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The Office Whore

The Office Whore – Part One

Reina needed a job, but...

Reina woke up before the alarm. No surprise there. She had slept restlessly in anticipation of the first day of her new job. Might as well get up and hit the shower. With this extra half hour, she could afford to take her time and start her day off well. She stripped off her tank and panties and turned the water on to a delightful hot setting. She stepped in and let the hot water beat down upon her back. Grabbing the sham...

The Office Whore - Part 2

Reina's job continues to get more interesting...

Reina went home from work and tried hard not to sulk. She’d taken on this job as the Office Whore not because she wanted to, but because she needed the money. It had shocked her at first because she had no idea what the job would entail when she accepted it. But she’d agreed to try the job for a month as the pay was really good and she had bills piling up. And she thought the first day had started off well. The first task...

The Office Whore - Part 3

Things heat up as Chad struggles with how to stay in control of the situation, and of Reina.

Karena Simmons was a lovely woman with skin the color of soft caramel, beautiful brown eyes, and long dark brown hair that she kept pinned up neatly at work. So, when Reina Kelly entered the office of her boss, Chad Stephens, it startled her to see the 38-year-old office manager with her hair down gently resting on her full round breasts. It made her look sultry and the thought of her being the “guest” that Chad would sha...

The Office Whore - Part 4

Chad continues to struggle with what to do about Reina...fuck her or fire her...

Chad Stephens sat in his office trying to decide what to do about his predicament. He’d been very excited when his Office Manager, right hand man (well woman), and best friend Karena had hired a new girl for the position of Office Whore. Reina had been delightful on her first day when she had appeared so innocent and yet eager to learn how to be a Base 12 Slut, whose job it was to take care of all of his sexual needs. He...

The Office Whore - Part 5

Chad allows himself to enjoy Reina, but did she really enjoy him? Or was she just doing her job?

Reina Kelly was not a fool. She’d been hired to be the Office Whore for, the incredibly handsome, Chad Stephens. It was her job to perform any of the 12 sexual tasks he required of her as outlined in the Base 12 Slut manual whenever he summoned her during regular business hours. Technically 4:53 on a Friday afternoon was still business hours. So, despite the fact that she was currently furious with her boss for suggesting...

The Office Whore - Part 6

Chad is starting to realize that no one compares to Reina...

Despite having the most amazing sex with a gorgeous redhead at work late Friday afternoon, Chad Stephens had spent the weekend brooding. His best friend and office manager, Karena, had called and texted multiple times, but he just ignored her texts and let the calls go to voicemail. He knew that she most likely wanted to talk about Reina and he just didn’t want to go there. For him, Friday afternoon with Reina had been so...

The Office Whore Part 7

Chad loses control...

Reina Kelly felt panic rise up in her belly. She had wanted very much for her boss, Chad Stephens, to call her into his office to require one of the twelve tasks from her. These tasks were outlined in the Base 12 Slut handbook and were her duties as his Office Whore. She knew she was on the verge of losing this job. She’d seen him with applications in his hand from the type of women that generally appealed to him; tall, b...

The Office Whore - Part 8

Chad realizes that he hurt Reina and needs to make things right, but can he?

Karena Simmons knew that as Office Manager, she’d had every right to make the decision to hire a new Office Whore for Chad and take on his current one, Reina, as her new assistant. She also knew that Chad had agreed to all of that during a moment of utter confusion over how to handle his feelings for her. Feelings that Chad didn’t even realize he had, Karena thought. She had never meddled in his love life before now. But...

The Office Whore - Part 9

Chad lets down his guard...

The afternoon was dragging on for Chad Stephens. He couldn’t explain why he felt so melancholy right now. He had a successful phone meeting, picked up a large new account, and had handled some important emails, so why did the day seem so dismal? He sat at the mahogany desk in his office that overlooked the city and wondered why he felt like his hands were an hour glass and Reina was the sand slowly, but surely, slipping t...

The Office Whore - Part 10

Chad goes after Reina...

Karena sat in her office stunned by Reina’s uncharacteristic outburst. Reina Kelly had been originally hired to be the Office Whore for Chad Stephens, their boss and her best friend. When it was clear that he was falling for Reina, but couldn’t see past his own feet to tell her so, Karena had decided to take matters into her own hands. She took Reina on as her own assistant and hired the tall and stunning Savannah. This n...

