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Joyce And Kate's Excellent Adventure

"Sometimes it's better to seek forgiveness than to ask permission."

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Joyce’s friend Kate called to remind her that the time was near for their semi-annual spa/shopping date to the big city. This was a regular outing for the best friends who connected because they were the youngest women in their country club. They were also the club champs at tennis doubles and they loved to poke fun at the club’s “old gossipy biddies”.

Kate suggested they go to the city on Friday to shop; stay over and spa Saturday morning before heading home. Joyce checked her calendar and said, “Sounds good. You make the arrangements, I’ll do the driving.”

They hadn’t been on the road long when Kate said, “OK, what’s the deal with this handsome black man that the biddies have been talking about all week? They think he’s your lover. I want all the deets.”

That’s when Joyce realized that she had been dying to tell someone about Frank, and Kate was the only one she would trust. “Are you sure you want to know? It has to remain between us; gossipy rumors are one thing, but your confirmation would ruin me at the club.” Kate agreed immediately.

“It seems that my husband is interested in cuckoldry. He has watched a lot of internet porn on the subject and he sometimes talked about me and another man when we made love. I found myself enjoying the notion hypothetically.

“Then a few weeks ago, we were up in the mountains. We met Frank on the golf course. He was so handsome that I flashed on the idea that he might be the one. The men liked each other immediately so Frank joined us for dinner. I might have gotten slightly over served with wine; perhaps at John’s hand.

"Later I encountered him in the motel hot tub; we went back to his room and I kissed him only to chicken out and run back to our room, flustered and horny. The next thing I knew, John had invited him in and I was standing naked in front of them. John nudged me toward Frank and said he wanted him to fuck me.

“I was mortified but my pussy was wet and aching to be touched and my nipples were painfully hard. He was so beautiful. When he took me in his arms and kissed me, I actually came. He just held me until I stopped trembling. Then we kissed some more. His lips were so soft and he slipped his tongue between mine.

“I tugged his tee shirt out of his shorts and he pulled it over his head. His chest was perfectly muscled. My nipples thrilled at the touch of his when we kissed. I sank to my knees, pulling his shorts down as I went. Out popped the most beautiful brown cock. I had never seen an uncircumcised one before; nor one so big.”

“Is it true what they say?” Kate asked. Joyce took her hands off the steering wheel for a moment and held them apart.

“Oh my god,” she gasped, ”I’ve had two kids and I couldn’t handle something like that.”

“He stood there and let me examine and play with it for several minutes, but not as long as I would have liked. It was quite warm and heavy in my hand and began to grow and harden. It jumped when I touched my tongue to the tip. When I stroked my hand down the shaft, his foreskin moved and the head popped out completely. I had to put it into my mouth, though it was a stretch.”

“Jesus, what was John doing while all this was going on?” Kate asked.

“I think he had his cock out and was stroking as he watched us, but my attention was elsewhere. I could have worshipped that cock all night, but Frank helped me up, put his hands under my ass and lifted me up. I thought, ‘Oh, he’s going to impale me on that monster. I don’t think I can take it.’ But he trapped his cock between our bellies and carried me to the bed. He was wonderful; he took his time making slow love to my whole body. By the time he thought I was ready, my cunt was screaming to be fucked. Still he was slow and gentle. When his cock reached where no one has ever been, I was cumming constantly, babbling obscenities and begging him not to ever stop fucking me.

“We finally collapsed in a sweaty heap and laid there, hooked together while his cock softened and slipped out followed by a large flow of cum, mine as well is his. That’s when I realized that John was on the bed with us. He kissed me and told me how beautiful I looked to him and how much he loved me.”

“How did he feel about it all the next day?” Kate interjected.

“He had a brief bout of jealousy when he thought I had sneaked over to Frank’s room for more sex, but ever since that day he has been extremely attentive; he works twice as hard now pleasuring me in bed and he can’t keep his hands off me. When he learned that Frank would be in town last week, he immediately invited him to spend the weekend with us.

“Frank and I fucked in every room in the house and in the backyard. Sometimes, John played with us, but he gave us plenty of privacy when we wanted it. So you see, the biddies are on to something.”

“Wow! I can’t believe what a slut you have become. Why can’t I have a husband like that? You’ve got me so hot my panties are soaked. I want to meet this sexy man.”

“I believe I’m what is called a ‘hot wife’ and John loves it that way. You will have your chance to meet Frank tonight; he’s meeting us for drinks at our hotel.”

“So I’m your beard so that you can meet your lover; another first. Does John know about this?”

“I’d be surprised if he hasn’t figured it out; one of his fantasies is to sit home while I’m on a date, imagining what I’m doing and hearing the details when I return with another man’s cum in me.”


