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You’d go down on me if I asked you to.

I blushed, recalling her words and my reluctant answer.

“Yeah, I would,” I repeated quietly, my voice drowned by the sound of Louis Armstrong’s trumpet floating out of the speaker as I pulled into the drive-thru.

It had taken me three days to build up the courage to see her again. Three days of turmoil before hunger won out over my better judgement. I glanced in the rearview mirror, carefully appraising myself. Red lipstick and sunglasses. Nothing out of the ordinary to anyone glancing my way. A lavender sweater that buttoned up the front, the top button undone. A gold kitty on a chain around my throat that I’d had since college. And below the waist? A pair of jeans, unzipped to reveal that I’d recently given myself a wax. No one would be able to tell. Not unless they were looking in at the right angle, such as a drive-thru window.

Nervously, I pulled up to the speaker, my breath catching as I heard her – Violet’s – familiar cheerful voice as for my order.

“Fries, please. And a Diet Pepsi.” I responded, my voice trembling slightly.

“Fries and a Diet Pepsi,” she repeated, popping her ‘p’s softly. “Would you like ketchup with that, dirty girl?”

The last two words were softly spoken, so soft that I knew they were for my ears alone, her voice taking on a sultriness that left me slightly breathless.

“No, thank you,” I managed, barely aware that I’d spread my thighs as wide as I could in anticipation of pulling up to her window, butterflies fluttering in my stomach so I could collect my meal and show off my incredibly moist pussy.


I couldn’t help but play with myself on the drive home, stroking my puffy clit with my finger, recalling her smile as she gazed down into the car, eyes, sparkling with mischief, fastened on my exposed cunt.

“Missed you,” she’d said with a sly grin as I’d handed over my card, leaving me breathless as her fingers brushed over mine. She’d taken a moment to scribble something on the receipt before handing it over.

“See you later,” she’d told me before I drove off, not posing it as a question. It was more of a request or perhaps even a command.

I waited until the third intersection before reading her note, unable to resist slipping a single finger into myself as I waited for the light to turn green.

Call me. 7.

Pulling my lower lip between my teeth I moaned softly just as the car behind me honked, startling me. I managed to keep both hands on the steering wheel until I was home, not even bothering to zip up my jeans as I let myself in and began fingering myself, recalling our “date”.

You’d go down on me if I asked you to.

Oh, god, yes, yes, I would.

It didn’t take me long to push myself over the edge in one of the most explosive masturbatory orgasms I could recall, mumbling her name afterwards as I slipped into a satisfied doze…


I woke up with my heart pounding, reaching for my phone and checking the time before my panic abated. It was shortly after 6. I had almost an hour. An hour of anticipation and torment and second guessing. Great. Sitting up, I let my eyes focus on the dresser mirror and the image reflected in it, blushing at my state of undress. I was naked from the waist down, my jeans somewhere on the bedroom floor.

“You should see what you do to me,” I mused, smiling at myself as inspiration hit. Reaching for my phone, I arranged the pillows and lay back against them, spreading my legs, knees bent, and took a picture of my pussy – of me playing with my pussy.

“Bad idea, Jenny,” I told myself and hit send anyway, quickly followed by ‘thinking of you’.

‘Good girl’ came the reply, although it didn’t arrive until I’d had half an hour to regret the impulse, about 10 minutes before I was expected to call. Needing something to ease my nerves, I settled back on the bed and slowly teased myself with my fingers some more. By the time 7 o’clock rolled around I was dripping wet and my nipples were rock hard with lust.

“Hi, dirty girl,” she chirped after letting the phone ring half a dozen times, my heart pounding harder each time.

“Hi. It’s Jenny,” I managed, my voice catching a little, making her laugh. It was a delightful sound. Without even thinking, my hand settled between my thighs and began stroking softly, my hips rising to press against my fingers.

“Free tonight?”

“Yes,” I answered hesitantly.

“Good. You playing with yourself, Jenny?”

“Yes,” I whispered, my face warm with embarrassment at her question and my admission.

“You really are a dirty girl. You know the theatre on Union?


“Meet me out front at 10. Short skirt. The sweater you wore today. No bra or panties. Understood?”

“Yes,” I managed, a little breathlessly.

“Don’t be late.” I could hear the grin in her voice and then the line went dead, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 10 o’clock, left me three hours to talk myself out of it. Or into it. I wasn’t sure which.


I made sure I was earlier, all too aware that, had I been wearing panties, they’d have been soaked even before I turned the key in the ignition. I spent most of the next fifteen minutes nervously smoothing my skirt down, paranoid that the cool breeze that teased between my thighs would pick up and lift the hem, just enough, to out me, cursing myself for wearing a light cotton mini that came perilously close to indecent.

“You look chilly,” Violet teased when she finally made an appearance, her eyes focusing on my sweater. Blushing, I realized that my nipples made obvious dents in the material. Thankfully, I had chosen to stand with my back to the lights. No one else had noticed, I kept telling myself. Probably too busy checking out my legs…

She took my hand, her fingers curling between mine. The gesture felt intimate, and I felt my cheeks warm.

