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The Wisher

"A young man finds that he is able to see aliens."

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"A young man finds that he is able to see aliens, and that an alien pill has given him powers. Everyone thinks he is nuts until he is finally taken to a secret government facility to tell his story. This is a SciFi story with sexual overtones. The sex is very mild, but the SciFi story will make you think about the women around you in a different way."

They want to know when I first realized that I could change my world. That’s not exactly how they posed the question. They asked “When did you first realize that you were disconnected from reality?”

That is a really stupid question, but not nearly as stupid as the questions they asked me in the mental ward. There everyone asked about how I handled the death of my parents and my three sisters in an auto accident when I was in the sixth grade. Now all these jokers want to know is when I “disconnected from reality.”

I answered, “My first trip to the looney bin was my second year of college.”

“What caused that?” they asked.

“When I started telling people that an alien was teaching the intro to psychology class,” I answered. I figured I might as well give them the whole story. No one ever believed me, but I got a lot of pleasure out of watching their reactions.

I continued my answer. “Everyone else thought she was normal,” I explained. “Everyone else saw just an average-aged, average height, average white woman. But what I saw on the first day of class was a green lizardy thing wearing lipstick. Asking my friends if they saw that was a mistake. Someone reported me to health services and I had to go see the school shrink. He arranged for a 72-hour stay at the local hospital’s nut ward. But once those shrinks realized that I had no intention of hurting Mz Phillips– or anyone else– they said that I was not a threat to myself or others and that despite my delusions I could be allowed to return to my classes... providing that I met one on one with Mz Phillips and she allowed me back into her class.”

There were two men in military uniforms sitting at a table behind the glass panel. The younger one had a rather large mustache. The older one had more insignia on his uniform and was clean-shaven. They both shook their heads slightly as they scribbled furiously on paper notebooks on the desk in front of them. I just laughed.

“Continue,” one of them curtly said after they stopped scribbling, and I resumed. “Mz Phillips’ office was in the basement of the psych building. I’m not sure why that was. Most of the offices were on the top floor. Maybe it was because she was new at the school. Anyway, I showed up for my seven o’clock appointment and she was curled up behind her desk on a large cushion. She motioned for me to sit down and I told her that the bright orange lipstick really brought out the red highlights in her eyes.”

I laughed as the two men again began writing furiously.

“Mz Phillips,” I continued, “wasn’t amused. She gave a great huff of annoyance. I really expected fire to come out of her mouth, but nothing showed except her long, forked tongue. ‘You really think I’m a Gornak, don’t you?’ she asked."

“I laughed slightly and replied, ‘I don’t know what that is. I just think you are a human-shaped lizard with green skin, red eyes, and a purple sort of hair.’”

The younger, mustached man on the other side of the glass jumped up and ran out of the room. The other was writing even more furiously in his notebook.

I laughed, then waited a moment and leaned forward toward the triple thick psi-resistant glass. “She looked very amazed,” I said. “Her whole body shook as she said in a rather shaky voice, ‘You can see me?’ I just shrugged and nodded my head. She pushed a large red pill across the table along with a glass of water and said, ‘Take this.’ I didn’t really want to, but it was as if there were a strong force making me pick up the glass and the pill. I took the pill and suddenly Mz Phillips was an average-aged, average height, average white woman. She looked at me and said, ‘When the full effects of that pill take effect, you will forget all about this. And you will see me as a normal earth woman... like everyone else.’”

The other man had returned. There was an older woman with him who appeared to be a general or admiral or whatever. She sat down with the other two and said, “Continue with your story.”

“OK,” I answered. “I felt really weird for a few moments as the pill continued to do its thing, but then Mz Phillips reverted to her lizard form and I knew... I don’t know how I knew, but I knew... that this Gornak had given me the wrong pill. The one she gave me was intended for another Gornak. It was intended to enhance the mind control necessary to hide among the humans. But I’m not a Gornak and the pill reacted differently with my body. It gave me... powers.”

“What powers?” the female general interrupted.

