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Polo Ponies

"Helen and Miranda are punished after losing a mtach"

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Author's Notes

"This is set a couple of months after Christmas Chukkas, which I recommend you read first. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As always, if you enjoy the story, please hit the like button."

The arena polo match was deep into the fourth chukka, and they were losing by a goal, but Helen had a clear shot. She swung her mallet.

"Damn!" she shouted when the ball sliced off to bang loudly on the wooden boards surrounding the polo arena. It was only a friendly, but Helen was still annoyed. She glanced up at the stands. Sure enough, Angel shook his grey head. She'd be in trouble later. She felt her panties dampen in anticipation. 

Coralito turned and galloped towards the ball. Bruno, her professional, had retained possession, and her childhood friend Miranda rode their opponent's pro off the ball. Helen urged Coralito on, getting between another opponent and the line of the ball.

Bruno took a shot and scored.

"Yes!" Miranda yelled triumphantly.

Helen was relieved. At least they were level now, but she still regretted her stupid bet: Angel would punish them both if they lost. Angel had punished her before, and Helen had loved it. But she wasn't sure Miranda would enjoy the sexual punishment he was likely to inflict. The girl had had a sheltered upbringing, and Helen suspected she was still a virgin. 

After the goal, they swapped ends, and their opponents were in possession. The bell sounded—thirty seconds to go. Helen focused on the match.

Miranda galloped across the field, angling towards the ball in a last-ditch effort to regain possession. Helen saw her try to turn, but she was too late, and Gatsby crossed the line of the ball directly ahead of the girl in possession. The referee blew her whistle.

Helen's heart sank. It was the first penalty they conceded. The ball flew between the posts from the free shot, and their opponents were in the lead again. Moments later, the bell sounded. The match was over, and they had lost.

After handshakes and the obligatory congratulations, their team professional, Bruno, gathered the two girls together and chatted merrily about tactics and how they could improve. Helen was distracted by the thought of the grey-haired but fit old man, Angel. He had punished her several times before, and she loved submitting to his every whim.

A loud cough interrupted her. "Helen, I can see you're not going to be happy until you've seen to Coralito," he said. "You two girls scoot and see to your ponies. I'll finish up here and talk to you both tomorrow."

Helen smiled, thankful Bruno had taken her distraction for concern. She turned to her auburn-haired, buxom friend.

"Come on, Miranda," she said. "Let's put these beasts to bed."

It had taken Helen ages to discover Angel's name. All the staff were close-lipped about him and wouldn't discuss him, but eventually, she overheard one of the stable managers call him Angel.

The girls led their two ponies back to the stable block, praising them for their efforts despite losing. As they led the ponies down the long aisle with stalls on either side, Helen spotted Angel and another younger, good-looking man, Felipe, lounging by two empty stalls. She didn't know what Angel did, but Felipe was Miranda's main groom.

They passed the reins of the two ponies to the men and briefly checked over their other ponies that had already been fed and watered after the match. Both girls were lucky, with a pony per chukka, even though they were both beginners.

When they got back, the two men were waiting for them.

"Let's rub these ponies down and get them fed and watered," Angel said.

Helen followed him into Coralito's stall, and they silently took care of the pony's welfare. A few minutes later, Helen was satisfied. She looked up at Angel, nervous he'd be displeased at her treatment of the fabulous animal. The first time he had punished her was because of her treatment of her ponies.

Angel smiled. "You've certainly learned that lesson," he said. "But let's find Miranda and deal with today's mistakes."

Felipe and Miranda were chatting idly by a couple of empty stalls, waiting for them.

Angel grinned at Felipe and looked back and forth between the two girls. "Time to settle up that bet," he said.

Miranda turned to Helen. "What bet?" she asked.

"I bet him that we'd win," Helen replied. "If we won, the drinks are on him."

"And if we lost? Miranda asked.

Helen blushed. "He can punish us both in any way he likes."

Miranda looked confused. "Why are you blush-"

Angel's voice cut her short. "Never mind the bet; you both deserve it," he said. He looked at Helen. "You for your appalling mallet skills, particularly that spectacular miss." He paused and turned to Miranda. "And you lost the match with that stupid penalty."

Miranda looked contrite. "Yeah, sorry about that; I lost my head."

"That's not good enough," Angel said. "We're going to teach you not to do that again."

Helen tried to spare Miranda.

"Don't be too harsh with Miranda," she said. "I doubt she's been punished for anything before, let alone the way you intend."

Angel laughed. "Oh, so she's unbroken, is she?" he said. "We'll soon fix that."

He turned to Miranda. "Just do whatever Helen does, and you'll be fine."

