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Author's Notes

"In the previous part of this story, Jon goes home wearing Megan's dress.  Kaylee and Amy peg him."

After a few minutes of rest, Amy said, "We better get cleaned up.  Mom will be home soon."  Amy took the dildo back to her room, and Kaylee helped me brush out my hair and fix my makeup.  We straightened up the bed sheets and made sure there was no evidence lingering of our pegging session. 

We decided to go downstairs and watch some TV.  I went into the kitchen and got a glass of lemonade for each of us.  Kaylee and Amy were sitting on the sofa, holding hands.  I sat on the chair. 

As we were watching TV, we heard Mom's car pull into the driveway.   Mom came in carrying several shopping bags.  She said, "Oh, there you are, girls.  Amy, doesn't Bethann look lovely in her new dress?"

"Yes, for sure," said Amy.

"Bethann is getting quite a collection of dresses," said Kaylee.

"Yes, she is.  But they are all little girl dresses.  They are cute, but I thought Bethann should have some more age-appropriate clothes too.  So, I've been doing a little shopping for you, Bethann."

Mom opened the bags she had brought in and started pulling out clothes.  She got me two skirts and tops, and one dress.  They were all clothes a girl my age would wear.  Next, she pulled out a package of six panties, and two bras. "Now you won't need to borrow clothes from your sister and your friends," she said.

"Oh, these are so cute.  I have a skirt just like this one," said Kaylee, as she picked up a blue and green plaid pleated skirt.  "And this top will go so well with it."

"I also got you a pair of shoes," said Mom, as she pulled out a pair of beige high heel shoes.  "These will go with the other skirt and the dress.  They will also go well with the dress Margo gave you."

Everyone looked at me, waiting to see what I would say.  What could I say?  I was embarrassed at the fuss being made over me, and the fact that my mother had just bought me several outfits of girl's clothes.  But I was also excited to have some new girls' clothes all my own.  I just said, "Thanks, Mom."

"I know your size, Bethann.  But still, you should try on all these outfits to make sure they fit."

"Yes, give us a fashion show, Bethann," giggled Amy.

I collected all the clothes and took them up to my room.  I tried on each new outfit and went downstairs to model them for everyone.  Mom said, "It looks like they all fit just fine, and you look great in all your new outfits.  Now Bethann, I did want you to have some more age-appropriate options, but you can still wear your little girl dresses when you feel like it."

I felt like such a girl, modeling the feminine outfits. I must admit, it felt really good.  And I did love all my new clothes.

They all agreed that my new blue and green pleated skirt with the red top looked the best.  With that, I wore the shoes that Megan had given me along with a pair of stockings.  So I kept that outfit on and wore it the rest of the day.

After dinner, Mom and I did the dishes.  She asked me to come to the living room with her for a little talk.  I sat down on the sofa, smoothing my skirt beneath me as I sat.  Mom sat next to me and smiled at me.  "I think it's wonderful that you are finally dressing the way you like.  Like I told you before, it's all fine with me.  But your father comes home on Wednesday.  What do you plan to do then?"

I have been so caught with my new clothes, that I had forgotten about Dad.  I was afraid Dad would not be as understanding as Mom.  "I don't think I can tell him, Mom.  I'd be too embarrassed."

"I understand, honey.  You've had so much fun dressing up and being Bethann, I don't want it to have to end just because your father gets home.  So, let me tell him for you.  I can break it to him gently.  I really do think he'll understand.  He loves you and only wants you to be happy.  He is more open-minded than you may think.  After I tell him, and I'm sure he's OK with it, you can come down wearing one of your new outfits."

"OK, Mom.  If you think he'll be OK with it.  Thanks, Mom."

Mom reached out and gave me a hug.  I hugged her back.  She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "I love you, Bethann."

It was so sweet.  Since I started dressing as Bethann, I felt so much closer to my mom.  I also felt closer to my sister.  I decided I really do like being a girl better than a boy.  I was so lucky that I discovered the joys of being a girl.  It's easier for girls to show their emotions.  Girls have so many more options when it comes to clothes than boys.  And girls' clothes are so much prettier.  I am closer to my mom and sister.  And I have had more fun as Bethann than I have had as Jon in a long time.  I have definitely had more, and better, sex as Bethann.  Yes, for sure, I do like being Bethann.  I was more sure now that I wanted Mom to tell Dad, so I could keep on being Bethann.

That night, I slept in my blue nightie that Amy gave me.  This is the only nightie I have.  I wish Mom had got me some more girls' night clothes when she went shopping.  I will ask her to pick some up for me the next time she goes shopping.  Or, better yet, maybe I should take her up on her offer to take me along shopping.  That way, I could pick some things out for myself.

