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Escorting Experiment

"Kim and Helen pretend to be hookers."

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Author's Notes

"This follows on from when Kim persuaded Helen she needed to try anal again in Catching Up. Again, Helen is unreliable where her arse is concerned, omitting the events of Stockroom Surprise. As always, if you enjoy the story, please hit the like and favourite buttons."

Helen knew what was coming even before Kim spoke.

Four days previously, Helen had told her best friend about her first painful anal experience, saying she had hated it. Deep down, Helen knew she was lying. Helen had loved it, though she denied it vehemently - even to herself. After much persuasion, Helen agreed to try again with Kim there for moral support.

Now, the formerly shy and nervous Kim was pressuring her.

"Get your arse fucked!" Kim ordered her. "I'm sure you'll love it the second time around."

Helen didn't dare tell her buxom Japanese friend about the previous day's aborted shopping trip that had filled her backside with cum. Again. And she had loved every filthy moment. She blushed guiltily, knowing she'd enthusiastically do it again.

"I guess," she replied lamely.

Kim laughed. "I know you; you'll just keep putting it off." She sighed, sounding exasperated. "But that won't do. You know I'm away from Friday; it must be before then."

Helen was still not used to this newly assertive girl, though Kim had never procrastinated like Helen did.

Helen knew few men; all of her three sexual experiences had been with complete strangers. "There isn't anyone to do it!"

Kim looked surprised. "I thought you said those rugby blokes from last time would?"

The time before last. Helen looked guiltily at her best friend. "I don't have numbers for them."

"There must be someone you like?"

Helen shook her head. "God, I can't imagine anyone from school. The story would spread like wildfire. I don't know anyone."

Kim shook her head. "I guess not." Kim laughed. "We'll have to hook you up with another stranger then."

Helen blushed scarlet once more. Not only had her riding instructor deflowered her on their first meeting, but her two subsequent anal experiences had been with utter strangers.

"I suppose so."

Kim laughed. "What's with you? I've never seen you blush before."

Helen grinned shamefacedly. "I seem to like strangers."

Kim looked determined. "That settles it, then. Two complete strangers, one each." Kim leered. "And both of them can bugger you senseless."

Helen felt her panties dampen. "I'd better enjoy it this time," she lied. "It can't be around here; everyone knows me," She giggled. "Let's go to London."

Kim frowned. "I don't want to trawl seedy clubs looking for skanky losers."

Helen shook her head. After his last trip to the city, her father had said disgustedly that all the posh hotels were full of high-class tarts.

"That's not what I meant. We'll check into a posh hotel, pretend to be hookers, and pick some randy businessmen up in the bar. Daddy says all the hotels are full of escorts."

Kim blushed, looking excited. "Oh, that sounds fantastic! And I've never been fucked by a stranger; it all sounds so exciting. Let's do it!"

Helen was suddenly afraid. She'd willingly submitted to being bum-fucked by complete strangers, but she had never deliberately planned it. Helen had loved both encounters, but the thought of actively seeking out strangers to invade her bottom was terrifying. She'd never even had the nerve to flirt with boys at school, let alone approach someone for sex.

"I can see you're nervous," Kim said. "Don't worry, I'll plan the whole thing."

Kim looked wistful. "I wish we could include your dad. I'd love him to fuck me again before I go away." She looked at Helen, grinning. "But with you there, that's impossible. So, I guess I'll have to settle for some random blokes, though I'll admit the idea of a stranger's dick inside me has me dripping wet!"

Kim was terrifyingly efficient. Soon, Helen had a hotel booking for the following day, rail tickets, and an email with the plan.

The plan became more complicated when her father suddenly announced he had a meeting in London and they might as well travel together.

Sure, it was convenient, but they couldn't discuss their plans on the train, and she feared she'd give them away.

From the moment she awoke the following day, Helen was torn. Half of her was terrified of approaching strange men, asking for her arse to be fucked. The other looked forward to the intense pleasure of a dick splitting her backside open.

The added worry that her father might work out their purpose meant that Helen was nervous and skittish until they got off the train at Finsbury Park, abandoning her father to his meeting.

Not that she need have worried he'd divine their erotic intent. Her father and Kim could hardly keep their eyes off each other, exchanging covert glances. It was sickening, really.

Twenty minutes by Tube and a short walk later, the girls arrived at their hotel. It was too early for check-in, so they dropped their bags at reception.

"Come on, let's go," Kim said excitedly. "If we are quick, we can be first in the queue at the Gallery."

Helen dreaded her best friend's enthusiasm for medieval art. She had endured many tedious afternoons listening to her friend. But Kim was her best friend, so thirty minutes later, they were in the queue for the National Gallery.