"On your hands and knees, girl," Angel ordered Helen.

Helen dutifully got onto all fours in the clean straw of the empty stall. She was already aroused. Her nipples strained against her bright pink team shirt, and her white jodhpurs were damp in the crotch.

"Please, sir, I deserve to be punished," she whispered. She was nervous, unsure what torment Angel would inflict, but aroused nonetheless. 

Strong hands reached around her and unbuttoned the waistband of her riding breeches. Then, the white jodhpurs were yanked down. Her bum felt cold in the February air, and she shivered. Her knickers quickly followed. There was a delicious sting when Angel slapped her arse cheeks in turn. Not once, but repeatedly. Each slap sent a tingle coursing through her body, heightening her arousal. 

"Your turn," Helen heard Angel say to Miranda. "Grovel next to your useless friend."

"We don't have all day. Now!" Angel ordered.

Helen took a chance and glanced over her shoulder at her friend. Miranda looked defiant, but a slight grin played around her mouth. She's enjoying this. Angel flexed the riding crop. Miranda giggled. "Yes, sir, whatever you say."

The girl dropped to her knees and shuffled over so her hips pressed against Helen, then she was on all fours. She turned to Helen, grinning broadly. Her eyes were wide, and her face was flushed.

"I didn't expect this much excitement," she whispered. 

Angel's hand slid between the two girls to unbutton Miranda's jodhpurs, and soon her pert arse was also exposed to the chill winter air.

"Felipe, punish Helen severely. I'm going to deal with this other one."

A sharp sting coursed through Helen as Felipe slapped her arse. She felt his strong hands run over her soft bum cheeks, which tingled from the slap. A finger invaded her moist pussy, hooking around inside her. A series of sharp slaps followed before her pussy was invaded again. This time two fingers probed into her tight cunt, and another pushed into her arse.

Helen savoured the feeling as Felipe's fingers played inside her, stimulating her in all the right places. 

Helen heard a slap and felt Miranda flinch. Helen glanced at the girl; Miranda's mouth was open, and she licked her lips. She faced Helen with wide eyes.

"He's fingering my bum," the girl said. She paused for a moment. "I shouldn't let him do that, but I quite like it; it's so naughty."

Helen giggled. She would never have guessed her prim, posh friend would like this.

Angel and Felipe alternately slapped and fondled the two girls' bums, their fingers invading both pussy and arse, until Helen's cheeks felt hot and tingled constantly.

"Now strip," Angel ordered.

Helen stood. Her knickers and jodhpurs were already around her knees, exposing her shaved cunt. She immediately removed her bright pink polo shirt, tossing it aside, but Miranda looked defiant and shook her head. Her arse is as pink as her polo shirt, Helen thought.

"No, I won't, you horrible old man," Miranda said.

"Obey me, girl," Angel ordered. The crop slapped against Miranda's naked bottom, leaving a scarlet welt on her already pink bum cheek.

Miranda squealed and looked shocked. Helen was similarly shocked when Miranda nodded her head briefly and then grinned. "Yes, sir!"

Helen undid her bra as she watched Miranda, who turned to face her. Like Helen, Miranda's jodhpurs and knickers were around her knees, exposing her hairy pussy; completely wild and untrimmed. Helen was surprised and envious; she had always assumed Miranda dyed her lustrous auburn hair, but her pussy hair was the same deep colour. 

Miranda lifted her pink polo shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra, so her perfect boobs sprang free. Slightly smaller than mine, Helen thought. She was very proud of her own impressive chest. Helen smiled; Miranda's large nipples protruded, demonstrating her arousal. 

The two men had wandered away slightly and whispered together in a stall across the aisle. Helen took a chance.

"Are you okay with this, Miranda?" she asked.

Miranda looked nervous, but her face was flushed, and her nipples looked like bullets. "They're going to fuck us, aren't they?" Miranda asked.

Helen smiled. "Oh, I hope so. Angel has a huge dick."

Miranda blushed prettily. "I'm scared," she said. "I've only made love once..." she paused. "They'll be gentle, won't they?"

Helen couldn't help herself. She guffawed loudly. "I doubt that. They're going to fuck you within an inch of your life."

Miranda's eyes widened. "Ooh! How exciting!"

Helen was relieved. She had worried Miranda would be too scared or affronted to participate.

"Miranda, Angel has... punished me before. You can trust him; he's a great teacher," she said. "He might be harsh, but if he really goes too far, just tell him to stop. Stop, not just no. Stop."

Miranda nodded, looking even more nervous. The slim, dark-eyed girl looked fabulous, with her knickers and jodhpurs below her knees, held up by her boots.

