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“You seeing anyone?”

Every Sunday morning I got coffee. Same place, same time. Like clockwork. I’d become friendly with everyone. First time I’d been hit on, though. At least I assume he was hitting on me.

“Sort of? I’m not really sure…”

That was the truth. I really had no idea where I stood with Violet. We weren’t dating. She wasn’t my girlfriend. I liked her. I liked how she made me feel. I think she liked me…

I left it at that. What I did know was that I didn’t have any desire to see or date anyone else.

“Yeah, I guess I am?” I laughed, blushing a little, just wanting to avoid the awkwardness of being asked out and saying ‘no’.

It had been several days since Violet had tied my hands above my head in a back alley and had a string of strangers humiliate me by shooting cum into my panties. And onto me. One had even pissed in them. I’d only seen her once since then – at the fast food drive-thru where she worked – although we’d messaged back and forth several times. I’d kept them. I kept all of her messages, succinct as they usually were, reading them back while replaying what they had led to while masturbating, despite the fact that I wouldn’t come. Not without her permission, at least, and she hadn’t felt like letting me, at least not this week. I kept hoping.

She was not the only one who’d been messaging me. Amber had. Twice. Amber was Violet’s friend. She’d been made part of our relationship one night. I don’t think anyone else knew what went on between us. Certainly not any of my friends. Violet had actually sent her video of the other night. She’d sent it to me, too. And yes, that had been what I’d been finger fucking myself to last night before falling asleep exhausted…

I took my coffee and went out to sit in my car. I hadn’t worn panties today under my skirt. Without really thinking about it I was stroking my thigh. Just like she did. Dangerous behavior. I was past caring though. I was, after all, a dirty girl. Her dirty girl. At least that’s what she liked to call me.

Feeling suddenly daring, I grabbed my phone, pulled my skirt up, and took a picture of my pussy. Then I sent it to her, cc'ing it to Amber as well. I wanted her to know.

A few minutes later I got a reply, not from Violet, but from her friend.

Hot. Adding it to my ‘Jenny is a slut’ folder.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to reply at first. Glancing around I didn’t see anyone close enough to get a good look so I pulled my top up over my tits and took another picture. I hadn’t bothered with a bra, either. I sent that too. Followed by an actual text.

I’ve been a good girl. I haven’t come once.

Not since you got used as a cum dumpster. Lol.

Biting my lip, I quickly tugged my tee back down and smoothed out my skirt, not wanting to think too much about that night. At least not right now. Here, where I couldn’t do anything about it.

Vid chat?

No. Bad idea.

Sure. Why not?

I accepted her request impulsively, regretting it as soon as her face appeared on the screen.

She flashed me an easy smile showing off her dimples and big blue eyes, her face framed by loose amber curls. I swallowed nervously as she toyed with her hair and regarded me quietly for longer than was comfortable before speaking.

“You have nice tits. I liked playing with them the other night. I hoped you enjoyed it too.”

“I did,” I admitted, knowing that I was blushing, unable to quite meet her gaze.

“Shy? Don’t be. I know better.” She laughed softly, shaking her head at me. “You’re too cute for words. Show them to me again. Your tits.”

I sucked my lip between my teeth nervously before pulling my top up again for her.

“Keep it up until I tell you, Jenny.”

I let out a whimper. I didn’t want to. I wanted to cover myself and drive off before anyone else saw me. I didn’t though. I did exactly as Amber told me like a good girl.

“I know you like to be humiliated. Do you like to be hurt too?”

I thought about it for a moment, wanting to be honest, thinking about the clamps Violet had used on me.

“I’m not sure? Maybe…”

“We’ll have to find out sometime. It will be fun. For me, at least. Maybe for you too?”

“Maybe,” was all I could think of to say.

“Okay. You can cover them up again but only if you show me your pussy.”

Nervously I complied, hiking my skirt up and holding the phone so she could get a good close-up look, suddenly realizing how wet I was. Not just damp, but dripping wet. The back of my skirt was dark with my arousal.

“God. You’re too much, Jenny. I see why Violet’s taken an interest.”

“I can’t help it…”

“Hey. I’m not judging. I like it. I like you. Don’t apologize.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

She simply laughed. “Put it down. I have to go. Maybe I’ll call you later? Any plans for tonight?”

“I’m not sure. Not really. Not unless Violet wants do to something?”

“Call you around eight then. See what happens. Bye.”