"Do we really have to do this?" Helen asked. "Daddy will never know if we skip it."

Kim laughed. "All part of our cover story. Anyway, I don't care. I love this shit."

Three hours later, even Kim had had enough. After an extended trip to the gift shop, where Kim spent a fortune on books, they slumped in a nearby café sipping tea.

Most of the art had passed Helen by, but she smiled when she realised her butterflies had been banished for a while. Now they returned with a vengeance as she realised that soon she'd have to pick up a stranger and be paid for sex. But I'm not that kind of girl!

To distract herself, she asked, "Why aren't you doing History of Art like Jessica?"

Kim laughed. "Oh, I love the art, but that's too pretentious and all ego and opinion. History is far more satisfying. Evidence-based, if you like."

Ouch! Kim had skewered her own obsession with science. The girls argued frequently over the meaning and worth of evidence. If only science could quell her terror of a simple, if intimate, social interaction: you pay, you get to fuck my arse.

They returned to the hotel and checked in. The desk clerk gave them adjoining rooms and two keys each. Helen noticed him surreptitiously checking them out. The clerk's eyes widened when Kim inhaled deeply.

Their bags were dumped in Helen's room, leaving Kim's room anonymous for their planned escapade, with only some lube left by the bed. Satisfied they were ready, the girls went downstairs for food.

The butterflies in Helen's stomach meant she had no appetite. Scenarios rolled around her head repeatedly, but she couldn't see herself going through with any of her imagined approaches to strange men.

"Something light, I think." She grinned at Kim. "I don't want to be fucked on a full stomach," she said to cover her terror.

She knew all nervousness would vanish the moment she saw a rampant dick, but until then, she was resigned to the churning in her belly.

Helen picked at her meal until Kim suddenly said, "Leave that. It's time to look sexy but slutty."

They changed in Helen's room, as Kim's was empty. The two girls were naked when Kim brandished two butt plugs.

"Wear one of these. It will stretch your arse, ready for action."

Helen had never tried a butt plug. And although she'd gleefully submitted to dicks invading her arse, the idea of pushing a plug inside herself felt gross.

Her cheeks felt hot. "God, I can't! You'll have to help me."

Kim giggled. "Sure. Sit down on the bed."

Helen obeyed and watched her friend rub oil onto a silver butt plug. She craned her neck to watch when Kim approached, pressing the oily plug against her sphincter.

"Relax, or it will hurt."

Helen tried, but it was still painful as she watched her friend force the fat, silver plug into her tight, resisting ring. She gasped when the widest part slipped painfully inside, and her arse clenched around the narrower neck.

Kim smiled at her pained expression. "You'll soon get used to it."

Helen watched Kim grimace as she rammed the other plug into her own backside.

Kim smiled happily. "Come on, let's get dressed now."

Helen had picked out a figure-hugging dress. White and covered with tiny blue stars, it barely covered her bum and stopped at her armpits, showing off her big, perfect boobs. It was only held up by being tight at the waist. A decorative blue bow on a thin blue belt accentuated her narrow waist. The blue matched her eyes, and she wore her long blond hair loose, cascading down her back.

Underneath, Helen wore pretty, pink panties. Her legs were bare except for her white heels.

She checked herself out in the mirror and nodded. She thought the outfit screamed, "Available."

Kim's hair was in an elaborate confection, partly up, with a ponytail. She wore a killer little black dress that hugged her buxom figure, leaving little to the imagination. Like Helen's dress, it was scandalously short.

The black heels made her tiny friend seem taller, accentuating her shapely legs. Helen was envious of her sumptuous body.

Helen was still aware of the plug stretching her arse when they headed for the lifts, but, as Kim had promised, it no longer hurt and felt odd but pleasant.

"You look terrified," Kim said as they waited for the lift. She smiled. "Relax and enjoy yourself, and try to at least flirt a little."

When the lift pinged open, they descended to the ground floor and headed to the bar they had spotted earlier.

The girls sat at the bar on high stools. A barman came over and took their order, asking for ID. Helen grinned. His gaze never reached above chest height.

Helen watched the man pour the drinks. Kim was drinking Sauvignon, her favourite tipple. Helen was so nervous that she ordered a double G&T.

When the drinks arrived, the girls carefully arranged themselves, facing each other with a good view into the lounge bar. Helen felt self-conscious, imagining everyone knew she had a plug in her arse. People came and went, most staying for a single drink. A few prospects sat down, but the girls quickly dismissed them. Too ugly, too young, not rich enough. Finally, when they were on their second drink, Helen spotted two smartly dressed middle-aged men checking them out.