"Sit down," Helen said, "so I can pull off your boots."

Miranda's enormous, perfect boobs bounced when she sat on a stack of hay bales and lifted a foot. Helen struggled for a moment before the boot came free. The other boot put up less resistance.

Helen sat so Miranda could return the favour. Once out of their boots, both girls were quickly naked and shivering in the freezing stable.

"Come on," Helen said.

She took Miranda's hand and led her across the aisle to the stall where the two men waited.

The two girls stood side-by-side as the two men walked around them. Felipe groped Helen, fingering her pussy, then tweaking her erect nipples. Miranda flinched when Angel reached out and felt first one of her huge boobs, then the other.

The grey-haired old man nodded. "Two fine fillies we have here, Felipe," he said. "But they need to be schooled."

Angel turned to Miranda. "You sawed unmercifully at Gatsby's bit. You must be gentle. I've already taught Helen that lesson, but you must also learn it."

Turning to Helen, he gestured at his crotch, where his enormous erection tented his trousers. "Helen! Show her how sensitive a mouth can be," he ordered.

Helen sank to her knees in front of him. She undid his belt and trousers. When she pulled them and his undies down, his mammoth, uncircumcised erection sprang free.

Helen loved sucking dick. It gave her an incredible feeling of power, knowing she controlled when the man would come. She wrapped her hand around his fat shaft and pulled back his foreskin.

She flicked her tongue across the tip of his glans, teasing him. Before she took him between her lips, she glanced at Miranda. The girl stared at her, her eyes wide and mouth gaping, looking aghast.

Helen focused on the giant tool swaying gently before her and slowly pushed her head forward, closing her moist lips around the rigid pole. She pulled back slightly, then moved forward again. This time, Helen felt the hot erection glide down her throat, and she didn't stop until her nose was pressed against Angel's groin.

His strong hands pressed against her head, holding her in place.

Angel's voice rang out. "Miranda, that's how it's done. Practise on Felipe."

"I won't put a dick in my mouth," Miranda said.

She sounded defiant. Helen heard the crack of a riding crop. 

"You will do as he says," Felipe said. "On your knees like a good little girl."

Helen wanted to check on her friend, but Angel was relentless. His hands prevented her from turning her head to look at Miranda.

"No. Miranda must live with the consequences of her actions. Let her fend for herself."

Helen heard another crack of Felipe's riding crop and a sharp squeal from Miranda.

"Yes, sir," Miranda whispered. After a moment, she continued. "I've never had a dick in my mouth."

Unable to do anything else, Helen sucked Angel's spectacular cock, pulling back until his dick almost left her mouth before plunging forward so his dick was deep down her throat once more.

"Yes, like that," she heard Felipe say. "Now, see how much you can take."

A little later, Felipe emitted a long sigh. "Good girl. Keep that up."

Helen wrapped her hand around Angel's stiff, fat shaft again, wanking it as her mouth paid attention to his glans. She lovingly ran her tongue around the enormous weapon, trying every trick to make him climax. Miranda made loud slurping noises nearby.

Angel put a hand against her forehead and pushed her away. "Stop, or I'll come," he said. "I'm saving myself for a different target."

She stood up and turned, intending to check on Miranda, hoping she was okay. Angel pressed against her back, and he wrapped his arms around her. She could feel his mammoth, wet erection pressed against her; then his hand toyed with her pussy.

Helen ignored his intimate attentions. Felipe had both hands behind Miranda's head and was fucking her face, driving his long dick deep down Miranda's throat. 

Helen shook her head in astonishment. The girl was clutching Felipe's bum, pulling him close with each thrust, and her eyes were wide open and fixed on Felipe's face.

Felipe's buttocks twitched, and he held Miranda in place. His hips jerked forward, and he groaned as he shot his load. An impressive amount of cum dribbled out around his cock to run down Miranda's chin.

A few thrusts of his hips later, he was spent. He pulled back, and his still-rampant dick left Miranda's mouth. Her face was screwed up with disgust. When she started to spit, Felipe stopped her.

His hand pushed up under her chin. "No. You have to swallow."

Miranda shook her head. Felipe's crop cracked loudly against her arse. Miranda's eyes widened.


Miranda's throat convulsed as she obeyed. She grinned and opened her mouth. Cum still coated her lips and tongue, dripping slowly off her chin and onto her lovely cleavage.

"Good girl," Felipe said. "Once you're broken in, you'll make a great addition to the stable."

Angel roughly pushed Helen away from him. She stumbled and sprawled awkwardly on the straw next to where Miranda knelt.

Angel laughed. "Get up, both of you and face me," he ordered.

