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Author's Notes

"In the last part of this story, Jon is feminized and dressed as a girl by his girlfriend and her friends.  The girls have a kissing contest.  They decide to dress Jon as a cheerleader and take him home to see if they can fool his mom.  They also have a blowjob contest to see who can make Jon cum."

After the girls had a blowjob contest and made me cum, Amy said, "OK, now that you took care of that little problem, I think we're ready to go.  Let's see if we can fool Mom."

Margo got her car keys and gathered up the empty beer bottles in a trash bag. "OK, let's hit the road."

As we headed towards the front door, I was getting very nervous about stepping outside dressed as a girl.  I was wearing Margo's cheerleader uniform, wig, and my face was made up.  Even though I knew I could pass for a girl, it was still scary to think of going outside.  Of course, Margo had said she would drive us home, but I still needed to get from the house to the car.  I would be exposed as a girl for anyone to see.

When Margo opened the front door, I froze in my tracks and couldn't bring myself to go out the door. 

"It's OK, Bethann," Kaylee reassured me. "You can easily pass for a girl.  You've got nothing to worry about."

I still hesitated. 

Kaylee waved me towards her. "Come here and look at yourself in the mirror."

There was a big full-length mirror in the front hallway.  I went with her over to the mirror and looked at myself again.  The cute girl in the mirror did not look like me.  But it was me.  I looked like Amy in her cheer outfit. 

Kaylee said, "Just stick close to me.  You'll be fine."

I said, "Margo, is there anyone else out there?"

"Oh for Pete's sake, Bethann.  What are you so afraid of now?  Come on girl, there's no one out here.  We're just a group of girls getting in the car."

I tentatively walked to the door, stuck my head out, and scanned the area to make sure no one else was there.  The coast was clear.  Kaylee took hold of my hand, and we all ventured out the door and down the sidewalk toward the car.  I still felt so scared walking out in public dressed as a girl.  I felt so feminine and vulnerable in my short cheer skirt and ankle socks with my legs showing.  As we approached the car, I heard a door opening.  I looked around and saw one of Margo's neighbors coming out of her front door.  I tried to hurry towards the car.

As the neighbor closed her door and started down her walk, she saw us and called out, "Oh, hi Margo.  Hi girls."

Margo called back to her, "Hi, Mrs. Monroe!"

I just about fainted from the embarrassment.  My face turned a bright red. 

Before we even opened the car doors, Mrs. Monroe walked over to us.  I tried to get behind Kaylee so she wouldn't notice me. 

Mrs. Monroe said, "Is your mom at home, Margo?"

"No, she's still at work.  She should be home in an hour or so."

"It's nice to see all you girls," Mrs. Monroe said. "I recognize Kaylee, Amy and Megan.  Who is your new friend in the cheerleader outfit?"

I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.  Kaylee moved out from in front of me fully exposing me to our visitor, and said, "Oh, this is Amy's cousin, Bethann.  She's going to go out for the cheerleading squad and we have been practicing some cheers."

She approached me and put out her hand, and said, "It's nice to meet you, Bethann.  I'm Margo's neighbor, Julie Monroe."

I shook her hand gently like a thought a girl might, and answered in the most feminine voice I could manage, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Monroe."

"So, Amy's cousin?  You two look so much alike, you could be sisters."

Amy said, "Yeah, we hear that all the time."  All the girls giggled as I just squirmed from being super uncomfortable.  I was sure Mrs. Monroe could see how red my face was.

She looked at Amy and said, "Your cousin is so shy.  She needs to get over that if she's going to be a cheerleader.  Well, I'm off now.  It was nice to meet you, Bethann.  Bye girls."  And she walked back to her driveway and got in her car.

The girls all giggled at my embarrassment.  I was just relieved that she was gone now, and I had evidently fooled her into thinking I was a real girl.  We all got into Margo's car.  Amy took the front seat and Kaylee, Megan and I got in the back.  As I was getting in, Megan said, "Bethann, be careful getting in.  You need to sit down first and smooth your skirt beneath you, then pull in your legs.  You wouldn't want to expose your little panties."  All the girls laughed.

I followed her instructions and smoothed out my skirt before pulling my legs in.  I scooted over to the middle and Megan got in beside me.  Kaylee got in the other door on my other side.  I was glad I was in the middle so I wouldn't be as visible from the outside.  I was also glad I got to sit next to Megan.

Amy turned around and said, "You don't have anything to worry about, Jon.  You totally fooled Mrs. Monroe.  She never suspected you weren't a girl.  Good job.  But you need to get over that embarrassment.  Remember, you still have to try to fool Mom."

"You did great, honey," said Kaylee.

As we drove down the road, Kaylee held my hand and reassured me that I was going to do great when I saw my mom.  We got to Kaylee's house first.  Before she got out of the car, she said, "Call me tonight, Jon, and let me know what happens with your mom.  Bye, everyone!"  She leaned over and gave me a big wet kiss, and then she left.

