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I was awakened by stirring in the bed, and upon opening my eyes, realized that all four of us had slept together all night. There I was, face-to-face with Mom, as Dad was snuggled up, spooning me from behind. Dad's arm was wrapped around me and gripping a breast as I felt definite stiffness pressing into my glutes. This was the position a girl like me loved to find herself in upon waking after from a prior afternoon and evening of glorious sex.

First, I scooted closer to Mom and gave her a soft peck on the lips. As she began to wake, I raised my thigh and positioned Dad's growing prick between the lips of my seeping pussy. I moved my face further forward to kiss Mom some more while pushing my ass backward and taking in some of Dad's swelling member. I couldn't imagine how it could get any better than this.  

I continued to gently kiss Mom's lips and let my hands traverse her wonderful form. Pinching and rolling a nipple with one hand while diddling her clit with the other seemed to get her motivated. Dad was beginning to move on his own, and with both of them realizing where they and I were, the fun was just getting started.  

Jared's hand was resting on Mom's upper thigh as he too, began to rouse from his slumber. I moved his hand up her side before dropping it onto a breast. As if on automatic pilot, Jared began massaging Mom's breast as his torso moved in closer to her. I knew that he was probably already getting stiff and pulled upward on Mom's thigh while whispering to her, "Let him in, Mom. You know that you want it.

Kissing me with purpose, she did as I suggested, then reached back to find his hard-on. She followed my lead and put him at heaven's gate before letting him take over. Mom and I were both getting a slow and easy morning fuck as our kiss deepened.  

Dad's other arm, which had been under the pillow, slid down my body and grabbed my other breast. He twisted and pulled at my nipples deliberately while kissing the nape of my neck and giving me a powerful yet halting fuck. Mom was getting the same from Jared as she and I continued our oral duel. It was all so perfect that I'd wished it would never stop, but could tell from his breathing that Dad was further along than I.

Apparently, Mom could tell too and muttered to him, "Slow down a little, Brian, and just enjoy being inside our daughter."

"Okay, Honey," Dad uttered as he nibbled on my earlobe.

Now that we were all in sync and truly enjoying the morning intimacy, I teased Mom's hardened nub with my fingernail, making her quiver at the edge of frenzy.  

"God! You evil little tease," she yelped before biting my intruding tongue.  

A minute later, Mom found my clit to return the favor. We held each other at the precipice of annihilation for several minutes before the explosions began. Our hands gripped the back of the other's head while we screeched into our shared mouths. Seeing and feeling the two of us cum as hard as we did must have set off our men as well. The resulting compilation of sounds let everyone in the neighborhood know that somebody was getting laid this morning.

The residuum of it all was a very happy and satisfied family as we lay there in a pile of sweaty nudity, panting like fools. I could feel Dad's cum leaking out of me as his half-hard penis continued to pulse in my still sensitive quim. Mom and I were tit to tit now due to the urgent movements of our men in their attempts to fertilize us with their seed. Filled and satisfied as we were, we continued to let our digits trace the outer labia of each other's cock laden vaginas.

Cynthia (Mom)

As Jamie and I enjoyed the glow of our recent morning intercourse with our swapped partners, I was pleasantly surprised that Jared was still quite hard and beginning to move again. In response, I lifted my free thigh to give him better access to the depths of my slutty puss.

"God, yesss!" I cooed as he was reaching much deeper than before.

Realizing that my enthusiasm at having a young stud fucking me again with no downtime may have affected Brian, I suggested, "Give her the treatment, Honey."

Brian understood and rolled Jamie away from me and onto her back before he dove right into her leaking cunt to suck her clean. 

"Ohhh, fuck yesss, Daddy!" Jamie squealed with her legs and hands sealing Brian's head to her happy puss.

Wanting more depth and a need to be sore for days, I rolled onto my belly. Lifting my ass into the air while my face and arms were still flat on the mattress, I invited Jared, "Fuck me good and hard, Baby Boy. I want to feel it for days to come!"


Mom wanted something different after Dad began eating Jamie. Moving onto her belly and raising her enticing ass, she asked for it good and hard. I started off slow but firm as I let her cervix feel my presence.  

"Faster, Jared, faster!" she continued to cry as I slowly increased the pace of my hammering.

I looked at my beautiful bride-to-be as I plowed my Mother's vagina and caught her eye. The pleasure Dad was giving her contorted her face and frame beautifully. Mouthing 'I love you' as her eyes held mine, she returned the sentiment and leaned upward. I moved toward her, and our lips locked as we hungrily kissed for a brief few seconds before another orgasm coursed through her electrified body. She growled like a feral cat in heat in response before her body went slack as she huffed and puffed for air.

