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The next morning felt awkward. At least at first. I’d spent the night at Violet’s place. She’d even made me breakfast, never mind that it was a bowl of cereal and a banana. And then she’d left for work telling me to lock the door when I left.

I could have snooped. I was tempted. It felt wrong, though, so I just showered, dressed, and went home with my thoughts on our conversation the night before. I thought about calling Amber but decided that would be awkward too. If she wanted to talk, she’d call me. I did take a minute to text Violet.

Thank you.

That was it. I think it was enough. She responded after a few minutes with a text of her own.

YW, dirty girl.

I smiled at that. Things felt ‘normal’ again. I could get on with my day and think about stuff that didn’t have to do with being fucked in the ass with a big black dildo or second-guessing promises I’d made, wondering if I was going to regret them. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself a little. Probably. But it was way too late to do anything about it now.

Violet and I hadn’t really established a pattern. She texted me when she wanted to see me. I went to the drive-thru when I wanted to see her. It didn’t mean I didn’t think about her constantly. Just that I didn’t want to overdo it, I guess. Sometimes I overthink things.

She didn’t contact me the rest of the day. Most of the next, either. Not until that evening.

8558 W.Norton. 20 minutes. Don’t keep me waiting. Or else.

I did my best not to panic. I looked it up. If I left now I’d make it. No time for a shower or make-up or even a change of clothes. I hoped she appreciated PJ bottoms and a sweatshirt. Slipping on a pair of sneakers I grabbed my keys and wallet and ran out the door, not wanting to find out what ‘or else’ meant. Pushing the speed limit and making some questionable decisions with yellow lights I made it in 19, my pulse racing as I pulled into the driveway and hurried to the front door.

The house was small. A cottage, really. It was in a nice neighborhood. I had no idea who lived here. All I cared about was being on time. I rang the bell and waited, half expecting one of her games. Like not answering the door right away. At least that would give me a chance to catch my breath.

It wasn’t Violet who opened the door. It was Amber. The last time I’d seen her was while I was being fucked up the ass. I’d watched her come shortly after.  She looked stunning. Unlike me she’d had time to dress up. A black dress that buttoned up the front. Black stockings and leather ankle boots. The dress was short enough that I knew she was wearing a garter belt. And the dark make-up she wore did wonders for emphasizing her gorgeous eyes.

“Hi Jenny. You made it.”

“Barely,” I said, stunned by her appearance. Dominatrix light. My heart beat a little faster. “Violet didn’t give me much time.”

“I think she likes keeping you off balance. Come in.”


She laughed, shaking her head, her loose curls bouncing. “It’s okay. Violet’s inside. I think she’s picking out something to watch.”

“Probably porn,” I murmured, feeling the heat creep into my cheeks.

“Definitely porn,” Amber verified as she took my hand and led me past the living room into her bedroom.


“Hello, Miss.”


Like Amber, she’d gone to the trouble of dressing up. Shiny PVC pants and bra and Doc Martens. Lesbian chic. 

I glanced around. The bed seemed the best choice. I sat on the edge of the footboard. Brass rails. I couldn’t help but think about how useful they might be in certain situations. I began to wonder what was going to happen now that I had a chance to relax, aware that my nipples were already hard and my pussy was wet. I know what I wanted to happen.

Violet joined me, having already picked the evening’s entertainment, taking over the bed, treating it like it was her personal throne, her back to the matching brass headboard. Amber positioned herself next to her friend, her legs crossed at the ankle, both of them pretending to ignore me. I knew it was pretense since they’d glance over at me every minute or so. It soon became a game to see if I could catch them and I started to relax a little.

“We have time to watch a movie before we go. Just to get into the mood.”

Go where, I wondered? Dressed like that? Out clubbing maybe?

“She’s a little overdressed for it,” Amber replied casually.

Violet turned the full force of her gaze on me, apparently appraising my appearance.

“Strip,” she ordered, snapping her fingers and looking impatient. It didn’t matter that it was Amber’s place. There was no doubt who was in charge. At least of me. I quickly stripped. Any modesty I might have had was gone, at least in the presence of these two.

“What do you think of my bed?” Amber asked as I put my discarded clothes on a chair. I felt like a mouse trapped by a cat as I took another look at it, focusing on the brass rails.

“Perfect for tying someone down?” I ventured.

She merely winked at me in reply as she got up to turn off the lights while Violet hit play on the remote. When she sat down again, she left enough room between them for me. Patting the space between she addressed me as the film began to play, providing the only light in the room.

“Come here. Get comfortable.”            

It was a bondage flick. Violet had managed to find an actress who looked a little like me as the helpless sub being dominated by a dominatrix.

“I like small tits. Yours are much nicer,” Amber commented, making me blush as I simply smiled at her in reply.

“I bet they’re sensitive too.”

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

Violet chuckled. “Feeling shy tonight, Jenny?”

“When am I not, Miss.”

“Good. Perfect.”

I wondered what she meant by that, a little nervous that I’d find out soon enough. I also wondered if it was weird that I liked being naked like this. On display, so to speak. I was kind of hoping that they’d touch me. But they seemed intent on watching the action on screen. Young blonde girl getting tied up and teased and then tormented. A precursor of things to come? Getting me used to the idea of Amber hurting me? My mind began to wander. Hurt me how? That was the question. It had all been left up in the air. Spanking? Whips? Clamps? I know she liked to bite. I know there was some pretty extreme pain porn out there but I’d never really watched any of it. How extreme was Amber? I was tempted to ask. I didn’t though. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

About fifteen minutes into the film Violet nudged me with her elbow.