Margo drove on to Megan's house which was only a couple of minutes away.  Megan said, "Good luck, Bethann.  I know you'll do great.  Let me know how it goes too."

I said, "Don't I get a goodbye kiss, just for good luck?"

When she looked back and was surprised, I smiled and said, "Just kidding, Megan."

She said, "Oh, why not?  I kissed you back at Margo's, so one more kiss won't hurt."  She scooted over to me and lightly put her hands on my head.  She leaned in and gave me the most gentle, yet passionate kiss.  I practically melted as she kissed me.  She ended the kiss, said, "Good luck," and left the car.

Amy and Margo were turned around in their seats watching us kiss.  Margo said, "You're milking this for all you can, aren't you?"

I just blushed and smiled.

As we drove off towards my house, I was beginning to feel a bit more confident about Mom seeing me dressed as a girl.  I had totally fooled Margo's neighbor into thinking I was a girl.  Even my voice didn't give away my secret.  And Amy said she would tell Mom that the girls talked me into dressing up.  It's not like I chose it.  But if I'm being honest, I have to admit I really enjoyed it.  It wasn't just the kissing and the blowjobs.  That was very nice for sure.  But I have actually enjoyed being a girl for the afternoon.  Part of me was glad I was still a girl, and I was almost looking forward to having Mom see me like this.  I was somehow proud that I looked so cute as a girl.  But I was still embarrassed that being feminized made me so horny.  There was just something exciting and naughty about dressing as a girl.  And being seen by others seemed to make it even more exciting.

The girls had all noticed how excited I got being dressed as a girl.  And they didn't seem to mind.  Sure, they teased me a little, but even that felt good on some level.  Even my own girlfriend seemed to like me as a girl.  And Megan too.  I still can hardly believe I got to make out with Megan, and she even sucked my dick, all right in front of Kaylee.  And Kaylee even seemed to encourage it.  Wow! What an afternoon!

We got to my house and Margo pulled the car into the driveway.  I scanned the area and made sure none of our neighbors were out.  Amy turned around and looked at me.  "Are you ready for this, Bethann?"

"Yes, I think so."

"So, here is what we are going to do.  Mom will be in the kitchen fixing dinner.  I'll open the door and call in 'Hi' to Mom, so she will expect to see me.  Then I'll slip into the living room and hide.  Then you come in and walk into the kitchen.  Mom will be expecting to see me.  Then we'll see how long you can fool her."

"OK, it's a plan," I said.

As I was starting to open the door, Margo turned around and said to me, "Kaylee and Megan got a goodbye kiss, so how about me?"  I leaned up and gave Margo a nice long kiss.  She just said, "That's better.  Good luck, girls!"

Amy and I walked up to the front door, her in a little pair of shorts and a top, and me wearing a cheerleader outfit.  I glanced around as we walked to make sure none of the neighbors had come out.  Even with my new confidence, I still didn't want to be seen by the neighbors.  A gust of wind blew in and lifted up my short skirt, exposing my pink panties for anyone to see.

Amy giggled, "Your panties are showing, Bethann.  You better hold your skirt down."

I just blushed and tried my best to hold my skirt down.  It sure didn't help my confidence.

Amy opened the door and called in, "Hi Mom.  I'm home."  Sure enough, Mom was in the kitchen and didn't see us come in.  Amy ducked behind a wall in the living room, and I walked slowly to the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen entrance, I saw Mom standing at the sink peeling carrots.  She hadn't seen me yet.  I walked over to the refrigerator and opened it with my back towards Mom.  She glanced around and saw me in the cheer outfit, and said, "Oh, hey Amy.  Have you girls been practicing cheers?"

I didn't turn around and said in my most feminine voice, "Mm-hm."  I fixed myself a glass of juice and walked over and sat at the kitchen table, smoothing my skirt as I sat.

Mom glanced around at me again and said, "Dinner is in a half hour.  Have you seen your brother?"  She gave me a hard look and then turned back around.  She still had not recognized me yet.

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I was starting to feel very self-conscious fooling Mom like this.  I decided to push things a bit, and I said in a feminine voice, "No, I haven't seen him."

Well, Mom knows her own daughter's voice, and she knew something wasn't right.  She turned around and looked at me again, and said, "Amy?"

I just took a drink of my juice, set it down, and picked up the newspaper off the kitchen table and opened it up, blocking her view of my face.  I could hear Mom walking over to me.  She reached out and moved the newspaper aside and stared right at my face.  I just blushed, tilted my head in a feminine gesture, and smiled.

She looked at me for a long time with a puzzled look on her face.  She said, "You're not my daughter."

I could hear Amy giggling in the living room.  Mom heard it too.  She looked even more confused. 

I just said in my normal voice, "Well, apparently, I am your daughter just for today, Mom."

Her eyes got really big and she looked at me trying to figure out what was going on.  She said, "Is that you, Jon?"

Amy sprung out from the living room and came into the kitchen.  "We got you, Mom! We totally had you fooled."

