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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 39
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MissBehave

You get turned on watching yourself expose yourself to yourself and only yourself. In a trashcan. Big points for originality at least. =d>

I can't seem to get myself into this.......and I don't mean the trashcan!!
Active Ink Slinger
Sweet and sassy! She says she is maybe just a bit insecure but I suspect she is full of fun and fire. Maybe even.........dangerous, but in a good way!
Active Ink Slinger
We may ALL be the one!!

Be attentive; discover her interests and desires; be atuned to what pleases her and do it.....but do not overdo it!! Her stating that she loves to be pursued implies that she WANTS you attention I believe. and lastly, be good will ultimately come from pretending to be something you are not.

Best luck, on your 'chase'.
Active Ink Slinger
A timid smile, a gentle carress, and leaning in for a sweet soft kiss.
Active Ink Slinger
Dear TeaJe, I am the one who blundered and showed lack of understanding and knowledge. I apologize to you for my 'outburst' in my previous post.

I do love dogs, but also cats and horses, birds and butterflies, polarbears and porpoises ......... and you. (blushing)
Active Ink Slinger
Excuse me please!
Your comment: "NOT the stupid do everything commanded without question behavior of a Dog" is offensive and shows lack of understanding and knowledge.

"His name is not wild dog anymore, but the first friend, because he will be your friend for always and always and always." - Rudyard Kipling
"The dog: in life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, foremost to defend." - Lord Byron
"Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made." - Roger Caras

I do not care in the least what 'identity' you use, but as for me, being disrespectful to my wonderful canine creatures that I love is the same as being disrespectful to me.
Active Ink Slinger
It is always an awkward question for me for some reason. I don't know whether to answer seriously or silly.
Why are you asking?
What does it matter?
Because I f___ing want to and now am getting pissed off because your f___ing question just set me off again!!!

Thank you giaana99. kisses
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wildcat
Attitude, it says it all

I agree with Wildcat on this, and couple that attitude with a crossing of the legs, or a second button undone, or an 'Oh my I dropped my napkin' accident and I find the planned wardrobe isn't really that important, although perhaps heels and hosiery ALWAYS are.
Active Ink Slinger
I almost never use sex toys. I am not against it, but it just doesn't do it for me. There is no foreplay, and no afterglow, and when I do it's like Okay that's over now I'll go do the laundry. I really need a warm body to get heated up for.
Active Ink Slinger
I love shoes, and I love to wear heels which add to my 'sexiness' look and feel, but no I do not wear them to bed. On a side note, I also do NOT want a guy EVER cumming on them. Do you have any idea how much a nice pair of heels cost these days? In bed, bare is better, everywhere.
Active Ink Slinger
I totally agree with Steph, and for me it is way too often missing. My man is often in too big a rush to get to what he considers 'the good part', and the 'good part' just isn't as good if the kissing is lacking. I think many men don't do it enough, and don't do it right, because they are in such a hurry.

On a side note: I have found that kissing with my girlfriend is often so sweet, so good, so satisfying, that it can actually be the whole enchilada. It can be that fulfilling. (Yes, I am bi!)

So kisses everyone.................I LOVE it!
Active Ink Slinger
My first reaction was that you really needed to put the cap back on the tequila bottle dear, but since I also have a few ocassionally very weird sexual...ummm fantasies, I would say that your exhibitionist desires are surfacing. My, just EVERYONE could see your little pink panties and wiggling ass, which would bring me to my role in this fantasy fetish of yours which would be to give that exposed wiggling ass a right sound spanking while you were so handily stuck upside down in your garbage can. HEY, I'm starting to get into this idea!!
Active Ink Slinger
SDJ, your post made me smile. It sounds to me like you are having a great time and doing quite well with that 'strike out rate'. lol I seldom go to private chat anymore and do not know what others do, but would suppose it would always be a good idea to be respectful until you found out just how 'horny, sexy, and wild' your lady friends really were. "Bring it on babes", you ARE an eager fellow aren't you.

