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New Lover Comes For A Weekend Visit

"Paula learns that having a lover and a husband is very rewarding."

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Author's Notes

"This is my third adventure into writing erotica. It is fiction, with enough truths to be as real as I could make it."

After David hung up from the phone call, Paula said, “Thank you for calling him. I appreciate that you asked him. We wanted you to be the one to invite him to our home.”

“You are welcome. It did feel a bit odd for me to invite someone over to our home with the intention of having sex with you. But at the same time, it felt exhilarating.”

“I am glad you liked the feeling.”

Nothing else was said about the matter that evening. 

As they got ready for bed, Paula noticed that there was a large white stain on the inside of David's underwear. 

It was at that moment that Paula said, “I have a gift for you. I had been waiting for the right time to give it to you, and now seems like the right time.”

She went into her closet and bought out a small package. It was wrapped and had a nice bow around it. 

“Maurice and I thought you might like this.”

After handing it to David, he removed the wrapping paper and opened the small box. Within the box were six pairs of ladies panties. They were all very feminine, with lace around the top. 

David stopped and looked at them for a moment, and then said, “Are these for me?”

“Yes, we thought you would like to have them, as you are now my submissive cuckold. Only dominant, alpha men wear masculine men's underwear." 

“I don't know what to say. I love them. Thank you. Can I tell you something?”


“When you have been away, I have been wearing your dirty panties for quite some time. I like the feeling of ladies silky panties. They feel much sexier than men's underwear."

“I was wondering why the waist bands seemed to be a little more loose on me. You now need to empty your drawer of your old boxers and put them in the trash. Tomorrow, you will start wearing your panties full-time.”

With that, they got into bed. David was still leaking, and as he pressed up against Paula's ass, she could feel the wetness of his cum leaking from his caged penis. 

The next morning was Thursday, one day before Maurice was to arrive. Paula went about getting ready for work as usual, and David made their breakfast. 

They sat down together to eat. Paula then said, “Today, I would like you to go shopping for tomorrow's dinner. I want it to be special, so if anything is missing, you will have tomorrow morning to get the missing items. I will check on everything you bought tonight when I get back home."


“Oh, and I will be late getting home tonight. Don't worry about dinner for me.”

“Ok. What will you be doing that will make you late?”

“First of all, I don't need to tell you why or where I will be. But, if you must know, I want to look good for Maurice's arrival. I will be leaving work early today and have an appointment at the spa. I will be getting the full package: hair, nails, waxing, and a full-body massage.”

“I am sorry for asking. It was an old habit. I will try not to ask in the future. But an appointment at the spa will be nice for you. Why hadn't you done that for me?”

“Paula looked at David for a moment before replying. “Because I am married to you. I want to look good when my new lover comes to our house.”

With that, Paula stood up, kissed David on the side of his cheek, and left for work. 

David went about his regular routine of doing the housework before showering. As he was getting dressed, he paused for a moment as he pulled his new lacy panties on. They fit and felt perfect. There was a very small, but prominent bulge where his cage was now hiding.

He went to the butcher shop for the steaks, as he wanted prime-cut steaks. Then he purchased the rest of the food at their local grocery store.

After Paula got home, she looked great. David noticed how amazing she looked and told her that. Paula was very appreciative of his compliment. She then checked everything that he bought, he did not miss anything.

Friday morning, Paula was nervous as she was getting ready for work. It took her an extra hour to get ready. As David had been doing for the past few weeks, he just waited patiently for Paula to come out of the bedroom before he severed her breakfast. As they ate, she was fretting about so many things. She just wanted everything to be perfect for Maurice's first visit.

David reassured her that he would ensure everything would be perfect. 

After she left for work, David got busy to ensure the house was ready. He again cleaned the house and put new sheets on the bed in the master bedroom. He mowed and trimmed the yard. Started marinating the steaks so they would be flavorful and tender. He placed ice and beer in the Tiki Bar's cooler and checked the chemicals in the pool. Because the weather was good, he set up the picnic table for dinner. He took a nice bottle of Merlot from the wine cooler and had it ready to be served with dinner. At 3:00, he was done and ready for their guest to arrive. 

David then took a quick shower and put on relaxing outer clothes for the rest of the day, and of course he was wearing a clean pair of his new panties.