“Sit up. Straight.”

I spared a glance at her, but kept my mouth shut and did exactly as told. A moment later she was fitting a collar around my throat, buckling it behind my neck while Amber held my hair out of the way. It was leather and had a silver ring attached to the front. Just perfect for a leash, I thought, a soft whimper escaping as she attached a small padlock to the buckle, locking it on.

She chuckled, perhaps reading my mind. Amber merely kissed the side of my head gently then they went back to ignoring me. Another clip began to play. This time the girl on it was being tied to an X-shaped rack by two women and then spanked with a riding crop leaving her ass bright red. I felt my breaths becoming labored as she begged and cried for mercy.

“Jenny has a nicer ass,” Violet remarked.

“I bet it looks better red, too,” Amber replied.

I could feel my pussy dripping and my clit swelling. My nipples ached. I wanted someone to touch them. Kiss them. Suck them. Bite them even. Hard. My breath became more labored and I felt a little lightheaded at the thought of Amber putting clamps on them. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning.

“Enjoying the show?”


“Pause it for a minute, Vee. I’ll be right back.”

She left me alone with Violet who turned over on her side, facing me, her smile ambiguous.

“You’re very pretty.”

“Thank you,” I said, feeling my cheeks burn.

She kissed me then. Softly, trapping me in her gaze. It grew intense, especially when I felt her fingers brushing over my nipples.

“I told Amber she can hurt you. Not tonight though. She wants to savor it, so you can relax.”

I nodded, my eyes never leaving hers.


“Soon enough. I don’t think she can wait too long,” she said, grinning as she resumed her position and Amber returned holding a bowl.

“You get high, Jenny?”

“Not really? I mean, I have, but not a lot. It’s been a while.”

“Well, tonight you’re getting high.”

She handed Violet and me lollipops, keeping one for herself.

“Suck on it. I’m sure you’re good at that,” she giggled.

Hesitantly I put it in my mouth while Violet started up the video again and did the same. It wasn’t bad. The next one had a girl being hogtied and pissed on. Fascinated, I watched and sucked on the candy Amber had given me, wishing they’d give me permission to play with my cunt, not caring if I’d have an audience. The illusion of modesty had been completely stripped away. Eventually Violet nudged me again.

“Sit up. Straight. Give me your hand. Give Amber your other hand.”

This time they each fitted me with a leather cuff that matched the collar around my throat. The lollipop hadn’t kicked in yet. I was wondering when it would. Again, padlocks were threaded through the buckles making sure they wouldn’t come off without the keys which, I assumed, were secreted away somewhere. I wondered if my ankles would be next.

This time they didn’t go back to ignoring me. As I leaned back into the pillows again, Amber began running her nails over my arm. Softy at first, raising goosebumps and then more aggressively, leaving soft pink lines in my flesh. Shuddering, I didn’t object, forcing myself to stay perfectly still as she left her marks on me.

“Just a taste of what I want to do to you, Jenny. It’s going to be delicious.”

I startled a bit when I felt Violet’s hand settle on me, just above my cunt, her fingers stroking my mound soothingly.

“The price you pay for me letting you come.”

“Worth it,” I managed, letting myself drift away a little.

“Just imagine, being tied down on her bed. Helpless as she teases you…”

I whimpered as she brushed my clit with her nail. Just once. Like a promise.

“The teasing will only last so long, Jenny. Eventually I’ll want more. You’ll want more,” Amber continued.

My whimpers became moans as she drew her nails over my shoulder blades and down to my breasts.

“I promised her that I won’t step in. I won’t stop her, no matter how much you plead.”

She ran her finger down along the edge of my cunt lip. Slowly. So slowly it seemed to take an eternity.

“And you will plead, Jenny. I can’t wait to hear you.”

Her nails scrapped over my tit, making a spiral, my nipple at the center, drawing closer and closer. My cunt spasmed, clenching, I could feel my juices building up inside, threatening to spill out all over the bedspread.

“Me too. I’ll be there watching, dirty girl. Watching her make you squirm and scream.”

I felt the first hint of the edible begin to kick in as Violet took my arm and guided it to the corner of the bed. I didn’t fight her, just watched, as she took a short length of rope and secured me to the rail.

“I bet you scream pretty, too, slut.”

I turned my head, watching as Amber did the same with my other arm so that I was truly helpless.

Giggling, Violet kissed the palm of my hand, slowly working her way down, over my wrist and the sensitive insides of my arm until she reached my pits.

“Just a taste, Dirty girl,” she murmured. Her breath quickened with lust as she bit into me, leaving her teeth marks in the meat of my shoulder.

“You won’t be able to stop thinking about it now. When you can’t take it anymore, you’ll let me know. You’ll beg me for it.”

Reaching over she began drawing her nails over my other breast, leaving pink spirals behind, stopping just short of my nipple while Violet attached another cuff. This time around my ankle.

“Oh, god,” I managed, a shudder running through me as she, with my help, spread my leg and tied me to one corner.

“I can’t wait to have you for my own for a night.”

I watched as Amber buckled a cuff to my other ankle and spread me open, securing me as I felt my thoughts going fuzzy as the pot began to accelerate through my bloodstream and into my brain.

“I need to come, Miss. Please?”

They both laughed, Violet shaking her head while Amber kissed my nipple teasingly, her tongue teasing the tip.

