

Lately, John has begun to bring up fantasies while making love; things involving other men.  It excites me but I couldn’t really imagine sex with anyone but him.  On occasion, my own imagination gets active when I see an attractive man but I have never seriously contemplated straying.

Recently on a very hot Friday morning, John said, “Let’s go up to the mountains for a weekend in the cool air. We’ll take our clubs and play some golf.”  So, off we went, I called ahead for a room in our favorite motel while he drove.

We went directly to the golf course and ate lunch there waiting for a tee time to open.  The course was busy so they paired us with another twosome: a tall handsome black man and a local teenage boy who is on his school golf team.  John and Frank, the other man, hit it off immediately and I soon was a fifth wheel as the guys got into the game.  It turns out that Frank had been a nationally ranked college tennis player until a smashed knee from a car accident ended his career.  Now he reps a sportswear manufacturer, going around to golf courses, gyms, etc.  They exchanged business cards.  By the end of the round, we learned that Frank was staying at our motel, so John invited him to have dinner with us.

We went to our favorite Sushi restaurant together.  During dinner, the banter continued and at times bordered on suggestively sexy.  I think that John gets a kick out of seeing other men come on to his sexy young wife.  I tried to remain demure and composed but I couldn’t help sneaking occasional glances at Frank with a less than chaste eye.  I don’t know if he noticed, but I’m pretty sure that John did.  Frank was very slim and well built with touches of grey at the temples but otherwise short black hair.  He was perhaps forty years old.  We managed to drink two bottles of wine with dinner.

Back at the motel, we said goodnight and Frank went to his room.  In our room, I asked John if he would like to go to the hot tub.  He said he needed to do a bit of work on his laptop first but sent me on ahead.  I half suspected that I would find him conked out on the bed when I finally gave up waiting in the spa for him.

Not long after I had settled into the hot water with a sigh, I heard a voice say, “We meet again.  May I?”  It was Frank.  As he hung up his towel, My eyes drifted from his broad shoulders down over his rippling abs to the bulge in his skimpy suit.  My stomach did a little flip.  “Of course, come on in.  John said he would be along but I know golf tires him out so I’m not sure I should expect him,” I replied.  He sat down opposite me; I had to pull in my feet to make room in the small tub.

“I don’t suppose a round of golf is too much for you at your age and excellent shape,” he said.

“No, but my feet get a little tired.”  Hearing that, he reached down, picked up my foot and began to give it a gentle massage.  I gasped initially, then simply sighed with pleasure.  Even in my slightly drunk state, an alarm went off in my head, but I was enjoying the rub too much to stop it.  I lay my head back and closed my eyes in ecstasy.

After a couple of minutes, he placed my foot in his lap and reached down for the other one.  As he bent forward his “package” pressed against my foot.   I could feel his penis which was definitely getting hard and, without thinking, I pushed into it.  The sudden realization of what I was doing caused me to recoil.  I pulled both feet away from him and sat up.  Just then a young couple arrived to use the spa.  I stood and stepped out to make room for them. Frank got out too.  We draped our towels over our shoulders and walked toward our rooms.

As we walked away, he asked if John and I would like to have a drink with him in his room.  “Oh, I expect to find him snoring on our bed with his laptop on his chest.  He isn’t as young as he used to be.”

“Then won’t you join me?  I hate to drink alone.”   It was still early and I couldn’t think of a reason to say no, so I said ok.  His room was right across the parking lot from ours.  I decided not to bother John.

As soon as the door to his room closed, Frank turned, took me in his arms and kissed me lightly on the lips.  “I’ve been wanting to do that all afternoon,” he said.  After momentarily looking into my eyes, he kissed me again deeply.  His lips felt soft and warm and wonderful.  I let his tongue slip between mine.  I felt the heat from his body through my wet bikini top making my nipples get hard.  The kiss lasted long enough for me to reach up and caress his neck while our mouths enjoyed themselves. When we separated, I could feel my cheeks getting red with a combination of arousal and shame.  In my embarrassment, I said, “I have to pee.” It was lame but I needed time to get my head around what had just happened.