At 4:00, David got the grill ready and put on some soft rock music to be played throughout the house and backyard. At 4:30, he received a text message from Maurice telling him that he would be arriving at 5:00. David replied that after he arrives, he should just go around back. For the next thirty minutes, David was nervous, continually looking at the clock on the porch. He knew Paula should be getting home between 5:30 and 6:00. At 4:50, David lit the grill. 

At exactly 5:00 pm, David heard a car door close. Then a voice said, “Something smells nice back here.”

It was Maurice.

David said, “Hello, sir. I just started the grill.” He remembered that he must address Maurice as sir.

Maurice walked straight up to David and extended his hand, they shook like they were old friends.

David then said, “I have beer in the Tiki Bar's cooler. Help yourself.”

As Maurice was getting his beer, he looked around at the backyard. 

After returning to David, he said, “You all have a nice yard. The Tiki bar adds a nice touch to the pool.”

“Thank you. It was the first thing I built after we moved in. We have had several parties where the pool and whole backyard were full of people. I was serving drinks all afternoon. Paula likes to entertain, and I like to stay behind the bar to ensure everyone is having a good time.”

They continued with small talk. Then, at 5:45, Maurice said, “Paula told me that she should be home at about 6:30. And I should just bring my bags into the house. I could use a shower before she gets home. Dave, can you get my bags out of the car while I go inside and get my shower?”

David said, “Yeah, I can do that. Please use the bathroom in the master bedroom. I will place your bags in there.”

“Thanks. Yes, I did plan on using the shower in the master.”

As David was carrying the bags, he thought it was funny that Paula had not told him what time she was going to be getting home.

At 6:15, Maurice came out of the house. He was also dressed casually.

“Dave, you also have a nice house. I didn't know you were a hunter. Those are some nice trophies you have on the walls.”

“Thank you. Most of them are from when I was living out west.”

“I bet you have some fun stories about your hunts. Maybe you will share them with me.”

“Sure, and I have lots of pictures as well.”

At that moment, Paula's voice was heard: “It looks like you boys are getting along nicely.”

Before David could say anything, Maurice spoke up, “Wow, you look amazing. It's so good to see you.”

Paula walked right up to Maurice without saying anything to David. They embraced with a long, patient kiss. It was as if they had been longtime lovers and were seeing each other for the first time following a long separation. Paula looked like she was getting weak in her knees, but Maurice held her during the long kiss. As they were breaking their kiss, Maurice let her down slowly.

After Paula regained her composure, she said to David, "And hello to you, baby. I see that you were busy today. Everything looks great."

"Thank you, honey."

After a few more minutes of casual conversation, David said, “Honey, it is now 6:30, and I need to start cooking dinner, or we won't be eating any time soon. Why don't you take Maurice inside and show him around the house? I should have everything ready around 7:30.”

At 7:25, both Paula and Maurice came back outside. Paula was wearing a different sundress than the one she went into the house wearing. And she had a nice glow about her. Maurice was just smiling. Neither one of them said anything about the past hour.

David said, “Perfect timing. I am just now ready to serve dinner. Why don't you two take a seat, and I will serve dinner?”

Paula and Maurice sat together on the same side of the table, leaving the other side for David. After dinner was served, David opened the bottle of wine. He poured Maurice's glass first, then Paula's, and lastly his own. 

During dinner, Paula and Maurice did most of the talking. David was more of the help than a member of the dinner party.

After dinner, David bought out a warm bread pudding with bourbon sauce. Both Paula and Maurice complimented David on the dinner and dessert. 

Paula then said to David, “Baby, the dinner was perfect. You really know how to treat a lady, right?”

“Thank you. I was just trying to make the dinner special. I saw how frazzled you were this morning.”

"Baby, why don't you go in and pour Maurice a drink? Bring him a double from your bottle of Blanton's."


"Oh, Dave, I take my bourbon neat."

"Yes, sir." 

After David went into the house, Maurice said to Paula, "You were right. He is doing well with his new role of being submissive. Is he wearing the panties that you gave him?"

"I did not watch him dress today, but he was excited about them last night. I suspect he is wearing them."

"And is he still wearing his cage?"