Just like that she ended the connection, leaving me breathless and wondering what to do. First things first. Go home and do my best to think straight. After that? I should probably call Violet…


I got home okay. Thinking straight, however, seemed beyond me. I was too caught up in my thoughts and the desperate need for an orgasm. I tried watching a movie. Reading. Cleaning up the kitchen. Nothing seemed to quiet my mind. Eventually I gave in and texted Violet.

Need to talk. Please.

I thought for sure she would leave me hanging but her reply was almost instant.

You okay, Jenny?

Yes. I just have a lot on my mind. I talked to Amber today.


Talked, not texted. I was in my car. She had me send pix of my tits. And my cunt. And then a vid of me playing with it…

Did you come?

I wanted to.

But did you?


What about now?

It’s all I can think about, Miss.

What do you think of Amber?

What did I think of Amber? I liked her. Beyond what she’d done to me. She seemed…

She’s nice. I like her.

She makes you wet, you mean.

Yes. But she’s nice, too.

I was blushing. Hard. Violet couldn’t see, but I wondered if she knew anyway.

She is nice. Did you like when I invited her over?

Not at first. I’m glad you did, though.

I think she likes you too.



Do you like me?

There was a long silence and I felt the beginning of panic setting in when she finally answered.

I like you very much. You’re sweet and fun to be with and you’re nice too. I look forward to hearing your voice over the intercom.

I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

I’m not your girlfriend.

No. We’re not. Does that bother you?

I don’t think so?

You’re my dirty girl, though. That makes you special. More special than being my girlfriend, Jenny.


Yeah. Do you need to see me?

It would be nice. If you’re not busy, I mean?

Not too busy to see my good girl. Be easier if you came over.

I can do that. Should I wear something slutty?

I had no idea if that made her laugh or not. I hoped it did.

If you’d like. Surprise me.

I showed up at her place an hour later. I’d wanted to look nice for her, so I’d showered, shaved, and dressed. Nothing too slutty. Black shorts. A button-up blue sweater. Matching black lace bra and panties. She let me in after appraising me carefully. Evidently I passed.

“Feeling better?”


She was wearing a pair of grey shorts and a red tee. How was it that she looked amazing no matter what she wore? Taking my hand she led me into her bedroom and pointed at her bed.

“Sit. I’ll get something to relax us. Wine?”


She was gone long enough for me to compose myself. I think she planned it like that. By the time she reappeared, two glasses in hand, I was feeling a little less unsettled. She handed me one and then settled in, propped up on her pillows, legs spread, knees bent.

“Here,” she told me, patting the space between her thighs. Dutifully I rolled over and crawled my way between them, earning me a playful smack on the head.

“Not like that, silly. Sit.”

I sat, a little confused, facing away from her, comforted by her presence as she put her arms around my waist and guided me back into her.

“So. Do you want a girlfriend, Jenny?”

“No. At least I don’t think so? I feel like I’m figuring myself out right now. With you, I mean.”

I felt her nod and her arms tighten ever so slightly as she kissed the back of my head.

“What about Amber?”

I chuckled a little.

“I barely know her. She’s nice. She turns me on. I don’t want to date her though.”

“What about a boyfriend?”

I thought about all the guys I’d dated or gotten serious with in the past and shook my head.

“Not really. No.”

“So, that leaves me. Undo your shorts, Jenny.”

I unzipped them all the way down and left them like that feeling a little breathless after. No questions. I knew better by now. Violet’s hand slid slowly downwards, inching towards my pussy. I felt myself getting wetter and wetter with anticipation. It seemed to take forever before her fingers were resting against my black lace panties.

“She is nice. And she turns me on, too. Not like you do, though. Not even close.”

She began stroking me almost thoughtfully. Like a pet. Her pet pussy. I smiled at the thought and took another drink of wine, letting myself relax into her and enjoy the moment.

“Would you like her to be part of our play?”

I took another drink, and thought about it before answering.

“I think so. But not all the time. Sometimes. I’ll leave that up to you, Miss.”

I sighed softly as I felt her playing with the buttons on my sweater, her mouth so close to my ear that I could feel her warm breath.

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“It’s nice,” I mused, continuing my thoughts, “to have someone else know my secret. It adds to… I don’t know. The…?”

“The humiliation. The degradation. You get off on it, don’t you.”

It wasn’t a question, really, but I still felt a need to answer her.

“Yeah, I do. I’m still coming to terms with that…”

She continued to stroke me through my panties and slowly undoing my buttons until my sweater was open, exposing my bra. By now I was panting softly and letting out soft little whimpers with each brush of her fingers over my exposed flesh.

“And I like treating you like a dirty little slut.”

I moaned softly as she pulled the gusset of my panties aside, exposing my wet needy cunt.