The next morning, I put on the new dress Mom got me.  It was a beautiful dress.  It was a beige color with little pink and white flowers.  I wore a new pair of panties and a new bra that Mom had got me.  And I put on the new beige shoes as well.  Mom was right.  They are a great match for this dress.  I put on my wig and looked at myself in the mirror.  Although I looked nice in my new dress, something was missing.  Oh, makeup.  I don't have any makeup.

I went over to Amy's room and knocked on the door.  "Amy, are you up?" I asked.

Amy opened her door and said, "Good morning, Bethann.  You look great in that dress!"

"Thanks.  I really like it.  Like Mom said, it is really better for a girl my age.  But I don't have any makeup.  Can I use some of yours?"

"Of course.  Come on in, and I'll help you."

"Will you teach me how?  I want to learn to do my own makeup."

"It would be my pleasure.  Sit down over her, and let me show you how it's done."

I sat down at Amy's makeup table.  She showed me how to do the eyes, cheeks, and lips.  She also gave me some makeup of my own to keep in my room.

"Thank you, Amy.  You're the best sister!"

"And I just love having a new sister, Bethann!"  Amy gave me a big hug.  She said, "You know, Bethann, you should really grow out your hair.  Then you wouldn't need to always wear the wig.  You have such thick hair.  It will look great when it gets longer.  Then I will show you how to style it."

I spent the whole day as Bethann, just hanging around the house with Amy and Mom.  I talked to Mom about taking me shopping for some nighties and maybe some more clothes too.  Mom said she would be glad to take me this weekend.

The next day was Tuesday.  This is the day I have another date with Megan.  I decided to surprise her by dressing up at home and showing up at her house already dressed as Bethann.  I chose the pink and white dress that Amy gave me.  True, it is a little young for me, but it is so cute, and I really like it.

I did my own makeup using the makeup Amy had given me.  I may not have done it as well as Amy had, but I did manage pretty well.  I was happy with the results.  As I was putting on my mascara, I thought back to that day last week when this all started.  The girls wanted to see how my lashes looked with mascara.  And now here I was, fully dressed as a girl and putting on my own mascara.  I had come a long way in just a week.  I wondered if they had known it would lead to all this.  Oh, well, it doesn't really matter now.  I was so happy that I had gone over to Margo's house that day and started this wonderful journey.

When it was time for my date with Megan, I confidently went downstairs dressed as Bethann.  I had decided I would walk over to Megan's in my dress.  Before, I had been nervous about going outside while dressed, but today I felt much more confident.  If I was going to be Bethann more often now, I would need to get over my shyness about being seen outdoors.  I said goodbye to Mom and I stepped out the door in my dress. 

I had already decided not to be too concerned about people seeing me.  They would certainly think I was a girl, and quite possibly they may think I was Amy.  I began the three-block walk over to Megan's.  As I was walking, I saw one of our neighbors outside watering her flowers.  As I passed her, I confidently said in my most feminine voice, "Good morning Mrs. Goodman."

"Oh, good morning, Amy," she replied.  "That is such a pretty dress."

"Thank you!"  I walked on by feeling even more confident in my appearance and even my voice.  I knew I could pass as a girl.

I arrived at Megan's right on time.  When she opened the door, she was delighted to see I was already dressed.  "Oh, you look so cute, Bethann.  I love that dress on you.  Did you walk over here like that?"

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"Yes, I did.  I am feeling so much more confident now as a girl.  I even fooled one of our neighbors.  She thought I was Amy."

"Well, I'm not surprised.  You look like Amy.  I recognize that dress.  Did Amy loan it to you?"

"She gave it to me," I said, proudly.

"I heard that you and Kaylee broke up.  Does that mean that you and I can now be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Yes, I would love that.  But maybe we should say we are girlfriend and girlfriend."

"You're right," she said.  "I'm going to love having you as my girlfriend!  Remember I told you before that I have a surprise for you today?  Well, here it is.  I have another friend who is just like you.  He loves to dress up, too.  I have known him for a couple of years.  He went to my old school.  Now, he's not my boyfriend, or even my girlfriend.  So don't be jealous, Bethann.  But when I dress him up, I do like to play with him sometimes.  I thought you would like to meet him, and maybe the three of us can play together."

This sure took me by surprise.  I wasn't sure what to think of this development.  But I was curious to see how he would look dressed up.  Would he be as pretty as me?

She called out, "Lisa, come on out now."

Lisa came out of the kitchen.  Evidently, he had been waiting in there.  When he stepped out, I couldn't believe how pretty he looked.  He wore a little mini-dress and high heel shoes.  His makeup was done to perfection.  He looked just as much like a girl as I did.  If I hadn't known he was a guy, I would have certainly thought he was a girl.