Miranda stood and reached down, helping Helen to her feet. The two naked girls turned towards Angel. Helen looked the muscular old man up and down, trying to anticipate what might come next.

"Now that we've punished you, we're going to demonstrate how to ride ponies properly," Angel said. He turned to Miranda's young and muscular groom. "Saddle them up, Felipe."

The other man grinned. "Yes, boss," he said.

Felipe reached down behind a stack of bales. He brandished two butt plugs, each with a long horse-hair tail. The plugs were tapered with larger and larger bulges nearer the tail.

"You know what these are, don't you?"

Helen could hardly wait. "Of course," she said.

Beside her, Miranda blushed and shook her head. "Not really," she said. "I think I know where it goes, but I won't do anything like that."

Felipe grinned. "Yes, you will," he said. He turned towards Helen. "On your knees like a good little pony. Let's show your disobedient friend what she must do."

Helen dutifully dropped to the ground, making sure her arse was high in the air facing Felipe. She tensed in anticipation. She felt a flood of cold oil ooze along her bum crack. A rough finger invaded her back passage, moving around inside her. Then she felt the first small bulge invade her arse. The pressure increased as each delicious bulge stretched her sphincter wider. She felt tremendous, almost unbearable pressure as Felipe thrust the last huge bulge into her arse. It slipped quickly past her painfully stretched sphincter, and she felt pleasantly full.

Felipe slapped her arse. "Good little pony," he said. "Now, let's see to this other filly."

Helen stood up and moved behind Angel, pressing her naked boobs against him and reaching around to wank him as she watched her friend. 

Miranda was shaking her head and looked determined. "I won't do that," she said firmly.

Felipe lashed out with his crop, which cracked against Miranda's dainty arse.

"Ouch," the girl said. "I wish you wouldn't keep doing that."

Again, the crop cracked against Miranda's arse. "Please, girl, will you just obey me?" Felipe said.

Miranda giggled. She dropped onto all fours and positioned herself so Helen could see her unsullied bottom and the scarlet welts from the crop that covered them.

"All you had to do was ask nicely," Miranda said.

Miranda squirmed and wiggled her bum when Felipe caressed her bum cheeks.

"Stay still, girl," Felipe told Miranda. 

Miranda yelped when Felipe squeezed lube onto her arse crack. "That's freezing!"

Felipe laughed. "Don't worry, we'll warm your arse up soon enough."

Helen watched her friend screw her eyes tight shut as Felipe's finger probed Miranda's tight sphincter. She emitted faint squeaks as the finger pushed deeper into her back passage. 

After a few moments, Miranda opened her eyes. "That feels... okay," she said.

Felipe pushed the tip of the ridged butt plug against Miranda's unsullied starfish.

"Stop!" Miranda said suddenly. 

Felipe obeyed immediately, pulling the tip of the plug away.

A moment later, Miranda looked back over her shoulder and giggled. "I meant no... just go slowly, please." After a moment, she continued. "I've never had anything in my bottom before." 

Felipe shook his head slowly. "I'll try to break you in gently," he said with a wry grin.

Helen watched him push the plug into Miranda's virgin bum hole again. This time, the first bulge pushed past her perfect sphincter.

Miranda moaned. "Oh, that burns," she mumbled. 

Felipe didn't pause. Miranda moaned again when he pushed the next, fatter bulge into her arse. Finally, only the last fat bulge remained. Miranda squealed loudly when Felipe rammed it into her tight back passage. Miranda moaned loudly when Felipe moved it in and out, repeatedly stretching her sphincter wide.

"Oh, that feels... okay," Miranda said after a few repeats.

Felipe laughed. He rammed the tail fully into Miranda's back passage and slapped her bottom. "You're going to do fine," he said.

Felipe turned back towards Angel.

"Our ponies are all saddled up, boss," he said. "This new one might be trouble. She's totally unbroken, so you'd better ride her first."

Angel smiled. "Great. Let's take them for a quick canter before we properly put them through their paces."

Helen thought Miranda looked fabulous. Her dark auburn hair cascaded down her back, almost reaching where the horse-hair tail protruded from her pert bum. Her entire body was flushed, and her nipples stood out from her massive, firm breasts. Cum was slowly drying on her chin and chest.

"Stop rearing, you silly animal," Angel said. "Get onto your hands and knees like a proper pony."

Miranda giggled and then whinnied. She dropped onto all fours and wiggled her arse provocatively.

"Like this?" she asked.

"Perfect," Angel said.

He turned to Helen. "Get beside her so we can ride you too, you silly girl."