"Yes, he only takes it off when he shaves. I go into the bathroom with him to have some fun while he is showering. He has not had an orgasm since we were in Charleston the morning before we met."

“Good, that is good to hear. I bet he is very horny and will do anything we tell him tonight, and this weekend. I am sure he will be very willing to please us.”

At that moment, David returned to the backyard with Maurice's drink.

After the sun went down, the air started to cool. Paula said, “Let's go inside. I have a chill, and if I stay out here longer, my nipples will start to show.”

David and Maurice looked at each other and just smiled.

They all went into the living room Paula and Maurice sat together on the couch. David sat on the corner chair. After Maurice finished his drink, David stood up, went into the dining room, and brought back the bottle of Blanton's. This time, he also brought back a glass for himself.

After a few minutes, Maurice looked at David. And he thought to himself, “It is time to start my new cuck's training.” 

With that, he turned to Paula, gently took her face in his hand, and again started to kiss her deeply. David just took a drink of his bourbon. A few minutes later, Maurice started to unbutton Paula's dress. 

That is when David saw that Paula was not wearing a bra. “She never goes without a bra,” thought David. “She must have taken it off when they went into the house together, when she changed?”

After her dress was open down to her belly, Maurice placed his hand on her left boob and started rubbing it, pinching her nipple between his finger and thumb.

Maurice was very aware of what he was doing in front of David. David never moved except to take another sip of his drink. 

Several minutes later, Maurice broke the kiss. Stood up, and without saying anything, he reached for Paula's hand, helping her to stand. Both of her boobs were now hanging outside her dress. Maurice led her towards the master bedroom.

Maurice stopped, looked over his shoulder, and said to David, “Wait out here. We will call you if we want you to come in." They then entered the master bedroom and closed the door behind them. 

David continued to sit in the chair without moving, not knowing what to think or what to do next. His dream was to watch his beautiful wife be fucked. In Charleston, it did not happen, and Paula told him that she did not want him to watch. This was his fantasy, and it had gone completely wrong. He saw how much cum Maurice put into her the last time. He must have a big cock. And to watch her pussy expand to take it must be an incredible feeling for her. But yet, she said no. 

He continued to think that it was his idea for her to take a lover, so why wouldn't she allow him to watch? If he can't watch, maybe he could listen? With that, David stood up and moved to the bedroom door. David thought that behind the door was his wife on his bed, but her new lover closed the door on him. He knew that part of the fantasies that were always running through his head also involved Paula as a dominant and he as her submissive. With him currently in chastity, that part of the fantasy became real. So why wouldn't she allow him to watch?

As David stood at the door, trying to listen, he couldn't hear anything. After a few minutes, he went back and sat down. Not knowing what else to do, he just stared at the clock on the wall.

After Paula and Maurice entered the bedroom, they went directly to the bed. They sat down and again started kissing. Maurice again started rubbing her boobs. After a few minutes, Paula started to squirm as her pussy was wet and dripping. She wanted sex and wanted it now. 

In her younger days, before she met and married David, she was a slut. She once gave a blowjob to a stranger on a dance floor. Another time, she fucked a stranger in the men's room of the same club, with many men watching the fuck show. She had told these stories to David, and he got excited. These and other stories just added to his fantasies. He wanted her to be a slutty wife. And now she was. She was with her new lover, while her husband was out waiting outside the bedroom.

Maurice noticed that Paula was getting really horny, to a point he could easily pull up her dress and fuck her right at that moment. But he had another plan, and that involved David, their cuckold.

Maurice again broke their kiss and said, “Paula, I think it is time to bring in David.”

“I am not sure. I know he wanted this and wants to watch, but I like the personal intimacy that we have.”

“We need to bring him in and allow him to watch for his training as our cuckold. We have talked about this. If he starts to freak out, we will have him leave. But in my experience, David wants to be a loyal and submissive cuck. He is already loyal and submissive to you. This will just be another step for him.”

“Ok, I see your point. Let's call him in.”

“First, we need to get you ready. Take off your dress and lay back on the bed. Use the pillows to prop yourself up. When he comes in, you need to be rubbing your pussy. I will leave my boxers on. He will know that I am hard, but he will not be able to see my cock until I am ready to fuck you.”

“Ok, this sounds kinky. I love it.”

