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We all sat around the small round table as Mom began her speech.

"The first thing that you two should know is that your father and I are brother and sister, just like the two of you. As your mind digests that, you'll likely wonder how we had children without any noticeable deformities. The answer to that question is the next big shock on this day of celebration. Both of you were adopted. And yes, you are genetic siblings, so no, you can't have children either."

"You asked if there were signs of your pending relationship in the past. Not to the average eye, but from the perspective of a brother and sister, yes, there were. It was subtle, but the biggest clue was that you tried so hard to stay away from each other. It was obvious to the two of us that there was a spark between you, but you worked so hard at hiding it that you even convinced yourselves that there was nothing there at all," Mom expressed.

"So, how did you hide the adoption from your friends, and better yet, how did your parents feel about this?" I inquired.

"Hiding the adoption was easy with two well-timed moves to new towns far from where we grew up. We adopted you from a friend of ours who was in a bad spot with her family due to her unexpected pregnancy. She knew our secret, and we helped her with her little problem. We three moved away the first time to a big city so that she could have the two of you without the scrutiny that often accompanies small towns. None of us knew at the time that there were two of you, but that only made us happier."

"The second move occurred after she had given birth, and we had legally adopted you both. That's when we moved here and never told anyone that you were adopted," Mom finished.

"As for how our parents felt about us, we were a very close-knit and loving family. Your mom and I did most things together over the years, even going to school functions together. We knew better than to act overtly romantic, but we did spend most of our time together. Our Mother knew about our amorous activities away from prying eyes and quickly got us to use birth control. Dad figured it out after I graduated High School and insisted on staying home. I explained that it was to help with household bills, but he could tell that it was really about staying with your mom," Dad related.

"Have you kept in touch with our birth mother?" Jamie asked.

"Oh yes, Jamie. In fact, we send her pictures all the time and she did come to your first few birthdays as a friend of the family. After that, she found a good guy, got married, and now has kids with him. You can meet her anytime you like," Mom revealed.

"Wow, and we thought that we were going to get your heads spinning!" I commented.


"So, how do you plan to explain our relationship to your friends?"

"We have no intention of explaining anything to them, just like our parents didn't with their friends. You never have to explain your actions to anyone while you are with us, whether in or out of this house," Mom fired off without a second thought.

"What if they ostracize you for it?"

"Then they were never our friends, to begin with, and we'll just move again. Besides, I've been thinking that it's time to downsize and move closer to our kids," Mom answered with a sly little grin.

With all that said, we reheated breakfast and sat down to eat and chit-chat a little more. Once we were finished, Mom and Dad excused themselves and headed up to their bedroom. Jared and I moved to the couch to snuggle and watch the parade as we began to hear the conspicuous sounds of sex through the ceiling.

"Oh my God!" I said aloud. "Those two are upstairs fucking their brains out."

"Yes, they are!" Jared added. I don't know about you, but hearing them go at it as brother and sister is kinda turning me on."

"Me too," I replied as my hand found Jared's growing cock. The next thing I knew, Jared was naked and pulling off my shorts before diving face-first into my already leaking pussy.  

As he drilled his tongue into my overheated cunt, I cried out, "That's it, eat me like only a loving brother could!"

Just as he had me in the beginning stages of a pulse-pounding climax, Jared switched holes.  

"Ohhh! You anal-loving bastard!" I squealed as his oral diver reached deep inside me where his stiff prick had been just been hours ago. His change in venue did nothing to compromise my orgasm but rather increased the heat as I howled aloud while spraying his face. I clutched his head firmly with my thighs, likely cutting off his air supply, but cared not as I shook like a nine-point five on the Richter scale. His tongue was still working its magic as I flopped about uncontrollably on our parent's sofa.

After another minute or so, I finally released his head as he gasped hard for air before moving up to kiss me zealously. While our tongues went to bat, I reached for his prick and lined it up with my sopping slit before forcing him into me. Jared took over from there, drilling my wanton crevice the way I loved it. He was taking a slower approach and pausing once he bottomed out to grind his pelvic bone against my clit, and I was loving every second.

Cynthia (Mom)

After we finished eating breakfast, I begged Brian to take me upstairs and fuck me. The look in Jared's eye as he held Jamie's hand and told us about their passionate love affair had me leaking not only from my eyes. Once we finished talking and eating, I needed Brian's cock in me bad. I was so damn horny that I started to strip once we were out of eyesight of the kids and was naked by the time my back hit the bed.  