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Helen dropped to her knees and positioned herself so her body was pressed tight against Miranda's. She turned to the girl, who kissed her briefly. "I'm a bit scared," Miranda said.

Helen grinned gently. "The best is yet to come. Enjoy yourself."

Helen heard movement behind them, and Miranda's eyes widened. She gasped. "Stop... I mean, no, slowly!"

Helen watched her friend's face as Angel's enormous dick penetrated Miranda's teenage pussy. Conflicting emotions flashed briefly across Miranda's pretty face. Anxiety was quickly replaced by a look of satisfaction.

"It feels like he's going to split me open," the girl said.

Rough hands lifted Helen's own horse-hair tail, and two fingers invaded her wet slit, fingering her briefly. Felipe's dick ran up and down between her meat flaps, teasing her almost unbearably. Then his long, rigid dick slowly forced its way inside her tight, wet cunt, stretching her wide and pleasantly filling her up. 

"Let's start with walking pace," Angel said.

Helen savoured the sensations as Felipe's long, stiff rod slid slowly and smoothly in and out of her pussy, stimulating her as it rubbed past the long butt plug embedded in her arse.

Beside her, Miranda moaned rhythmically, in time with Angel's thrusts into her cunt.

Helen felt Felipe grab her hair and pull back on it briefly. "Trot on," he said.

Felipe's strokes sped up, further stimulating Helen's pussy, though his thrusts were still relatively gentle. Beside her, Miranda was panting with wide eyes. She glanced at Helen and grinned.

"This feels fantastic," the dark-eyed girl said. "I'm ever so full."

Helen focused on the movement inside her. Felipe's dick stretched her pleasantly, but she was nowhere near climax.

"Let's give these ponies some proper exercise. Time for a canter," Angel said. 

Helen felt Felipe whip her hair against her back. "Giddy up," he said.

Then Felipe pulled back hard on Helen's long, blond hair. She arched her back and neck and thrust her chest forward. Felipe slammed his dick hard and fast into her pussy, his torso slapping loudly against her cheeks.

Helen was in ecstasy, and she could feel her arousal building.

Beside her, Angel unmercifully pounded Miranda. Helen glanced at her friend. Her back and neck were also arched and pulled back as Angel used her hair as reins. Her massive boobs and erect nipples looked perfect. The girl was panting hard, and her eyes were wide. She emitted a soft groan each time Angel slammed into her.

"Yes... yes," she heard Miranda say. "Ride me hard!"

Helen smiled, loving that her friend was enjoying herself.

Miranda groaned and let out a long, satisfied sigh as Angel's mammoth dong brutally pistoned in and out of her minge. Words emerged between each violent thrust. "God... I never... imagined... sex... so... good!"

Miranda squealed loudly. Helen saw her thighs twitch. Miranda shook her head from side to side. Her eyes were wide open.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she yelled.


Watching her friend climax added to Helen's arousal. Waves of pleasure swept through her as Felipe pounded her shaved, wet cunt.

"My goodness, me too," Helen cried as she reached orgasm. Her pussy clenched around the long, hard dick that pounded her. Her muscles twitched, and she thrashed wildly, consumed in an intense climax.

Moments later, the two girls kissed. "I've never come before," Miranda said, sounding surprised.

Angel laughed. "Oh, we're sure to make you come again," he said. "Let's swap Felipe; punish Miranda's hairy pussy until she comes again, and I'll punish Helen's tight little twat. She loves a brutal pounding."

Felipe's dick pulled out. Helen felt a sting as he slapped her arse. "Behave for the boss, or he might lose his temper."

Angel teased her briefly, running his dick along her dripping slit. Then, without warning, he slammed his monstrous erection balls-deep inside her. Helen screamed. Angel was far bigger than Felipe and stretched her pussy almost beyond capacity. 

Helen revelled in the sensations as the gargantuan cock pistoned repeatedly in and out of her moist crevice, gliding past the plug that dilated her arse. It felt wonderful.

Miranda emitted a contented sigh next to her. "Ooh... yes," Helen heard her say as Felipe pushed into Miranda's pussy.

Again, the men sped up. Soon, they violently shafted the girls in tandem, slamming deep into their teenage cunts. After a few minutes of brutal pounding, Helen found herself building towards another climax.

Beside her, Miranda shrieked. "I'm coming!" she yelled. 

Both girls shuddered and thrashed as they again reached climax together. This time, Helen heard Angel moan behind her. He grabbed her hips and pulled her hard onto his giant dick. Helen felt his hot spunk fill her pussy and dribble down her thighs. Helen was pleased she'd made the old man come so soon.

Angel's dick pulled out, and a sharp slap left her arse tingling pleasantly. "Suck me clean," Angel ordered.