Remembering her friend's advice, Helen smiled at the men. She pulled her shoulders back, thrusting her chest out alluringly and nodded slightly to Kim, who inhaled deeply, careful to give the men a good view of her mammoth boobs.

Sure enough, Kim's pornstar figure had the desired effect. One of the men stood and walked over.

The grey-haired man gestured toward the table where the men sat. "Care to join us for a drink?"

Kim beamed at the man. "Of course."

The girls walked over to the table. Helen tried to swing her hips sexily but thought she had failed. They sat in the low chairs, so Kim and Helen sat opposite each other, between the two men. Both men looked lean and fit. One was totally grey. The other had dark hair tinged with white at the temples.

The grey-haired man introduced himself first, "Hi, I'm William, but most people just call me Bill."

Helen was so nervous she cut across Kim.

"Kim," "Helen," they said simultaneously.

The other man laughed. "And I'm John. Pleased to meet you, ladies."

"What brings you two pretty young things to London?" Bill asked.

Kim laughed. "Oh, the usual. National Gallery this morning, shopping tomorrow." She leered at Bill's crotch. "Sex tonight."

Both men looked shocked. Helen was astounded her previously shy friend was so bold.

John tried to look innocent. "Waiting for your boyfriends?"

Helen giggled, too terrified to speak. Kim stretched languidly again, "In a manner of speaking." She scanned their groins again, which were tented by erections. "For a price, you two can be our boyfriends."

The two men paused, open-mouthed. Finally, Bill spoke, "What do you think, John? They are pretty enough."

John looked back and forth between Helen and Kim, his gaze fixed on their ample chests. "I do like big tits."

Finally, he grinned. "Let's show these young ladies a good time."

Brian popped a small pill and tossed the packet to John. "You might want this."

John read the label and nodded. He swallowed a pill, washed down with beer, leering openly at Kim's massive boobs. Brian grinned lewdly at Helen, his eyes fixed on her crotch, "We have to get our money's worth."

Helen zoned out as Kim chatted seriously with the two men, knowing her best friend was selling her body for intimate sexual services.

Finally, Kim was done. "So, two hours. Any hole bareback, both of you on both of us, repeatedly?"

The girls had decided in advance that this was what they'd allow, but Kim managed to weasel more cash for their services. Helen was astonished at the negotiated price.

The men looked at each other, grinning. "Don't move," Bill said, "we just need to get cash."

John laughed. "Don't worry, we won't abandon you." He looked at Bill. "You go first, then I'll go."

Bill stood and walked towards reception. Kim stood and sat on the arm of John's chair, pressed close against him.

Bill returned a few minutes later. He smiled, glancing at John, who had his arm around Kim, before looking at Helen. "I guess I get to screw you first."

Helen was too terrified to move. She spread her legs, exposing her pink panties. "Fine by me," she managed to whisper.

John disappeared towards the cash machine. When he returned, Kim passed him her room key and whispered the room number. "See you upstairs."

The girls downed their drinks and walked to the lifts. Kim opened her door with her second key.

They waited inside Kim's room for the two men. Helen fidgeted. "God, I'm terrified."

Kim looked her friend up and down. "Why? You've been fucked by strangers before."

It felt so different, deliberately and explicitly seeking them out. "I can't explain. It just feels scary." She paused. "And the money. It makes me feel ever so cheap."

The door beeped and clicked open, and the two men walked into the room.

Bill waved a thick wodge of notes, ostentatiously putting them on the bedside table. "It's all there."

It was a lot of cash! Suddenly, Helen didn't feel so cheap, though she was still ashamed she was selling herself.

When the door closed behind the two men, Kim grabbed John's belt and pulled the man towards her, feeling inside his trousers.

The moment had arrived. Helen knew she had sold her body for sex. I'm not that kind of girl! She froze.

Bill looked her up and down, licking his lips. He reached for the decorative bow on the front of her dress, "I want to unwrap my present."

His words and not wanting to ruin her dress snapped Helen out of her daze. She giggled and quickly turned her back on him. "Not like that; unzip me."

A strong hand groped her boobs. She felt Bill fumble for the zip, and his fingers ran down her back as it descended. The figure-hugging dress was now loose and open at the back. It slid untidily to the floor, leaving Helen wearing pink panties and white high heels. Bill's hot hands caressed her soft backside and then slid around her naked waist and up to tweak her puffy nipples.

Helen was still scared but aroused when she turned to face the man. Her hard nipples pressed against Bill's shirt, and she grinned shyly up at him.

"You've never done this before, have you?" Bill said, sensing her nervousness.

Helen shook her head. "We're only doing it so I can get my arse reamed."

Hands grasped her bum and pulled her cheeks apart. Bill leered. "We'll get around to that, I'm sure, won't we, John?"