Brian must have been quite randy, too, because once his pants came off, I saw him harder than he'd been in years. As he moved to the bed, I noticed precum forming at the tip and pulled it toward my mouth for a quick lick and suck. After getting all I could, Brian pulled away and pressed his face between my outspread thighs. His tongue split my labia and quickly found my swelling nub. He lapped at it for a minute before sucking hard and beginning to nibble lightly. This always sent me into a quick orgasm, and he knew that too well. I forgot all about the kids downstairs and screamed hard as it all hit me.


As Jared fucked and ground on my wide-open genitals, we both heard a scream from upstairs that was unmistakably Mom and definitely sexual.  

"I guess we got them all riled up with our talk of having a sexual affair," Jared said, echoing my own thoughts.

"Well, if it's a competition, then let's give them something to strive for," I replied while clenching hard on Jared's intruding pole.

"Oh, fuck!" he wailed as I kept up the constrictiveness of my cunt.

Brian (Dad)

"I don't know what's going on down there, but it seems that those two are having at least as much fun as we are,"

"Well, I think we should have more!" Cynthia squealed while tightening up her own pussy for the enjoyment of both of them.

"Oh, Baby! That feels fucking fantastic!"


"Yeah, I think it is on."

"Keep grinding like that, brother, and I'm gonna cum like Mount Vesuvius and drown you like Pompei," Jamie panted as her eyes gradually became slits and her entire body quaked.

Spreading her legs even further apart, I worked her clit over like Tyson using a speed bag. I could tell that this was going to be the strongest orgasm that she'd ever had with me based on the mumbling and grunts cascading from her gaping mouth. When she arched and froze, I knew she was there.

"Arrrggghhh!" was the only discernable word as her scream permeated every square inch of the house and likely a few others.  

Jamie sprayed me with the heat of her climax for several seconds before folding down into a sweaty, sexy lump of wanton nudity. I raised her up just long enough to swap places with her and lay her amazing form on top of me as she panted and muttered unrecognizable blather.

Cynthia (Mom)

Just after we both came, the house shook from what I assume was Jamie's mouth and a colossal orgasm.

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"Do you think she's okay?"

"I think that after a climax of that proportion, they'll be married by the end of next week," Brian answered.

"Should we go check on them?"

"Are you so interested in seeing your children naked and in the throes of passion?" Brian countered.

"Well, maybe... I mean no, no, I don't want to see them naked..."

"But, you got really turned on by listening to them go at it, and watching might be even more fun?" Brian interrupted my stuttering reply.

"I... Umm... I..."

"It's okay, Sis. They are in peak physical form and both sexy as hell. Add to that how much they clearly love each other, and who wouldn't want to watch them go at it? Besides, it might be a good idea just to make sure that they're all right. It has been very quiet for a few minutes now," Brian added with a mischievous smile.

He rolled off of me and helped me to my feet. I immediately started toward the door, still naked.

"Ahem! Maybe it wouldn't look quite so creepy if we were dressed," Brian urged.

"Oh... Yeah. Of course," I muttered while quickly pulling on some shorts and a shirt while consciously opting to go without panties.

We crept slowly and quietly to the top of the steps. We had to move down a few before we'd be able to see anything in the living room. I tiptoed down about four and squatted with Brian right behind me. There they were, stretched across the couch, looking sexy as hell, covered in sweat from their romp. Jamie was on top, still breathing hard, holding Jared tight while purring in contentment. Her legs were spread, leaving nothing to the imagination, along with a wonderful view of Jared's still-engorged penis lying against her drooling pussy.

"My God, she has an incredible body, doesn't she?" Brian whispered.

Brian was right; she did. I so wanted to see them both up close, maybe even touch and taste them. I slipped down another couple of steps to get a better view. Jared's cock was still hard, and the head was resting in between Jamie's labia that were blood-red from all the action they'd seen. I was staring so intently that I didn't realize that my hand was in my shorts, attending to my own puss. Brian had moved behind me again. I assumed that he was going to scold me for moving so close, but as his hands slipped under my shirt to caress my breasts, I knew that he was just as turned on as me.


Jamie had gone from panting to cooing as she lay on me recovering. I'd been kissing her face tenderly with my eyes closed for a while but opened them once I realized that she was out. That's when I noticed someone's feet on the stairs. My first thought was to cover us up, but there wasn't anything to use, so I just watched. When they stopped and knelt down, I moved my head to conceal my eyes, using Jamie's hair as cover. At first I thought that they came out of concern, but I could see it in Mom's eyes. They came to ogle us like a couple of pervs, and it was turning me on.