“How badly do you need to come, slut?”

“Really bad, Miss.”

“Enough to make promises you’ll regret later?”

The very thought made my heart pound.

“Yes,” I whispered. “Yes.”

“Good to know,” she said, running her finger up and down my dripping wet slit, parting my lips.

“Amber really is nice. But she has a kink for pain. I think you might too.”

I shivered, remembering the clamps at the park that one time.

“I’m not sure.”

She started playing with my nipple through my bra, brushing and rubbing. It was already rock-hard and sensitive. They both were.

“If I make you come tonight you’re going to let her hurt you a little. Understood?”

What was I getting myself into? Hurt me how much? I really wasn’t sure I wanted to find out. What I did know was I really wanted to come. Needed to come.

“Yes, Miss,” I whispered, letting my eyelids drift down as I lost myself in her soft, gentle, infuriating touches.

“And, if you like it, I might add that to our play too.”

She gave my nipple a playful twist and my intended reply came out as a wordless moan.

“What else will you promise, dirty girl?”

I felt her thumb against my clit and I started rocking my hips up and down, slowly grinding.

“Anything, Miss.”

“You’re going to regret that.”

“I don’t care.”

And I didn’t. A part of me was hoping that she’d push my limits. Get me to promise things that I truly would regret. My thoughts went a little crazy, thinking of all the things I’d fantasized about knowing I’d never experience. Gangbangs. Dungeon parties. Piss parties. My heart was racing as she slid a pair of fingers into my soaked cunt and held them there, not fucking me – making me fuck her.

“I might pimp you out. For money. Like a whore. Would you let me do that? Stranger after stranger fucking you in some cheap hotel room?”

“Yes,” I stammered as she tugged my bra down, freeing my breasts. She wet her fingertips in my mouth before playing with my other nipple, her soft lips brushing against my shoulder. Running her tongue along my collarbone.

“Tie you to your bed and invite a bunch of guys over. Friends. Strangers. It wouldn’t matter. Have them stand over you and jerk off until they come all over you. Your cute little tits…” She gave my breast a playful squeeze. “Your cunt. Your face. All of you. Cover you in cum.”

“Oh, God,” I moaned, feeling my eyes start to roll back in my head as she dug her thumb harder into my clit.

“Take you to a park and tie you up in just your panties and a blindfold. Leave a note. ‘I’m a bad girl. Use me.’ Helpless to-”

I came. Hard. No warning. A pulse of ecstasy burned through me and I let out a cry, my body convulsing, my cunt clutching hard at her fingers, my toes curling. I think I actually blacked out for a moment. I wasn’t sure. She wasn’t done with me, though. Not that I objected.

“Shorts off. Now.”

Lifting my ass off the bed I wiggled out of them as fast as I could, removing my panties at the same time while she removed my sweater and bra. It was a bit of a clumsy frenzy. We both ended up giggling a little. And then I was completely naked.

“Roll over. On your hands and knees facing the other end of the bed.”

I obeyed as quickly as I could, wondering what was next.

“Good girl. Now stay like that.

A moment later she was in front of me, standing as she shed her shorts and then her top. She wasn’t wearing underwear.

“My turn.”

She disappeared for a minute. It sounded like she was getting something from her nightstand. I did my best not to peek. When she reappeared she was buckling a large black dildo in a harness around her hips. Catching my gaze, she gave me a cruel grin.

“You said ‘anything’, Jenny. As long as I made you come. I kept my promise. Now it’s your turn. I am going to enjoy this so much.”

She moved behind me. I tensed but held still. A moment later something landed in front of me. My phone. 

“Why don’t you give Amber a call, dirty girl. Video chat. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

I felt her hands on my hips, steadying me, nails pushing into my flesh hard enough to make me wince. Hands shaking, I called, feeling the head of the dildo pushing slowly into my sopping cunt just as Amber accepted my call.

“Hi Jenny!”


Amber had a knowing grin on her face. My voice was obviously shaky.

“Nice tits. What are you up to?”

I realized she could see more than my face. Probably my whole upper body.

“I’m at Violet's…”

A wicked smile played across her face. “I guessed. She let you come?”

“Yes,” I admitted, knowing I was blushing. Violet pushed the cock deeper into me so that I could feel her up against my ass. It was big, but not too big. Still, I couldn’t keep from groaning.

“So cute. Where is she?”

“She’s here…”


“Tell her what I’m doing, slut.”

“Yes, Tell me. Slut.”

I let out a sharp yelp as she smacked my ass cheek. Hard. Heat spread through my tender flesh. Pain, too. It hadn’t been meant to be gentle.

