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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155


Oddly, anytime a woman has shown me her pussy I didn't think about checking whether her nails were perfect.
chefkathleen wrote: "There was one a few years ago. I can't remember his name. He was forced off the air, I think he was mostly PBS, for "handling" young boys. Or something like that. But was supposed to be a hell of a cook."

You're thinking of Jeff Smith who did a show called "The Frugal Gourmet." He wrote a number of cookbooks as well, most, or maybe all of them with "Frugal Gourmet," somewhere in the title. He left PBS in 1997 after being accused of sexual abuse of teenage boys.
Quote by deadlogger
If you did not know the writers gender could you guess it ---doubtful.

According to a group of researchers at the Illinois Institute of Technology and Bar-Ilan University in Israel, you can guess the writer's gender by the frequency of word usage and parts of speech. Their program was simplified into the Gender Genie, which is available online.

The problem that I find with the program is that it sometimes shows both male and female results for the same example. One of the complaints about the IIT and Bar-llan project was that it tended to identify good female writers as male, which might mean that good women writers write like men, but probably has more to do with the input of the programmers.

Another question that I have is what does it matter who wrote a story if you like it? I'd like to see a study that examined the prejudices of the reader about the gender of writers. I have read that many women who read Romance novels will not read Romance novels by men if they are written in a man's name, but have no problem reading them if they're written with a feminine pen name. Needless to say, the same is true of men readers of other genre fiction, or even mainstream novels.
There is nothing as wonderful as young love. Finding someone to love is really, really easy too. The problem is finding someone to love you back. You've known this guy for years and he hasn't made any moves or said anything to make you think that he thinks of you romantically so it's very likely that he doesn't. We all get our hearts broken. I have yet to meet the exception to that rule. You are in love with someone who doesn't love you back. You can't make him love you. You can make yourself very miserable by chasing after him though. Then again, this may just be strategy on his part to get in your pants. Men do that sometimes. From reading your post I don't get an impression that you are very experienced with men in general. You're nineteen. It's too early for you to find the perfect life mate. You have these years to have fun, don't waste them. Don't let yourself be discourage by the fact that one guy hasn't fallen in love with you either. There are thousands of men who will. I am in love with your sweet innocence already and I don't even know you. Sometimes the reality is not as great as the dream anyway.

Trying to manipulate him into returning your love is not really any better than if he is trying to manipulate you into bed either. Of course, I am all in favor of manipulation and am a scurrilous old reprobate with the morals of an alley cat who would do almost anything imaginable to get a beautiful woman to get willingly into my bed, so maybe my perceptions of the situation are skewed somewhat. I do wish you the best of luck though. You may not look back on this and laugh one day, but in a few years you may wonder why it was so important to you.
She says that she's naughty and that's good enough for me. I imagine, (in my fevered and dissolute imagination she is dressed as a schoolgirl), that she would be fun to know.
I have a close friend who is a cross dresser. He is not my type, and I am not his type. We are both straight guys.
I agree with Dudealicious on this one. Don't do something you're not comfortable doing with anyone, especially guys who really don't care. I prefer experienced women myself. I wouldn't knowingly have sex with a virgin at this point in my life. I couldn't handle the karma.
If a man wants to have sex with another man he has. If a woman hasn't had sex with another woman she's wanted to. I forget who said that.
Quote by Lone_Wolf
Quote by LadyX
Quote by standingbear
I tried the password you listed, but I get an error message every time. Please spell out the password as it should be copied and pasted into the password box on the page. Thanks.

The password is correct as shown. You're probably trying to enter it from the Fantasy Football page. It has to be from the Pro Football Pick'em page. Same for the other league, it has to be from the Pro Football Survival page. It's a slight pain, but once you realize that, it works in a snap.

are you a !!!!! and as LadyX said, Pro Football Pick 'em and you're in smile

Yes. Yes I am a . Funny you should ask.
Quote by big-g
would you or have you ever let your lady take a piss on you. ???? my lil lady keeps wanting to straddle my face and let loose all over me an im not sure. she drinks alot of water so her piss is almost colourless. should i let her.....?

Part of a relationship is doing things your partner wants to do if you're not totally put off by the idea. If it really bothers you don't, if you can handle it go ahead. It'll wash off.
I'm willing to try almost anything, but I'm afraid I'll have to turn this one down. Also, like kornpopper said, I'd be responsible for the death of too many bees. That's the excuse I'm going with.
I tried the password you listed, but I get an error message every time. Please spell out the password as it should be copied and pasted into the password box on the page. Thanks.
I have somehow ended up in another encounter between woody32 and thesilkyknot.
Quote by DirtyMartini
So, what you're saying is...if I write an erotic story in the evening, I won't respect myself in the morning?

That's alright, I'll just sleep 'till afternoon...

Btw...I happen to think self-respect is way over-rated anyway...just saying...

I never respect myself in the morning. That way I don't have to worry about the things I do the rest of the day making me lose respect for myself.
Lapsang-Souchong with a nice big shot of this is really good for a cold or something. Put the whiskey in a glass with a little water, sip slowly while the Lapsang Souchong brews. Have another. Eventually you might be able to drink the tea. Who knows? I can't imagine any green tea standing up to Laphroaig.

Neither Lapsang Souchong or Laphroaig is recommended for beginners.
I can't believe this isn't better for you than green tea.
It passes my grandmother's test that things have to taste bad to be good for you.
How much green tea does it take to make a cup of tea a person can actually taste?

Quote by Fugly
That's for when your are on your knees blowing him and he gets a little too excited and it slips out of mouth, across your cheek and into your ear. It prevents you having a ear wax flavored cock when he finally gets it back in to your mouth.

Never put anything into your ear smaller than your elbow.