119 Please
And thanks for such a cool oppertunity.
Quote by canadian_milf
I would love to see you in any of these my sexy friend.
Though you wouldn't be in them for long![]()
Quote by HeraTeleia
Before you get too excited about HP Sauce, I believe SJ was joking. There is nothing special about HP Sauce--it's very similar to A-1 Steak Sauce in thickness, texture and taste.
Quote by HeraTeleia
Wow, that came off as terse. How would I know if you had diabetes? I am a lot of things, but psychic is not one of those things. I'm sorry if I accidentally offended you.
Quote by Dani
Nothing really makes it taste 'better'. Semen has its own bitter taste that can either be heightened or lightened.
Your diet plays a huge role in altering the bitterness of your cum. What you put in is what comes out. Think of what drinking lots of soda or beer does to your pee vs. what drinking lots of water does to your pee. Major difference, right? It's the same with your semen.
Drinking lots of water not only helps produce more semen with every ejaculation, but it also makes it 'cleaner', and therefore less bitter. It's a noticeable difference.
Pineapple, celery, kiwi, and other fresh fruits also decrease the bitterness of your semen. Beer, steak, and things of that nature can heighten the bitterness.
So overall, the best thing you can do to make your cum more palatable is clean eating/drinking.
Oh, and lay off the asparagus.
Quote by HeraTeleia
I know that I've posted this somewhere else, in some buried thread, but the two best ways that I know of to ensure that your ejaculate is palatable--it's never going to be sweet, per se, unless there's some other physiological issue going on, like diabetes--is to a) be well-hydrated and b) drink pineapple juice, if you can tolerate it. Avoiding foods or ingestible products that are known to lend a distinct scent to urine or sweat--unbaked garlic, asparagus (raw, steamed, whatever--doesn't matter), cumin, durian fruit, marijuana, among others--will also help, as any food or drink that lends one excretion a distinct taste or scent is more than likely going to lend all bodily excretions that same distinct taste or scent.
Good luck.
Quote by WellMadeMale
Cum leaks...
I'd call a plumber. Hell, I'd pretend to be a plumber. Cum shouldn't be leaking out for fucks sakes, unless you (the cum leaker) have inadequate closure. And if you do..
You do not have a REALLY tight funhole.
Am I over analyzing?