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Author's Notes

"In part 1, my girlfriend and her friends noticed how long my eyelashes were and decided to put mascara on me.  Then they made up my whole face and put a wig on me.  Seeing how much I looked like a girl, they have now decided to dress me up, too….."

"Yes, that's a great idea," said Amy.  "What do you think, Kaylee?"

All the other girls chimed in, "Yeah Kaylee, come on let's do it!"

"Yes for sure," said Kaylee.  "Jon, let's see how you look in a dress!  Margo, you don't mind if we borrow some of your clothes, do you?"

"Not at all," said Margo.  "Let's pick out something pretty for him to wear."

"That's not a good idea," I said. "I think this has gone far enough."  I must admit there was a part of me that wanted to do it.  Just the thought of it got me even more excited and my boner was growing even bigger in my pants.  I was really embarrassed and concerned they would soon notice it.  I definitely did not want to get undressed in front of these girls and have them see me getting excited from being feminized.

Kaylee said, "You girls go back to the living room and leave us alone.  I'll talk him into it and then I'll get him dressed."

"Alright, but we all want to see when he is done," said Margo.

"OK, I'll get him dressed, and then we'll come out so you all can see."

The girls left and Kaylee shut the door.  "We're doing this, Jon.  You've gone this far and you can't get out of it now."

Knowing that it was really going to happen got me even more excited and even more embarrassed.  But still, I tried to act like I didn't really want it and I was just giving in. "OK, Kaylee, I guess I'm outvoted."

Kaylee opened Margo's closet and started to look through the dresses and skirts.  She pulled out a couple dresses and a skirt and a top and laid them out on the bed.  I couldn't take my eyes off them.  One dress was a light cream color with small purple and pink flowers all over it.  It had a little ruffled collar up close to the neck and puffy ruffled sleeves.  It looked very short and had a small ruffle along the hemline.  It was the most feminine garment I had ever seen.  The other dress was also quite short but of a slimmer cut.  It was light blue with little white butterflies printed all over it.  The skirt looked to be almost knee-length and was a pink and purple plaid design.  It has little pleats running all around it. The top that went with it was a white fluffy sweater that buttoned up the front with a little heart on the chest.   My fear and my excitement were mounting as I imagined wearing any of these feminine clothes.

Next Kaylee went over to Margo's dresser and opened the top drawer.  She looked through it and pulled out a pair of little pink panties and a pink bra with a little bow in the center between the breasts.  She opened the bottom drawer and took out a pair of tan-colored stockings.  She set all these on the bed and said to me, "OK, Jon, off with those clothes."

Well, I just stood there frozen in place.  I didn't want to take my pants down and let her see my expanding erection.  It's not that she had never seen it before.  She was my girlfriend, after all.  But I didn't want her to know I was excited about being feminized.

When I didn't move, she said, "I'll help you, honey."  She came over to me and began to unbuckle my belt.  There is no way she didn't notice my erection now.  As she unbuttoned my pants and slid them down, she said, "Oh, look who's getting excited!" 

"Well, it's exciting being undressed by my girlfriend," I said.

"I'm sure it is, but I noticed you getting hard the moment we put the wig on you, sweetie!" she said.

I blushed three shades of red from the embarrassment. I didn't want her to know this was exciting me.  I should have put up more of a fight when they suggested putting mascara on me.  But no, I just let them make up my whole face and I didn't even argue when they put the wig on me.  And now I had agreed to wear a dress.  And to make it even more humiliating, Kaylee knew it was exciting me.

"No, it's you that is doing it to me," I said.

"That's nice of you to say, Jon.  But I think you like looking like a girl.  Just wait until I get you in a dress too."  With that, she reached out and began lightly rubbing my dick through my underwear.  It felt so nice and I was already close to shooting just from the excitement of the feminization.

"We can't have our new girl with a big hard-on, now can we?" she said.  She pulled my underwear down my leg and took it off.  She picked up the pink panties and told me to step into them.  Like I was in a trance, I put one foot and then the other into the panties.  Kaylee pulled them up my legs and the sensation was overwhelming.  She pulled them up and brought them over my balls, leaving my hard shaft exposed.

