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Waiting For Penny - Part 1

Nerdy seventeen-year-olds Keisha and Jenifer take solace in each other's company as their private, Friday night pool party plans are disrupted by Keisha's twin sister.

Aaliyah was the popular one. She hung out with all the cool kids, she was good at sports, and her teachers adored her—some of them too much. It was her personality that did it, that separated her from her shy, introverted nerd of a sister. There was no ot...

We Live Together - Part 4

Several days have passed, and the teenagers find themselves alone together after dinner.

"Go ahead," Riley said, motioning to the sink. Christian jumped at the opportunity and set the stack of plates inside like it was the greatest privilege he'd ever received. It was the most she'd said to him in three days and he didn't want it to end there...

We Live Together - Part 3

Riley can't sleep so she joins her brother on his bunk

It was only much later that Riley's shy voice broke the silence. "Chris?" she asked. "Yeah?" "Can I... Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? I can't sleep." A long pause. "Chris?" More silence. Riley suddenly felt foolish and blurted out, "I mean, only...

We Live Together - Part 2

Riley hears a strange noise from the top bunk as she tries to fall asleep

Riley slept on the bottom bunk. That had been decided when their mom brought the bed home. She didn't help build it though, in fact, she even neglected to provide all the parts, even the tools needed to assemble it. But Christian had improvised and figure...

We Live Together - Part 1

Riley and her half-brother register for classes at her new High School

Their cousin's car peeled out of the parking lot and backfired as it sped away. While the large crowd of students ducked and took cover to avoid what sounded like gunfire, the two siblings scurried forward into the hall as fast as possible. The last thing...

Wrestling My Cousin

Bitchy seventeen-year-old Shannon spends the summer with her cousin and their lopsided relationship takes a drastic change just a few days into their hot, sweaty, summer job.

The irritated blonde girl deliberately smacked her lips together as she chewed her gum. She was angry but somehow she managed to look even cuter when she was. It was that very rare level of cute that let her get away with almost anything. And as she stood...

Welcome Back, Jack - Part 2

Frustrated after a confusing encounter with her friend's dad, Jackie retreats to Trevor's room where the two catch up on life, school and romance.

As soon as she got upstairs, Jackie flopped onto the bed and buried her face in Trevor's pillow. She didn't cry or mope, she was more confused than anything else. Everything had been going so well. Her heart was beating, her fingers started to tingle, and...

Welcome Back, Jack - Part 1

A young transgender teen reunites with her former best friend and his dad, but a lot has changed since they last saw each other.

The door swung open, and Jackie scurried inside. She was too afraid to make eye contact with Mr. Moore and offered him nothing more than a cursory glance as she hurried past him. He fared no better. Mr. Moore stared stupidly at her long, black ponytail un...

What Would Melinda Do - Part 2

After her yoga session, Melinda welcomes her son's friend inside and keeps him company.

A tall, handsome young man dressed in comfortable gym shorts and a t-shirt stood patiently on the other side of the door. Melinda could see him narrow his eyes and try to peer through the small crack. With the sunlight assaulting her face, Melinda squinte...

What Would Melinda Do - Part 1

A young, single mom drives her son home after his High School water polo practice, but instead of a normal, relaxing Friday afternoon together, she learns of her son's dark secrets.

She held her hand over the vent, and even though she could feel the frigid air blasting her, Melinda still felt like she was burning up. It was a hot day, that was true, but the inside of her truck should have made her feel like a slab of meat inside a me...

Working Nights Part 2

Maria sticks around after her first day of work and gets to know her new boss a little better.

Maria very stealthily made her escape, tiptoeing across the squeaky floors and darting past dilapidated equipment. She ducked inside the ladies locker room and allowed herself to breathe. Her heart hadn't settled down yet and just made it more difficult t...

Working Nights Part 1

It's seventeen-year-old Maria's first day on the job, and she's very nervous about making a good impression for her boss

Her back ached, her arms were sore, and it even hurt to sit. "Thanks for covering for me, Maria, you can get back to it," the pretty, light-skinned girl told her. Maria wanted to groan, but this was her first day so she forced a polite smile. "Sure, any t...

Winter In Camp Sunshine Part 3

Sixteen-year-old Penny and her transgender friends uncover the unsettling truth about the cutest girl at camp. But first, Penny has to explain what she's doing late at night in the bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" Yumiko asked. Penny knew she looked suspicious with her swollen cheeks and the way she was holding her hands up to her lips. She closed her eyes and gulped down the contents of her mouth. The slimy, disgusting liquid oozed down...

Winter In Camp Sunshine Part 2

Penny is trapped with her new friends during a storm and struggles to keep her secret.

Penny sat there by the window, nearly drowning in coats and blankets. She shot an irritated look at the young, bubbly teenager standing next to her. The girl flashed her pristine, white teeth when she smiled. "So, is it still raining?" she asked. "I don't...

Winter In Camp Sunshine Part 1

The Winter camp for Trans girls is under new management, and the young, energetic founder is forced to make a very difficult decision about one of her new attendees.

The bus ride so far had been eerily quiet, and they were almost there. The last sign on the side of the road said they were only forty miles away, and that was some time ago. Sunshine was even more suspicious because the bus was nearly overflowing with si...