I refocused my attention on Mom and ramped up my speed to a near blur. Her howl started off low and deep but quickly grew in volume before she locked up like a vise and exploded in an ejaculation for the ages. Even I was shocked at the flow and distance of her spray. As she relaxed, her legs gave way, and she sank back into the bed. Even Dad must have felt her cum as he pulled from Jamie's crotch to see the result.

Jamie grabbed my hand and my attention. "You didn't cum yet, did you, Sexy?"

I nodded that I hadn't, and she pulled me toward her as Dad moved to Mom.

"Take me to your room, and I'll take care of you," Jamie muttered.

I slipped off the bed and picked Jamie up before carrying her to my bedroom. Lying her down, I moved alongside her before she pushed me onto my back and rose up to straddle my achingly hard dick. Our eyes were locked as she eased down until all of me was inside of her sexy and loving body. I felt the familiar ripples of her vaginal muscles milking me for the fluids contained inside like a farmer's hand works a cow's udder.

My palms found her tits and caressed them lovingly as she continued to work at releasing my cum. I stretched her already-stiff nipples to her obvious enjoyment as she clenched my buried shaft even harder. Jamie's own hands were stroking her clit with light brushes as she held off her own climax until mine was inevitable. It wasn't much longer as her loving concentration pushed me past the brink, and I flooded her welcoming cavity with my scalding spunk.


Jared's tender manipulation of my breasts always kept me close to the edge, especially when I rode him as I was. Knowing that he was at the edge, I upped the pressure on my little nub. That first shot of his did the trick as I, too, shook from a shared orgasm before easing down onto his chest and pressing my lips to his. We stayed in that position and even dozed off until we heard the telltale signs of Mom and Dad in the kitchen making breakfast.

We kissed and hugged in that loving way when you have free time that you never usually get. It was like our Sunday mornings when we had no interest in ever leaving our bed.

 "So, what do you think about all that has happened with Mom and Dad so far?"

"I think that it's been fun for all of us, but I must admit that our time alone is still my favorite by far," Jared replied.

"I agree!" I exclaimed happily and then added, "It is nice to play with them because they're pretty much tailor-made for us as a couple to share. However, playing with them will never be anything like what we have together in my book. I also want you to know that there isn't any jealousy from my point of view."

"That's why they are the perfect couple for us, I think. We already love them both, and it's not like it will be a regular thing either. And, even if I were to feel that green-eyed monster stirring its selfish face, I would come to you right away. I don't ever want anything to come between us, period," Jared shared while holding me tight.

"Thank you for that, Brother," I offered before kissing him deeply.

We made out for a little longer as the smells from our upcoming breakfast wafted throughout the house.  

"We better get in the shower before Mom starts yelling for us. We don't want her coming up here and spanking us," Jared stated.

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"Hey, speak for yourself. I kinda liked the spanking I got yesterday. I was hoping that we could add that to our repertoire," I giggled before Jared laid one across my ass.

"Yeah! Like that, Brother!" I yelped as he followed up with a string of smacks on each buttock reciprocally.

"Oh, you do like that, don't you? Jared said more than questioned.

"Mmmm, yesss!" I snarled. "Just a few more... uh, uh, uh, arggghhh!" I roared before biting Jared's shoulder.

"Damn, Jamie, you love that shit, don't you? Now we're going to have to change the sheets on my bed too," Jared teased as I continued to shake from my latest acme.

"I think... you are going to... have to... carry me to the shower," I panted as my remaining energy was burned with that orgasm.


I scooped Jamie up in my arms, walked into the bathroom, and placed her on the side of the tub while I turned on the shower. Once the water was warm, I helped her to stand and began to soap us both as she wrapped her arms loosely around my neck. I got both her front and back before dropping down to get her legs and feet. Jamie was almost trance-like as I washed her seductive body thoroughly. It was as I was on one knee scrubbing her feet that her playful side reemerged.

"Are you sure that you got this nice and clean?" Jamie questioned before pulling my face directly into her delectable pussy.

"Mmmm," I mumbled as I let my tongue swipe up and down her tasty snatch.

"Yeahhh," she purred. "I think you got that perfectly," she added before doing a quick pirouette and stuffing my face between her glutes.

The quick loss of her yummy slit and the equally fast reintroduction of her puffy pink pucker had me gripping both of her hips as I wriggled my tongue inside. Since she offered it so willingly, I was not going to lose it the way I lost her puss. Besides, in this position, I could easily have both.

I dipped in and out of her opening little star while taking the occasional slow graze of her parted labia. I could hear Jamie's moans as I used her sex for my oral pleasure. Gradually, her legs spread, offering me more depth. I also noticed that I could reach further forward into her splayed vagina. Looking up momentarily, I realized why when I saw that she had bent forward and had a firm grip on the tub spout. As I grazed her available sex organs like a hog at a full trough, her body began to shudder.

