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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 39
United States


Active Ink Slinger

Your derriere looked sweet when first we met
I could hardly wait to feel it.
I was anxious to touch the silky skin
And thought just my touch would seal it.

Together we tumbled, twisted and turned
Such delight I have seldom felt.
But of a sudden you made a big loud toot
And darling it badly smelt.

The room was filled with unpleasant odor
The like I have seldom met.
Twas enough to change a cheerful blonde
To a gagging sickly brunette.

You've told me there's a time for everything
A time and a proper place.
But I tell you love, the place for gas
Is not close to my sensitive face.

Next challenge - Not Tonight Dear
Active Ink Slinger
I think he better come up with a good answer in reply or she has to come to the conclusion that he doesn't care anything at all about her sexual satisfaction, and if he doesn't care about her satisfaction there, does he really care about it anywhere else? Erectile dysfunction is a rather common problem and usually has rather successful medical solutions I believe, so why would he be unwilling to take the meds. It doesn't make sense to me. I think she should get the answer or call it quits on this guy. He doesn't sound concerned about her at all to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Few things in life are as scary as a mad redhead.

Rac Darling,
I made a cinnamon crumb cake. Sit and relax and calm and I'll get you a piece and we'll ... talk.

*Image removed by Rage Patrol*
Active Ink Slinger
Hi Laura, and welcome to Lush. The best, dearest, kindest, smartest, people in the world are Lushies so you will be greeted and treated well.
I personally am not any of the above mentioned things but I welcome you also and hope we can get acquainted and be friends soon.
Active Ink Slinger
Just for the record, I agree with Nikki703 that these pageants are stupid.
I hope this doesn't deviate too far from the original thread here, but what about the Olympics? Could she say particiate in a woman's sport? I don't know, just asking, but I bet it will come up sooner or later.
Active Ink Slinger
PersonalAssistant posts so many thought provoking things and like usual I want to participate but am afraid to. When I am 'in that moment' I want to re-do many things, but after that moment has passed I usually can see that something good did come out of it for me.

Ok, it's my marriage. Go ahead and beat me up about it because I know myself that I shouldn't feel like I do, but damnit why why why??
We exchanged vows, did they ever mean anything to you?

I'm so sorry, I shouldn't do this here.
To the thread; I guess I wouldn't change anything because I don't. It isn't all bad; it isn't all good; it's just life. We learn and live and go on. It makes us who we are.

I read some where someone said: "Actually in life you get what you deserve." I would just like to say to that person, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

Oh my, I should move this to the rage cage thread. I don't even have the motivation to do that.

Ok, what would I re-do: ME!!
Active Ink Slinger
In mythology she was a goddess associated with female sexual powers.
In real life she is a goddess associated with female sexual powers also I suspect.
Rare beauty and strength.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm very disappointed that neither myself, Mazza, or even the beautiful shylass made this list, which proves it's all bs anyway. 'Of All Time' what a joke. And if funny is what makes sexy why isn't Moms Mabley on the list?
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, I am having a bad day!!!

*Image removed by Rage Patrol*
Active Ink Slinger
Suncream Seduction

Minding my own business I was
Not even thinking of getting a buzz
When upon my body you started to spread
That stuff that my resolve did shred
Just to protect my skin you told
Then why is your hand being so bold
To explore inside my clothes like this
And make me feel like a slutty miss
It wasn't your hand I'll have you know
That make me squeal and squirm and show
The height of my orgasmic scream
It was that cool slick suncream.

Challenge: Sex Through The Years
Active Ink Slinger
She spread her towel and sat beside me
As the waves rolled onto the sand.
A thing of beauty as she stretched
And I dared to touch her hand.

We laid side by side upon the towel
As the waves washed over my feet.
My arm against her silky skin
I was beginning to feel that heat.

Her lips were like honey, soft and sweet
As the waves splashed onto my ass.
She pressed her body into mine
Not able to resist my pass.

Nothing seemed to distract her
As the waves crept up to my shoulder.
My hand upon her sexy mound
I couldn't have been any bolder.

I lay in the water alone and sad
not moving like a stone statue.
The waves had made my love depart
She wouldn't let them touch her hairdo.

challenge: wet panties at work
Active Ink Slinger
Love her profile statement, her choice in television channels, her sexy stories, her fearlessness in forum posts, and.....I'm going to send her a friend request right now which is something I almost never do, but I just have to have this lady for a friend.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not certain what the idea of this thread is meant to be but your poem gave me a chuckle, so I'll try to return it

I want to be fair
And you deserve an expanation;
You called my friend a lesbian bitch
Which had a bad connotation.

I want to be kind
I am not a hateful person;
So I packed your bag and suggest you leave
Or your countenance will surely worsen.

I want to be helpful
And since you must now start your journey;
One chore you need not worry about
I already called the attorney.

I want to be truthful
and have no misunderstanding;
I do not care where you eat or sleep
Or on whose couch you soon will be landing.