After they were ready, Maurice yelled, “Hey Dave, come in here.”

David entered into the master bedroom to see both his wife and her lover lying together on the bed. Paula's nipples were hard, and she was rubbing her pussy. It looked like she was wet. Laying next to her was her lover, who was rubbing her tits.

“Dave, you need to take off your clothes and sit on the chair. We have agreed to allow you to watch. But if you start interrupting us, we will have you leave. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir, thank you for allowing me to watch.”

David then took off all his clothes and placed them in a pile next to the chair. His cage was shining in the dim lighting. 

“Good, now don't say anything unless we address you.”

“Yes, sir.”

And with that, Maurice took off his boxers. That was when David first saw the biggest cock he had ever seen. It was ten inches long and thick. Now he knew why Paula fell for Maurice so quickly. The cock he was staring at was over twice the size of his. 

At that moment, Maurice rolled over onto Paula and slowly pushed his man-sized cock into Paula's pussy. 

David could not believe she was taking all of it. His little cock is all that she had for several years, but here she was swallowing his massive cock right up and into her pussy. Maurice started off slow. Sliding in and out, he ensured she had time to relax and allow her pussy to stretch so she would not have any discomfort. 

Paula wrapped her legs around his, and her arms were around Maurice's neck. Her breathing became shallower and quicker. Then, all at once, Maurice stopped with the slow penetration and started fucking her hard and fast. Paula started to cum. They had practically just started, and her body was already shaking. Maurice didn't stop. He continued to fuck her through the entire orgasm.

After Paula came down from her first orgasm, Maurice pulled out of her, and told her to roll over. He wanted to take her from behind, so David could see how his ten-inch cock fucks his wife's pussy.

This time, Maurice did not hold back. He started off fast and hard, pounding away at her stretched pussy. As he was fucking her pussy, Paula was moaning and crying out. The words she was saying proved that she was having the most intense sexual experience of her lifetime. While she was crying out to Maurice with encouragement her triple D tits were swinging about. The harder he thrust into her the more they would swing.

Paula had started having multiple orgasms, then suddenly, without any warning, she started gushing. Clear liquid started flowing out of her pussy as Maurice's cock was pounding away. 

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David just sat there, unable to say or do anything. Instinctively, he reached down to stroke himself, but his cage prevented his hand from touching his cock. His hormones were racing within him. His fantasies were coming true, and from the size of the cock that was fucking his beautiful wife, it was more than he could ever have imagined.

At that point, Maurice started slamming into Paula with even more power. Then suddenly, he let out a loud yell as his balls pulled up tight. He was filling Paula's pussy with a week's worth of stored-up cum. Maurice collapsed onto Paula's back. His body was momentarily spent. 

As Maurice began to regain his awareness, he pushed himself back up and slowly withdrew his cock from Paula's pussy.

Paula wanted to roll over onto her back, but Maurice stopped her. “You need to stay on your knees a little longer. Dave, it is now your turn. Get on the bed, lay on your back, and your hot wife will squat down onto your mouth.”

David did as he was instructed, and Paula slowly lowered her pussy onto David's mouth. David’s head was lying in the wet spot soaking into his hair.

“Dave, you are now to clean your queen. She will push down with her pussy to allow all of my cum and her juices to flow into your mouth. This is called queening, and it is a common way cucks have sex with their hot wives. Lick and suck her pussy with respect. But remember, you no longer have rights to her pussy unless I give it to you. Raise your arm to show me that you understand what I am telling you.”

David raised his arm, then quickly placed it back onto his wife's ass. 

All at once, Paula had another orgasm, not as strong as when Maurice was fucking her, but still intense. The orgasm caused more juice to flow into David's mouth.

After Paula started to calm down from the orgasm David gave her, she slowly lifted herself off of David's face. He started lifting his head upward to try to continue to kiss and suck on her pussy. But Paula was now clean, and she needed to rest her legs. 

Maurice then said, “Dave, you did well in cleaning your wife. I can tell that you enjoy using your mouth for sex.”

David started to roll over so he could sit up. His face was now shining in the bedroom's light from the cum that Paula had smeared on him as she moved around while he was cleaning her. David then lowered his legs over the side of the bed so he was comfortably sitting on the edge of the bed. He replied to Maurice, “Yes, for as long as I can remember, I have always given the woman that I was with better orgasms with my mouth than I could with my cock.”