“She’s such a whore.”

“Do you know what else she agreed to the other night?”

“Tell me.”

“I’d rather you hear it from her. Jenny?”

“No,” I whimpered, squirming as Amber began to twist and squeeze my nipple and Violet resumed playing with my pussy lips.

“Tell her. Or you won’t get to come for me tonight.”

“Tell me.”

I let out a soft cry as she dug her nails into my sensitive nipple. In a sudden surge of panic I fought against the ropes that kept me spread out and helpless, quickly abandoning my efforts as pointless.

“I told her I…” I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry.

“Go on,” Amber coaxed, this time her voice gentle and encouraging as she released my nipple and rested her hand on my tummy. Thankful, I let out a breath and, my voice shaking, did my best to remember.

“That she would pimp me out. Like a whore…”

While I was making my confession Violet was sliding a pair of fingers into my sopping wet pussy, curling them into me, brushing against my g-spot and driving me to distraction.

“Rent a cheap hotel room and.. oh fuck… let strangers pay to fuck me…”

“I bet she’d make a lot of money off of you. What else?”

I closed my eyes, trying to remember, feeling the high take root in me. When I opened them again Amber had pulled her dress up around her waist and had her hand in her panties, playing with herself.

“Tie me down… like this. Only she’d invite guys over. Lots of them. Let them jerk off on me. Tits. Face. Cunt. All over. Probably make me suck them off too…”

I felt my eyes start to roll back into my head as Violet teased my g-spot again then abandoned it, pulling her fingers from my wide-open pussy and feeding them into my mouth. I began to suck on them, the taste of my own cunt heavenly on my tongue.

“Swallow, Jenny. Fill your belly with your own juices like a good girl.”

When I was done, Amber nudged me to continue.

“Is that it?”

“I told her she could tie me up. At a park. Blindfold me. Naked. Leave a note. ‘I’ve been a naughty girl. Use me.’ Just leave me there like that…”

“You’d let her do that, Jenny?”

“Yes,” I whimpered, meaning it. “If she wanted. I promised.”

“I told you she was a slut, Ambs.”

“Yeah, but she’s so cute. I actually feel a little bad about defiling her.”


“Just a little. It helps that I know she likes it.”

“We should get her dressed. It’s almost time to go.”

Go? Go where? I felt another twinge of panic, muted by the drug in my system.

“Where are we going?”

“Out,” was the cryptic reply, followed by slightly stoned giggles, one of them my own.


Violet requested Stewart. The same driver who’d driven us home the other night and I’d embarrassed myself in front of by masturbating in the passenger seat of his car. Not that he’d minded. There was no way he wasn’t going to remember me.

Of course Violet picked out my wardrobe ahead of time. She and Amber, really. They’d splurged a little, too. Not a lot, but enough to embarrass me. Black latex panties, bra, and stockings and a pair of red pumps that Violet admitted to borrowing from my closet when I wasn’t paying attention. It wasn’t until I started putting them on that I realized that the latex was semi-transparent.

“Amber has a coat you can wear, at least until we get there. If you’d like.”

“Will we be inside?”

“Yes. Most of the night. Or in the car.”

If I hadn’t been a little high I might have requested the coat. But I was.

“I can just go like this if I want, though, right?”

“If you want.”

“I want. I mean, I look good, right?”

“Oh, yeah. You look amazing,” Amber said, kissing me on the forehead. “Collar and cuffs stay on. And Violet’s bringing along the leash.”

“Oh,” I mumbled, glancing from one to the other, slowly nodding consent. Why not?

They sat me in the front seat, of course, much to Stewart’s delight, although he was a little concerned with our destination.

“You girls be careful. Not everyone’s as nice as me.”

“Promise.” I still had no idea where we were going. They’d kept me in the dark. I had an address now, but that was it. It was out of town, I knew that much. About a forty-five-minute drive. I wondered if our driver regretted picking us up. We spent the entire trip laughing and talking about anything that came to mind. Some of it was even pretty risqué. Very risqué. He probably learned more about our kinks than even our closest friends knew. Not to mention our musical tastes, favorite movies, and movie stars, books… pretty much everything. It was kind of nice, really. Just three friends having a good time. Sometimes you need a break from being completely decadent and perverse.

I recognized our destination when I saw the sign. It was rather notorious, after all. Not that it was dangerous or anything. Jupiter. It was a nightclub, one I’d always wanted to go to, but hadn’t really gotten around to it. DJs. A dance floor. Food. Drinks. Even a bowling alley and an arcade. That was the main floor. Downstairs they held special events. It wasn’t every night. Fridays and Saturdays, mostly, and not every weekend. That’s where the reputation came from. Special events were usually adult themed. Very Adult.   

I wondered if something was going on tonight. Of course there would be a separate admission and I was pretty sure it would be pricey.

As soon as Stewart drove off, Violet attached the leash to my collar.

“Don’t want to lose my dirty girl in the crowd.”

Not for the first time I wondered what I’d gotten myself into but I was having too much fun to worry about it. Maybe later.

We discovered, at the door, that tonight was not a special event night. It didn’t really matter. The music was bumping and my inhibitions were low. I’d already halfway forgotten that I was wearing see-through underwear. And nothing else. I was too busy shaking my hips a little to the beat and being a little overwhelmed by all the lights and lasers. The décor had a definite outer space theme to it.

