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The Copper Lady - A Halloween Story

Belinda Barnotti discovers a real Copper Lady on Witch Hill

Belinda Barnotti, known to her friends as BB, stood at the entrance to the Witch Hill Nunnery Museum silently debating with herself. She was almost a Doctor of Anthropology. All that was left for her to gain her PhD was to complete her thesis. Then she had to make a name for herself by turning that thesis into a book. That would make her a well-known anthropologist. Well-known anthropologists get teaching jobs in prestigi...

Invitation To The Party - A Halloween Story

Sid is invited to a very special Halloween party.

Sid is a good friend of mine from days long past. He has fallen on hard times. A lot of the men... and women who have been the places we have been and done the things which we have done have been overwhelmed by what has been burned into their memory once they try to “return to society.” Many, like Sid, try to drown the memories of what they saw... or did. When that didn’t work, he fell totally apart... booze, broads, drug...

The Wisher

A young man finds that he is able to see aliens.

They want to know when I first realized that I could change my world. That’s not exactly how they posed the question. They asked “When did you first realize that you were disconnected from reality?” That is a really stupid question, but not nearly as stupid as the questions they asked me in the mental ward. There everyone asked about how I handled the death of my parents and my three sisters in an auto accident when I was...

Lady Lucille’s After Hour Game Night

Some bars have great stories behind them. Lady Lucille’s has a legend.

Lady Lucille’s Bar & Grill has been a fixture down on Second Street for many years. Supposedly it was once even closer to the river, but back in the big floods of ’93 it survived only because the owner and patrons got together to sandbag a six foot high flood wall all the way around it. Once the floods went down, the owner picked up the building and moved the bar three blocks– and about twenty feet in elevation– up to wha...

Rogue One - 03

Rogue One Finds Out How Kinky The Base Commander Actually Is

Chapter Five - Commander Sylvia Rogue walked up to the base airlock and reached up to trigger the microphone so he could speak the entry code. But before he could speak, Jada said cheerfully, “Good Morning, Rogue.” The lock on the inner door clicked and it swung inward. As he entered the kitchen area, Commander Blackstone looked up at him and said, “You look like hell. I was going to ask you more about your battle plans,...

Rogue One - 02

Rogue One Has His First Lesbian Threesome.

Chapter Three - Amanda All of the staff except Julie and Jennifer were done with breakfast and at their posts by the time Rogue had showered. He hadn’t shaved because he didn’t trust the razors that Darlene and Amanda had sitting in holders next to the sink. He would shave when he got back to his ship. There were several choices from the automated food dispenser. Rogue chose an egg omelet, which was surprisingly good for...

Rogue One - 01

Brulaxian World Ships have destroyed seven Earth colonies and are approaching Colony Two. Rogue One arrives with a promise of a way to defeat them. But can he?

Chapter One - The Brulaxians “Incoming! Incoming!” the shrill voice of the communications tech for Earth Base Two Omega screamed loudly just before the auto-defense alarms began blaring, drowning out her screams. “Report!” barked the commander after silencing the alarm and the tech replied a little more calmly, “I’m reading an incoming ship traveling at light eighteen.” The communications tech’s bright blue eyes were wide...

The Washing Woman - A Halloween Story

The Washing Woman prepares a man’s burial shroud.

Quarrie Balfour slowly climbed the steps of his mansion that led to the second floor. It was early, only a little after ten, but the guests were gone and the house was quiet. He paused to look out the tower window that was half-way up the steps. This house wasn’t a castle, nor was it made of stone, but the architect had attempted to capture some of the characteristics of the Balfour Castle, the family ancestral home which...

The Screaming Tree - A Halloween Story

There is a very old, mysterious tree in Mystery’s town park.

The town of Mystery sits in the middle of a valley of extremely good farmland. Nowhere else in the area has such bountiful crops. And no other town in the area has such a large park located right in the middle of town. It is almost as if the town of Mystery grew up around the park. The lush grasses and wildflowers of Mystery Park make it a great place for picnics and impromptu sports. Sometimes lovers come into the park a...

Pumpkin Patch Spells

Marcie tries to get David to notice her

Marcie carved a smiling jack o’lantern and lit the special candle as the old woman had instructed. She was desperate to get David to notice her. Soon after placing the pumpkin in her window, heavy, strange scents overwhelmed her with visions and dreams full of David and her and earth-shattering sex. Her phone awakened her. “I drove past last night,” David said, “I couldn’t believe the face on that pumpkin. Is it OK if I s...

My Costume - A Halloween Story

Ciara once again wins a Halloween costume contest.

I’m not sure when I first realized that I could change my Halloween costume with just my mind. I'm pretty sure the first time was when Belinda McDaniels wore the exact same costume to school that I did. Well, not exactly the same. We were both Jasmine from Aladdin, but hers was much, much better than mine because her parents were rich and could afford the best. With the professionally-applied makeup and the jeweled tiara,...

The Green Lady - A Halloween Story

Loretta meets a new friend at a Halloween party.

Loretta walked slowly down the hallway of the old mansion. The Halloween party was a fundraiser for the historical group which was trying to restore the place. They also rented out some of the restored bedrooms as a B & B during tourist season, but this annual adults-only party was their big money-maker for the year. In one night it brought in almost as much money as the rest of their fundraisers. The tickets were not ine...

It’s My Party

Mistress J accepts a new slave at Mistress Regina’s party.

I was already lying across the spanking / fucking bench when the first partygoers arrived. Julie Ann, called J by everyone... and Mistress J by those in the inner circle... was there to meet them. She quickly explained, “Mistress Regina was called away on urgent business, but she didn’t want to cancel the party, so she asked me to act as hostess.” She pointed to me and said, “Besides, we have already arranged for slut zar...

The Three Amigos At The Purple Oyster

Jake, Dave and John Perform at the Purple Oyster

Jake, Dave, and John had been close friends since high school. Actually, they were friends long before high school. Jake and Dave had known each other since forever and John became their friend when his parents moved into the neighborhood just before he started school. The three boys were originally part of a much larger circle of friends, but in high school things slowly began to change. The change occurred when their fr...

The Party Bus - A Halloween Story

Darin and Karina take a ride on the Halloween Party Bus

Darin groggily lifted his head and looked around him. “Whoa!” he said loudly. “I must have really gotten wasted at that Halloween party.” He quickly checked to make sure that his costume, a large cloth leaf, was still in place. He then lifted his head and looked at the black and orange crepe paper hanging in big loops from the ceiling of the dimly-lit bus and at all of the other costumed riders. He didn’t remember getting...