When they reached the city, the girls cruised the downtown shops and bought a few items of clothing. In Victoria’s Secret, Joyce tried on and bought a short negligee that barely covered her ass. It didn’t much matter because it was very see-thru.

“Did you buy that for Frank?” asked Kate.

“No, for John; he likes lingerie. Frank wants skin; he would have me naked all the time.” Kate decided to buy a thong; she had never owned one before. They had lunch and checked into their hotel.

Kate was lying on her bed in a robe after showering when Joyce came from the bath wearing her new negligee. “God, I’m still wet from hearing your sex stories. And I love your new trim,” she said pointing at Joyce’s shaved pussy. “Did you do that for Frank?”

“Nope, for John also, but it feels so nice I maintain it for myself now. I keep it covered in the locker room to avoid being discussed by the biddies.” She sat on the edge of Kate’s bed.

“I keep mine covered to hide my fat middle and my ugly bush,” Kate replied. Joyce opened the bottom of Kate’s robe a little.

“You’re not fat, you have a lovely body of which I am often jealous. I don’t know why guys lust after skinny bitches like me when they could enjoy your luscious curves.”

“It’s your nipples that drive men mad. Also, of course, it’s those long slim legs that you show around the club. They probably masturbate dreaming about what’s under your skirt.”

Joyce gently slid her hands over Kate’s thighs, her hips and her abdomen. She felt gooseflesh rise under her hands. “As for your bush, it’s lovely and soft.” She ran her fingers in the hair and gently pulled Kate’s pussy lips apart a little. “I wouldn’t shave it, but if you want, the spa staff will do it. What would Bill think about that?”

Kate didn’t answer, she just slightly opened her legs giving Joyce better access. “You have a beautiful pussy,” Joyce added; she bent forward and breathed her warm breath on Kate’s exposed clit, causing her to sigh. Then she touched her tongue to it. The response was an immediate tremor and moan.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while; this is my first time. May I do more?” In answer, Kate simply opened her legs wider. Joyce got the message; she slipped her hands under Kate’s butt and commenced licking up and down her pussy. The musky aroma was intoxicating.

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“Oh god, I’m going to cum,” moaned Kate, “don’t stop please.” And cum she did, loudly. When she had subsided Joyce crawled up and kissed her mouth, then laid beside her quietly. “I don’t know how to thank you. Bill never does anything like that. It was heavenly.”

“My pleasure. As I said, I have wanted to for a while.”

They dressed for dinner at a sushi restaurant near the hotel. Kate opted for a simple dress and decided to wear her new thong.

They were sitting at the bar in the hotel lounge, drinking wine and turning down drink offers and dance requests from several men when Frank arrived. All the male attention was having an affect on Kate.

Frank wasn’t alone. First he kissed Joyce, then took Kate’s offered hand but kissed her too. “This is my college roommate, Dutch. He is the reason I couldn’t join you for dinner; I was collecting him at the airport.” They both shook Dutch’s hand and received air kisses in return.

Once the men had drinks, they moved to a banquet for more privacy. The conversation was typical of people who have just met: generic get-acquainted stuff. But Kate sensed that much was going on under the table. Dutch was very attentive to her. After they finished their second drinks, Joyce and Frank excused themselves to go to the room. On the way out, Frank asked the barkeep to send two more drinks to the table.

Dutch spoke first, “Women are pretty quick to drop their knickers for Frank; especially married white women.” Kate allowed that her friend seemed smitten, and that she found Frank very attractive too. “I was his wingman in college. He was catnip for women then. Looks like he hasn’t lost the touch.”

Dutch asked her to dance. It was a slow one and he was a good dancer. He held her quite close and she lay her head on his shoulder. It felt very nice. “Have you ever been with a black man?” he asked. She shook her head no. “You need to try it; it could revolutionize your marriage.” He took her hand and placed it on his growing cock over his pants. She held it just long enough to feel how fat it was, then the music ended and they headed back to the table. She was feeling a little tipsy.

Dutch detoured to the bar and brought two more drinks. He sat close to her and put his hand on her knee. Then he proceeded to expound on the superiority of black men. “Many marriages have been saved by wives taking chocolate lovers to get what their hubbies can’t give them. And many husbands are grateful to be relieved of the pressure to perform.” When he put her hand on his cock again, she held it while they kissed.

“It is an evolutionary imperative that women want to mate with the strongest, most virile males whose bigger cocks can deliver seed right to their wombs. Look at athletes; the best are black.” Meanwhile, his hand moved up her thigh. The drinks were affecting her judgement; she enjoyed his touch but wasn’t sure how far to let things go.