The Office Whore - Part 11

Can Chad overcome his issues and allow himself to be happy with Reina?

Chad opened his eyes and felt a moment of panic. He couldn’t move, as if something was pinning him to the bed. He looked down at the mass of red curls laying on his chest and smiled. That something was a someone, Reina. He’d spent hours making love to her and realized they must have worn each other out and drifted off to sleep. Reina was clearly still dead to the world, so Chad just laid there and enjoyed the feeling of h...

The Office Whore - Part 12

Chad and Reina spend the night together, but can they make a relationship work beyond the office?

Reina heard the phone ring as she was about to get in the shower with Chad. “I should really answer that,” she said looking at the display on her cell, “It’s Karena.” She pulled on Chad’s white button-down shirt to stop herself from shivering. “Hello?” She answered with a question in her voice. “Reina! Finally! It’s me Karena. I’ve been trying to get ahold of Chad and thought maybe…” “He’s here, but he’s a little busy,” R...

The Office Whore - Part 13

Reina gets ready for Task 12...

Reina Kelly was normally a practical woman, but today she felt like doing something frivolous. In two days, she would receive her first paycheck from her new job and she felt like shopping! If she found something she liked, she could put it on her credit card and pay it right away when she got paid. It seemed surreal that, all within a two-week time period, she’d taken a job as an Office Whore, was moved up to be the Offi...

The Office Whore - Part 14

Chad takes Reina on an erotic adventure...

Chad looked at Reina and smiled. God, she was so beautiful and for the next several hours, all his. For a split second, he wanted to just call the whole thing off and take her back to his place and just make love to her. But that wouldn’t be fair to Reina. She’d clearly taken the time to prepare for Task 12, and at this point she would probably be pissed off or disappointed if he didn’t give her the chance to complete the...

The Office Whore - Part 15

What if Reina needs more?

Reina Kelly was busy at her desk, taking care of the purchase orders requested by her boss, Karena Simmons. She had been Karena’s assistant for a little over three months now, and she absolutely loved her job. The fact that she had originally started working here for the CEO, Chad Stephens, as his Office Whore still made her smile. She had excelled at being a Base 12 Slut, performing twelve different tasks to meet his sex...

The Office Whore - Part 16

Can Reina complete a Task 9 Redo with Chad and Karena?

Chad was disappointed that Reina didn’t spend the night last night, but he understood that she wanted time to prepare for today. He looked at his calendar and noticed that Karena had blocked out the entire afternoon for the three of them. He couldn’t help the hardness growing in his pants as he imagined his woman and his best friend touching each other. The morning was going to drag on, he laughed to himself. Karena had b...

The Office Whore - Part 17

Just when things seemed to be going well for Chad and Reina, Chad retreats.

Reina finished her reports for Karena and was feeling pretty happy that her afternoon looked clear. Normally, she hoped for a clear afternoon so she could play the role of Office Whore for Chad, the CEO, and her boyfriend of almost a year. She had recently given up her apartment and moved in with him after much convincing on his part. She realized that it seemed silly to him that she had taken so long to officially move i...

The Office Whore - Part 18

Reina asks Chad to take her beyond...

Reina Kelly considered herself a lucky woman. She had a great job, a beautiful home, and a boyfriend, one who doubled as her boss, whom she adored. He was not an easy man to love, but since he truly did love her back, Reina felt the effort she put into their relationship was worth it. Chad Stephens considered himself a lucky man. He had his own company that was doing well, a fabulous home, and the most amazing girlfriend....

The Office Whore - Part 19

Chad takes Reina away for a day of much-needed decadence...

Reina felt butterflies in her stomach as Chad started the car. He was taking her on an adventure today and had asked her to get up early so they could make an entire day of it. He’d given her very few details of what was in store, but he had insisted she wear nothing but her knee-length black rain jacket and a pair of five-inch clear heels. She got in the car, feeling vulnerable; naked despite the coat she was wearing. Sh...

The Office Whore - Part 20

Chad shows Reina what's behind the door...

Chad smiled. He had promised Reina an incredible day of sex that would take her beyond. So far, the first part of the day had been a success, Chad thought to himself. It had started with a couple of hours of delightful orgasm denial that had Reina on arousal overload. He had played with her and teased her and had her on the brink of orgasm so many times that he finally had to fuck her hard and force an intense orgasm with...

