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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 39
United States


It looks lke I am the only one here with a different view on this but I will voice it anyway. I think it depends on the individuals involved. Not everyone wants to live a sexually 'only one' lifestyle even when they are married. Ever heard of threesomes, swinging, gangbangs, etc.? I don't think what you mention is unusual at all, but because it is with a sibling of the other half it needs to be openly discussed and agreed on by everyone involved. If you can't discuss it openly then don't pursue it.
I would yes, and would very much enjoy being told to do it.
I'm afraid I can't honestly answer that. Each one seems the 'best' at that moment. Well, usually!
I don't think I ever had a man NOT enjoy it. How would you compare who enjoys it the most?
I don't know about 'most' girls but think as soon as anyone tries it they will be eager to do it again. Yes, I have: whenever and whereever!!!!!
I wanted to reply to your thread but I have no idea why straight guys would want to wear pantyhose or stockings. Perhaps it creates some feeling in them that I don't know about. I've never witnessed it. But there should be some inteesting comments I would think if any straight guys really do it.
Yes Markhammer, but perhaps it is who they really would be if there were no social restrictions on them.
Kissing Sweet Jenny above. I am Jenny also. That can't be wrong can it?
Fortunately I signed into Lush today so I can laugh and enjoy all your sillinesses.
I am enough of an exhibitionist that I enjoy being 'accidentally' exposed some times. Often dress so that can happen easily. I enjoy the 'looks' and usually the 'touches'.
I don't let it stay with me 'for the day', but I may let it stay with me if I happen to have a certain clean up servive in mind.
My first thought is that you should wake her sweetly before you 'go for it' or you might be very unpleasantly surprised. However, I don't know the girl or her likes and fantasies, so.......I would be interested in knowing the outcome, if there is any.
The answers here obviously show differing opinions and differing reasons and that is as it should be.
I love having my tits played with and so many things make them feel soooo good and get me very aroused, wet, and horny. Fucking them isn't one of them, and I have never been able to understand a guy's wish to do it when in my opinion there are other much better places to put their cock which will give us both much more pleasure.
Age is not a big determining factor for me. Attitude is; personality. I have had guys in their 50s try to act like teenagers, and vice versa, and both are definate turn offs. Be yourself and approach with confidence and I think the right ladies will respond positively.
All the health and hygiene aside, I simply do not want to be around any guy that would do someting like that, any more then I would want your exes old anniversary cards or wilted flowers; jewelry or perfume; ANYTHING!!! I am me, treat and love me for the individual I am or go away. Used toys...that is just so WRONG!!!!
I like it because I like knowing guys want me sexually, but I know it bothers many others.
I also like it when girls look also. That really makes my mind do crazy things.
Both! It depends on the situation and mood. Sometimes I enjoy very slow, drawn out teasing and foreplay, but other times I like to just be taken and used for sex. I find the not knowing how it will be done this time, or next time, very much a turn on.

Others found my beauty appealing
I moved with ease and boldness
Smiling and flirting twas quite the tease
I never acted with coldness.
But I find my mind has betrayed me
Not just my heart that's bleeding.
Boldness destroyed, I find myself
On knees in plaintive pleading.

With fear and awe and wide eyed wonder
My heart is exceedingly wrenched.
One tender touch from your lovely hand
Would leave me wonderfully drenched.
I sweat I swear my face is flushed
Like a child you make me blush.
I long for your heart your kiss your touch
I'm trapped in my first ever crush.

You have me breathless wanting your love
Panting with fervent desire.
Twill never be for inferior me
You're simply too much higher.

Challenge: What happens when a Dominant feels empathy

The light so dim gives me courage
As my top hits the floor.
I know you are so excited
To see me act the whore.

I move my hips round seductive
As my skirt slides down low.
With knicks and bra only covered
I still have lots to show.

I sense you all are now eager
To see my female parts.
The tents in your pants quite prove it
As does your pumping hearts.

My tits so large have you wanting
To touch to squeeze to play.
While on the stage I do shimmy
But out of reach I stay.

I have made you want to fuck me
You wish I were for sale.
I'll be back on stage next hour
So stay and quaff your ale.

It's my job to make you horny
I try my best to please.
But really I just pay the bills
When I do my striptease.

next challenge: hating the feeling that love is dying
To me it seems the answer to your question is found in your first sentence: "I'm in love with a girl....."
If you are, really, in love with this girl, then the distance is not an obstacle as much as an oppurtunity to prove to her that you do love her.
She will appreciate your efforts, sacrifices, and determination.
She will not appreciate an 'I don't know if I should attutude.'
I know it's my fault because the last couple weeks I didn't do ALL the ironing, just the few pieces I thought I'd need and now I have like lots. I got out the board and iron. Now I'm here. MEH! Who cares really? And why do they say things like "Never Needs Ironing" when if you wear it and wash it of course it needs ironing. Like they should advertise "Never needs ironing unless you wear it." And I don't really mind ironing I just don't want to do it. Like when you want a glass if iced tea but don't want to go to the trouble of getting the cubes out. It's not that I mind really, I JUST DON'T WANT TO DO IT. Now what? If I don't iron something I wasted the effort setting up the board. That thought is even more meh then doing the ironing. Fucking ice cubes probably won't come out of the tray anyway.
I'm so meh I don't even want to not be meh. Who cares? I JUST DON"T WANT TO DO It whatever it is.