He replied, “Okay, I’ll go get some ice for our drinks,” and he left before I could say anything more.  I felt hot and disoriented.  I ran onto the bathroom, locked the door and sat on the toilet lid.  What in hell was I doing kissing some strange man in his hotel room in my bikini and enjoying it so.  I couldn’t think straight and was suddenly shivering. I turned on the shower, stripped off my suit and stepped under the hot water.

A few minutes later I heard him return and I wasn’t sure if I had locked the door so I got out of the shower.  There was a motel robe hanging on the door; I put it on and stepped into the bedroom.  Frank handed me a drink, pecked me on the cheek and said, “A quick shower sounds good to me.  I’ll be right out.”  I suspect he wanted to give me time to be sure what I wanted.  He went into the bathroom but didn’t close the door completely and stripped off his suit.  When he bent to open the tap, I could see his cock.  He was definitely bigger than John; a lot.  My hand shook as I took a sip of my drink.

The whiskey hit me hard and I suddenly panicked.  “What in hell am I doing here? I’m a married woman and this man clearly wants to fuck me.”  I would never cheat on John.  I put the drink down and ran barefoot across the parking area to our room.  I had to knock to be let in because I had left all my stuff behind in my panic.

When John opened the door I rushed into his arms and babbled, “You don’t know what I almost just did.”

He held me and said,  “I think I do.  I was coming out to the spa when I saw you go into Frank’s room.  I have been sitting here imagining what was happening over there.”  That is when I realized that he was naked and his cock was aroused.  I kissed him deeply in an effort to cancel my bad behavior.

“Nothing happened.  I guess I have had too much to drink.”  I went and sat on one of the bar stools, ready to apologize further for my indiscretion.  Just then there was a noise at the door.  John went and opened it to find a motel laundry bag with my things in it at our door.  He leaned out and called, “Come on back, Frank.  We were just discussing you.  Come have a drink.”  Apparently, he was turned on thinking about what Frank and I might have been doing.

Frank came to the door wearing shorts and a tee-shirt and looking very sexy.  John invited him to sit on the other bar stool.  “Let me put on some pants and I’ll make the drinks.”  No mention was made of his nakedness or his partial erection.  Once again, I began to get a queer feeling in the pit of my stomach and my legs felt weak and shaky.  Frank sat across from me without saying anything; he just looked in my eyes.  I felt like I could get lost in these beautiful brown eyes.  He pointedly avoided looking down to where the robe fell away exposing my knees and thighs and I’m not sure how much else.

“Joyce was about to tell me what happened, or didn’t quite happen,” John said as he set glasses out on the counter.  As he leaned over me to pour he grasped the sash of my (Frank’s) robe and undid it.  The robe fell open, exposing my pubic area to Frank, only two feet away. I was paralyzed; the heat rising in my entire body but I couldn’t even try to cover myself.  Frank seemed to be trying not to look down there, continuing to stare into my eyes.

“You know, as I get older, I am less able to give Joyce all of the sex that a woman of her age needs.  And I have been thinking that our sex life has become rather pedestrian.”  Then he gently slipped the robe off my shoulders, leaving me completely naked.  He continued talking but his words were drowned out by the roaring in my ears and my eyes dropped to Frank’s shorts where his growing erection was actually peeking out of his pant leg.  My nipples were hard as little bullets and that feeling in the pit of my stomach was so intense I could barely breathe.

After handing Frank his drink, John caressed one of my breasts with the hand that had put ice in our glasses.  I shivered from the thrill as he gently pinched the nipple. “Isn’t she beautiful?” he asked.  Frank could only nod his agreement as he stood up, his now hard cock pressing into my knee.  He leaned into me and, looking to John, asked, ”May I?”  John didn’t respond, he just gently pushed me toward Frank and stood back to watch.  I looked over at him and got a smile and a nod.

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I was barely able to stand but Frank placed his strong arms around me and pulled me close as his lips met mine and his tongue began to slip into my mouth.  My nipples thrilled at the touch of his chest.  I slipped my hands under his T and felt his firm pecs and abs.  The kiss went straight to my vagina; I think I came right then.  There was no turning back now; this train is leaving the station.

I raised the hem of his T over his head and wrapped my arms around his neck to kiss him again.  My hard nipples contacted his chest with a thrill and I could feel his cock head wetting my thigh where it stuck out of his shorts.  I had to see it all.