John cackled lewdly. "I can hardly wait!"

The two men laughed. "We've never picked up, err ... escorts before, so it's a first for us too," John said. "You two were so obviously gagging for it, and your friend was extremely persuasive. We thought she was a right pro, especially how she negotiated."

Helen looked at her friend. Kim was already naked, wearing just her black high heels. She was on her knees, undoing John's trousers. It was Helen's turn to laugh. "She's usually the shy one."

Helen slowly unbuttoned Bill's shirt and knelt, mirroring Kim's pose. Bill removed his shirt as she undid his trousers. Helen grinned when she heard gobbling next to her. A glance confirmed that Kim had John's dick deep down her throat. When she turned back, Bill was already out of his trousers. Helen massaged his Y-fronts, feeling his hard erection through the fabric. She was slightly disappointed. He wasn't small, but she had hoped for another monster.

Helen grinned up at him as she released his dick. Bill was circumcised, which she'd never seen before. Curious, she bent forward, and her tongue explored his glans. It felt rougher on her tongue and didn't have that shiny, wet look. I prefer uncircumcised. Knowing the man expected it, she took his rigid pole into her mouth, bobbing her head as her hand wanked his shaft.

"Enough," Bill ordered after a few moments. "I want to save my jizz for later."

Helen pulled back and smiled up at him with spit dripping off her chin.

Bill shook his head briefly. "You both look like bloody pornstars. Do you mind if I film you?"

Helen was excited by the idea. "Go right ahead."

She admired his firm bum as Bill walked over to where he had tossed his trousers. He bent over and pulled out a phone.

Helen stood up when Bill walked all around where Kim gobbled John's slimy dick, with his phone pointed at them and recording. "God, that looks so hot," he said when Kim's nose was pressed to John's groin.

Bill turned the camera on Helen. She thrust out her chest proudly. "Take off your knickers," he ordered.

Helen slowly pulled her pink panties down, leaving them around her knees, exposing the wispy, blonde fluff of her pussy. She stood still as Bill walked around her with the camera. "Gorgeous. I can't believe I'm about to fuck you."

She could hardly wait.

Behind her, he said, "Grab your ankles, girl."

Bill gasped. "Fabulous."

She felt a hand push against the butt plug embedded in her arse. A finger roughly probed her slit. "God, you're dripping wet."

Helen heard a groan next to her. "I'm coming," John said.

John's rigid cock was in Kim's mouth. "All over her face," Bill said.

Helen watched as John pulled out, and jizz immediately gushed from his cock, spraying sticky streams of cum all over Kim's pretty face and hair, missing her open mouth.

Bill laughed. "Perfect. Now let's fuck these whores."

A fresh wave of shame passed through Helen. I'm not like that. But it was true. They had sold themselves for sex.

"Get on the bed," John said. "Side-by-side in doggy position."

The girls obeyed. Helen stepped out of her panties and joined Kim on the bed. She pressed tightly against her friend. Kim turned her head towards her, and Helen briefly kissed Kim's cum covered lips, tasting salty spunk.

"I love the butt plugs," John said.

"Never fucked a girl with a plug in her arse," Bill said.

"Me neither."

The bed creaked when John climbed behind them. A finger probed Helen's wet minge, and she heard a sharp gasp from Kim.

Helen looked at her friend, who sighed contentedly as John penetrated her. "That feels wonderful."

John also sighed, "Your cunt is so small and tight. I don't want to hurt you."

Kim giggled. "You're stretching me wide open. Just pound me hard, please."

Bill moved slowly around the bed, still filming. After a moment, he tossed the phone onto the bed. "Fuck it. That'll do for now."

Moments later, the bed creaked again as Bill knelt behind Helen. Two fingers rubbed briefly up and down her slit. A cock nudged rudely at her entrance. She moaned when it thrust hard into her wet minge.

She felt every inch slide past the plug in her arse, stretching her pussy delightfully. Hands massaged her boobs before gliding down her smooth flanks to grab her waist.

Bill sighed. "So fucking tight."

Helen loved the excitement of another strange cock inside her. The sensations as Bill's dick slid in and out, pressing against the butt plug, were fantastic. Her excitement mounted as Bill increased the vigour of his thrusts, and she started panting softly.

Kim's hips rubbed against Helen as her friend was fucked hard alongside. Kim's loud moans told Helen that her friend was also aroused and nearing climax.

She breathed deeply and tried to hold back, wanting to come simultaneously with her bestie. That would be so fucking hot!

Bill grunted with effort as his dick slammed rapidly into Helen's tight minge. "Fucking incredible," Bill moaned. "So tight and wet."

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Kim squealed and moaned louder. "Yes, just like that," Kim sighed.