She grasped it lightly with her fingers and began to slowly masturbate me.  My dick was twitching and I was so close to shooting a load.  I looked over to the mirror and saw my beautiful girlfriend stroking a dick on what looked like a cute girl with her pink panties pulled down just enough to expose it.  When I was just a few strokes away from cumming, she suddenly stopped.  She went over to the nightstand and got a couple of tissues and came back over to me.

She said, "Does my little girlfriend want to cum?"

"I'm your boyfriend and I do want to cum.  Please finish me off, Kaylee."

"Well, you look more like a girl now, so if you want to cum, tell me my little girlfriend wants to cum."

My dick was aching now and I wanted to cum so bad.  So I said, "Kaylee, your little girlfriend wants to cum, please!"

"Now that's better," she said.  She resumed her slow, gentle strokes and held the tissues out in front to catch my cum.  As I was nearing my climax, she stroked more slowly and gently and it felt so good.  Finally, I could hold out no longer and my dick started spewing its thick white cum.  She captured it all in the tissues, and she slowly milked the last remaining bits out.

"Now that we took care of that little problem, let's get our new girl dressed," said Kaylee. "So which of these three outfits do you want, Jon?" she asked.  "The cream-colored mini dress with little flowers, the blue dress with butterflies, or the pleated skirt and white top?"

I knew which one I wanted - the little cream-colored mini dress.  It was so feminine and dainty.  I could just imagine how it might feel to wear it.  But I could not bring myself to admit that to her.  So I just said, "I don't know.  Why don't you choose?"

She said, "Well, they are all so pretty.  Let's try them all on and then I'll pick."

She started with the skirt and top.  She held the skirt out and told me to step into it.  My legs were actually shaking from the excitement.  I stepped into the skirt and she raised it up around my waist, fastened the button, and zipped it up.  Next, she picked up the bra and held it out in front of me, and told me to put my arms through.  I did and she pulled the straps around the back and clipped it shut.  She adjusted the shoulder straps to make it the right size.  I could feel the soft silky material of the bra tickle my nipples and it sent goose bumps down my arms.  It felt so nice.

Kaylee said, "It looks like my little girlfriend likes the feel of her bra."  She reached out and began to lightly stroke my nipples through the soft material of my bra.  My nipples immediately got tingly and hard.  I couldn't believe how good it felt.

"Enough of that for now," she said, after rubbing my nipples for a couple minutes.

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Kaylee then went back to the dresser and brought over four more pairs of panties and stuffed two pairs into each bra cup to give me the illusion of small breasts.  Then she had me slip on the sweater and she buttoned up the front.  Next, she took the stockings and slid each one up my legs.  The feel of the soft material moving up my legs was amazing.  Each stocking had a tight sticky band along the top, which held them in place.

"Now let's have a good look at you," she said.  She told me to stand up and walk over to the full-length mirror.  When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I could hardly believe my eyes.  I looked just like a cute schoolgirl, in her little pleated skirt and sweater top.  The skirt hung down to about three inches above my knees.  As I moved I could feel the soft wool skirt brushing on my thighs and it felt amazing.

"You look just like a girl getting ready to go to school", she laughed.  "How does it feel?"

Not wanting to say, "Wonderful!", I just said, "OK, I guess."

"Well, you look really cute", she said.  "You could easily pass for a girl, Jon."

I knew she was right.  I did look like a cute girl.  In fact, I looked a lot like my hot sister, Amy.  I could not help but to get all excited again, even though Kaylee had just stroked me off a few minutes ago.

I was having second thoughts about letting the other girls see me when I was so excited and dressed like a girl.

Kaylee said, "Ok, now let's try on the dresses and see which outfit is best for you." She had me take off the skirt and top, and she got the blue dress and held it out for me to step into.  She fitted it onto my shoulders and had me put my arms through the sleeves.  Then she zipped up the zipper in the back and fastened the little hook on the top.  Somehow I managed to get the dress on without her noticing the budding erection in my panties.

She had me step in front of the mirror again so I could see myself.  The dress was tight around the legs and it hung just a little shorter than the skirt.  It was just tight enough to show the little bulge in my panties. 

Kaylee saw it and said, "I just took care of that little problem, Jon, what are you doing getting hard again already?  Now I know it's these clothes getting you all excited.  Obviously, you like wearing these girls' clothes.  But we still can't have you going out to the other room with that bulge.  Let's try the other dress and see if it covers it up any better."