I slid down onto my knees and pulled the elastic waistband of his shorts down with me.  Out swung a beautiful turgid brown cock.  It was not fully hard but it was long and thick.  The tip of its head peeked out from under its sheath; a wet spot of precum clinging to it.  It was so different from John’s that I had to examine it closely.

I grasped the shaft with one hand, surprised at its heft and heat.  My other hand slid under his tight balls with their soft ridges and caressed them gently.  I could feel his heartbeat as he grew harder and longer in my hand.  Soon I was holding nine inches of throbbing brown magic.  I carefully slid my hand down the shaft, pulling his foreskin from the smooth, soft head, then slid it back.  What a treat!  I could play with this thing for a while though the thought of taking it into my little pussy was a bit scary. I wanted to study it in detail with my eyes, my hands and my mouth.

Frank let out a loud moan when I touched my tongue to that wet spot.  By now, I was on autopilot; nothing could have stopped me from sliding my lips around that gorgeous head and sucking it in.  I slid his foreskin slowly back and followed it with my wide open mouth, barely fitting it over the rim of his glans.  The smooth, soft head tasted different from my husband’s but felt wonderful on my tongue.

Our moans came simultaneously as I enjoyed his musky scent mixed with his flavored body wash and he succumbed to my bathing his cock. I could have worshipped that monster for hours but Frank had other plans.  He helped me to my feet and kissed me deeply, then took my fanny in his hands and picked me up.  I was afraid that he was about to impale me on his huge member but he trapped it between our bellies as I wrapped my legs around his hips and held on.

He walked me toward the bed with his dripping cock pressed between our abdomens, our lips locked together, then lowered me onto the edge of the bed with my legs hanging over the side.  John sat on the other side of the bed and asked, “Isn’t she beautiful, Frank?”

He turned to John, who I had completely neglected, and said, ”Yes, she is very beautiful.”   As he stood over me looking at me, I momentarily thought, “I’m so glad I shaved this morning.”  I was naked and smooth save for the little landing strip that John likes so much.

Then he knelt between my legs and began kissing my thighs from just above my knee, working his way slowly toward my wet pussy.  John laid next to me and took a nipple into his mouth, then kissed my mouth passionately.  It was heavenly agony; I was already soaking wet and wanting that big black cock to touch my pussy lips.  Instead, it was his tongue that sent a shock wave through me when it touched my clit and made me cum almost immediately.

“This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispered, “you are the most beautiful thing I’ve seen.”  Two mouths, four hands on my body and two hard cocks to hold; the stimulation from the two of them was too much and I came again with a howl that must have wakened the neighbors.

Then John leaned down near where Frank was licking me, reached under me grasping my buns and, with his fingertips, gently opened my pussy for Frank.  After a few more licks, Frank stood up and placed his cockhead at the entrance of my pussy and began to slide it up and down from my fanny to my clit.  The bed was too low for his long legs so John asked me to scoot into the center of the king bed.  As I leaned back against the pillows, I got a good look at the two cocks:  John’s pale 6” average girth circumcised member and Frank’s brown, thick nine inches with the head partially sheathed under his foreskin.

I suddenly realized that my little pussy had only experienced John and began to be a little afraid.  But my considerate husband was alert and said, “We need to go gently and slow, Frank. Joyce will need time to adjust to you.”  I didn’t feel like going slow but I would take it however Frank delivered it.

Frank laid on his side facing me, kissed me again and whispered, “Don’t worry, you will soon be begging for more.”  Then he took my nipple in his mouth and sucked it erect.  With my eyes closed, I thrilled at their kisses and gentle touches.  I became so hot that I lifted my leg over Frank’s hip to give his cock access to my wet pussy, but that proved too cumbersome for the three of us so I asked Frank to get on top.

I opened my legs and he laid between them, resting on his arms and knees, his rampant cock inches from my puffy cunt lips.  I had a perfect view of his beautiful brown cock approaching my throbbing pussy.   It was scary but I reached down and took hold of his hot manhood, rubbing the tip between my pussy lips and up to my clit.  Once again, its weight and warmth felt strange and wonderful to me.  Then I directed it to the entrance and whispered, “Please be gentle.”