Mom's eyes got rounder as she looked from me to Amy. "Oh my God! That IS you, Jon.  What are you doing dressed in your sister's cheerleader uniform?"

Amy said, "Actually it's Margo's uniform.  You see, we were all over at Margo's, and Jon asked us to help him dress up like a girl."

"Amy!!!  That's not what happened. Mom, all the girls wanted to dress me up and they talked me into it."

"Well, whatever happened, you look very nice, Jon," said Mom.  "You make a really cute girl.  For a minute there, I thought you were Amy."

"He asked us to call him Bethann, Mom."

"No, I didn't.  The girls decided to call me Bethann."

"Well, you look very nice, Bethann," said Mom.  She gave me a big smile and a wink.

"You should have seen him before, Mom.  Before he dressed as a cheerleader, he was wearing one of Margo's dresses.  He looked so cute!"

"Is that right, Bethann?  How did he look in the dress, Amy?"

"Like a little girl, actually.  It was a very feminine little girl dress," said Amy.

"Oh, how cute!" said Mom.  "I wish I could have seen him in the dress.  So, Jon, how long have you been dressing up as a girl?  Have you been sneaking into your sister's things while we were out?"

"No, I haven't.  Today is the first time.  And like I said, the girls made me do it."

"Oh sure, a bunch of girls made you wear a dress and a cheer outfit.  Whatever you say, Jon."

I just blushed and Amy couldn't stop giggling.

Mom said, "And you even have little breasts.  Are you wearing a bra, Jon?"

"Of course," said Amy.  And he is wearing a pair of panties too.  See."  With that, she lifted my skirt exposing my pink panties.  As I reached to pull my skirt back down, she lifted my top, showing my bra.

"Amy, stop!" I said.

"Very cute," said Mom.

Whatever confidence I had before was totally gone, and I felt so humiliated.  I just wanted to get out of these girls' clothes and get the wig and makeup off.  "I'm going upstairs to get changed before dinner."

"Sure you can get changed, Bethann," said Mom.  Amy, why don't you pick out a nice dress for Bethann?  If the girls got to see him in a dress, I want to as well."

"That's a great idea, Mom!" said Amy.  "I know the perfect dress."

"Very funny.  No more dresses for me.  I'm changing into my own clothes."

"Oh no, you're not Missy.  I expect to see you back down here in twenty minutes in a dress.  I'll have two pretty daughters at dinner.  Then we can get some pictures.  You two go up and get him changed."

Amy grabbed my hand and led me upstairs.  We walked past my room and she took me into her room.  She went to her closet and looked through all her dresses. 

As Amy was going through her closet, I said, "Amy, why did you tell Mom that I asked to be dressed up?  That was really embarrassing."

Amy emerged from her closet holding a very feminine-looking pink dress with white trim and a pattern of little white flowers.  "You might as well have asked us.  We all know you loved getting dressed up, Jon."  She walked over to me with the pink dress and said, "And now you get to wear this dress. "  She held the dress up against my body to see what it would look like on me.  She turned me around so we could see my reflection in her full-length mirror.  "I know you want to wear this dress, don't you?  Come on.  You can admit it to me."

She wiggled the dress around as it pressed against my body.  I could see in the mirror that it was a couple inches shorter than my cheer skirt.  It was a beautiful dress.  I could feel the familiar tingling in my panties.  She was right.  I did want to wear this dress.  I wanted to see how pretty I would look in it, and I wanted to feel its soft material sweeping across my legs as I walked.

Amy said, "So, Jon, will you wear this dress for me? I already know you want to.  And as an added incentive, if you wear this dress now, I'll let you borrow my clothes any time you want to.  You'd love that, wouldn't you?"

"OK, if you insist," I said.  "But I don't want to borrow your clothes, Amy."

"Well, the offer still stands, and I think you will.  I have a whole closet full of cute clothes, and I don't think you will be able to resist."

Amy told me to take off my skirt, and she helped me off with the top.  I stood there in my little panties and bra.  As I looked at the dress I would soon be wearing, I was getting excited in my panties.

Amy noticed this and she said, "See, I knew you wanted to wear it.  I can tell by the bulge in your panties.  You better do something about that, if you don't want Mom to notice it."

"What do you expect me to do about it?" I asked.

"You know.  Take care of it.  Come on, Jon.  I know what you boys do.  I know you masturbate.  We all do it. Even us girls."

"I'm not jerking off in front of you," I said.

"Oh, you big baby.  Am I going to have to help you, Bethann?"

The thought of Amy jerking me off made me feel nervous, embarrassed, and vulnerable.  I blushed a deep red.  I knew it was wrong.  She was my sister, after all.  But we did kiss this afternoon.  In fact, we totally made out with each other.  And now she was offering to masturbate me.

She just stood there looking at me and my growing erection.  She said, "Well?"

I couldn't look her in the eyes.  I just looked down and said, "OK."

Amy set the pink dress down on the bed and approached me.  I still couldn't look at her.  Then I begged her, "Amy?  Could I put on the dress first, please?"


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Written by bethanngirl
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