"Oh Goooddd!" she wailed as her legs gave way. I pulled her backward as I lay back until she was sitting on my face. Jamie soaked my face, hair, and neck with her nectar before blacking out and going limp.

Once I realized that she was completely done, I wriggled out from under her and shut off the water after a quick rinse of my face. I dried myself and then dabbed at her where I could before hoisting her up and taking her back to the bed. After covering her up, I pulled on some shorts and a T-shirt before heading downstairs. Mom and Dad were just sitting down to eat as I appeared.

"Where is your sister?" Mom asked.

"Oh, she's a bit out of it right now, but after a little nap, I'm sure that she'll be just fine."

"It sounded like she was having quite a bit of fun," Dad implied.

Loading up a plate, I replied, "Yes, she made the mistake of teasing me a little too much in the shower with her yummy bits, so I gave them a thorough tongue-lashing."

"Yeah, they are yummy, aren't they?" Mom reminisced while squirming in her seat at the thought of it all.

"It looks like you're feeling a little feisty this morning, Mom."

"Having you two gorgeous creatures here to play with has me on fire!" she belted aloud.

"I know that you guys had some more fun after you left, and so did we, but whenever you're ready, we'd love some more four-way time," Dad interjected.

"Well, I think that Jamie will need a little rest, but after she's up and moving, I'm sure that we'd love to," I offered enthusiastically.

"In the interim, do you think that your mother could ride your hard-on for a while after we all finish eating? She's in need of another hard fuck, and I'm tapped out for a little while," Dad requested.

Finished with her food, Mom moved toward me while doing an arousingly slow striptease. She was wearing a knee-length blue floral halter-neck dress with a thin tie at her shoulders. At first, she danced and turned, which exposed her bare upper thighs. She was already barefoot as her sensual dancing was getting the attention of a certain part of my anatomy. During some of her spins, I caught glimpses of her supple buttocks. Either she wasn't wearing any panties or a g-string.

Turning my chair away from the table, I let Mom see the effect she was having on me as my prick began to tent my shorts. She seemed giddy from the view and began to dance even closer before stopping in front of me and raising her left foot over my shoulder and onto the table behind me. I had a clear view of the white mesh g-string that left nothing to the imagination. As I leered, she leaned in by bending her knee upward and pressed her savory delight against my lips while uttering, "Grab it with your teeth and tear it away."

"Aren't you the taunting little minx," I spouted before shoving my face into my Mother's panty-clad cunt. I bit down on her meaty vulva and held her in place as she growled like an animal. Her hands clasped my head firmly and pressed me even harder into her loins as I cautiously chewed at her opening. Mom pressed my head backward against the chair as her legs shimmied.

"Oh fuck, Jared! What are you doing to me!?" Mom yelled as I felt her right leg, which was the only one on the floor, began to give way. I wrapped my arms below her buttocks and steadied her as she fell onto me and moaned her way through her climax.

"My God! That was so raw and intense. Where did that come from?" Mom asked as she lowered her left leg and sat on my lap.

"You press your hot pussy against my face and ask me to tear off your panties with my teeth and then ask me where it came from? Biological Mother or not, you and I are the same that way. There is no half way when it comes to fucking. We both go hard and nasty!"

"You're right about that! Now give me something really hard," Mom ordered as she pawed at my shorts and jerked them to the floor. Tearing the strings on her panties, Mom then impaled her juicy slit on my pulsing penis. She rode me like she was pounding a nail into the chair.  

Her outbursts started as, "Oh fuck! Oh God! Fucking harder, you bastard!" but quickly disintegrated into rampant garbling as I began to meet her downward thrusts with a few upward ones of my own. Adding to the intensity of it all, I began palming her soft breasts while occasionally pulling on her growing nipples. Dad appeared behind her, sporting a solid-looking erection with a tube of anal lube in his fist.

I wrapped my arms around Mom and pulled her close as I stood up and carried her over to the recliner. Once on the chair, I tilted it back and held her still as her mouth assaulted mine with carnality. Once Dad began applying lube to her backside, she growled, " God, yesss! Fuck both of my holes, you motherfuckers!"

As Dad worked inside her and we got into a sustainable rhythm, I pulled and twisted her pert nipples as angrily as she kissed me.  

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fill both of my holes with your hot jizz, you fuckers!" Mom screamed as I dropped one hand between us to tease her fat clit.

"Ohhh, yesss! Keep... ohhh fuccckkk... keee!" were her last intelligible words as her peak hit her like a bus. She wailed and grunted as tears streamed from her eyes and cum ejected from her pussy. Her mouth left mine at first,...

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Written by stockingluvr
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