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Would You Like Ketchup With That?

She had the sweetest voice. Cheerful and friendly; not the kind that’s drilled into you by managers, but sincere sounding. It’s hard to tell by a voice, but I guessed her to be young, probably college age, since the university was just down the street. “Fries, please. And a Diet Pepsi.” I smiled as she repeated it back, putting a little pop into the ‘p’s. “Will there be anything else?” she asked, her voice not losing any...

Next time it’s my turn. Hard to shake the words from my thoughts as I lay on top of the rumpled covers, the back of my head sunk into my pillow as I stared at the ceiling, trying not to think too much about what had just happened, an impossible feat. After all, I’d just orgasmed in front of a girl whose name I didn’t even know simply because she’d told me to. She’d given me her number after. While I couldn’t deny that I w...

You’d go down on me if I asked you to. I blushed, recalling her words and my reluctant answer. “Yeah, I would,” I repeated quietly, my voice drowned by the sound of Louis Armstrong’s trumpet floating out of the speaker as I pulled into the drive-thru. It had taken me three days to build up the courage to see her again. Three days of turmoil before hunger won out over my better judgement. I glanced in the rearview mirror,...

“Fries and a Diet Pepsi.” I’d been distracted and horny all morning, unable to dismiss the events of last night from my thoughts, trying to sort out my feelings and, most of all, worrying about the hold Violet obviously had on me. After all, I’d decided, early on, that no, I would not be seeing her anymore and I certainly wasn’t going to allow her to dictate when I could or couldn’t get myself off. Don’t even think of tak...

Hi. My name is Jenny and I am an uncertain-sexual. Until recently, I was very secure in who I was and what I liked. And then, a guilty pleasure – drive-thru fast food – turned my world sideways. Now? Now I am falling for a girl who insists I call her ‘Miss’. A girl who has awoken something within that I find frightening, confusing, and yet so exhilarating that I fear I have become addicted to the need that she feeds. A hu...

Hi. My name is Jenny, or at least that’s the name most everyone uses. Everyone but Violet. She’s sort of my girlfriend, only I’m not a lesbian. I think? I’m not really attracted to other girls. Just her so I’m not sure what that makes me? Or if it even matters. I ask her and she just smiles, shaking her head as she brushes my hair back behind one ear, then runs her thumb slowly along my jawline to my lips. “You’re my dirt...

“Yeah. Maybe later. I’m at a friend’s. The drive-thru girl I told you about.” I blinked, staring at her back, her bare ass perched comfortably on the edge of my bed, my head nestled comfortably on my pillow. Yawning, I noticed she had her cell phone out. ‘She’, by the way, was Violet. The girl I didn’t really have any feelings for, despite that my pulse was suddenly racing at the sight of her. Despite that the last thing...

Call me. Now. That was it. No declarations of love or affection. No questions about how I was doing. Nothing. Just a direct command, one that she expected to be followed without hesitation. I called. “Hello, dirty girl” "Hello, Miss,” I replied, blushing. “Miss me?” “Yes,” I replied softly. Almost whispering the word. Her laugh was tinged with cruelty, but there was affection as well. “Did you enjoy meeting Amber? Putting...

“You seeing anyone?” Every Sunday morning I got coffee. Same place, same time. Like clockwork. I’d become friendly with everyone. First time I’d been hit on, though. At least I assume he was hitting on me. “Sort of? I’m not really sure…” That was the truth. I really had no idea where I stood with Violet. We weren’t dating. She wasn’t my girlfriend. I liked her. I liked how she made me feel. I think she liked me… I left it...

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The next morning felt awkward. At least at first. I’d spent the night at Violet’s place. She’d even made me breakfast, never mind that it was a bowl of cereal and a banana. And then she’d left for work telling me to lock the door when I left. I could have snooped. I was tempted. It felt wrong, though, so I just showered, dressed, and went home with my thoughts on our conversation the night before. I thought about calling...

I had plenty of time to process what had happened at Jupiter and, afterward, at Amber’s place. In a way, it scared me a little. I’d done things I’d never even dreamed of doing, partly because I wanted to please Violet and Amber and partly because… I wanted to. I think I liked that side of me. That ultra-dirty side of me that would do anything for an orgasm. I liked how it made me feel. Yes, it was a little out of control,...