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Over 90 days ago
Heteroflexible Male, 44
United States


Active Ink Slinger
HAHA, my buddies will start questioning my sexuality! How much juice are we talking about to make things taste better?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy
Pineapple juice is the quintessential product that's recommended to improve the taste of cum, and I can testify that it gives great results; that's pretty much the only thing I drink aside from water. The cashier at the grocery store always wonders why the fuck I'm buying 10 pints of pineapple juice, though one time a young girl couldn't help but smile at it, haha.

There are some foods that can make your cum taste bitter too: I ate a great amount of spinach a short while ago, and my cum tasted like spinach for a few days afterward. Yuck!

Coffee, alcohol and tobacco can also alter the taste of your cum. You can read this article for a thorough guide:

That great, thanks for the help. Guess I need to cut back on the drinks a bit. or start mixing with pineapple juice. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
Has anyone had any luck on making their cum taste better? I was told mine is very strong. I know there is a million things on the net on how to make it taste better but do any of them work really?
Active Ink Slinger
Hung like a field mouse in a January snow storm.
7" about 2.5" girth like an 0
Active Ink Slinger
Usually make a mess of myself then grab a t-shirt or towel from the laundry basket, wipe up and crawl back in bed.
Active Ink Slinger
I enjoy it as much as the recipient does. If she's into it, I get into it a lot more, some women don't care either way so I'd rather move on to somewhere else that is more enjoyable for her, and in return me too. I do love sucking on some nipples tho!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by homealone71
One 5 lbs Chihuahua name Paco..But we call him Puk short for Puka Shell

Nice cat! I bet he's a real bad ass!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BethanyFrasier

Then why is there such a vastly disproportionate number of 'bad' people in America? No other country in the world comes anywhere close to the number of gun-deaths as there are every year in America.

Chicago has one of the highest number of gun crimes in the country, yet the state has the strictest gun laws. If only the criminals have weapons and nobody can fight back unless the police are there, what is the deterant for bad people? The law? obviously that doesn't matter much to them.
Active Ink Slinger
First of all there is no such thing as an "assault rifle" They are just black semi automatic rifles. The same functioning rifle also comes in brown wood. People that aren't familiar with them think they are bad because that's what the media makes them out to be. Most people ask "why do you even need that, they are not for hunting" Well I use mine to hunt, have a few different ones for whatever I'm hunting. The one I use the most has a flashlight on it so when my dog finds a coon and get into a fight I don't shoot him, I can see and shoot the coon. We also have coyotes around here that spread disease and kill livestock. I have a much larger "assault rifle" I use to kill those, because they are 250-350 yards away. Guns and cars/trucks are very alike, you need one that will meet your needs, you are comfortable with and will get the job done. Tactical rifles "assault rifles" are easily accessorised to meet the needs of comfort and handleabiltity, therefor making it much safer, and fewer accidents.
There is no legislation ever that will take guns out of criminals hands, period. It hasn't worked for guns, drugs, , sex trafficking, alcohol, robbery, ect. Bottom line is even if you took away all guns from everyone, bad people will still do bad things. Being in the fire service I have had hundreds of hours of training for bombs and booby traps set at meth labs. Being in a rural area, guns are very very common. I can think of only 2 cases where someone around here has used them to harm someone else in the last 15 yrs. Fatality car accidents with drunk drivers on the other hand, I see about 3-5/yr not including the ones with serious injury. Take away guns, they'll blow people up or stab them. Bad people are bad people.
Active Ink Slinger
2yr old Boxer, bridle, and protector of the kids. Great dog, but don't mess with the kids, he'll show you who's boss. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
"Show me a guy that says he doesn't and I'll show you a liar" also we give ourselves the best handjob. along with all other answers. It truly is an endless list.
Active Ink Slinger
Why does it bother so many people from other countries what we do here in the greatest nation on earth? We like guns, it was our right given to us by the founders of this nation and yes we will defend that right. Once we become a defenseless population, what is there to stop us from becoming a communist country or run by dictators and what would be a deterant from other countries coming here to take over? Yes we have different points of view on things then some, obviously so do you. We do what we feel is right and you do the same. Just because we are pro guns doesn't mean we are pro killing. If that were the case the only one in this country would be the best gunman. The perception of our country from others blows my mind. Then to get on here and be an internet bad ass, like you know what its like over here, and start knocking our dick in the dirt. SMH
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by seeker4

Good and I think that's probably how it should be in a family like yours in a country like yours. If you're going to have kids around guns, raise them to live safely around guns.

My only question, and this is coming from someone who lives in a country that doesn't have a US-style gun culture and for the most part does not want one, is why so many guns? Especially the handguns?