Helen turned around and knelt before him. His erect tool was wet and slimy with cum. Helen licked all around his tip and then took him into her mouth. She forced his rigid weapon down her throat several times before sitting back.

Beside her, Miranda sucked Felipe's dick. She was slower and gagged slightly as Felipe's long cock visibly slid down her throat, but her nose eventually reached Felipe's hairy groin.

"Now you're loosened up, we're going to put you through your paces," Angel said.

"Stand up, turn around so your bums are towards me and grab your ankles," he ordered. "And don't move until I tell you."

The girls both complied and bent over side-by-side with their hips touching and their bums exposed. The long tail that was anchored in Helen's arse swished gently against her legs.

Helen heard the men move behind them. Then, a hand grabbed her tail. She moaned as it moved in and out of her bottom, repeatedly stretching her sphincter painfully wide. Then, the tail was gone. Two fingers pushed briefly into her bottom, and a hand slapped her arse again.

Miranda moaned with pleasure for a few seconds before Helen heard another slap. "Ouch," Miranda said beside her.

"They both feel ready," Angel said. "You can both turn around now."

Both men were now half-naked. They had removed their sweatshirts, leaving their muscular, tanned torsos bare. Both men's trousers and boxers were around their ankles.

Angel stood in front of them, but Felipe lay on his back with his dick erect and swaying gently.

"This time, you ride us," Angel said. "Miranda, go and sit on Felipe."

Angel positioned himself on his back next to Felipe and beckoned to Helen.

As Helen walked over, Miranda grinned, clearly enjoying herself. She quickly straddled Felipe and lowered herself, guiding his rigid dick into her pussy.

Angel sighed and shook his head. "No, no, no," he said. "Silly girl. In your arse."

Miranda shook her head. "I've never done that," she said.

"Come on," Helen said, "you'll love it. Just copy what I do."

Helen fingered her tight sphincter briefly. She was well-lubed. Helen straddled Angel and knelt. She reached back between her legs and grabbed Angel's enormous, stiff pole. Helen slowly lowered herself. It felt marvellous when Angel's fat dick stretched her tight rectum. Miranda watched, wide-eyed, as Helen let her weight drive it deep inside her until Angel was hilt-deep in her back passage. She wiggled briefly, savouring the sensations.

Miranda knelt astride Felipe with her hand clutching his rigid pole, but her arse stopped inches above his wet pole. Miranda looked terrified.

"Do I have to?" she asked Helen.

"Yes, you must. Unless you want the harsh attention of his riding crop?" Helen said. She smiled and wiggled her arse on Angel's dick once more, savouring how full she felt. "And I'm sure you'll love it."

Miranda sighed. "When you put it that way," she said, "I suppose I'd better."

Helen watched Miranda slowly lower herself. Miranda paused when Felipe's dick touched her virgin bottom. She glanced at Helen.

Helen nodded. "Go on, keep going," she urged her friend.

Miranda resumed her slow descent. She squealed as the rigid weapon pressed into her bum. "God, it's too big!" she said. "It feels like I'm splitting open."

Helen grinned and shook her head. Felipe's glans were already inside her friend, so she had already done the most painful part. "You can do it," she said.

Miranda shrieked loudly when Felipe thrust upwards with his hips, driving his dick an inch further into the reluctant girl.

As Helen watched Miranda, she felt Angel thrust upwards into her own arse. She lifted herself slightly, allowing him room to thrust up into her tight derriere.

But Angel had other ideas. "Come on, girls," he said. "You know how to do a rising trot."

Helen giggled. "Let's show him, Miranda," she said.

Helen lifted herself slowly, so Angel's monster slid smoothly out of her bottom. She stopped before it left her arse and slowly let her weight drive it back into her deliciously stretched rectum, not stopping until her weight rested on Angel's torso.

Beside her, Miranda still moaned softly as Felipe drove his long, rigid pole into her. Several inches still protruded.

Helen sighed. "Just sit down on him, Miranda," she said. "Let your weight do the work."

Miranda turned towards her. She licked her lips. "I feel so full; it must be all the way in, surely?" she asked.

Helen shook her head. "He's hardly inside you. There is loads more to fill you up."

Miranda's eyes widened further. "Really?" she asked, and then giggled. "I love the feeling that I'm about to burst."

Helen continued her slow, rising trot on Angel's marvellous monster. She wondered how her friend would cope with Angel's mammoth, wide cock when he inevitably fucked Miranda's arse. Though large, Felipe was small in comparison. She watched as Miranda sat back with a determined look on her face. Miranda impaled herself slowly onto Felipe's pork sword. A smile grew on her face as she lowered herself.