Maurice quickly shot back, “It is not hard to understand why, what with the little dick that you have. That is why you are now caged, as it is no longer of any use for your wife.”

“Yes, sir, I now know that.”

After Paula had stretched out her legs, from the amazing sex that she had just received from both her lover's cock and her husband's mouth. She spoke to David, “Baby, I want to watch you now. I want to watch you clean my lover's cock from the cum that is on him.”

“You want me to clean his cock.”

“Yes, just like you did my pussy. You are now our cuck, and your place is to clean both of us.”

David had never before had a cock in his mouth. He had sucked on Paula's toy prior to her pegging him. But he had never had a real cock in his mouth. He knew he was not gay, but the thought of cleaning his wife's lover did excite him. The excitement may have been from him being extra horny. He had not had a sexual release since they were in Charleston, and he had just watched his wife being fucked by a well-hung man. During his fantasies, he never cleaned the man who had just pulled out of Paula. 

But at that moment, David slowly slid off the edge of the bed, slowly down onto his knees. And slowly moved the few feet towards the man, who just a few minutes earlier had his cock inside Paula. 

As David leaned forward, he opened his mouth and took Maurice's cock into his mouth. David had watched porn stars give head to well-hung men for years. Using those vivid images as his guide, he proceeded to move his head back and forth. He took Maurice's cock to the back of his mouth; it was way too big to fit into his throat. He was also using his tongue to lick the shaft while he bobbed his head. 

With the oral service David was giving, Maurice started to get hard again. His cock swelled even more, causing David's mouth to stretch. 

When Paula saw that Maurice was again hard, she wanted his cock back inside her. “Baby, I have always liked to watch men give head. I think it is very sexy, but I want him to fuck me. Stop sucking him so he can fill me back up with more of his cum.”

After hearing that, David started to pull away from Maurice. But Maurice quickly placed his hand on the back of David's head and pushed his cock back into his mouth. 

Maurice then said to Paula, “I have more for you, but right now your cuck needs to receive my cum directly from my cock. All good cucks need to understand that his hot wife's pussy and her bull's cock both feed him cum. So, Dave will finish me with his mouth.”

“As long as you can give me another round, then yes, cum in my husband's mouth. I do think it is sexy, and yes, I want to watch him swallow your cum.”

Paula had told David several times that she once watched a former lover who was bi, that he loved to suck cocks. She loved to watch him do that, and now David was sucking a cock in front of her. He wanted to please his wife by making her new lover cum in his mouth.

A few minutes later, Maurice was about to cum. He placed his hands on the back of David's head so he could not pull away. Then, without warning, he started to shoot into David's mouth with numerous strong blasts of his cum. David swallowed most of it but kept some of it in his mouth. As Maurice pulled his cock out, David showed Paula his prize by opening his mouth so she could see the cum on his tongue.

“Baby, swallow it!”

Doing as he was told, David closed his mouth and swallowed the last bit. Then he again opened his mouth to show both Paula and Maurice that he had completely swallowed the first load of cum that was discharged into his mouth.

David climbed up off of his knees and returned to the chair. 

Maurice was smiling, as he knew that he would be having a long relationship with this couple. 

David was numb from what he had earlier watched and what he had just done.

Paula just laid on the bed, knowing that her life had changed for the better. 

They all looked at each other and just smiled. David got up, went into the kitchen, and brought back three glasses of water. After drinking the water, Maurice went back to the bed and laid down next to Paula.

As they were all relaxing and talking about what had just happened, Paula started rubbing Maurice's cock. And Maurice started rubbing and pinching Paula's boobs and nipples. Within no time, both Maurice's cock and Paula's nipples were all again hard.

Maurice lifted Paul's right leg and slipped his left leg under her. They were still lying side by side. 

David was still sitting in the chair at the foot of the bed, watching what was happening. 

Paula reached down and guided Maurice's cock to the opening of her pussy. Maurice pushed his hips forward and slowly entered back into Paula. This time, Maurice was not fucking Paula hard and fast, but slowly. They both turned their faces toward each other and started a slow and passionate kiss. 