Dutch finished his drink and hers and suggested that they go up to the room and check on their friends. She was a little more wobbly walking to the elevator. Once inside, he kissed her and placed his hand on her thong-clad pussy.

She pushed his hand away and turned toward the doors. “We can fool around if you want, but I’m not going to fuck you. I don’t think my husband would be okay with that.” She felt him unzip her dress and unhook her bra. He was just massaging her breasts when the doors opened. She felt undressed as they walked to the room.

Dutch took her key card and unlocked the door without knocking. The tableau she encountered in the dimly lit room was magically erotic; the naked couple lay in each other’s arms. Frank was on his back with Joyce’s head on his shoulder. Her leg was on his thigh and his flaccid cock laid across the other. His arm was around his shoulder, his fingers idly strumming her nipple. Her hand seemed to be cradling his balls. They could have been Adam and Eve under the tree of knowledge.

Joyce lazily raised her hand and said, “Come in. Have you two been enjoying yourselves?” When she rolled onto her back her legs came open and some of Frank’s cum oozed out of her pussy. Kate’s attention was riveted on the couple. Dutch came up behind her and slipped her dress and bra onto the floor. He pinched her hard nipples and kissed her neck. It did feel good.

Kate walked to her bed wearing only her thong and heels and sat facing them, entranced by the quiet sexuality of the scene. The room was redolent with the odors of sex. When she looked up, Dutch was standing beside her, his cock in his hand. It was circumcised and the head was huge and dripping precum. He looked so pained that she took hold of it and began stroking it. Doing that fit her theory that she wasn’t really cheating: the old “I didn’t inhale” defense.

Joyce began to play with Frank’s cock, making it start to harden and grow. That is when Dutch reached behind Kate’s head and tried to pull her mouth onto his cock. She resisted, turning her face away so that his cock found her ear. She almost giggled at the juxtaposition.

Seeing that Kate was resisting Dutch’s advances, Joyce sat up and reached for his cock. With her other hand, she patted the bed beside her for Kate to come over. Then she lay back and spread her legs in the air, turned her head and kissed Frank on the lips. “Take care of my friend, please.” Dutch immediately dropped to his knees and buried his face in her crotch. She sighed contentedly, enjoying his ministrations. But after a short time he stood, stepped out of his pants and guided his cock to her pussy.

Kate sat there in a daze, comparing the two very different cocks: Dutch’s thick circumcised member with a huge head, and Frank also pretty thick but very long with its tip peeking out from under its sheath. She wondered how Joyce would accept Dutch’s girth but saw her well lubricated pussy lips stretch around it easily as he entered her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him in deeper.

In her semi-drunken state, this scene was almost overwhelming. First she looked with awe at her friend’s pink pussy accepting Dutch’s thick brown cock with ease, then it seemed that Frank’s hard cock was beckoning to her. She finally thought, 'What the hell, in for a nickel, in for a dime,' and she reached for Frank’s rampant member, still watching the other couple finding their rhythm. Her pussy was throbbing and wet.

Frank’s member felt wonderful, strong and hot. Finally she leaned down and licked its head, making him groan. Then took it into her mouth, licking and sucking it lustily. She vaguely heard Joyce urging Dutch to fuck her, heightening her arousal. Still holding Frank’s cock, she moved up to kiss his mouth; he could now reach down and lightly press his finger against her clit through her soaked thong. She felt a strong tremor pulse through her and heard Joyce announce her orgasm at the same moment.

Frank whispered, “Get on top and guide my cock up and down your pussy lips. I promise not to try to enter you unless you want it. It will feel great for us both.” For some reason she trusted him so she wriggled out of her thong, straddled his hips and grasped his cock, rubbing it up and down on her clit and pussy lips. She closed her eyes and simply absorbed the pleasure of it.

Shortly, she felt Joyce’s hand on her thigh. Joyce was smiling at her, apparently having drained Dutch of his sperm. Then she turned and kissed Frank. Kate bent forward to kiss them both, which cause Frank’s cock to slip into her a bit. It was all too much; she started to cum strongly. Each spasm caused his cock to enter further, making her cum more until she screamed, “Oh fuck me, fuck me hard,” and pushed down, taking his entire cock. Joyce joined them, encouraging her to keep going, fondling Kate’s ass and her breasts. She had no idea how many times she orgasmed or exactly when Frank came in her. She finally collapsed on him and fell asleep.

When she awoke, the sun was shining through the curtains and she and Joyce were tangled together in a mess of sticky sheets; and she had a terrible headache.

Written by Johnnycumlately
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