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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 39
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Last weekend my husband had beer on his mind so I gave him a tap on his head.
My dentst and manicurist fight tooth and nail.
Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
Never give your uncle and anteater.
Active Ink Slinger
I think maybe to a certain degree we are, but it varies with the individual as to how far it goes and how it is expressed. With you in a cast and on crutches I would want to help you if I could, but wouldn't feel I should ask what happened etc.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes Yes Yes. PLEASE take control and use me. I'll be your princess in the morning, but in the bedroom PLEASE MAKE ME FEEL IT.
Active Ink Slinger
I think the Olympics are the BEST sporting event there is. All the nations competing and usually in good sportsmanship. I will watch all of it I can.
Active Ink Slinger
Whatever you give a woman she will make greater.

If you give her groceries she will make you a meal.
If you give her a house she will give you a home.
If you give her a smile she will give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So if you give her any crap be ready to receive a ton of shit.
Active Ink Slinger
I assumed I was too confused to allow this confusing dialouge to confuse me further, but I was mistaken. You have succeedded in confusing me further.

I am married in real life. However now I am wondering if I ask 'littlemissbitch' to enter into a same sex online marriage with me (because i want to pinch her sweet little avatar ass everytime I see it), and hypothetically, say she agrees, then, would I be cheating on her if I allow my real life husband to...ahhh mate, say...or on the other hand would it be unfair to...ahhh deny him for no other reason then her ass is so much more appealing then his...ahhh whatever....but wait, I have become enthralled by 'shylass' and her sweet comments, so.......ahhh maybe..............

Please, does anyone know of an online therapist I could be referred to? Help me chef k, help me!!!!
Active Ink Slinger
I can't say that crossdressers actually 'turn me on', but I know a couple whom I really really like because they are just really sweet people and that is what sort of turns me on about them. I don't really have any 'tips', but would say the more you are around girls you find attractive and that you think are sexy, the more you will discover what will help you get to where you want to be. You must be your own self, but we ALL emulate those we admire. Not being a crossdresser myself perhaps I can't really help you much, but I do wish you well in your journey.
Active Ink Slinger
I have these days when things just don't go like I want them to.
Active Ink Slinger
I do not think you should hurry to act on your feeling of 'needing to come out' about this. Tell your husband, he is the ONLY one who needs to know about your desires right now. If things progress to more activity, then I believe you will find an oppurtunity will arise to share with others as needed. There is no reason to rush into an announcement. Let things take there course and work out smoothly and naturally.

Wishing you the best.
Active Ink Slinger
Nikki703, it is no wonder everyone loves you so. I would love to sit and sip coffee with you sometime.

But to the thread which FilipHalta began, I don't believe I ever even considered anyone being conserned about the time. Ten seconds, 11, 12, OMG it hasn't happened yet!! Calm down, chill out and be cool, the little lady will make it happen when it's time for it. Our Lush Ladies perhaps BEFORE it is time for it but that would be another thread I suppose.
Active Ink Slinger
A handsome poet with a sense of that's interesting.
Active Ink Slinger
I have never actually had sex in an elevator but have been very well felt up. First the touch (was that accidental?), then again, and more, and I found it very very fun and arousing. Now I can't get on one without thinking about it and wanting something to happen. But probably just touching!!
Active Ink Slinger
Well I haven't understood this either. To me it's allright to state your preference, but Jeez, why are we here? This is a social network. Some people come across like, ok I'm here but leave me the fuck alone, and I always wonder why they are here then. I don't accept lots of friend requests, those I do accept I am interested in getting to know more about, those I am not interested in I just click on deny, it isn't difficult or time consuming. If you are just here to read the stories you don't need a profile. I really don't understand the 'fear' some seem to have of being contacted.
Active Ink Slinger
First my eyes will invite, then glance away (because I'm not trying to stare you down), then come right back. If they don't come right back and lock on yours, then it's a no go. Second, if I am that interested I will touch you, doesn't matter where, (hand, arm, etc.) and I will leave my hand on you. That's pretty much an invite for you to touch back, and if I don't reject that touch you are on the way to homebase baby.

btw, that sounds so simple, but here is a tip, if you have had too much to drink you will mess up those signals every time. Besides never getting them from me in the first place.
Active Ink Slinger
An interesting av for sure, from an interesting guy, and an author. Now I want to read that favorite book you mention in your profile
Active Ink Slinger
I have several times and love it. Camping, it beats roasting marshmellows. Had sex on a blanket in a state park and loved the thrill of the danger of maybe being seen while being....taken. Oh my, now I want to go do it again. But DLizze, no red ants please.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by freakycactus
At least, 'What brings you here?' isn't as bad as, 'So, what are you into?' Giving them an answer that doesn't involve something sexual isn't good enough - I've just started talking to you, I'm not going to tell you about my sexual interests!

Fortunately, I bore most of these people away.

"So, What are you into" is even a worse question than 'What brings you here? for me to answer. Do they mean sexual activity, hobbies, family, the bathtub, WHAT????? I have answered this question assuming it was a question about my sexual desires and have apparently offended two people by my answers.
PLEASE, don't ask me these questions. pleasepleasepleaseplease...ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Active Ink Slinger
Gift myself into that picture to enjoy that kiss, then...

Take myself back out because that picture is too sweet to have me mess it up.
Active Ink Slinger
Reminds me of fine wine in a beautiful decorative collector's bottle getting better and better and better..............
Active Ink Slinger
kiss on cheek, look in eyes, ask if you would like to go out for a glass of wine with me......I'll buy!
Active Ink Slinger
That is so funny awful!! Yes, of course there is no limit to the uses a woman may be to a man, but jeez, can't he just fix the tire??? Oh my! Can't stop laughing.
Active Ink Slinger
I could be the last and still not be as sexy as velvety's avatar pic. Darn!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Curlygirly
Reading that question made me gag a little, so I'm going to say it's not for me.

When I first read the subject, I thought you were referring to wine. Boy, was I ever wrong.

Curlygirly, let's go have a glass of wine together. This thread is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.vKOORKnEPNVPEdCf