WHAT? You say I will want you back before long
I am a cunt with a constant itch.
Yes dear, you're right, but you must have forgot
My friend, the lesbian bitch.
Active Ink Slinger
Because she makes me smile and I love her for it.
Active Ink Slinger
I really really enjoy this thread, both reading and participating a little, and I want to keep it going, but I am not certain what is meant by "Water Sex". Does that mean like in a hot tub or on a beach or something? Or something else? It's ok if your laughing, I am too, but I don't want to try to describe an orange if it should be an apple, or whatever. A little hint may help me get started.
Active Ink Slinger
I am not a talented writer like most here are and have only posted a few items but would like to respond from my uneducated perspective. Writing for me is relaxing and satisfying. When I was a child my grandmother played a game with me where she would tell me to write down what I was feeling:what I liked about her cookies, what the clouds looked like to me, etc. Now when I read what someone else has written, especially the Love Poems, I empathize with that author. As an example, and please forgive me if this is not proper to do because I don't have permission, but Mazza wrote a poem titled "Used" and it made my eyes fill with tears. I laughed at Shylass' "Cinderella". etc. Isn't this what good writers do, they make us feel emotions? No, I don't think Shylass has a glass dildo in her bum, but her writing made me feel emotion, and in so doing made me want to know more about her. I wanted to hug Mazza because what she wrote made me feel her loneliness. So yes, what you write does make the reader interested in knowing more about you, and it isn't just to cum on your avatar, it is because you as a writer have made us feel emotions.

Jeez, see why I'm not a good writer, I ramble all over the place But hey, thank you writers for making me WANT to know you because you have touched me and made me feel something. Keep writing, I promise I won't stalk you. Well............maybe not promise.H6FfZKTEEiDyEwqJ
Active Ink Slinger
This is a difficult thing to accomplish in a relationship without causing hurt feelings. My suggestion is that you don't have to be painfully blunt but you do have to be plainly truthful.
Step one is for you to decide which it will be (make the decision).
Step two is to present your decision as kindly as possible (state the decision).
Step three is to deal with the response with no compromise (live the decision). This is where it may HAVE to get painfully blunt.
But sweetie, YOU have to make this decision for yourself and then live it, and the longer you put it off the more hurt there will be, and one last thing, "silence and a pissy attitude" are not a good signal for a happy marriage and family.
I wish you the best.
Active Ink Slinger
I got an Italian Meatball sub once and it wanted to be free so bad it dropped the meatball into my lap and ruined my skirt and I haven't had a sub since but I dommed the hell out of that meatball, the bastard. And it was a good skirt too.
Active Ink Slinger
Hey countrygirl58, you're not the 'bad guy' just because someone else thinks you are, because others think you are not. I always had sort of the opposite problem of keeping things bottled up, I just blabbed. It has helped me to find other outlets: write it down, tell a trusted friend; go in the bathroom and throw water on my face., but there are times we can't do those things. In those times trust yourself. Of course you will be concerned about what others think, no one likes to have their thoughts rejected, but sometimes it is worth the risk to state yourself. Remember, you are important, just as much as anyone else, and so are your ideas.
Active Ink Slinger
sisters: a rose for your hand to hold, a touch for your cheek to feel, a wish for your health to return so your heart may be happy once again.

I am saddened for you and my 'meh' seems groundless now, so here, I am looking at you and want to take your meh away.

Active Ink Slinger
My Washing Machine

My washing machine is really quite old
And to climb upon it may seem bold
But now I wait as the thing fills
Because the spin cycle gives me thrills.

The clothes get clean and I get dirty
Anticipation makes me flirty
I love my washing machine dearly
And soon will orgasm most clearly.

Poor hubby thinks I'm doing laundry
While actually I sit here in a quandry
How do I tell him my spinning GE
Makes me cum harder then he.

Challenge: saying goodbye to a bad lover
Active Ink Slinger
Just something about her makes me want to know her; could be the boots, could be the honey.
Active Ink Slinger
I never fuck a stranger, but after we say hello we are no longer strangers are we?
So 'Hello' next fuck.
Active Ink Slinger
I have never been jealous of 'racking's avatar picture.

Active Ink Slinger
Oh my, I would never consider such an obvious attempt to stimuate the poor male species lustful minds. Wait, something is sticking me right here on my thigh; there, I think I got it.
Oh, were you looking? I am soooo embarassed!
Active Ink Slinger
I thought I was suppose to do that; just like they think they are suppose to look at my ass as I walk away. It seems to be somewhat of a normal reaction.

A friends dad....I don't think so, but there again, if he is 'checking me out' he may receive a checking out himself so to speak.
Active Ink Slinger
I have been meh for several days, and I hate it when I am meh and someone tells me to cheer up. Well if I could cheer up I wouldn't be meh would I? But now I dropped in here and all your meh seems to have absorbed my meh and I feel no mo meh and feel silly again. Except I have used your meh to help myself, without permission I may add, and that is making me all meh again. poo! Meh is back.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know what TPE stands for either, so it was definately a good question. It was just that the more I read on the thread the confuseder was my head.

Red Dragon gave a good answer explaining the why for the rules and it is pretty easy to understand that there are few ways to determine if an online sub is indeed obeying so that would be one test.

My giggling comment was not meant to offend, but was just that I was so I thought maybe someone else was also.
Active Ink Slinger
Why, Shylass, why???
You are giggling aren't you?