"God, yes," the girl said. "It feels so deep!"

"Come on, rising trot," Helen urged Miranda.

Helen smiled at the look of wonder on Miranda's face as she copied what Helen was doing.

"Oh, this feels incredible," she said. "I fucking love it!"

The two girls repeatedly and in unison impaled themselves on the two men's dicks. Soon, both girls were sighing with pleasure.

"Time for a quick canter, I think," Angel said.

Miranda laughed. "Oh, goody," she said. "What do I do?"

"Just lift yourself so Felipe can do the work," Helen said. She leaned forward, lifting her bum a few inches off Angel's enormous weapon. "Like this."

Angel slammed hard into Helen's arse, distracting her from her friend. She heard Miranda repeatedly squeal next to her as Felipe vigorously reamed her teenage arse, but all Helen's attention was focused on the delicious sensations coursing through her as Angel viciously pounded her rectum.

When she glanced over at Miranda again, the young groom was slamming himself balls-deep into Miranda's inexperienced arse, repeatedly pounding it hard. Miranda's hands rested on Felipe's chest. She gazed lustfully down at Felipe and panted hard, exhaling on each violent thrust.

"Yes... fuck... feels good... punish me... harder," Miranda implored the man who brutally violated her arse.

Watching her inexperienced friend enjoying the punishment being meted out to her virgin arse excited Helen further, and she felt her climax building. It reached a crescendo as Miranda achieved her first anal orgasm, and the two girls shrieked loudly as they thrashed and bucked in unison, impaled on two mammoth weapons.

Angel looked over at Felipe. "I wish they'd ridden like this in the match," he said. "Let's take them for a final gallop."

Angel looked up at Helen and glanced across at Miranda. "Come on, Helen, dismount," he said.

She dutifully but reluctantly lifted herself off his slimy dick. Turning to face Miranda, she got down onto all fours, her bum high in the air. Miranda copied her actions, and the two naked girls were face to face. Helen leant forward and kissed her friend.

Felipe positioned himself behind Miranda and slammed his dick into her arse. Miranda gasped. Helen waited expectantly for Angel to violate her arse once more, but his dick didn't invade her sphincter.

She watched her friend being violated as she waited. Miranda's face was pressed hard into the straw as Felipe thrust brutally and repeatedly into her arse. But Miranda was pushing back and releasing faint sighs with each hard thrust into her rectum. 

Finally, Angel thrust his mammoth dick hilt-deep into Helen's arse. She felt him lean forward and his chest pressed against her back. His hot breath tickled her ear. "I hope your friend is still tight when it's my turn," he whispered. "I want to destroy her tight arse."

Angel shafted Helen's bottom slowly, with long, smooth strokes. Helen felt a delicious sting as he slapped her bum cheeks in turn. "After Felipe makes her come, I'll show her what a real pounding feels like."

Helen chortled. "Looks like she'll enjoy that."

Helen watched Miranda push herself up onto her elbows. She was gasping and moaning. She slammed herself back into the long dick embedded in her bottom.

"It's so good! Harder... yes... God..."

Finally, Miranda quivered and shook as she reached her second anal climax. Juices dripped from her pussy onto the pale, dry straw, darkening it. Then the girl let out a long, contented sigh. "I'm such a bad girl. Please, punish me again."

Felipe reamed Miranda's tight rectum with a few hard thrusts into her. When Felipe pulled out of Miranda's arse, Helen felt Angel's dick leave her own back passage. 

The men swapped places. Angel positioned himself behind Miranda and caress her arse.

Miranda screamed when Angel slammed himself hilt-deep into her in one violent thrust.

Angel nodded. "Yes, still tight," he said.

Miranda sighed and stared wide-eyed at Helen. "You might have warned me," she said. "He's so big it burns!"

Angel pulled back on Miranda's hair, forcing her to arch her neck and back and driving her even further onto his mammoth dick. Helen marvelled at her friend's enormous, perfect boobs and her wild, untrimmed bush. The girl's got a spectacular body.

"Giddy up, little pony," Angel said. "Time for a gallop."

Felipe's long weapon slammed into Helen's arse, and she felt him pull hard on her own hair, pulling her back onto him. She lost sight of Miranda as her back arched and her chest thrust forward.

This time, the men didn't start slowly. Instead, they both pounded their targets relentlessly, their dicks slamming balls-deep into each girl, so hard Helen heard the slaps each time groin met arse.

The sound of Miranda shrieking and moaning with pleasure as Angel reamed her arse excited Helen as she remembered how she had felt the first time he had pounded her own virgin sphincter. Helen knew she wouldn't last much longer before she climaxed once more.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," Miranda shrieked suddenly. 