My dick, which was still half hard due to my lack of orgasm, started to grow. With Jamie's legs already spread and outside of mine, it didn't take long until it was pulsating at the entrance to her open slit. Continuing to watch them covertly, I saw first Mom and then Dad move down a few more steps. Mom was practically drooling at the site of our nudity and exposed genitalia. When her hand slipped into her shorts, my beliefs were confirmed, and I swear my prick grew another inch. Then I watched as Dad's hands moved under her t-shirt and began fondling her breasts. They both seemed in, so I upped the ante.

I moved my hands down Jamie's back, lightly petting along the way until they came upon her firm buttocks. Gliding my fingertips across her glutes, I made ever growing circles until I was tantalizing her outer labia and pucker. Jamie murmured softly, obviously having an enticing dream. All of this was having an effect not only on Jamie, Mom, and Dad but also on me, as the crown of my hard-on was now inside of her. I'd been focusing so hard on teasing them that I hadn't realized that they'd moved again. Now standing at the foot of the stairs and a mere fifteen feet from us, Mom's shorts were around her ankles as her fingers diddled.

Brian (Dad)

When Jared's hands started to traverse Jamie's back, I swear Cynthia came, at least a little. Hell, even I was getting pretty excited, and I'd just cum less than ten minutes ago. So, yeah, the whole scene was pretty high on the sexual excitement scorecard. Even Jared seemed to be getting really excited as his fingers got closer and closer to Jamie's crotch. I swear I saw his cock twitch, and suddenly, the head was inside her open pussy. Cynthia must have seen it, too, and offered up a muffled grunt as she twitched repeatedly from another orgasm. Seconds later, she moved down the steps with me in tow and pushed her shorts to the floor.

Jared's fingers were now teasing Jamie's little star and labia as I heard her moaning softly. I took advantage of Cynthia's lack of undergarments and began separating her glutes to access her tight little pucker, too. Once I started rimming her, everything changed. She spread her legs to give me ingress. Dropping to my knees, I opened her up further, letting my tongue do all the work.  

I'll give Cynthia credit; she did try and stifle her excitement, but it just seemed too much. As I drilled inside, she released a series of grunts that even those two couldn't ignore. Pulling my face back out, the only thing I noticed was that Jared's cock seemed much deeper in Jamie and that she, too, was emitting some strong sexual sounds. Standing up, I let my finger slip into Cynthia's back door and gave her a slow fucking. She nearly fell over and stumbled forward until her hands made contact with the arm of the couch. She stayed bent over in that position as I pushed my hard-on into her very juicy box.


It was getting harder to see Mom and Dad now that they were closer, and I was getting hornier. Jamie was pushing back now, burying my cock inside her as I began fingering her ass. I felt a bump against the couch and looked to see Mom now bent over and being fucked by Dad while holding onto the arm for support. Both Mom and Jamie were getting quite vocal before Jamie lifted her head and began kissing me. It was obvious that she was awake, so I needed to tell her what was going on.

"Baby, I need to tell you something," I whispered in her ear while she chewed on mine.

"That you love me and want to marry me?" Jamie spouted before covering my mouth with hers while still riding me.

Breaking away, I responded, "Yes, definitely! But also, Mom and Dad are watching us have sex, and they're so turned on by it that they are fucking too."

"Mmmm, that's so hot. Shall we give them a good show?" Jamie murmured as she gradually sat up and took all of my dick inside her.

"I just wanted to make sure that it was okay with you. Does it turn you on like it does me to be watched by them?"

"God, yes!" she bellowed.

"Where are you two?" she asked aloud.

"Right... Behind you," Mom blurted out before grunting emphatically.


I turned back just in time to see Mom squirting all over Dad while he, too, began to peak.  

"Look at them cum, Jared. Our sibling parents loving each other as much as we do. Make me cum as hard as Mom just did. Fill me with your loving seed the way Dad just filled Mom with his."

Jared continued to finger my ass while his free hand found my clit and flicked it wildly. I was already there, but wanted to feel him cum inside me first. Clenching hard on his buried hard-on, I moved in short strokes while watching his face begin to contort. As his first shot released, he gave my hardened nub a final squeeze which did the trick. I flooded us both and slowly fell onto his chest. Our lips connected as we both writhed about in loving ecstasy.

Mom and Dad were forgotten while we loved on each other for some time.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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