With a slight tilt of his pelvis that big cockhead nudged my pussy open.  I knew instantly that this was going to be a different experience than I had ever had before, and I knew that I wanted it. I turned my head to John, who was watching as if mesmerized by it all and said, “John, I hope this is ok with you because I want to experience this to the fullest.”  His response was to kiss me and sit back as I wrapped my legs around Frank’s hips and pulled his mouth to mine.

I don’t have words to express the feelings and emotions that I felt as we slowly merged our sex parts and our tongues.  Frank was indeed very slow and gentle and I was briefly mesmerized watching that beautiful brown cock slip in and out, getting deeper with each stroke.  The initial tinge of pain which blended into lust and near orgasm with each added inch of penetration was so exquisite that I thought I might pass out.

We were both moaning with pleasure and I thrilled at the feel of the ridge of his glans moving in me.  There seemed to be electric pulses passing between my nipples and my pussy when Frank’s chest brushed against mine.  My vagina responded by squeezing and pulsing.

Gradually we reached the point beyond where no penis has been and I began to have wave after wave of orgasms. My body began to shake and I couldn’t control it until he was entirely inside me and stopped there, unmoving, with only our sex parts pulsing and throbbing.  Then we started moving together, my hands on his firm butt guiding him in and out as I strained my pelvis up to take him all, our mouths locked and our tongues dancing, my feet on his calves for leverage.  I felt like I was cumming continually; was nearly incoherent, babbling things that only a slut would say.  Both he and my husband were murmuring expressions of love and appreciation but I didn’t register them at the time.

I think I could have fucked him for hours but all too soon, Frank warned that he was about to cum and I begged him to fill me up with his hot seed.  His rhythm sped up and he quickly suited word to deed and exploded deep in me, each spurt seemed to go directly to my womb, and produced overwhelming feelings of affection and contentment through my body.

I relaxed every muscle and laid there with Frank in my arms for several minutes until I heard John say, ”That was the most exciting thing I have ever watched.  I came spontaneously when you did.”  Sure enough, I then realized that there was a sticky mess on both Frank and me that we hadn’t produced.  No one seemed to mind.

Gradually, Frank’s cock softened and slid out of my pussy, leaving me feeling a sense of loss.  He moved off me and laid by my side with his hand laying lightly on my abdomen where I could still feel the impression of his cock.  I kissed him deeply and whispered, “Thank you, that was incredible.”

John got up and returned with warm moist cloths and gently wiped up the river of cum that was oozing from me and placed a dry towel under my ass.  Then he laid down on my other side.  I turned, facing him, took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply.  “I love you, thank you,” I said.

Eventually, Frank said softly, “I guess I had better leave you two alone.”  I felt bereft as he gave me a chaste kiss, got up, retrieved his clothes and said, “Thank you both; it was an unforgettable night,” and left.  I was shattered.  I didn’t want him to leave; I wanted to re-experience those thrilling sensations but thought better of saying so to my husband. I could still feel the impression of his beautiful cock in the depths of my vagina and I wanted it again.  I felt changed in an indescribable way.  John and I cuddled without speaking until we dropped off to sleep.

I woke early the next morning with John snoring beside me.  I wasn’t ready to have a post mortem with him just yet so I dressed quietly and went out for a walk.  I briefly contemplated knocking on Frank’s door but didn’t dare, plus I was a bit sore from last night.  I had lots to think about, not least whether John would have regrets about the events of last night.  Certainly, our relationship will be altered, hopefully in a good way.

When I got back he was up and suggested that we go home.  At check-out, the desk clerk handed us a bag containing matching golf shirts; a gift from Frank.

Driving home, neither of us talked about the previous night. My mind was still replaying the entire evening and my body was also remembering all those new feelings.  My vagina could still feel that large cock nearly in my uterus.  I imagined that John was trying to understand what it all meant to each of us.  We will have to talk soon because Frank knows where our business is and if he shows up there, I would have trouble resisting temptation again.  About halfway home, it occurred to me that I could be pregnant.  The thought did not upset me.

Written by Johnnycumlately
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