The excitement was too much. Ecstasy rushed through Helen's body from where Bill's weapon drove into her. "My goodness!" she shouted.

Her pussy rippled around the dick inside her, and she felt her muscles spasm and twitch as she came.

Bill slammed into her, "Not yet, not yet," he muttered.

Again, his rigid cock slammed violently into her. She felt hot cum fill her pussy as Bill groaned. "Damn, your cunt feels so bloody good."

Bill's hips twitched against her, and more spunk flooded into her cunt.

Bill rammed into her one final time, depositing more hot jizz. He slapped her arse. "Good girl."

When his still-rampant dick slid out of her pussy, Helen moved away from her friend so she had a better view of John pounding Kim, wanting to watch her climax.

Helen pressed herself against Bill, who now pointed his phone at where John fucked Kim vigorously from behind.

Kim gasped and moaned loudly as John's wet erection rapidly pistoned in and out of her. Helen fingered herself when the girl spasmed, and Kim's thighs visibly shivered as she came. John's dick continued pounding her.

Bill exhaled slowly. "I'd love a taste of that tiny Asian pussy."

John laughed. "Go right ahead; I'll fuck your sloppy seconds."

The phone was tossed back onto the bed. "I love Asian girls," Bill said. "So small and tight."

When John's stiff cock left Kim's shaved slit, Helen crawled back alongside her so Helen's body pressed against her friend's buxom body.

There were no preliminaries. Helen shrieked when John's fat dick slammed into her pussy. Hands grabbed her hips, and he started slamming hard into her.

Kim shrieked beside her, and Helen felt Kim's hips jolt forward as Bill rammed into her friend.

"I've never fucked anyone as tight as these two," John said.

Bill laughed. "It's like fucking angels."

Helen's arousal slowly mounted as John pounded her relentlessly, feeling his fat dick stretch her and rub gloriously along the thin wall separating it from the butt plug. It seemed an age of blissful hammering before she heard Kim squealing loudly beside her. "Destroy my pussy," Kim moaned.

Helen imagined her friend feeling the same intimately full sensation. Kim's body shuddered next to her, jolting violently with the intensity of her orgasm as Bill's dick rammed brutally into her. "I'm coming," Kim shrieked.

Immediately, Helen's arousal reached a new high, and she screamed with lustful joy. John's dick slammed into her, making her gasp with pleasure. "My goodness, me too!"

Helen felt her muscles spasm. The butt plug popped out of her arse. John's steely weapon erupted, and more cum flooded into her already sodden cunt.

It was a sign! "Fuck my arse," Helen yelled as she came.

John moaned softly as his dick hammered her, ignoring her noisy climax, ejecting more spunk with each thrust. "Patience, slut. Let me destroy your friend's tiny arse first.

He slapped her bum cheeks painfully, sending a lovely tingling through her body. His dick pulled out, still as hard as steel. The pills, she guessed.

She felt her arse where the plug had popped out. It felt dry. Helen grinned; her back door needed lubrication before anyone opened it. She rolled onto her side to watch her friend. John sat back on his heels next to her and also watched Bill pounding Kim's dripping pussy for a few seconds.

After watching a few violent thrusts, John spoke, "Enough of that, let's fuck their backsides." He laughed. "After all, that's what we paid for."

Bill pulled out of Kim's pussy, picked up his phone, and slowly wanked his wet erection with his other hand. "Yes, bum-fuck time."

John lay on his back with his dripping member waving proudly erect. "Come and sit on me, Kim."

Kim stood up. Helen saw that beneath her black triangle of hair, Kim's shaved slit was pink, swollen and slightly gaping. The jewel of her butt plug caught the light, glinting.

Kim straddled the man and was about to impale herself on his dick when he stopped her, "Not like that. In your arse."

Kim giggled and leaned forward, pressing her mammoth tits against John's chest. "Help me out with the plug, Bill, please."

"I'm filming." Bill turned to Helen and pointed. "You do it."

Helen pulled hard on the plug in her bestie's backside, conscious of the prying camera. The plug made a faint popping noise as it reluctantly left Kim's tight sphincter.

She poked a finger into her friend's bottom. Helen reached for the lube and squirted a glob onto Kim's starfish. Kim gasped when Helen worked it in with two fingers. Helen squirted more onto her fingers and reached behind herself, pressing the two fingers into her own back passage.

"That looks so hot!" Bill said.

Helen watched intently as John slowly worked his unbending weapon into Kim's tight butt. Kim grimaced and whimpered as the long dick inexorably penetrated deeper into her arse, but never once did she ask for John to stop. Helen was appalled. Had it really looked so gross and been so painful when she'd done this?