“You’re blushing,” she said, giving my fingers a squeeze. “Embarrassed?”

“A little,” I mumbled. “Wouldn’t you be?”

She chose to ignore me, pulling me along with her, and into the theatre, purchasing a pair of tickets, a large popcorn, and a large Diet Pepsi.

“More fun to share,” she stated, punctuating her words with a light smack on my bottom, startling me into a soft gasp.

“Don’t,” I objected, glancing around, worried, much to her amusement.

“I’ll do as I please. If you don’t like it, you’re free to leave at any time.” She smacked my ass again, her hand lingering, cupping one cheek, caressing my soft skin before picking up our snacks. She handed me the soda, popping several kernels of popcorn into her mouth before recapturing my hand.

“Any time you want, dirty girl.”

Wordless, I let her lead me into the dimly lit theater, nervous excitement rolling like waves through my nervous system, meekly climbing the stairs at her side and making our way down the very last aisle as we claimed the center seats. Besides us there were, maybe, half a dozen other people, the closest of them several rows in front of us. I wasn’t sure if that was reassuring or not, wondering what she had planned. I had no illusions about simply watching the movie with her. Nor did I want it to be. Already I found myself anticipating the moment the lights went down. Nervously I grabbed a handful of popcorn, washing it down as Violet held our cup. It was sweet, in a way, and I found myself smiling shyly at her before quickly turning my gaze towards the screen.

“Cute,” she commented, her voice just loud enough to hear. A moment later, I felt her hand resting on my thigh, warm against my bare skin, just below my skirt, her thumb sliding absently along the hem, repeating the motion, each time pushing my skirt slightly, revealing incrementally more and more of my thigh. Hypnotized, I stopped watching the movie, and turned my attention to my lap. As my eyes adjusted, I watched as she slowly exposed my bare flesh. I could have simply pushed her hand away, but I didn’t. Instead, I shifted the bucket of popcorn to my other thigh and slowly spread my legs, letting out a soft sigh of surrender, and pretended to watch the movie.

She took her time, filling me with equal parts of frustration and pleasure, her finger brushing almost absently on my leg, feather light touches along the inside of my thigh, each time a fraction of an inch closer to my thoroughly soaked pussy. Thank god the movie was loud enough to drown out every whimper or sigh. She would pause long enough to push my skirt a little higher from time to time, until I was fully exposed and could feel cool air blowing almost directly against my hot and hungry sex. If there’d been someone in the row in front of us, and they’d turned their head, they’d have gotten a good look. I was beyond caring, however, and simply sat there, enjoying every touch, my hands resting on the armrest, fingers slowly clenching and unclenching with anticipation.

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She must have teased me like this for a good half hour. By the time I felt her finger draw slowly along the edge of my labia, I thought I might go mad.

“Yes,” I hissed softly. She took that moment to stop, and help herself to more popcorn, before resting her hand over mine.

“Don’t stop,” I whispered, feeling a moment of panic set in.

She turned her smile on me and I found myself breathing in deeply, my chest rising suddenly as I held my breath for a moment before letting it slowly out.

Without a word, she tightened her fingers around mine, and guided my hand between my legs, tenderly coaxing my middle finger away from the rest, so that its tip rested just below my wet slit. Then, her eyes locking with mine, she directed my finger between my puffy lips, wetting it up to the first joint, with agonizing slowness, and then down again.

I just sat there, staring at the screen without really seeing the movie, focused on the finger driving me beyond the point of distraction, my legs spread as wide as the armrests would allow them, moaning softly when she laid her hand over mine, her middle finger resting alongside mine as she pushed, so that both our fingers disappeared into my slick hole. After that, the motion changed. I was slowly, rhythmically, being fucked, or fucking myself, it was really hard to tell which. Absently I felt sorry for whoever sat here next – I was sure that the seat cushion would be soaked before long.

“God,” I breathed softly, sliding my ass forward on the seat for better access, gasping softly when she reached over and undid the lowermost button on my sweater, slipping it free with nimble fingers, proceeding on to the next one, and the next, until only two buttons protected my modesty. Breathing heavily, I glanced down, not surprised to see my nipples obviously swollen and hard, my breasts heaving with each breath, my tummy exposed and, of course, my cunt on display as she made me fuck myself in the back row of the theater.

“Keep going,” she told me, removing her hand from over mine. Even if she hadn’t said a word, I couldn’t have stopped if I wanted to, my arousal clouding my thoughts and driving me on. I added another finger to replace hers and kept at it, slowly, sensuously, pushing them in, no longer caring where we were. I wanted to come so badly. No, not wanted – needed to come – each slow, deep thrust bringing me closer and closer. I barely noticed when she undid the final two buttons and freed my tits, my sweater parting like the red sea, baring me to anyone who happened to turn their head towards the rear of the room. I didn’t care. I even welcomed it.