Megan did the introductions.  I could tell that Lisa was shy about meeting me.  Megan suggested that we all go upstairs to her room.  The three of us went up.  Megan closed her door.  She came over to me, put her arms around me and gave me a wonderful, passionate kiss.  Then she went over to Lisa and gave him a lovely kiss.  I admit I was a little jealous, but I had just started seeing Megan, so I should not be too possessive.

Megan ended her kiss with Lisa.  She took Lisa's hand and led him over to me.  She said, "You two kiss."

Lisa approached me, but I hesitated.  I had never kissed a guy.  Even if he did look like a girl.  But I wanted to please Megan.  I didn't want her to think I was a prude.  So I reached out and took Lisa in my arms.  I drew him closer and leaned in for a simple kiss on the lips.  It only lasted a few seconds.  I was embarrassed to kiss a guy, but it felt nice.

Megan said, "Now, you two have a real kiss."  Lisa moved in and our lips met for another kiss.  His tongue penetrated my mouth and made contact with my tongue.  Lisa kissed just like a girl.  I met his tongue with mine, and we had a beautiful, long passionate kiss.  Part of me was reluctant to kiss him, but a bigger part was super turned on.  I got so excited in my panties, and I could feel through our little dresses that he was excited too.

Megan said, "You two sit on the bed and get to know each other.  I will be right back.  She left the room.

Lisa and I sat down together and continued to make out.  We paused, and he asked, "How long have you been dressing up with Megan?"

"Only a week.  But I have really grown to enjoy it.  How about you?"

"She has been dressing me up on and off for two years.  She told me she really likes you, Bethann.  I am complimented that she wants to share you with me.  But I'm so glad she has.  You are the first guy I've been with."

"Yeah, me too," I said.  We resumed our kissing.  Lisa's hand touched my knee, and he began rubbing up towards my crotch.  His hand reached my panties, and he felt my boner beneath my panties, struggling to get out.  He pulled down my panties, just enough to release my throbbing dick.  He gently wrapped his hand around it and started a slow stroking.  It felt so naughty, so kinky, yet so good.

I reached up under his dress and released his boner, too.  I started stroking it as he stroked mine.  We continued making out as we slowly stroked each other.

About that time, Megan came back into the room.  She was wearing just her bra and panties, and she had attached her strap-on dildo.  When she saw us making out and stroking each other, she was delighted.  She said, "I knew you two would like each other.  Now, how about some pegging?"

Lisa bent over on the bed, sticking out his butt.  I did the same right beside him.  Lisa reached out and held my hand as we were leaning over the bed together.  Megan got behind Lisa, lifted his dress up, took off his panties, and applied some lube.  Then she slowly inserted the dildo.  Lisa let out a high-pitched moan as it went in.  Megan immediately began an in-and-out motion, pegging Lisa in the bottom, as Lisa moaned and giggled.

Lisa turned his head towards me and opened his mouth.  I knew he wanted a kiss.  I turned toward him and we shared a passionate kiss as Lisa pegged him.

Megan said, "No cumming for you two while I'm pegging you.  You will cum later."  With that, she stopped pegging Lisa and pulled out the dildo.  She positioned herself behind me.  She removed my panties and applied some lube to my little hole.  "Are you ready, Bethann?"

"Yes, please peg me, Megan."

Megan inserted the dildo into my hole and began pegging me.  It felt so good as she moved it in and out.  I turned my head to face Lisa, and we kissed as Megan pegged me.  The pleasure was building deep inside of me.  I felt like I was cumming, but nothing came out of my dick.  The pleasure just continued inside.  I thought this must be how a girl feels when she has an orgasm.  It was wonderful.

Megan slowed down her rhythm, and soon stopped, pulling the dildo from my bottom.  "Please don't stop, Megan," I panted.

"That's all the pegging for you two," she said.  "Now stand up and face each other.  Get closer.  I want to see you two make each other cum."

I was so horny, I would do anything she said.  Lisa and I put our arms around each other and started making out.  We were both now without panties, so our penises each stuck out, rubbing into each other through our dresses.  Megan came over to us and reached down, lifting our dresses up.  Our penises were sticking straight out and they touched skin to skin as we kissed.  When my dick first touched his, I got a wonderful tingly feeling throughout my whole body.  I never knew it would feel so good rubbing dicks with another guy.  We continued making out as our dicks rubbed together.

Then Megan told us to lie down together in opposite directions.  She had us scoot a little so that his dick was right in my face and mine in his.  I moved Lisa's dress to the side, exposing his hard dick.  I reached out and gripped it and began stroking.   It was just inches from my face.  I knew what Megan wanted us to do, and...

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Written by bethanngirl
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