Kim's expression was of deep satisfaction.

"Tighter than her tight twat," John said. "But a good pounding will soon loosen her up."

Kim squealed with obvious pleasure when John started shafting in and out. Helen watched, appalled, as his dick pulled her friend's starfish visibly in and out. Did I look like that?

Bill's phone landed beside her. "Come on, girl. Your turn now. I know this is what you've been waiting for."

Bill lay next to John, their feet next to each other's heads.

"Come on, impale your lovely bottom on me."

Helen needed no further invitation. She straddled Bill's waist, facing him, and slowly sat. He wasn't big enough to be truly painful, so it wasn't long before her weight forced him hilt-deep. She sighed contentedly. Kim faced towards her, similarly impaled.

"Why is it always strangers?" Helen asked her friend.

Kim giggled. "Why ask me? This is my first." She sighed. "I so wish it was your dad inside me."

Helen started a slow, rising trot, letting the fat dick slide slowly in and out. She sighed softly each time she sat, feeling every inch of dick distend her further.

Beside her, Kim rose and fell in sync with her. Kim's enormous boobs were flushed and beaded with sweat, jutting proudly in front of her, hardly even jiggling.

Helen looked down at Bill, grinning. "I love a strange dick in my arse," she admitted.

Bill smiled up at her. "Glad to be of service. Now, fuck me properly."

Helen chuckled. She turned to Kim, who was panting softly and had an ecstatic expression. "Let's canter."

Kim grinned. "Giddy up!"

The two girls sped up, rising and falling quickly. After a few strokes, they were no longer in sync. The feelings inside Helen grew more insistent, and she moaned. "Oh yes, harder."

Beside her, Kim squeaked loudly with each thrust. Her eyes were wide and fixed on John's contorted face. Helen grinned, watching as her friend grew increasingly excited. Kim was yelling now, "Fuck that's good."

Helen leaned forward as she watched her friend climax noisily, letting Bill do the work, slamming his rigid shaft deep into her backside as she watched Kim transfixed.

Kim threw her head back and screamed. "I'm coming." Her thighs shivered, and her muscles twitched. Helen's best friend looked incredible, shuddering in passion next to her.

Helen focused back on the dick embedded in her own backside. Watching Kim had brought her to the edge, so the fantastic sensation of being split open quickly did its filthy work.

"My goodness, yes!" she yelled as she quivered, helpless in the throws of her own anal orgasm.

Bill groaned beneath her. "Your arse is so fucking tight!"

Helen felt a hot flush inside her as Bill's dick twitched, unloading hot spunk inside her as her sphincter clamped repeatedly around it.

She surrendered to the intense feelings that coursed through her body, closing her eyes, rapt with passion.

When she opened her eyes, Kim grinned at her, still impaled on John's cock. "A stranger paid to fuck my arse. So naughty and exciting!"

Helen loved having strangers inside her. But she was ashamed. God, I'm such a whore. "Yes, so exciting."

Helen dismounted and sucked Bill's rigid member. Bill's hands held her on his dick.

"I'm done with this Asian slut for now," John said. "But I'd love to try out her blond friend."

Bill laughed. "Yeah, let's swap hookers."

John turned towards Helen. "Come and sit on me, girl."

She pushed herself away from Bill and quickly straddled John. Helen sank her arse blissfully onto John's fat dick. She leaned forward, pressing her boobs against his chest as he rammed his dick violently up into her backside.

"Christ, I'm buggering an angel. So fucking tight, even after that anal pounding."

Bill laughed. "She exhausted me. I'll fuck the other tart's bum in a few minutes when I've got my breath back. Talk about getting your money's worth."

"Worth every penny."

Helen rode John as hard as she could, aware that Bill was filming again.

"That looks fucking hot," Bill said from behind her. He laughed. "Turn around so we can see your boobs."

Helen had never tried that position. John had stopped slamming up into her, so she lifted herself off his dick and turned around.

Bill stood at the end of the bed with an arm around Kim, who watched, fascinated, her gaze fixed on Helen's groin.

Helen experimented and finally managed to guide John's rigid member back inside her tingling back passage. She was finally comfortable when she lifted her feet onto John's thighs and placed her hands behind her onto his chest.

Helen gasped as John rammed his dick into her bum. "That feels fantastic."

"It looks so sexy," Kim said, her eyes glued to where John's dick pounded her derriere. Kim giggled. "Cum is dripping out of your pussy."

Knowing Kim was watching increased her arousal again, and Helen started moaning softly.

"Lean back," John said beneath her.