(Laughing all the way to the post click)
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not sure that I can reply to this correctly, but here goes. To me this is more about love then about sex. Some people during their life are put in a position where they have to be caregivers, putting aside their own desires and needs to take care of their loved one. They don't want to be in that position but life has put them there and it is a terrible hard place to be in and quite frankly some people just can't do it. My heart is heavy for you and her. Is your love for her strong enough that you can do it? That is a very hard question and I in no way mean it to be rude or unsympathetic in any way, but it is the question you must answer for yourself. I met a man just recently who is a caregiver for his very sick wife. He told me they hadn't had sex for over 10 years. I patted his hand and said that must be very difficult. He smiled at me and said "Dear, you have no idea how good it was before she got sick." And you have that also. You said yourself it was great before. Perhaps it will be great again. Perhaps not. My eyes are full of tears for you both. Please know that my heart and many others here will be pulling for you. Let us help if we can.
Active Ink Slinger
I usually prefer and want sex rough and harder then I get. I mean rough as in thorough, relentless, unsophistacated fucking!! THEN, so nice to snuggle and feel romantic in the afterglow.
Active Ink Slinger
I do understand. I actually saved a picture of a very old ugly dirty homeless person and thought about posting it as me just to see if anyone would still comment but then felt bad for the person in the picture and guilty that I even had such a thought. I mean I felt really ashamed, so the whole thing backfired on me and now I just ignore them and like...yea right!
Active Ink Slinger
Exercise is good for us all and I should definately do more of it then I do ....but the time issue!! But I think your question is more about your appearance and to that I would say it is totally up to you. You are very attractive in your profile picture, and being naturally a big girl has many benefits. Maybe if we could exercise together......
Active Ink Slinger
I dream of the sound a breeze makes as it blows through prairie grass as I lay among wild flowers.
I dream of the smell of a puppy as it licks my face.
I dream of a time without hurry and a mood without worry and ...................

and damnit somebody get gina80 a washer and dryer!!!
Active Ink Slinger
I do try to think things through intelligently, but I absolutely cannot understand the argument that gay marriage somehow undermines traditional marriage. I just can see no connection whatsoever there. And now I can't understand how it can be likened to . Perhaps I just don't get it, but really I just don't get it. Just more dumb!! or is that most dumb?
Active Ink Slinger
It's my day off but I still have a million things I need to get done, half of which I already know I won't get accomplished, but I have to dash to the market and get something to fix for supper so my husband will have the energy to attempt his usual unimaginative love making skills at bedtime, and I get in line behind this belly over the belt guy who is too stupid to even unload his basket onto the turntable and the checker girl has to come around and do that for him and instead of moving up and getting ready to pay he just stands there, scratches his armpits, then turns to me and says, "Hey babe your looking good today." EXCUSE ME!! BABE!! LOOKING GOOD!! We're in the freaking market dumbass. PUUULEEEZE pay for your cart full of beer and pretzels and chocolate covered potato chips and get the f__k out of the way and don't try to hit on me when I'm in the market and in a hurry and WHO THE F__K ARE YOU ANYWAY?????

Thank you, I feel much better now.
Active Ink Slinger
Not so much. Mine is pie. When I bake one, every time I go by I take a bite. Not a whole piece, just a bite, and by the end of the day half the thing is gone. Surely someone else snuck in and helped themselves lol.
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you so much for the kind words chefkathleen. I feel much better now. 'I Do fit in Auntie Em, I do, I do!' Thank you and kisses. I won't disappear again.

And such sound advice from WickedShads. Now I'll fit in and be lubed up also; oh wait a minute, I think I already had the lube part down.
Active Ink Slinger
When I first came to Lush I had trouble finding where I fit in. I always felt like an outsider even though I did try to fit in and find my 'spot'. Then I met someone who was so sweet and understanding and we exchanged emails, some sexy and others not, and I loved her so much, and I just kind of disappeared from Lush, but she was single and eventually moved on and away from me, so I came back.....and now am having trouble finding where I fit in.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh.....Is it one of those cycle things???
Active Ink Slinger
Jenny here. I like to be bound and treated roughly during sex, much more then my husband will do. I like to be controlled and even treated nasty while I play on line. BUT, I do have a real life, responsibilities, and things that I simply will not do, which has made it extremely difficult to find anyone to have any kind of ongoing relationship or fun with. So, I am not actually 'in the lifestyle', just wish I was. I AM submissive but do have my rules that need to be followed just as much as a Dominant one does. So in conclusion, I fear that I am the 'hopeless case' no one wants to talk about.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think fantasy and fake is the same thing. Just because I come here wanting to talk about, and in some small way experience, a fantasy I have through conversation with someone doesn't make me a fake. Or wait, maybe the fantasy itself is fake. Maybe that would.....or wait, maybe I am the fantasy and my reality is fake. It is all so confusing to me. So why does it matter anyway. Have a good time, enjoy each other, and don't be so uptight and self righteous sounding. Real life is REAL. I don't need to come here for that. Now, about all those 19 year old submissive lesbians, fuck yes, you can ALL come clean my house this week.