And the people. It was crowded. Not people mashed up against each other, but it was impossible to navigate without rubbing elbows. Or other body parts. I had a feeling I was going to get groped a lot and took comfort in the fact that Violet would always be at the other end of my leash. Somehow, that made it okay.

It was too loud to talk much. I was sure there were quieter places to be. Right now, I was enjoying a night out. I felt mellow and energized all at the same time.

“Let’s get our dance on,” Amber suggested.

“Over there.”

It was a little less crowded in the far corner. Plenty of space for us to dance. Amber led the way followed by my Miss with me in tow.

We danced. Like I said, inhibitions were shed. At first I was content to just bounce up and down. When the DJ changed, though, the music became a little more… sensual. And so did I. Violet and Amber noticed, of course. As did most of the people around us. Guys and girls both.

“Take my leash off?”

“I don’t want to lose you, Jenny.”

“Please? I promise I won’t get lost.”

“Wait, first, I have a present for you,” Amber whisper shouted in my ear. “Hold still for a minute.”

She and Violet backed me up against a wall, shielding me from the dance floor so that Amber could slip something into my panties and then into my pussy, taking a few moments to adjust it before letting the latex snap back into place.

“There. Been dying to try it out. How does it feel?”

“Nice. Weird? What…” She pulled her phone out then. “Bluetooth. Almost forgot to activate it.”

“Oh.” I stood there, my mouth hanging open as I felt the beat of the music vibrating inside of me. Inside my pussy.

“I can change the setting. Let me know if you get tired of this one. It’s on low so it will just make you super horny. I don’t think it will make you come?”

“That’s kind of cruel, Ambs. Even to me.”

“I know,” she giggled. “She’s going to be desperate to come all night. And don’t you dare take it out, Jenny, or I’ll spank you right here in front of everyone.

“Like that’s a deterrent for her. She’ll get off on that.”

Amber just shrugged, grinning as she kissed me on the nose. “Promise me.”

“I promise.”

My fate sealed, I started dancing again, welcoming the occasional touches bestowed upon me by the girls, eventually I got more daring and danced with others, though I was careful not to stray too far from my companions. I didn’t want to worry them. Besides, I felt safer that way. Still, it was such a turn-on to be touched by total strangers with the vibe buzzing softly inside my cunt. I was probably a little out of control, but I wasn’t very concerned about it. Eventually, though, Violet reeled me in.

“We’re going to take a break. Get some water. Maybe mess around in the arcade,” she told me, reattaching my leash.

“Okay. I really need to come.”

That made her laugh. “I’ve created a monster.”

“A come-monster,” I said with a giggle.

The three of us headed towards the arcade, pausing to buy water. I was parched, although I hadn’t realized it until now. All that dancing in a warm crowd. Not to mention I’d been leaking pussy juice for the past hour. Thankfully, Amber was giving me a break, turning it off for now. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. A little of both.

“It’s fun. You should try it,” I told Violet.

“Maybe later.”

The arcade wasn’t as crowded. It wasn’t empty either. Nor quiet. Full of flashing lights and a variety of electronic noises, music, and voices, it was a little overwhelming at first.

“Not really good at this,” I admitted. “It’s been years and then it was only for birthday parties.”

“It’ll be fun. And you’re allowed to suck,” Amber reassured me. “If you decide you hate it we’ll go do something else.”

“Okay. I guess.”

Again, I drew a lot of attention. With the splashy lights it didn’t take long for people to figure out that my skimpy outfit was see-through too.  It didn’t help that I was being led around on a Leash by another girl.

“I’m kind of hot, aren’t I?” I told Violet.

She kissed me. It was a nice kiss. A lingering kiss that told me everything I wanted to hear without a word being said.

“Hottest girl here, Jenny.”

“I’m kind of high, too.”

“I know. That’s why I don’t want you getting lost,” she chuckled.

“I’ll keep my leash on.”

“That’s my good girl.”

It didn’t take long before I started getting bored.

“We could go bowling.”

“I guess.”

“What do you want to do?”


I paused, thinking about it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I just didn’t know if I should say it.

“I want to… be… a dirty girl?”

“I thought so. Let me think about it. I’m a little high, too.”

“And hot,” I added shyly.


Violet’s imagination when it came to humiliating me knew no bounds. In less than ten or fifteen minutes she’d talked to a bouncer about dress codes and convinced one of the other guests to give her a pair of her black stockings before having a hushed conversation with Amber.

“Take your top off for me.”


“It’s not up for discussion.”

She held out her hand and waited, her expression impatient. Fearing the consequences of keeping her waiting I took off my top and handed it over before covering myself with my hands. She promptly slapped the back of one hand.

“Behind your back. Fingers clasped.”

Holding in a resigned sigh I did exactly as I was told, a thrill going through me as I realized that we were being watched.


Amber stepped up behind me and kissed the back of my head before carefully rearranging my collar so that the leash was trailing down my spine.

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“Relax, Jenny,” she said into my ear as she maneuvered my hands as far as they would go, towards my head. I’d always prided myself on being limber. Right now, though, it seemed like a curse.



She started wrapping the leash around my crossed wrists and through the rings of my cuffs, tugging so that my arms were forced even higher.


“Not really, no,” I admitted, wincing a little as she gave them another tug.

“Good. Just a little higher. Hold your breath.”

I tried, but failed as she gave another sharp tug, forcing them even higher behind my back.

“Hurts a little?”

“Yes,” I said, concentrating on breathing as she finished tying the leash in place and started playing with my hair, pulling it back, away from my face, behind my ears.