“Powers that caused my second trip to the looney bin,” I replied, shaking my head. “The next day I had a speech to give in speech class. I have always been very nervous speaking in front of people. The prof had told us that if nothing else worked, imagine the people sitting there in their underwear. As I got up to the podium, I did that, and it really helped calm me down... until a girl started screaming and ran out of the room. Then almost all the girls started screaming. One girl, who screamed especially loud, was naked as she ran from the room. Most of the men just sat there and stared, but a few also yelped and ran. I also ran, right into the arms of a campus security officer. ‘I did that!’ I screamed to him. ‘I made all their clothes disappear!’”

“Another officer had arrived and he helped drop me to the ground and ziptie my hands behind my back. Mz Phillips came running up. She glared at me with her sharp crocodile teeth and then sort of waved her hand at the door to the classroom. Suddenly everyone had their clothes back on. She calmly told the security officers, ‘He is having another break with reality. Perhaps you should take him directly to the fourth floor at the hospital.’”

I stood up to stretch my back and all three of the people on the other side of the glass jumped from their chairs and backed away from the glass.

“Relax,” I said loudly, “I can control it now.” I laughed and almost snorted, “That’s what I did for the thirty days I was locked up. I practiced controlling it. I worked on little things, like the flavor of the Jello they gave us. I hated orange Jello and that seemed to be their favorite choice. So I changed mine to red, whatever flavor that actually is... and then to green... and then to blue. I tried blocking it, but whatever I thought, happened. Then I thought, ‘I wish I could control this,’ and suddenly the Jello stayed red even when I thought about it being blue. I thought about it being green, but it stayed red. Then I thought, ‘I wish this was green,’ and it changed color. I had somehow put a throttle on my power so things would only happen if I specifically wished them to happen.”

“Why is there no mention of this in your records from that stay?” one of the men asked.

I laughed. “I told the psychiatrist that his book would get published if he ignored anything I said or did. He got a call from the publisher later that day. I promised raises to all of the orderlies if they kept my secret... big raises. And I straight out wished that the videos recorded by the security cameras would disappear. There was a very minor fire in the nurse’s station the day I left. No one was hurt and nothing major was damaged, except the cabinet in which the previous thirty days worth of security and group therapy session footage was stored.”

“Do you know why you are here?” the female general asked.

“Because I am a horny young man?” I answered.

That took them by surprise. They all sort of froze and looked back and forth at each other. “Would you care to explain that statement?” the general finally asked.

“I am a nineteen-year-old male,” I said flatly, “and I have the power to change the world around me. What would you expect me to do?”

“Get laid,” the younger of the two men answered. That brought a stern look from the older man and the general, but I shouted, “Exactly!”

“My first attempt,” I began, “was at a local bar. I tried to wish that one of the hotties there would sleep with me.” I sighed. “But it evidently didn’t work like that. I could change physical things, and a little of what people did, but not people’s basic minds. So I fell back on the best known aphrodisiac in the world... money.”

“I tried just wishing for a ton of money. But that didn’t work. So I went to Vegas. I used some wishes to win a bunch of money at blackjack and a little on the roulette wheel and a little at poker. I didn’t win it all at the same casino and I didn’t repeat my wins in the same area. I even got a slot machine to pay out one of the lower-level wins at two different casinos. I could have easily won the jackpot, but that would have attracted too much attention. By the time I left, I had $500,000. I knew the various casinos would figure out that I had done something, so as I got back on the airplane, I wished that all evidence of me being in Vegas... except the money, of course... would disappear.”

“When I got home, five thousand was still in my pocket and the rest of the money was still in my bank account. I sent half of the money to a stock broker and wished that she would be the most profitable broker ever. Then I applied for and got the most prestigious credit cards, including an American Express Black Card. Once I had those cards... and some great new clothes... I went to one of the clubs where the elite from the school hung out.”

“I met Shirley there. She was absolutely gorgeous... blonde, nice-sized boobs, a nice ass, very intelligent. I bought her a few drinks and asked if she would like to go for a drive in my convertible. I suggested we go up to Overlook Cliff and watch the city lights. She agreed but only if I would bring her back to the club if she said so. I answered something like, ‘Your wish is my command.’ She couldn’t understand why I found that to be so funny.”

“You should have seen her eyes when the parking valet brought around a classic Corvette convertible with the top down. Those cars aren’t really all that great to drive, but they are really great to park in... providing that you bring along a blanket. Things got really hot in the car and then she said, ‘It’s a pity you didn’t bring a blanket. I would love to make love under a full moon.’”