“Don’t come,” she breathed in my ear. “Later. Maybe.”

She giggled, cupping my naked breast, the pad of her thumb stroking my aching nipple.

“Later, after you’ve had your mouth on my pussy. Your tongue inside of me. After you stink of another girl’s cunt. Jenny.”

She really wasn’t helping matters, but then, I’m sure that wasn’t her intent.

I’m not really sure how long it went on, me finger fucking myself, careful to bring myself to the edge, but not over, time after time, while she abused my tits and nipples. Too long. Not long enough. I was too lost in a haze of perpetual ecstasy to care. Eventually, though, the credits began to roll and she deftly buttoned my sweater up, and planted a soft wet kiss on my cheek before laying her hand over mine once more, pulling it away from my hungry hole, much to my chagrin.

We waited until everyone else had left before hastily pulling my skirt back down and standing unsteadily with her help. I followed her, my hand in hers, so lost in sexual euphoria that I walked into one of the glass doors on the way out of the building, moaning softly as I felt the trickle of desire running down the insides of both thigh as the cooling night air found its way under my short skirt.


There was a small park with several trails within walking distance of the theatre. At this time of night it was dark and deserted. Apparently it was perfect for what Violet had in mind. My first time eating pussy was neither romantic nor was it dignified, but it was hot and dirty and close to perfect. Very few words were wasted by either of us. There was no need for her to seduce me with conversation. We both knew what we wanted.

“You’re going to tongue fuck my juicy cunt until I come all over your face, dirty girl. On your back.”

That was the extent of our conversation as she guided me to a short bench that was a simple plank of wood attached to a pair of iron legs.

I complied with a nervous eagerness, lying down, my legs spread to either side of the seat, watching her as she unceremoniously tugged her panties down. Although it was too dark to tell, I assumed that they were as wet as mine would have been, had I been wearing any. After that, she simply hiked up her dress and straddled me, the aroma of her pussy filling my nose as she lowered herself on my face. While I’d never done anything like this before, I knew, instinctively, what to do. Reaching out, I cupped her ass in my hands and held on as I began to lap at her slit and her swollen clit while she ground herself against my face until I could feel her juices running slowly down my cheeks.

I felt my skirt being pulled up, her hand cupping me, her fingers forcing their way in. Three of them, then four, stretching me as I ravished her as best as I could, my mouth filled with the taste of pussy…

It didn’t take long, as turned on as she was, for her to come all over my face as she’d promised, almost smothering me as she moaned and writhed, fingers motionless, still filling my own cunt, my hips bucking as I tried desperately to get off.

“Need to come,” I gasped desperately, fingers clenching, nails digging into the soft globes of her ass.

I was met with soft laughter.

“Poor Jenny.” And yes, she popped the ‘p’.

“Please,” I begged. I think she would have given in if we hadn’t been interrupted by the sound of voices just then.

Two security officers patrolling the park. What were we doing out here this late at night, in the dark? Going at it like fuck monkeys, Officer. Not that I said that. Mostly, I did my best to keep my thighs pressed together and my skirt tugged down as far as it would go, calm my breathing, and pretend like we’d been sitting here talking. It wasn’t until later that I realized just how wet my face was or how much we both smelled like sex. There was no way they couldn’t have known, and yes, I was embarrassed at the thought but it turned me on as well…

We’ll let you two girls off with just a warning if you suck our cocks...

In the state I was in, had it gone that way, I would have been down on my knees, hoping that, afterwards, they’d have taken turns fucking me. After all, after two hours of being on the brink of orgasm, I’d yet to find release.

Nor would I. Without protest, we went back to the parking lot. Violet kissed me at my car door. Not a peck on the cheek or even a tender lover’s kiss. It was possessive, her tongue forcing its way into my mouth, one hand pushing up the back of my skirt and grabbing my ass, the other cupping the back of my head… It left me breathless.

“I need to come,” I whimpered pathetically when she finally stepped back.

“I know,” was her reply, her grin cruel and mocking, her eyes sparkling with laughter.

“Maybe next time, Jenny.”


She shrugged, her hand slipping under my skirt, cupping my still dripping cunt, her thumb pressing against my clit. I didn’t protest, not caring if anyone got an eyeful as I held my breath, waiting for an answer.

“See you at the drive-thru tomorrow?” she asked, her fingers sliding between my wet slit. Removing her hand, she wiped them on my lips, then pushed them between them so that I could eagerly suck them clean.

I simply nodded, frowning with frustration.

“Oh, and don’t even think of taking care of yourself before I tell you to.”

She left me like that, all that pent up desire and lust and ecstasy burning through me, unable to do anything about it but drive home.

It took me forever to fall asleep that night. I spent most of it replaying the evening, unable to quench my lust as I lay naked on the bed, my hands wondering, touching myself everywhere, wondering if I would feel regret in the morning. I hadn’t bothered showering. I wanted to smell like her, like us. Like hot steamy, dirty sex. After all, I was her dirty girl.

Written by sprite
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