“Maybe I should give you another lollipop?”

I almost said yes. Almost.

“One is good.”

“This might help, then.” I felt the vibrator come to life inside me. Not to the beat of the music. She’d changed the settings, apparently. I let out a soft whimper born of both pain and pleasure.

“Thought so.”

A moment later Violet was kissing me. Just a soft brush of lips against mine. Teasing me. A moment later she was using the borrowed stocking to cover my eyes, trying it off behind my head. I wasn’t completely blind. I could see lights. Dimly. Especially the brighter ones. And shapes. Sort of. That was about all, though. It was disorienting.

“You told me you wanted to be a dirty girl, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Miss,” I said, regretting it a little as I felt the scrape of nails down my back. Amber’s? I couldn’t really be sure. Probably?

With my sight almost completely gone my other senses seemed to intensify. Especially my sensitivity to being touched. It didn’t help that I think I was hitting the peak of my high. It seemed like it had gotten warmer, despite being only dressed in panties and stockings. Latex, though. If I could have I would have taken them off.

“Miss?” I called out, hoping she was nearby.

“I’m right here. For now.”

“I… can I take my stockings off? I’m getting kind of hot. Maybe some water, too?”

“Of course.”

“Panties too?”

“You really want to show everyone your cunt?”

I thought about it before nodding.


“I think that might bend the dress code a little.”

“I don’t care.”

“Maybe later, Jenny. I think the rules relax after midnight. It’s only ten-thirty or so.”



Gripping my bicep she steered me… somewhere and helped me to sit down. My pumps came off. Then the stockings. Where they went I have no idea. Then she was holding a water bottle to my lips. I drank greedily. A good portion of it missed and spilled down my chin and onto my tits. It felt wonderful so I didn’t stop, not until the vibrator kicked in again. Breath catching, I stopped drinking, letting her pour the rest out onto my chest until it was dripping down my legs.


“Better,” I managed, pressing my thighs together as I felt the intensity rising. Was she going to make me come? Here? In front of everyone? I hoped so…

It shut off suddenly, leaving me on the edge of frustration.

“No,” I whimpered, forgetting to breathe for long enough that I felt light-headed. Apparently they thought it was hilarious.

“Bet I could beat her bowling right now,” Amber quipped, breaking into giggles again. I guess I wasn’t the only one beginning to peak.

“I want to dance some more,” Violet declared.

“Me too.”

Either the club was filling up or I was being slowly led out into the crowd. The music changed again. A little more energy. I felt my blood pumping, pulse racing, the excitement of the crowd, the music, and my predicament counteracting the effects of the pot. I felt high, but not stoned. Not like I was used to from previous experiences…

I wasn’t completely disoriented by the blindfold. I could see just enough to not run blindly into anyone or anything. I could see shapes. I could tell when someone was in front of me. I just couldn’t tell who. Apparently my tits were up for grabs. Literally. Not sure if Violet or Amber were responsible or if people were just taking advantage of having a topless girl in latex panties in their midst. I didn’t really care. I decided I liked being touched, groped, and fondled. I danced, moving slowly.  It wasn’t easy with my arms secured behind me and I didn’t want to fall over. And I enjoyed the brush of fingers and hands on my body growing bolder as people got the hint that I was okay with this. That I welcomed it.

Not just my tits, although they seemed to be a prime target, especially my nipples. Up and down my arms, too. Along my side. Tracing my ribs. My cheeks. My hair. Someone ran their finger along the edge of my panties, bringing me to a stop, closing my eyes and enjoying the sensation. I thought for a moment that they were going to peel them off. Hoped they would. No such luck. Must not be midnight yet...

Someone kissed me. It wasn’t either of the girls. Not unless they’d grown stubble. I kissed them back, welcoming their tongue inside my mouth. Sucking on it. Gasping softly as the vibe started up again like a shock to the system. My cunt was flooded. I was going to make a mess when I finally took my panties off.

My nipple was kissed. And then, when I didn’t object, sucked on. I let out a lust-filled moan, desire making it harder and harder to think. Pure sensation.

Nails scraped my thighs. Amber? I couldn’t tell. I shuddered, ecstasy spreading through me just as the vibe was rudely shut off right before it overwhelmed me. So close to coming too. Maybe next time. Or the time after that. Eventually.

“It’s eleven thirty, dirty girl.”

Violet’s voice, teasing me. I’d lost all track of time. I just wanted to dance and be touched.


She held the bottle to my lips and I drank, suddenly realizing how thirsty I was, finishing the entire bottle, most of it going down my throat. Some of it down my front.



“Going to make you have to pee…” she told me, popping the ‘p’.


Laughing she helped me drink more, this time in smaller swallows. I downed most of it.

“Having fun?”


I didn’t even have to think about it. At times I had my doubts about what was happening. How much my life had changed since meeting Violet. How she’d opened the doors to feelings I wasn’t sure ‘normal’ people had. How much getting off, sexually, had become so much of a focus… but right now? I liked who I’d become. I was having fun.


The next thirty minutes went by fast. Unexpectedly fast.

“Come on. I need to pee. You probably do too.”

In the worst way now that I was thinking about it. Meekly, I let her guide me to, presumably, the restroom.

“Is Amber here too?”

“Right behind you, Jenny,” she replied, squeezing my ass cheek playfully.

I was surprised it was wasn’t crowded. Hard to tell, of course, being unable to see clearly, but didn’t even have to wait to find a stall into which we all managed to fit. It was a nice place. Maybe the stalls were a little roomier than usual?

