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Over 90 days ago
Heteroflexible Male, 45
United States


Quote by benscrane
I'll try anything 2 or 3 times

I'm with them :d/ for the most part, don't knock it till you try it, try it till you like it. LOL
Most of the above have coverd it IMO, even the funny ones hold some truth as well. In my case I'm a very affectionate person and I like to receive it in return. Doesn't have to a bj and/or anal but just show that you care. Long story short my wife was recently reminded by a friend of hers, that I don't "have" to compliment her and show the affection that I do, just because I'm her husband. Apparently she had this misconception in her head for a while now (a few years)
Also turning him down when he wants sex can often be percieved as rejection more so then all the other crazy things in life that get in the way. Personally speaking sex is my outlet for stress and often clears my head. So if he's at a stressful point in time, take care of those needs and it will help with all the other stuff too.
Delicious! Thats my initial reaction and then all the fun things I would like to do with them start running through my head. I'm sorry ...... what was the question?
Quote by canadian_milf

Wildweasel do you want another wife?

Depends, I have a few requirements....
My wife and I both have very high stress jobs and 2 young kids so getting off of work and coming home to more stress doesn't help. What helps us the most is come home, change out of the business clothes, pour a drink and turn on some music while we cook supper and help our kids with homework. The drink helps calm the nerves the music is relaxing, we are in the same room and interacting with each other and there is minimal shoptalk. The kids love to turn up the music and dance with us too, so its really stress relieving and everyone is in a good mood. After the kids are tucked in to bed, sometimes we have another drink and dance together more provocatively leading into another room for some slap n tickle time. lol
I would suggest working your way down a little at a time and watch his reaction.
Had a girlfriend once that thought anal was the most disgusting thing, but one time in the heat of passion I gently and slowly introduced her to it and she changed her perspective entirely. I think people sometimes think they will get judged on their answers but once things get going the true feelings come out, whether they knew it or not.
I went to the movie with my wife. Honestly I was fully expecting a "Majic Mike" quality but was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't that bad. Was nothing spectacular by any means but not terrible.
We didn't really make any conscious efforts to change anything, I think it just naturally happend from spending time with each other. She came out of her shell more and I started enjoying the simple things and not having to go out every night or always be around friends to have a good time.
I had to go back 3 weeks later with a sample so they could check for swimmers. All was clear. We had sex before that but she was on BC so it didnt matter really.
Being bent over gets me hot, but cowgirl gets me off. I like the raw sexuality of a woman bent over, especially if she has a thong peeking out of her pants/shorts, hell even bare, but when it come to getting the job done I like to see/kiss her face and play with her breasts and talk to her while we get to the orgasm.
Not a deal breaker but I find it important. My wife usually wont do it unless I ask for it, but she doesn't protest. She wont wake me up to a BJ every morning like I would like her to, but marriage is a compromise. lol
For those of you who are not familiar with what these are, here is a very generic explination.

Introverts (or those of us with introverted tendencies) tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.

Extroverts, on the other hand, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social.
My wife is an introvert and I am an extrovert. I think we compliment each other well and has helped us both. It has brought out qualities that we wouldn't have if it weren't for being together.
Ass-hat, Fuck-tard, or Cum guzzling Thunder cunt if they really piss me off.
Heels and stockings with garter belt is my favorite for bedroom fun.
Boots and tights with a skirt is sexy, for public. Especially in the winter time when it's too cold to wear limited clothes.
Wet and Sloppy please, weather it by deepthroat or just enthusiasm, they are my favorite!
A girl and I got busted in my truck by her dad once, he was furious, threatend to have the cops come but I was only 16 and she was 18. So that backfired. LOL
Whats the funniest thing or most embarrassing thing that has happend to you during sex (before/after you get the idea)
For example dogs cold nose on a butt, appendages in the ceiling fan, neighbors hear screams and call to see if everything is ok. ect
That sort of thing.
Quote by naughtybessparker
Wildweasel, I'm there!
First car I fucked in was a clapped out Ford Sierra. The internal light came on (for no reason) whilst I was going for it and the bloody thing wouldn't go off! I gave a few people in that car park quite a show.

Now with your car...let them watch, they'd only be jealous!


That was my first "car" This one is what I replaced it with.
Shortest was 4'10'' 90 lbs and she was one of the best I have ever been with, not just for the physical size aspects, but she was the tightest I have ever had and did things that any man could be addicted to easily.
I would say it depends on the type of slut you want to be. I wouldn't say sleep with every guy you have the chance to just for the title, but choose the ones you are attracted to, even sluts have standards in my opinion. I'd be happy t help you on your quest at any time however ;)
Rich Nympho! (its probably already taken but I didn't feel like searching through 39 pages to find out. )
I don't mind girls with extra curves. They tend to be more fun. I'd choose one over a skinny chick that thinks she's hot any day.
I'm married and have had sex with both. Quite honestly if you put the kink and or fetishes aside and are talking just traditional sex. My wife is the best, and she should be, we have had 13 yrs of practice at it and we know each others buttons and reactions. It is fun to play with other people, obviously, but unless its something she wont do with me, it's seldom mind blowing, but good for a fix to a dry spell. Back to your question tho, I have not seen much of a difference in quality. Married women are generally more appreciative from what I would assume is lack of affection at home, where singles like to try to impress with different "skills". It really does depend on the individual more then their marital status tho. Enthusiasm and willingness are the two hottest things for me personally.
Quickest? lets just say it was a game of "Just the tip" haha bu that was a Looooong time ago.

How long? That depends on a lot of things I wait till she's satisfied, usually 20-30 mins. But if she wants an all nighter, i'll have a couple of drinks and can go till the sun comes up, or goes down. Really depends on her and what she would like.