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“I replied, ‘I have one. If you really want to.’ Boy did she want to. I was wondering how I was going to get that ankle length skin-tight dress off of her, but after she swivelled her legs out of the car and stood up, she wiggled her shoulders and then reached behind her back and opened a zipper or something and it slid right down her body. It was all that she was wearing.”

The female General was glaring at me so I said emphatically, “I wasn’t using my powers! I even asked her if she was sure she wanted to do this. She said yes and I wished that something would block the road up to the top so no one would interrupt us.”

The General looked satisfied, but the older of the two men asked, “What did you cause?”

“A guy in one of those over-long pickup trucks realized he was on the wrong road and tried to turn around. He might have made it except the edge of the road crumbled a little and he got stuck.” I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I guess I owe him for the towing bill I created.”

After shaking my head to recenter my memories, I continued, “Her body was even more beautiful naked in the moonlight than it had been in that dress. I decided to go slow and slid my hands all along the outside of her legs all the way up to her breasts. Her boobs were absolutely natural because they swelled up just a little as she got turned on. I could see that her nipples were as hard as rocks and I could smell the scent of woman in the air.”

“I waited until she was moaning softly before my hands started moving inside her legs and over her breasts. At first, I just rubbed over the top of her breasts with my open hand, but once I was sliding through her slit with my fingers, I started pinching those solid nubs as I moved over them.”

“She was going higher and higher and higher. And then suddenly she started almost yelling, ‘Fuck me! Fuck me now!’”

“I shifted myself so that I was between her legs and plunged into that dripping honey pot. I’ve never been a one-minute wonder, but I was able to keep going... and going... and going. At first she was yelling, ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!,’ but after a while she blubbered ‘No more. No more. No more.’ so I erupted inside her.”

“They could hear her scream all the way down at the bottom of the road. It was like a sound effect from a Godzilla movie, and boy was it loud. The cop who had been directing things with the wrecker came up all lights and sirens to the top of the overlook. I yelled to Shirley to get dressed and hurriedly gathered up my own clothes. I met the officer at the entrance to the overlook area and said, ‘Sorry about the noise. I didn’t know she was a screamer. Just give her a minute or two to get dressed.’”

“I looked over at the blanket and Shirley was curled up on her side. It looked like she was asleep, but her red eyes were wide open. Her long tongue lolled slightly out of her alligator mouth and her green scaly tail curled up slightly around her. I started screaming, ‘She’s a Gornak! She’s a Gornak! She’s a Gornak!’ I’m not sure what all happened after that because all I could feel was the cops' tazer as it shook me to the ground.”

“I woke up in the back of the cop car. Shirley was standing next to the car in her skin-tight dress and club shoes. ‘No officer,’ she said, ‘it was consensual. I just went a lot higher than I ever had in my life. ... and I’ve always been a little bit noisy.’ After a few more minutes of conversation I couldn’t hear, another cop car arrived and Shirley got in. They took her home. They took me to the looney bin because I kept repeating, ‘She’s a Gornak! She’s a Gornak! She’s a Gornak!’”

“I totally behaved myself this time and the doctors let me out after a 72-hour observation. The fact that the cameras stopped recording in the common area and the doctor somehow lost all of his notes of his private sessions with me helped, I guess. I hadn’t realized that the cop had radioed in about me screaming about Gornaks. That’s evidently what caught your attention. You had heard about the Gornaks but didn’t know what they were.”

I smiled out at the three people at the table on the other side of the glass and watched them nervously shuffle the papers on the table in front of them.

“What happened next?” the young officer finally asked.

“I went back to the university campus,” I answered, “and started following Mz Phillips around. It was pretty easy because she was the only big green lizard in the crowd... most of the time.”

Boy did that get a reaction out of the lady general. She jumped to her feet and almost screamed, “How many of them are there?”

“How in the hell should I know?” I replied. “I saw her meet with about a dozen or so other Gornaks. They were all women, by the way.”

“Could you tell what ethnic or national grouping they were?” the older, clean-shaven officer asked.

I laughed, then I answered, “They were green lizards in dresses or tight pants to me. I have no idea what they looked like to others.”