“Help her out of her panties while I empty my bladder, Ambs.”

Always in charge, even with Amber. I smiled a little, shifting from foot to foot. I really did have to pee, especially when I heard a stream of piss hitting the water. That just made it worse.

“Stand still,” Amber told me. “Damn.”


By the time Violet was done, she’d undressed me and fished her vibe out of my pussy. I was naked. It felt good. Amber went next. Then me. I barely made it, almost wetting myself as I was being helped to sit, my arms aching. It felt orgasmic. When I was done, Violet took pity on me and loosened the leash, much to my relief. I don’t think I could have taken it much longer.


“Better. Thank you.”

“Jenny? What are you, Jenny?”

I was still sitting on the toilet. One of them was caressing my hair gently. I think it was Amber.

I only hesitated a few seconds before answering.

“Your dirty girl, Miss?”

I did my best to smile up at her, not quite knowing where she was.

“What else?”

This time Amber asked the question. This time I didn’t hesitate quite as long.

“Your… good girl?”

I was rewarded with a soft kiss on the top of my head from Amber - I was sure of it – while Violet released me from my bondage, removing the leash completely.

“Listen to me carefully, Jenny. I want you to pay attention.”

Violet’s voice took on a serious tone.

“Yes, Miss.”

“Amber and I are going to go hang out in the arcade. We’re going to leave you here. You’ll get it once your eyes are uncovered. Stay as long as you want. When you’re ready, come find us. Is that clear?”

“Okay? I guess?”

She ran her hands over my tits, playing with my nipples, tweaking and twisting them until I let out a soft cry of pain. 

“Tonight is all about having fun. Wait until you hear the door close before you take off your blindfold. Lock it behind us. Understood?”

Amber pushed her hand between my thighs from behind, cupping my pussy, stroking me like a pet, getting my cunt all over her fingers and palm.

“See you in a while, pretty girl.”

They left me like that, Naked and aroused and hungry for more. I waited until I heard the door close before removing the stocking, locking the door behind them before getting my first real look at the stall…

It was more of a room. A very small room, but a little larger than a bathroom stall. There was a toilet, a small sink, and a small table with a box of condoms on it. And me. Like the club it had been decorated in an outer space theme. The walls were black, or maybe really dark blue, and decorated with stars and planets that glowed in the dark. Not that it was dark. There was a blue light bulb on the ceiling which gave off an eerie-looking light. They’d taken my panties with them, of course. I wasn’t at all surprised by that. Once I’d adjusted a little to being able to see again, I noticed that two of the planets on either side of the toilet had words on them. ‘Glory Hole.’ And that they had hinges like a small door.


I suddenly got it. Curious, I got down on my knees and opened one, wanting to see what was on the other side. Nothing, at least at first. It was dark, though, so it was hard to tell. I left it like that, sitting back on my heels, waiting to see what happened. I’d watched enough porn to have a good idea what to expect. I wasn’t disappointed. Before too long the head of a cock appeared. And then the rest of it, bobbing up and down.

I giggled, not sure what I was going to do at first. I glance at the table. Suddenly the condoms made sense. I could suck him off or let him fuck me. Or just ignore him. Violet hadn’t said anything about coming. Just that tonight was about having fun…

Wrapping my fingers around it – him – I began to stroke. Slowly. Gently. I felt it twitch. Music from the club bled through the walls, so I’m not sure if I heard him moan or not. Leaning forward, still on my knees, I wet my lips and kissed the swollen head, and continued to stroke. Growing more daring, I opened up my mouth and wrapped my lips around it, teasing him with my tongue. That time I was sure I heard him groan.

I felt so dirty. I was kneeling on the floor, naked, sucking on a stranger’s cock. I couldn’t even see his face. He might have been ugly, for all I know. It didn’t matter. He had a good-looking cock. I kept stroking, taking more and more of him, letting my mouth fill with saliva. With spit. He pushed himself against the wall on his side. The hole was big enough for his balls. I started playing with them, taking more and more of him into my mouth, humming, hoping the vibrations felt good, reaching down between my legs and playing with my pussy as I gave him head. I was so turned on that I was dripping on the floor.

I didn’t get much warning when he came. Just enough to pull back so that instead of blowing his load in my mouth he came on my face. Mostly on my mouth. I could feel his cum dripping down my chin and onto my tits as he pulled out, his cock suddenly gone, getting what he’d wanted while I smeared his jizz all over my tits while licking my lips clean, tasting his salty cum. I felt like a whore and wondered if there’d be more.

It wasn’t long before an eye appeared. Checking me out. I guess he approved. His cock was a little thicker than the first one. I didn’t waste any time taking it into my mouth and sucking, one hand still between my thighs as I gave him a blow job. This time I let him cum in my mouth, letting it spill down my front afterwards. The next one I swallowed…

By then I was so horny that I had to stop touching myself or I’d come. As much as I wanted to, something inside of me wanted to work myself until I was so desperate I’d do anything. That’s when I’d go find Violet and Amber…

I kept count. Not sure why. I just did. Half a dozen, their cum all over my face and tits, some of it trickling over my tummy. My hands smeared with it. I got more adventurous after that. I let the next one grope my tits and then fuck them while I squished them together around his cock until he spurted all over my throat. I let another finger my pussy before pushing his ass up against the hole so I could lick his asshole. After that I let one fuck me with a condom then asked him to watch as I emptied it on my hair, letting it drip on my shoulders. I was out of control and I loved every minute of it. I was thinking Violet would be so proud of me.