Helen lifted her hands from his muscular chest and leaned back so her back pressed against him. She felt John's hands reach under both her knees. His dick slowly pistoned in and out of her bottom as his arms reached up, and his hands grasped the back of her head, forcing it forward uncomfortably. Her knees were forced back by his arms, pressing against her flushed boobs, and her face was pushed forward so all she could see was her crotch.

John rammed his engorged dick hard into her arse.

"So deep!" she moaned.

It was an uncomfortable position, but she watched, fascinated to see her arse penetrated. She couldn't quite see where John's cock entered her, but his slimy shaft was visible. Helen watched as his wet dick slid obscenely in and out of her bottom for a few strokes. "Don't do that. It's uncomfortable."

"It looks fucking hot, though," Bill sighed.

Helen saw Kim nod in agreement. "I don't care," Helen said.

John sighed softly. "Really sorry; I don't want to hurt you. I've just seen it in porn and thought I'd give it a go."

He sounded sincere, and his hands immediately released her neck. Helen adopted her previous comfortable position with her hands on his chest. She giggled. "It didn't hurt; it was just very awkward. Now fuck my arse hard until I come."

John laughed. "Turn around. I want to see your pretty face and those enormous knockers as I pound your arse."

Bill shook his head. "No, don't. Make her come for the camera first."

John sighed. "Okay. Her bum is delicious, but I can't see a bloody thing."

John grunted, and Helen felt every inch of his dick hammer into her arse. "God, you're still fucking tight."

Helen revelled in the pounding she received. She noticed Kim fingering herself, watching Helen being reamed violently. Helen's arousal built quickly, knowing her friend was turned on watching her performance. Helen shouted and moaned loudly, enjoying every fabulous thrust into her burning arse.

Finally, she came violently once more. Her sphincter clamped hard on the dick that hammered into her behind as she thrashed wildly. John wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place. He groaned and brutally slammed his dick into her, holding it hilt-deep as he unloaded. Helen felt his dick twitch as her orgasm ebbed away.

"Fuck me, that looked so sexy," Bill said.

Helen flopped back onto the man, feeling breathless. "I'll turn around in a moment. Let me get my breath back first." She grinned. "I'm sure my arse can take another pounding."

She felt John vibrate beneath her as he laughed. "Fuck me, girl, I'm sure it could, you're so fucking tight. But I'm knackered."

She felt his dick leave her arse. "I think I'm pretty much done," John said, sounding weary. "God, but this is more than our money's worth. Never had such great sex."

Helen was disappointed. All she needed was to catch her breath. She rolled over and lay next to John, lying on her side.

Brian smiled. "Let's take a break and see how we feel. We've still got loads of time."

Kim moved away from John and lay next to Bill on her side with her arm wrapped across his chest.

Brian pushed Helen over onto her back and started exploring her body with his inquisitive hands and probing tongue. It felt marvellous. Helen felt for his flaccid cock, massaging it gently. A few minutes later, she was rewarded as it slowly became hard.

"Do you want two dicks inside you?" Bill asked. "I want to try that, and you seem the kind of girl who would."

She was mortified. "God no, two dicks in my arse is enough."

"I'll do it," Kim said enthusiastically.

"God, you're insatiable," John groaned.

Kim laughed. "Helen, suck this slacker until he's hard, will you? Bill can fuck me hard until he's ready."

Helen laughed and knelt over John. Her fingers toyed with his dick which quickly grew, becoming semi-hard. Helen wrapped her lips around it and started bobbing her head slowly.

Laughter and voices told her that Bill was now in Kim's back passage.

Kim gasped. "Your arse is tiny!" Bill said.

Helen's mouth continued its ministrations until John's dick felt like steel in her mouth.

"Enough," John said.

Helen sat back. Kim gasped as Bill pounded her arse with hard, violent thrusts.

"I've never done this," Bill said. "What now?"

Kim giggled. "Walk me over, hilt-deep in my arse until I'm above John's dick."

Helen watched aghast as Kim crawled, Bill close behind her and balls-deep, until her legs straddled John's hips.

Kim's hand felt between her legs and grasped John's rigid member.

Kim giggled as she shuffled back and forth, trying to position herself. "It looks so easy in porn."

She kept giggling until, finally, John's tip pressed against her shaved labia.

Helen pushed two fingers into her cum-filled minge and played with herself as she watched John's fat dick slide slowly into Kim's pussy, as Kim lowered herself onto him, with Bill's boner still embedded in her arse.

Kim sighed blissfully. "God, I feel so stretched and bloated."

Helen played with herself as she watched the two men, tentatively at first, build up a rhythm where first one dick slammed into Kim's pussy, and then the other into her arse.

Kim's body was sandwiched between the two men, her mammoth boobs pressed against John's chest with Bill behind her, pistoning in and out of her arse.