The Office Whore - Part 21

While our favorite couple is busy recuperating from their adventure, let’s check in on Clarence!

Clarence Johnson was a successful businessman by all accounts. His company was well respected and he had a handful of guys he supposed he could call friends. One of those friends was Chad Stephens. Up until about a year ago, he and Chad had been fairly regular buddies; they would share a beer and a blonde bimbo from time to time. For about ten years, Chad had a slew of Office Whores. These were tall, skinny, blonde haired...

The Office Whore - Part 22

Will the timing ever be right for Chad and Reina?

Reina woke up a little groggy in a strange bed. Where, the hell, was she? And why did she feel so sore? She closed her eyes and opened them again, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She looked around the room and was taken aback. She remembered now. She was at Chad’s cabin in the woods inside his secret dungeon. She’d been spanked and whipped, poked and prodded, and thoroughly fucked and used by Chad yesterday. She remember...

The Office Whore - Part 23

Reina takes control...

Reina walked in Karena’s office on Tuesday morning, almost floating. “Let me see it!” Karena said, excited to see Reina’s engagement ring from Chad. “Oh, come on, I’m sure you’ve seen it already. There’s not much that Chad keeps from you, not that I mind,” Reina answered as she showed Karena the dazzling addition to her left hand. “Not this time,” Karena mused. “He never said a word. Maybe he was afraid I couldn’t keep a...

The Office Whore - Part 24

Reina gets wild while teaching Chad a lesson...

Reina stood, looking magnificent in nothing but her heels and her diamond engagement ring. Her red hair was wavy and tousled, and her lips were still a perfectly luscious crimson, coated with her kiss-me-red smudge-proof lipstick. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle, outlined in sleek black liner with a shimmery rose shadow. Chad caught the glimmer of the diamond studs he had bought her for her birthday as she shook her head,...

The Office Whore - Part 25

Is Chad really ready to commit to Reina?

Chad frowned as he looked at the clock. It had been an incredibly busy day and, much to his chagrin, he’d had no time to call in his Office Whore for a bit of fun and sexual release. Of course, since he was now living with, and recently engaged to, his Office Whore, he knew they’d have time for sex later at home. He just really still enjoyed those occasional times when he could call her in and lock the door, closing the w...

The Office Whore - Part 26

It's time for Chad to grow up...

Chad leaned against his car fighting tears. We need to talk; Reina’s note had said. But he wasn’t even sure where she was. She’d left the office looking angry and miserable, and he’d been the cause of that. His first instinct had been that she was being unreasonable for being upset. After all, she didn’t even bother to let him explain that he truly hadn’t been watching the video of Svetlana or Clarissa or, truth be told h...

The Office Whore - Part 27

Reina teaches Chad how to have the best of both worlds...

Office 27 Reina woke up to find Chad holding her captive in his arms. It was a nice feeling. When they were like this, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. She laid still and enjoyed listening to the rhythm of his breathing, sighing happily as she remembered how they had thoroughly enjoyed each other last night. She hoped that everything she had planned for his birthday would make him happy and, hopefully, make him...

The Office Whore - Part 28

Chad and Reina spend the perfect day together.

Chad woke up before the sun rose and quietly slipped out of bed. Reina was still sleeping, likely exhausted from the sex marathon they had enjoyed the day before. He smiled when he thought of how fucking fantastic the whole day had been. He’d always had a high sex drive for as long as he could remember. He’d never met a woman who could satisfy him for more than a few months, until Reina. He had met his match in her. She’d...

The Office Whore - Part 29

Chad tries an intense new task with Reina...

Chad's birthday weekend was a smashing success and they returned to work on Tuesday, having taken one extra day to lounge around at home. Well, they didn’t exactly lounge around. Reina got busy starting on the wedding plans and he was occupied with a few things of his own. He contacted his friend Yvonne, who was a real estate agent. If he was truly going to put his past behind him and have a future with Reina, the cabin w...

The Office Whore - Part 30

Reina has lunch with her twin sister Sydney, while Chad appears to have a secret with a "hot" blonde

With her wedding less than two months away, Reina Kelly was wondering if it might be time to mend fences with her twin sister, Sydney. Eight years they had been at odds with each other and, recently, Syd had held out an olive branch by way of sending her an email. She wanted to meet for lunch, which seemed harmless enough. Even though she had a nagging feeling that Sydney hadn’t changed a bit in those eight years, shouldn...