One more, I decided, and then I’d go find them. Black guy. The second of the night. I let him fuck me too and then let him watch as I upended the condom into my mouth and swallowed his load.

“Give me your hand.”

Curious, I reached through the hole and let him write something on my forearm. Name and number. Then he too disappeared.

There was a mirror above the sink. I was a mess. Cum all over my face and down my front. My hair wet with it. Violet said things got more adult after midnight. I wasn’t sure how adult so I did my best to wash my face and tits before leaving. It wasn’t perfect, but I didn’t really want it to be.

They hadn’t left anything to wear. I hoped it didn’t take too long to find them. I really needed to come. I wasn’t the only one topless by then. I was the only one bottomless as far as I could tell, though, and got plenty of looks. Plenty of touches, too, making it harder and harder to think as I tried to remember where the arcade was. Near the bowling alley. Wherever that was. I could have asked if I’d thought about it, but I didn’t. I was still high, not to mention out of my head with lust. I needed an orgasm in the worst way.

I must have looked as lost as I felt. Someone came to my rescue. I think she worked for the club.

“You okay, honey?”

“I’m supposed to meet my friends at the arcade. I’m not sure where it is?”

“I can help you with that. You want something to wear?”


I wondered if rescuing naked sluts happened a lot, since she had an extra tee. She handed it to me and waited until I put it on before taking me to the far side of the club. I’d been going in the wrong direction the whole time.

“Want me to stay with you?”

I shook my head. “No thank you. Thanks. That was nice of you.”

“Don’t mention it,” she said, shaking her head at me, although she smiled as she did it. “Happens all the time. Have fun and try not to get lost again.”

Violet and Amber were playing something called Gamma Ride. It was very bright and very loud and involved shooting things.

“There’s my girl. Enjoy yourself?”

I nodded, letting her enfold me in her arms. It felt nice although I wasn’t used to this kind of affection, at least not from her. I wanted to stay like that forever.

“How are you feeling?”

“A little tired,” I answered truthfully. “And I think my high is wearing off…” paused, my mouth close to her ear. “I didn’t come. I really need to.”

“Of course you do,” she chuckled. “Maybe I should call a ride so we can take care of that?”

“Please,” I pleaded, not caring how I sounded.

“I’ll see if we can get Stewart again…”

Amber finished up her game while Violet requested a ride.

“What’s this?” she asked, examining my arm.

“Last guy left me his number. I think?”

“Tell us all about it, Jenny,” Amber said.

“Not yet. Save it for the ride home.”

By then I would have agreed to anything.

“Yes, Miss.”


We piled into the car. Stewart again. This time Amber rode up front while Violet pulled me into the back seat. I was still wearing the borrowed top, but that’s all. They hadn’t returned my bra and panties, which meant it was easy for Violet to play with my cunt while we drove, keeping me aroused and horny. And desperate.

“Okay. Tell us now, dirty girl.”

I glanced at Stewart who seemed to be paying as much attention to the rearview as he was to the road. I started hyperventilating a little, especially when Amber reached behind her seat and started running her nails over my naked leg.

“I had fun…”

“What kind of fun, Jenny?”

“I… I’ve never done that before.”

“Why don’t you pull over for a minute for this, Stewart.”

He simply nodded, looking grateful, his eyes gleaming with unspoken thoughts.   

“Done what?”

I smiled shyly as he pulled off the road and into a secluded parking lot. The store was closed and there were no other cars. It was dead silent, everyone’s eyes expectantly on me.

“Go on, pretty girl.”

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I tried to gather my thoughts. Not easy to do when someone is stroking your increasingly wet cunt.

“Done a glory hole?” I don’t know if it’s possible to die of shame. When I opened them again to Stewart staring at me I think I might have come close.

Violet simply kissed me on the temple then made a face, chuckling.

“You have cum in your hair.”

“Should have seen me before I cleaned up…”

“I wish I had.”

Ignoring her, or at least trying to, I went on, addressing Stewart, but aware of the other two.

“There were two openings. Amber and Violet left me there. Alone. Naked. I was curious so I looked through one. It was too dark to see anything…”

I went on, describing what I’d done. How I’d sucked the cocks of strangers and let them cover me with cum. How I’d swallowed some of it. How I’d let a couple of them fuck me and how I’d given one of them a rimjob. Of how desperate I’d been and how I’d felt while I was doing it. Violet never stopped petting my cunt. She even pushed her fingers into me and finger fucked me a couple of times. Amber covered my legs with pink lines, making me lose my concentration more than once. As for Stewart…

“You girls are something else.”

I knew he was hard. How could he not be? I was surprised he hadn’t shoved his hand down his pants so he could stroke himself which was exactly what I wanted to do.

“Then I came and found you. I got a little lost. I think I still am,” I admitted, shrugging, my smile shy.

There was silence for half a dozen heartbeats. I could practically hear the beating of my own heart. It was pounding that loudly. I wasn’t surprised when Violet broke it. Just by what she said.

“Remember when you promised I could pimp you out, Jenny?”

I nodded slowly, eyes wide. I was sure I looked like a deer in headlights at the moment.

“If my whore gives you a blowjob, would it cover the ride home?”

Stewart looked as shocked as I felt. It looked like he was thinking it over. Eventually he answered.

“If she wants?”