“She’s fucking me. Using a strap-on.”

“Hot. I bet you like that.”

“Yes,” I admitted. And I liked that Amber knew too. That she was a witness to my debauchery.

“She fucking your cunt or your ass, Jenny?”

“Cunt…” I let out another moan as Violet began moving slowly back and forth. In. Out. In. Fucking me slower, each time a little harder. A little faster.

“Tell her what you promised. Earlier. If I let you come.”

“Yes. Tell me Jenny. What kind of promises did you make?

I paused, trying to remember. I’d been so lost in lust that I wasn’t sure… and then I remembered…

“I told her that I’d let you… hurt me. If you wanted,” I mumbled, earning me another spank, this one even harder. I let out another yelp.

“Quit mumbling.”

“I told her that you could hurt me.”

I watched Amber’s eyes light up, a smile as cruel as Violet’s pushing the corners of her lips up as she ran her tongue over them, showing off her perfect white teeth. I shivered, wondering what I had gotten myself into. I’d meant it when I’d said Amber was nice but suddenly I was a little afraid of her.

“I can’t wait. Ask her to fuck you in the ass for me.”


“Ask her,” she said, this time more forcefully.

“Amber wants you to fuck me in the ass…”

Amber wanted that, not me. It was the last thing I wanted. The cock felt big in my pussy. What was it going to feel like in my tight little asshole?

“And what do you want, dirty girl?”

“I… to make Amber happy?”

“Say the words.”

“I want you to fuck me in the ass, Miss. Please.”

“Good girl.”

I shuddered as I felt the tip of the dildo against my pucker, doing my best to relax into it. It wasn’t easy. At least it was wet with my juices. She began to lean into me, pushing it into me. Slowly. Gently. Just like she had with my cunt. At least at first.

Amber watched intently. I wondered if she was playing with her pussy. I couldn’t tell. I kind of hoped she was.

“Oh, god.”

It hurt. Not unbearably, but enough. She kept pushing, stretching me out, until it was all the way in. Then she just kept it there.

“She doing it?”

“Yes. It’s all the way in. It hurts.”

“Good. It should.”

I just groaned, panting as she pulled out, whimpering as she pushed back in, creating a rhythm. Fucking me while Amber watched, or at least watched my face.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make it fun for you,” she told me.

“Make it? Make what?”

She laughed. It didn’t sound cruel this time. She sounded… nice again.

“Whatever I do to you. I’ll make sure you come. A lot. I can’t wait.”

Jenny began fucking me in earnest, driving her fake cock into my ass with a vengeance. I couldn’t help myself. I started to beg, drool spilling over my lips and onto the bed.

“Omg, please. It hurts.”

“That’s kind of the point. Do you want me to stop?” She actually paused, as if waiting for my answer. A soft sob escaped my lips. Did I? It hurt. A lot. More than I could take, though? And Amber was enjoying it. I think Violet was too. It was hard to tell.


“No what, Jenny?”

“No. I don’t want you to stop. Please don’t stop.”

“Good girl.”

She resumed fucking me, pushing me to my limits but never over. I can’t say I enjoyed it. I can’t say I didn’t, either, especially when I heard her moan with pleasure and then, a moment later…

“Fuck. I’m going to come.”

She drove it into me, hard, one last time and kept it there. I could feel her grinding against me, her hand on her pussy. I think she had her fingers shoved inside. She was shuddering. Shaking. And then she was coming.

“That was awesome,” Amber said, her own voice shaky. I could l could tell she was on the verge too. A moment later she went over the edge with a guttural moan, coming while I watched her face. God, she was beautiful in that moment. I hoped I looked half as good when I was coming.

A few moments later she smiled. Clearly still recovering.

“Thanks for the show. We’ll talk later. Bye!”

The screen went blank, leaving me alone with Violet, her strap-on still shoved into my ass…

I spent the night, cuddled up with her in her bed. My ass was still sore but I’d got to come. And I’d made Amber and Violet come too, which was just as important. At least to me. Remembering my promise I couldn’t help but ask.

“When she… When… Will you be there?”

“When she what, Jenny?”

I know she knew what I was asking. She just wanted to hear it.

“When she hurts me, Miss. Will you be there?”

“Do you want me to?”

I was silent for a long time. She didn’t push, simply let me sort my thoughts out.

“I don’t know.”

“Then I don’t know either.”

We left it at that, both of us too tired to talk about it, but it was in my thoughts when I finally drifted off to sleep. And in my dreams after I finally did.

Written by sprite
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