Her head was turned to the side, so Helen watched her expression intently. Kim's eyes were wide, and she grinned lewdly. "You have to try. So full."

Kim was moaning now. "Harder."

When she thrashed violently, sandwiched between the two men, and screamed incoherently, Helen knew her friend had come.

No sooner had her climax subsided than Kim spoke, giggling, with a dick still embedded in both holes. "I want to try the other way around."

"What do you mean?" John asked from beneath her.

Another giggle. "You'll soon find out. Bill, pull out."

Helen was astonished at her friend. For a girl who'd never watched porn until recently, Kim had a surprising knowledge of the messy mechanics of double penetration. Helen watched, intrigued, as Kim lifted herself off John's rampant dick, turned around so her back was to John, and lowered herself, guiding his dick into her backside.

Kim wiggled her arse. "Ooo, that feels lovely."

Kim leaned back so her back rested on John's chest, with his cock hilt-deep in her back passage. Her knees were up and wide apart. Kim glanced at Helen, grinning. "Your turn next." She looked at Bill. "Now in my pussy."

Bill moved forward awkwardly, positioning himself so he could drive his pork sword into Kim's swollen, pink pussy.

Helen watched as the men became accustomed to the awkward dynamics and reestablished a rhythm, alternately pounding Kim's tight holes.

Both men grunted, and Kim gasped softly when Bill said, "Let's swap. I want to come in her tight arse."

John laughed. "Sure. I want to watch the slut's face when you do."

Moments later, Kim was back in her original position, with John beneath her and ramming into her pussy, and Bill slamming into her arse from behind.

Helen knelt next to where the two men cruelly pounded her friend. Her hand caressed Kim's smooth arse. What must that feel like?

It wasn't long before Kim approached climax once more. She shrieked and moaned, demanding they punish her harder. John's hips left the bed with each thrust, and Bill was sweating profusely with effort.

When Kim visibly shuddered, Helen knew she had peaked. "Fuuck!" Kim yelled.

Bill slammed into Kim's arse. "I'm coming," he shouted.

Helen watched Bill's bum cheeks clench as he squirted spunk into Kim's back passage.

Two hard thrusts later, Bill's balls were drained. "What an anal whore. That was fantastic."

After one final lift of his hips, John sighed. "Yeah. Never fucked anyone so tight for so long."

When Bill sat back, looking exhausted, Helen leaned forward and sucked his dick clean.

Kim looked ecstatic, and Helen knew she needed to feel what it felt like. "Do that to me now," she whispered.

Bill shook his head. "They're bloody insatiable! But no way, my balls ache, and my dick is sore."

John laughed. "Me too, I'm done."

"You've still got a good half hour, but let's call that enough," Kim said. She gestured to the bathroom. "You'd better get cleaned up and leave."

John laughed, walking naked towards the bathroom. "Yes, ma'am, and thank you. I loved fucking both your holes."

Bill walked, naked with his rampant dick waving in front of him, over to where he had propped his phone, "God, this will look so fucking hot."

The two girls sat naked on the bed with cum forming a wet patch beneath them. Brian looked sweaty and flushed as he stood, waiting, staring at the two girls, complimenting them profusely on their performance.

When John emerged, Bill disappeared for his shower. Kim suddenly rose and sat, grinning, in the chair beside the bed, playing with her phone. Helen watched John dress.

When they finally left, Bill put a business card beside the bed. "You were both incredible. If you ever want a repeat, just call me."

When the door clicked shut, Kim looked triumphant. "The idiot was on the hotel Wi-Fi. I ripped that video from his phone but didn't manage to delete it."

Helen suddenly realised how dangerous it had been, letting themselves be videoed like that. She hoped it wouldn't appear on the Internet.

The two naked, cum-soaked girls cackled, grinning at each other.

"That was so much fun!" Helen said.

"Bloody marvellous," Kim agreed. She leered at her friend. "You must be so full of spunk. I got a face full, but then only their dregs."

Helen felt between her legs. Both orifices were soaked. She counted two loads in each hole. "Yeah, I'm dripping with it."

She picked up the card Bill had left, "Philip," Helen read. She laughed.

Helen wrapped herself in a wet towel from Kim's bathroom, not wanting to get her dress stained with cum. She walked out into the corridor, cum still oozing out of her arse.

"See you in the morning," Helen said, "and we'll go and spend our ill-gotten gains."

Kim laughed. "I loved every moment; letting utter strangers use me like that was thrilling. We must do this again," she said as Helen closed her hotel room door.

Helen keyed her adjacent room open. She took a long, thorough shower, paying careful attention to her sore derriere. Afterwards, she flopped exhausted but satiated into bed.

Written by grendel54321
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