I mean, if you're a hunter, I can see having two or three rifles (which would be perfectly legal here, too, by the way) or a couple rifles and a shotgun.

But multiple handguns (which are tightly controlled in Canada)? Is she a competitive shooter? Because for self-defense, the only justification beyond competitive shooting I can think of for owning a handgun, one good quality pistol should be enough.

Well that is a very good question. She has one she carries and a small caliber one I bought her to shoot and get used to, to start out with. She also has a larger caliber that she carried for a while but its more of a fun piece. I actually won it for her in a raffle on valentines day. Its pink and stainless, very cool looking gun. there are a couple more she'd like to have tho also. We live in the country on a farm so I have multiple rifles for different purposes, and have a list of more I want to build. It's hard to explain but each gun is like a different woman. They feel different, some are better for things then others, some are a louder bang, ect. There are many things we don't "need", but we certainly enjoy.
Active Ink Slinger
Admittedly...I'd try all of them. Have tried a few, but with most things the mood has to be right. Getting my ass slapped and scratch marks are always fun, but I cant see doing the others just anytime, ie. nooner / quickie ect.
Active Ink Slinger
Women have more options for sexy pics, we have just the one so we have to make the best of it. lol
Active Ink Slinger
For me, it's the experience for the lady. Most of the women around here don't know anything about it, or don't think its possible, let alone how great it feels. I love giving them the intense pleasure of experiencing it. Giving a girl pleasure gives me pleasure so when she gets off, that gets me off.
Active Ink Slinger
I know this seems like a common sence thing "keep the guns away from kids and locked up" "don't keep them in your house" Well, here's my opinion and what we do. I have a wife and 2 kids, my wife has multiple handguns and I have multiple rifles. All but one of the handguns are locked up and none of my rifles are. Both of my kids know where they are. Now you are probably flipping out thinking "is this guy fucking stupid?!" Well My kids "both under 8 yrs old" have been brought up around them, they are not curious of them and they know what they are for and can do. None of them are loaded but even if they were, they know better. A lot of you I'm sure are going "but they could get killed with them!" Let me ask you this, does your kids put butter knives in the outlets? Put toys in the oven and turn it on? Maybe throw your cat in the microwave to see what would happen? Play with kitchen knives? Stick their hand in the toaster? I bet not. Why? cause they know better. My kids aren't curious about our guns because they have seen us shoot them, and clean them, and every time we do, its a gun saftey course basically. I have left guns on the table (bolt carrier group was out, unloaded and trigger lock on) just to see if my kids would even pay attention to them, they would walk by, glance at it as they passed by, then came to ask me why I left it out. I'm not saying every parent can do this, because well not every kid has grown up around firearms. I happen to grow up with a dad that had one in his truck at all times. And so will my kids.
Active Ink Slinger
I have always been told that I am "brutally honest". I Figure if you are asking me my opinion, why not be truthful about it. A lot of people cant handle it or don't like it, others really appreciate it cause most people aren't that way. My best friend calls me anytime she has a problem because she knows I will be honest with her, and not just tell her something to make her feel better or take her side.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Realgirl1979
I dont have a BF right now... BUT YES!!! I have always wanted to try that!!

Want one? lol
Active Ink Slinger
buildup is the biggest thing for me, then enthusiasm when we get in to it.
Active Ink Slinger
The most important life lesson I have learned is often repeated and always a reminder to me. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. In the fire service we have seen people with minor injuries pass and people with severe injuries that have actually died while we were extracting them or shortly after be revived and return back to normal life after Dr's work their magic. Never take tomorrow for granted,life changes a split second at a time. All the other advice I have read is great and I truly believe that we should live by it to make the best of today.
Active Ink Slinger
Seen this somewhere and thought it was funny "A Slut is a woman with the morals of a man"
Active Ink Slinger
I have a crazy and hectic schedule everyday, and when I get done, I want to eat and have sex. I like sex a lot and will want it at any possible chance of having it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Martiann
On New Years eve it was pretty cold in Atlanta, but I wore a white blouse opened to my waist, a mid thigh black leather skirt, black patterned thigh high stay up stockings, short black boots and a very big smile!!

Now that I would like to see a picture of, sounds very sexy!
Active Ink Slinger
I too was born Nov. 9th and am very sexual and willing to explore almost every aspect of sex. I do have a few limits but very few.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket

You handle it...a lot.

Very well put! I was going to say the same thing!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not overly hairy, but do trim it from time to time. I don't like to look bushy so to speak. but its not really that thick. Not sure that I could shave it off though.