Right in front of David, they were no longer fucking but making love. This was another lesson that Maurice intended to teach David. Bulls fuck their hot wives, and lovers make love to them. They can both happen during the same sexual encounter. Their lovemaking continued for quite some time. They acted like David was not even in the room. After fifteen minutes, it did not seem like they were going to stop. David had never lasted more than ten minutes in his life. 

He knew this was going to go on for a lot longer, so he quietly stood up, reached down, picked up his clothes, and left the master bedroom. He left the lovers alone and went to the spare bedroom. 

David's dreams and fantasies had come true, just in a direction he had not imagined. 

David woke around seven a.m., to a quiet moan. He knew that moan. It was Paula. 

For years, they would make love every Saturday morning. But now it was different. She was having sex without him. 

David got out of bed, dressed in the same clothes he had worn the night before. He stopped in the hall ballroom to do his routine before going out to the kitchen. It was then that he discovered that his toothbrush and razor were still in the master bath. Not wanting to interrupt the two lovers, he made due with what he could find. 

David went about making breakfast for all three of them. It was no problem, just one extra plate.

When Maurice and Paula came out of the master bedroom, he was wearing a pair of David's pajama pants, and Paula had on a robe. The robe was tied at the waist, and her deep cleavage was on display. Paula walked up to David and gave him a kiss on his cheek. And she said, “Everything smells and looks great. Thank you, baby.”

David replied, “You are welcome.”

At that moment, he noticed more red marks on her boobs. Maurice had again marked her. These were not subtle on the outside of her boobs like he did in Charleston, but big and bright on the inside. Her bra would never hide them. She was marked for everyone to see. David had never marked her like that.

During breakfast, Paula told David that she had just made reservations for dinner. It would be the three of them. But they were just going to relax by the pool during the day. 

The morning went by quietly. They all laid out in the sun together and swam. The whole time that they were outside, they were all naked. All except for David, as he was still in his cage. 

Around noon, David said that he would go in and make lunch. When he came back out to the pool with the lunches and beers, he found Paula giving Maurice head. It was as if it were normal for a wife to give a blowjob to her lover right in front of her husband. David just sat their lunches on the table and sat down to watch. 

After Maurice came in her mouth, they both stood up and went to the table to eat. The afternoon was similar to the morning.

At around four p.m., they all went inside to get ready for dinner. Paula then told David to wear his nice suit as they were going to the nice Italian restaurant downtown. 

David showered in the hall bathroom and dressed in the spare bedroom. He poured himself a short drink and waited for Maurice and Paula to come out of the master bedroom. 

Maurice came out first, also wearing a suit. But when he saw Paula, his jaw dropped. She was drop-dead gorgeous. She was all dolled up. Hair and makeup perfectly done, four-inch heels, black stockings, three-inch gold hoops in each ear, her diamond tennis bracket (the one he gave her last year for her birthday), and the most revealing black dress that he had ever seen. She was not wearing a bra, and her boobs were on full display. The red marks were in plain sight for everyone to see.

Paula was embracing her new role as a hot wife, and it appeared she was not afraid to show everyone that she had cuckolded David.

David drove the car with Maurice and Paula sitting in the back. They did not kiss, as Paula did not want to mess up her makeup. But Maurice did pull up the hem of her dress to rub her pussy. David looked through the rearview mirror and noticed that Paula was also not wearing any panties. Paula had never before left the house without panties and a bra.

When they were arriving, Maurice said, “Dave, just drop us off. You park the car, and we will wait for you inside."

Dave did just that, but he had to park two blocks away. When he entered the restaurant, they were nowhere to be seen. He checked the bar, but they were not there either. He went up to the hostess and said, “My wife and our friend just entered, but I can't seem to find them.”

The hostess replied, “In the past ten minutes, the only people that entered were a tall, well-dressed man and his paid escort.”

David froze and blushed, then said, “Was she wearing a black dress with four-inch heels?”


David just nodded his head and quietly said, “That is my wife. Can you point me to their table?”

The hostess led him to Paula and Maurice. They were sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant. A place where everyone would notice them. 

As David arrived, he took the seat across from them. He noticed that the hem of her dress was again pulled up, showing the top of her legs. 