She unzipped the dress and had me step out of it.  She bent down and got a closer look at the bulge in my panties. She used her finger to lightly rub it up and down through the panties.  "You've got a real problem here, sweetie.  I hope the last dress will cover it up because I'm not taking care of it again for you."

I blushed a deep red and felt so humiliated.  But I also felt really turned on.  Why are these clothes exciting me like this, I wondered.

Kaylee picked up the last dress, the cream-colored mini dress with little flowers and the ruffed sleeves and hem.  I stepped into it and she did up all the buttons in the back.  I realized that I would not be able to get those buttons undone without some help, so I was stuck in the dress until she was ready to let me out.

This dress had a flair in the bottom skirt and it stuck out enough to hide the bulge in my panties.  For that I was thankful.  I went over to the mirror and saw myself for the first time in this dress.  It was so short and dainty.  Wearing it made me feel very feminine and vulnerable.  Why did I like this feeling so much?  I couldn't believe how feminine and cute I looked.  The transformation was amazing.  Part of me was afraid to let the others see me like this, but another part wanted to show off how pretty I looked.

"This dress hides your man parts much better," she said.  "I think we should stay with this one.  What do you think, Jon?"

"Yes I think we better," I said.  Secretly I had wanted this dress all along.

"Now we just need some shoes," Kaylee said.  She went into the closet and started looking through all Margo's shoes. 

I had never seen so many shoes.  "Why does one girl need so many shoes?" I asked.

"To go with each different outfit, silly," Kaylee responded.  "For your outfit, we want something that will match your dress.  These look nice," she said, pulling out a pair of cream-colored sandals with a 2-inch heel and little straps in the front that crisscrossed on the top of the foot.  They had a little pink bow on the back above the heel. 

They looked a bit small for me, but when she slipped one onto my foot, it slid right on.  She put the other one on me and told me to stand up and see if I could walk in them.  She held my hand as I took a few tentative steps.  The high heels felt strange at first but I soon got the hang of them.

"Just one more thing," she said.  "Your dress and shoes match, but I want to change out that barrette to something that matches as well."  She went through the drawer on Margo's makeup table and found a little bow that was the same shade of pink as the flowers on my dress.  She removed the barrette from my hair and replaced it with the little bow.  "Now you are ready for your big debut."

The thought of going out there and having all the other girls see me in a dress suddenly filled me with fear.  "I don't think I want them to see me," I said.  "Would you just tell them Margo's clothes didn't fit me?"

"Oh, don't be silly," Kaylee said.  "It will be OK.  You look so good.  No one will laugh at you.  We have to let them see you."

"OK, I know," I said.  "It's just embarrassing."

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetie.  You look amazing, and you can easily pass for a pretty girl.  They will love it, I promise."

Kaylee opened the door, took hold of my hand, and we began to walk down the hallway toward the stairs.  "She said, "Be careful walking down the stairs in those heels, Jon.  Hold on to the rail."

I held the rail and carefully navigated the stairs.

Kaylee called down to her friends, "Here she is, our newest girlfriend!"

All the girls ran over to the stairs and watched as we descended the final steps.  "Oh my God!", yelled Megan.  "He looks just like a girl!"

"And I just love your dress, Jon," said Cindy.  "Margo I have never seen you in that dress."

"Oh, my grandma got that for me last Christmas," said Margo.  "I never wear it because it looks like a little girl's dress.  And it’s a bit too feminine for my taste."

"Well, it looks perfect for Jon!", said Kylie.  "You can definitely pass for a girl, Jon."

"Look at those long slender legs," said Kylie.  "They look so feminine.  Did you shave them, Kaylee?"

"No, we didn't shave my legs," I said.  "I just don’t have much hair on them, and what I do have is so light you can't see it."

"Well they look fab!", gushed Amy. 

"He looks so much like you, Amy," said Margo.  "Go stand next to Jon, so we can see you together."

Amy walked over and stood next to me, and all the girls commented on how much we looked alike."

"You two could be sisters," said Margo.

"We are sisters, now!" said Amy.

"Let's get some pictures," said Margo.


(end of part 2)



Written by bethanngirl
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