“It’s not about what she wants. It’s about what I want. Her cunt belongs to me. Doesn’t it, Jenny?”

I felt her fingers pushing into my pussy again claiming it with the promise of an orgasm. It was really about what my pussy wanted, not that I said anything. Instead I just swallowed, nodding, locking gazes with her. Then with our Lyft driver.

“I promised. Besides, I want to. Please let me? I’ll suck you off good. Promise.”

Violet didn’t give him time to answer, leaning across me, unlocking the door. I took the hint, pushing it open clumsily.

“Give me your top.”

Wordlessly I pulled the borrowed t-shirt over my head, and handed it to her while Amber and Stewart watched before circling the car and trying the handle on the driver’s side, giggling a little when I couldn’t get it open. I heard Violet say something. A moment later I heard a click followed by the door being pushed open.

With the dome light on, I could tell he was hard. I could tell he was big, too.

“Unzip your pants. Put your seat back.”

Amber being helpful, glancing at me, her smile turning cruel. I couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking.

It wasn’t massive, but it was big. And thick. What I really wanted to do was impale myself on it. I’d been told to suck him off, though. So that was what I was going to do. I half-knelt, half bent over until I found a comfortable position to take him in my mouth. I wanted to make it last, so I took my time. Only touching him with my mouth, keeping my hands to myself. He was quiet. At least at first. And then he started groaning. Softly. And whispering. The usual.

“Oh, god. Yes. So good. Suck it. Feels so good.”

“Tell her what she is. Go ahead. Tell her,” Amber joined it.

“Tell her what?”

“She’s a whore. A dirty little cock sucking whore. Aren’t you, Jenny.”

My mouth was too full to answer. Thankfully he figured out the game we were playing. Not that it was a game. Not really.

“Suck my cock, you dirty little slut.”

He grabbed my head roughly and started thrusting slowly into my mouth. Unable to swallow, my drool cascaded over his meaty prick. His swollen balls. I was no longer Jenny. I was just some filthy whore sucking off some guy in the front seat of his car. If anyone pulled up right now they’d see me, naked, with my mouth full of cock. 

“That’s it. Fuck her face. Use her nasty little mouth like a cunt. It’s just a fuck-hole. Give her what she needs,” Violet joined the ‘conversation’. “Give it to her hard.”

I gagged as he thrust deeper, filling my throat.

“Fuck her nasty, slutty mouth. Own her.”

He pushed into me suddenly. Violently filling my throat so that I couldn’t breathe. I started to panic a little as he started shooting ropes of cum down my throat with an inarticulate cry. I struggled a little and then I felt him going soft and I could breathe again. A little. Enough. And then he released me. Gasping, I took a deep breath, panting.

“So fucking good,” he murmured, stroking my hair soothingly. Gently. Breathing hard as he recovered.

“She’s earned her money today, hasn’t she,” Violet quipped as I began cleaning his cock, licking leftover cum from his shaft while I locked gazes with Amber, her smile still cruel. I wondered what she was thinking of and when I would find out. Soon, I imagined as she blew me a kiss. Soon.

“I still haven’t come,” I reminded them.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Not uncomfortably so. I think everyone just needed a little time with their thoughts. Violet didn’t offer my tee back and I didn’t ask, riding naked in the back seat enjoying her affectionate touches.

When Stewart dropped him off I offered to blow him again which amused both her and Amber.

“She really is a slut, isn’t she?”

“Maybe next time. I don’t think I could take it right now,” he laughed. “Just make sure there is a next time?”

Violet blew him a kiss and then we were back inside. Back in Amber’s bedroom, once more sitting on her bed.

“You still need to come?” She asked, laughing at my indignant reaction as she pushed me onto my back me back on the bed and took my arm, examining it.

“Eric. 2924457. Help me out here Ambs.”

They tied me down again. Just like before. Spread out on the bed and helpless.

“She’s so cute when she whimpers, Vee.”

“Isn’t she?”

Violet took a picture using my phone. A close-up of my face.

“Let’s see if Eric is still up. Bet he’d like to see who he was fucking.”

I watched in horror as she added a message before hitting send. It wasn’t long before I heard a ping.

“He wants to see your tits, Jenny. What do you think?”

I didn’t have time to reply before she took another picture and sent it off too.


“I thought you wanted to come, Jenny.”

“Oh my god, yes.”

She chuckled as she brushed the hair back from my face carefully. “Then be a good girl, okay?”

I opened my mouth to say something. I’m not sure what. And then thought better of it and just nodded meekly. She kissed me. I wondered if she tasted cum after all the blowjobs I’d given. Probably. She didn’t seem to care. She simply took another picture, this time of my pussy, sending that too.

“Amber? Why don’t you use your new toy on her? I think she’s earned an orgasm…”

I lay there, unable to resist as Violet recorded me laying there, tied to the bed while Amber played with the settings on her phone, turning the vibe up full until I was writhing around on the bed wildly. I didn’t last long. Maybe all of five minutes before I had the first massive orgasm. The next one took longer but was just as intense.

“That’s enough, I think. Sending… “

All I could do was moan, no longer caring.

“My turn,” Amber decided, undressing and then straddling me, her pussy just inches from my face. Instinctively I knew what to do. “So fucking horny right now.  That’s it. Tongue fuck me you little bitch.”

By the time she came all over my face I was worn out. But I wasn’t done yet. There was still Violet to please…

Afterwards they untied me and turned off the light and huddled under the covers together, all three of us, me in the middle.

Written by sprite
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