Paula then said to David, “After we checked in, the hostess told us that our table was ready for us, and we knew that you would find your way to us. So we just came in.”

“I did look for you, but when I could not find you, I asked her for help. When I described you, she brought me to the table.”

“Well, good. Maurice knew there would not be a problem. By the way, since you took so long to arrive, we went ahead and ordered for all of us.”

“Oh, thank you.”

While they were waiting for the dinner to be served, Maurice reached into his inside pocket and brought out a small box; it was about six inches long. Maurice then said to David, “Dave, this is a gift for you; well, kind of when you open it, I will explain it to you.”

David opened the box and pinned inside was a six-inch chain with letters attached to it. The letters were: H O T W I F E.

David looked at the chain and said, “Hot wife.”

“Yes, it is for you to place on Paula's ankle. Anklets are pieces of jewelry that signify that Paula is a hot wife. You need to get down on your knees and secure it to her ankle. Make sure the letters are facing outwards.”

David did just as he was instructed, and others in the restaurant noticed what he was doing. One couple even saw the letters and just smiled, as they knew what was happening.

Shortly after, David sat back down, their dinners were served. Maurice and Paula had the shrimp scampi, and David was served chicken parm. After they ate and requested the check, the waitress bought the check and placed it in front of Maurice. Maurice pushed it towards David and said to the waitress. “My lover's husband will be paying for our dinner.”

At that moment, David froze. It was said loud enough that everyone around could hear. David was now publicly a cuckold. 

During the ride home, Paula gave Maurice another blowjob. She was quite loud, so David could hear her. After, Maurice shot his load into Paula’s mouth. He said to David, “Your wife gives great blow jobs.”

David just nodded his head, nothing needed to be said in response.

After they entered the house, Paula said, “Baby, just get your stuff for tonight and tomorrow morning out of the bedroom and bathroom. Since you will be leaving for the airport tomorrow, there will be no reason for you to enter back into our room.”

“Our room?”

“Yes, going forward, when you are home from work, you will be sleeping in the spare room. There really is no reason to keep moving in and out. Because when Maurice is staying here, he will be sleeping with me.”

“I wasn't expecting this.”

“I know, but it will be for the best, as Maurice will need an area to keep his things while he is here.”


“Oh, and since you will be gone for a few weeks, you will probably want to be clean-shaven down below. So I will take off your cage while you shower tonight.”

“That will be good, but I won't be able to go through the metal detector at the airport if you put it back on me.”

“Remember, that is why we bought you the plastic device. So you will be safely kept in chastity while you are away. You have been doing so well these past few weeks without having an erection, and we don't want you to have an accident while you are away.”

David gathered his personal stuff and moved it to the spare bedroom and into the hall bathroom.

As he was getting ready for his shower, both Paula and Maurice entered the bathroom. Paula bent over and placed the key in the lock. With a twist, the lock opened. She then removed the cage from David's penis. David then shaved himself while showering. 

After he dried, he again stood still while Paula placed the Holy Trainer, his plastic chastity device, on him. As she was placing the plastic cage over his shaft, she said, “Baby, this is going on much easier than it did when we bought it. You are shrinking.”

“I guess it is because I have not had an erection since you locked me.”

Maurice then said, “Dave, I am proud of you. Most cucks are embarrassed when they start shrinking. By the way, I spoke to Paula, and I will now be your keyholder.”

“I was wondering if you would be taking control of the key.”

“But I have sealed the second key into this envelope for you to keep in the event there is an emergency. Paula and I will want to see the envelope when you get back home. 

“Thank you. I am sure there will not be any reason for me to need it. But thank you for the consideration.”

After David was safely back in chastity, Paula kissed him good night. He then went into his new bedroom, as Paula and Maurice went into the master.

The next day, they all went to the airport together. David kissed his wife goodbye, shook Maurice's hand, and said, “I am glad you will be looking after her while I am away. Sometimes she gets lonely.”

“I will take good care of her while you are away, as she is now my girlfriend, not just my lover. When you get back, I will be fully moved into your house.”

David was not expecting to hear that, but he did ask Paula to cuckold him. 

Every few days, David's phone would beep. He would look to see what the message was. It was usually a photo or a short video of his hot wife getting fucked by her boyfriend, his bull. 

Written by Thegroom
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