As Angel pulled hard on her hair, Miranda threw her head and shoulders back, driving her arse backwards onto Angel's rampant member and thrusting her enormous boobs towards Helen. Her muscles twitched and convulsed as she came. Her pussy gushed, drenching the straw beneath her. A squirter! Helen was fascinated. Her own pussy leaked, but never with such volume.

"God, that was good," Miranda sighed. She looked at Helen. "Am I supposed to like this? Because I do. I love it."

Helen considered the dick that repeatedly slammed into her own arse. Felipe wasn't as big as Angel, but she still felt gloriously full and stretched; she was on the edge and about to come. Helen loved how it felt. She laughed. "Why ask me? My bum is stretched to the limit right now. And I love it."

"My goodness... my arse... harder," she panted as her body thrashed and jerked in an intense orgasm.

Felipe pounded her until her climax subsided. His dick left her arse, and she felt another sharp slap on her bum.

"Watch us finish off your friend," he said.

"Yes, sir," Helen said meekly.

She fingered herself as Angel vigorously violated Miranda's back passage. The girl was approaching another anal climax!

Miranda was face down on the straw, gasping and moaning, interspersed with semi-coherent words. "Yes... God... right there..."

Felipe knelt next to Angel and thrust his rigid weapon, still wet with Helen's spit, forward.

"Suck my dick," he ordered.

Miranda looked up and grinned. She pushed herself up onto all fours and opened her mouth wide. Felipe put his hands behind Miranda's head and started fucking her face.

Miranda made awful gobbling noises as Felipe drove his dick down her throat, and she thrashed violently as Angel slammed into her arse. Her muscles quivered and twitched, then her pussy squirted as she came.

Angel groaned. "I can't hold back," he moaned.

His buttocks twitched, and he thrust violently upwards into Miranda as he unloaded deep inside her bottom.

Moments later, Felipe groaned. He pulled Miranda onto his dick as his bum clenched. A spurt of cum forced itself out of her mouth.

Felipe pushed Miranda away. "I don't need to tell you to swallow, do I?" Felipe asked.

Miranda shook her head and visibly gulped. 

"Another spirited filly for our stable," Angel said. He stroked Miranda's flanks as if she were a nervous horse. "There's a good girl. You did well."

Miranda dismounted from Angel's monstrous dick and stood up, her knees shaking with fatigue. Angel's cum oozed out of her arse and ran down her slim thighs.

"You won't cross the line again, will you?" Angel asked. "No more silly penalties."

Miranda shook her head and then lowered her cum-covered face. "No, sir," she said meekly.

Angel looked at Helen. "Your friend will be a great little pony once she's fully broken," he said.

Miranda's entire body was flushed and beaded with sweat. Her auburn hair was streaked with cum, more was oozing down her face and dripping off her chin onto her impressive chest, and Helen saw even more dribbling down her legs. She grinned. Which orifice was it from?

"The next match is in two weeks," Helen told Miranda. "Do you want to play?"

Miranda felt between her legs, first rubbing her sodden, pink pussy and then touching her arse. "Hell, yes," she said enthusiastically. 

The two men pulled up their trousers and put on their sweatshirts. They were soon fully dressed and looked respectable. Helen knew they would abandon the two thoroughly dishevelled girls without a thought. Sure enough, Angel spoke moments later.

"Right, we're off," he said. "I want to see an improvement next week, or we'll have to punish you again."

Miranda giggled. "Oh, goody!"

After the men departed, Helen looked down at her own cum-streaked and sweaty body. 

"I guess we'd better clean up", she said. "I can't drive home like this." She laughed. "At least this time, nothing is ripped to shreds."

Miranda looked down at herself and laughed. "I'm simply drenched in cum," she said. "How on earth am I going to get clean before I get home? I daren't let mummy see me like this."

Helen laughed. After her first unexpected punishment, she came prepared. She handed Miranda a towel and some baby wipes. 

"Here, this will clean most of it off," Helen said. She looked at Miranda's cum-streaked hair. "But you'd better brush your hair."

After the girls had wiped off most of the cum that covered their bodies, they dressed. Miranda babbled excitedly.

"That was so much fun," she said. "I never dreamed I'd do so many naughty things. I'm simply not brave enough to experiment on my own, but when I had to do things, I just loved it."

Miranda flinched when she felt her arse. "I'm going to be sore tomorrow," she said. "But it was worth it. It felt so intense, and they made me come so many times."

Helen grinned. The girl had come so often that Helen was surprised she could walk. It had been a fabulous day.

Written by grendel54321
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