“That is enough for today,” the General said and an orderly... plus four really big Marines with guns and tactical armor escorted me back to my room. The room was a lot nicer than my room at the looney bin, but the bars on the window were much thicker. Just to play with them I silently wished that the bars were made of glass. I wondered how long it would take them to realize I did that.

Evidently not very long. The next afternoon, the young officer with the impressive mustache knocked on the door to my room. “We have realized two things,” he said softly. “One, you are not nuts. Two, we have no way of physically keeping you here.” He shrugged and then said, “So they have ordered me to come and apologize to you and respectfully ask if you are willing to help us make first contact with the Gornaks.”

I smiled and said, “Lead the way.”

We walked back to the interrogation room with the thick, psi-resistant glass. The glass was dark until the officer pushed a button high on the wall. Then it became less opaque and the room on the other side appeared, though it was still like looking through gray sunglasses.

“These are the women you talked about... I think. At least they are the women that Mz Phillips visited while you were following her... and we were following you. They can’t see... or hear us,” the officer assured me.

We could see and hear them, however. There were ten people sitting around a large round table. Six of them were Gornaks. Two were average-aged ladies. One was the lady General and the last one was the clean-shaven officer.

“We simply need to know,” my escort said softly, “which of these ladies besides Mz Phillips, if any, are also Gornaks.”

“There are six Gornaks,” I replied. “The woman with the oversized black glasses and the woman with the heavy silver chain appear to be human.”

My escort spoke into his watch and a woman in white walked into the room and spoke briefly with the General. She said something and the two humans left with the woman in white. My escort pushed a button and suddenly we could hear what was being said on the other side of the window.

“I am General Hazelton,” the lady General said. “I would like to welcome the Gornaks to our planet.”

“Holy shit!” my escort suddenly said very loudly.

“What?” I asked excitedly.

“They are lizards,” he replied.

Evidently the Gornaks had dropped their mind controll or camouflage or whatever and allowed humans to see them as they were. We sat and listened as Mz Phillips explained that they were indeed from the planet Gornak. They had come to earth to prevent the extinction of their race. Something changed or mutated and for some reason, their offspring are always female. The males were dying out and the race was doomed to extinction. So they came to earth. They have always been able to mimic other life forms so they pretended to be humans in hope that a human male could mate with them and produce an offspring. It worked, except that the offspring were always female and always retained the human physical form.

“Our scientists could provide sperm for artificial insemination,” the General said softly.

“We tried that,” Mz Phillips said sadly, “but the result is the same– females locked in their human form.”

“I need to talk to them,” I said excitedly. “I need to talk to them.”

“You can’t go in there,” my mustachioed escort almost shouted as he grabbed hold of my arm. But I simply said, “I wish we were on the other side of this glass,” and voila, we were standing right behind the General.

"Hello, Mz Phillips,” I said softly. “I think I have a solution to your problem. I don’t know why I can see you as you are, but you gave me the wrong pill when you wanted to erase my memory. It gave me powers... but that’s another issue. And I made love to a beautiful young woman who became a Gornak after an intense orgasm. Also,” I said, almost stuttering, “I think my mother and my three sisters were Gornaks.”

And thus began the very small, elite, secret core of volunteers called The Wishers. The candidates are very carefully chosen young men who are given the Gornak pill that I took. But none of them, so far, has actually developed wishing powers like mine. Maybe that only happens with a male Gornak-human. They make love to one young woman each week. All of the women are beautiful. All of them are Gornaks. And all of them revert to their lizard forms following their first intense orgasm with a Wisher. Of course, I am the only one who can see that happen, but it does happen.

Eventually, the young men actually fall in love with one of the young women. At that point, I wish that they forget about the entire Wisher program and they go on to live normal lives.

I am happily married to Shirley, that gorgeous young woman I made love to on Overlook Cliff. I wished that she could project her human form into my mind, and now she does. She only reverts to the lizard form for a little while after we make love. I’ve gotten used to sleeping next to a smooth-skinned lizard woman.

We have four children, three girls and one boy. When the girls come of age, they will visit The Wisher program. When my son starts to come of age, I think I will have to tell him all about the Gornaks that he will start seeing. I don’t want him to end up in the looney bin like I did.

Written by The_Technician
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