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Quote by CallmeJayne

Ahh, finally, the penny drops.

The serious and honest voter is primarily what will remain. Do you want 10,000 mid-wank votes because they came too fast, or do you want 100 genuine votes that actually reflect the quality of the story and the literary talent of the author?

Quote by passionatemind22

Why is loving someone while being with someone, considered cheating?

It's because apparently it is a wide-spread human nature to try to "possess" whatever we value. Why do you think slavery went on for so long? They may have been cheap labor, but so are family members like spouses, parents and children.

Quote by simplyjohn

How about a test. Upload two obscure images to that album such that they are very easily identifiable... brick walls or something like that. Make a note of the time the upload completes and you close the media upload function down. Monitor thereafter for the appearance of the two images in the album and record the time that occurs. If you PM me when you have completed the upload I will do the same.

Alternatively I can do all of the above for you.

Let me know.

I can do that test today and PM you the results.

Quote by CallmeJayne

Your file currently shows 242 uploads. How many pics and gifs of pregnant women having sex do you need? 🤔

I have another 36 waiting upload for the groups followers

I've loved deeply I would say three women who if it was normal to marry multiple partners, I would have absolutely wanted to be married to each of them my entire life. They each brought to the table different personalities that would have not only complemented each other nicely, but would have made things so much happier in my life, and I would think theirs too. It really pained the other two for me to say that things had to end with them so that I could start a serious relationship with the woman who is now my wife. I still miss the other two women every day and not a day goes by that I don't think fondly on times I spent with them.

Quote by simplyjohn

Do you mean you media albums or the public gallery?

I'm referring to a user-created public album as seen when clicking "Media" on a user profile.

Yeah, when I would upload pics and gifs to my Pregnancy and Breeding media folder on my profile, it would take some pictures only a few minutes to show up in the gallery view of the folder, some other pics/gifs would take longer (10-30 mins usually). However, when I started getting up near 150-200 images in the folder, it seemed like I was hitting a hard limit where the images would upload, but would never show up, even for days or weeks.

From chat with other users today on this topic, some were suggesting images have to be approved, so maybe mods were busy with other site matters and just weren't checking media waiting approval?

I'm not sure if there is some sort of limit to how many pictures or videos can be uploaded. I created a folder for the Pregnancy and Breeding group I created on this site so I can have the pictures linked directly from the folder, instead of linking to other sites.

I can select the stills and GIFs, and they upload just fine showing the green checkmark to indicate success. But days, even weeks later, the pictures still don't show up in any of my media galleries, let alone the one I selected prior to uploading.

Quote by simplyjohn

Quote by LongDraw

Just noticed that gifting 1 year gold costs $20, but buying it for yourself costs $50?

If a member has a yearly silver subscription they can upgrade that to gold for circa $20USD. The $50USD is for a member who has no paid subscription and wants to purchase gold for one year.

However, the gold upgrade will only be valid whilst the silver is because its an upgrade that requires a base silver subscription. Many have been caught out with this and have had to purchase a years silver at some point because the expiration date for each option was not the same.

That would be an awkward situation indeed.

I think you either have to be on a free account or Silver membership to see it. I never saw the upgrade banner until it actually expired.

You have to close LushStories tabs completely, then go back on your profile to have the "GOLD Upgrade Now!" banner show up on the right. I had the tab still up when mine expired and so the only thing that happened was I couldn't get to the group I moderate. All other Gold functions still worked far as I could see.

From latest emails with John:

Lush Stories (Lush Stories)

7 Apr 2022, 07:37 BST

Hello again. Just a quick update. The development team have been able to replicate that problem so its under investigation.
Kind regards,

I can confirm that I never received a reminder email or any other notification from this site's billing system that my Gold subscription was going to expire today. Welp!😢

I'm currently on an expired free account. This is what I see on my end.

Just noticed that gifting 1 year gold costs $20, but buying it for yourself costs $50?

If you're looking to help a needy author. I'm still struggling to return to work after a car accident disabled me for the past 2 years. It would help me deliver the chapters I have waiting to be approved here. Also, I apparently cannot access the group I am the creator and moderator of on here while not a Gold member.

Perhaps the voting system needs more subjectivity. What if instead of voting a number of stars, you select specifically what you feel the writer did good or bad. You wouldn't have to select everything that applies, just what stood out.

Example being, Negatives: Spelling, grammar, Not enough showing; Positives: Strong plot

In this example, we could say the story has earned a 3 star vote for example. Story is good, but spelling and grammar mistakes and writing style need improvement. If a moderator is checking votes and disagrees about lets say, grammar errors, they can remove that one, which then alters vote from a 3 star, to a 4 star.

So I've been writing my novel, VY: A Beginning And An End, and it has been going better the past few months, especially with the help of volunteer editors, and the story approval moderators here. Another very beneficial contributor has been the use of one writing tool in particular, ProWritingAid, which I have integrated into MS Word.

Now here's the thing, I was on a free trial which was promo-boosted to free premium for a week, which made a tremendous improvement to the level of writing in my novel. The problem is my trial has now run out and I'm only 15 of 25 total chapters in my novel. Not only that, but the next 4 chapters are probably going to be the ones most in need of this PWA software. Unfortunately I've been disabled for the past 2 years and despite several interviews, I have yet to be offered employment. My wife has also been disabled and shows no signs her condition will improve.

This brings us to the help yourself out part. PWA is offering the following for referrals that sign up for free trials and perform editing on the free account:

10 signups - One year complementary premium license

20 signups - Lifetime complementary premium license

Obviously one one of those would be the solution to my troubles. So I'm asking the writers here, if it's not to much to ask, click the referral link I'll put at the bottom of this post, create your free account, try out the editing to see if it can help you. If it does great, we just helped each other. If it doesn't, I still thank you for helping me out while my family is still down on our luck.

If you decide you want to purchase the service, I have now been approved as an affiliate and can get you 20% off any of the PWA packages with code: SBYJM9ITRZ

When I was in my early teens through early twenties, I was still getting longer erections. I will absolutely say that those were very painful when they occurred, which was sadly quite frequent as I had no outlet for it other than my right hand. I had actually measured myself on a lark towards my late teens and it was more than the school ruler that I had handy. Not a good thing at all!

Just wanted to share this with everyone here since I'm using it to fix my writing and it has already recommended about 2,000 corrections that I'm implementing for grammar and spelling check alone.

This has always shown on my account after I clicked to unfriend the auto-added admin account.

Perhaps if the status of a submission could change to "assigned to moderator for review" it would reduce the frequency of users asking if they are in the queue or if a mod has seen their story in the queue.

I've tried to suggest my wife wear bright pink lipstick, or something similar for sexy time. She has yet to take it seriously.

Chapter 6 got approved yesterday evening everyone! The story did have to get categorized into due to a technicality, but I chose to keep the story as it was written as the moderator confirmed the chapter could still remain as part of the series. Enjoy!

I have always gone for the women with meat on their hips and larger chests. I absolutely am not attracted to women that are rail thin like a super model. Also women who have such small breasts that they could easily pass for a man if you put them in a lumberjack outfit, not a turn on for me either. I want to know they are a woman regardless of how much or how little clothes they are wearing. Got a big ole puffy snow suit on? If I'm seeing those lovely curves, I'm hooked!

So after reading at least five different threads in this forum from the OP, this is the first one that I actually was able to absorb the message. Great post!

I'm willing to help with descriptions, spelling and basic grammar.

I'm not an expert, but I have had to fix this same issue in my own chapter submissions recently, so if you'd like, I can take a look.

This is happening on multiple devices, but I'll clear cache, relaunch browser and relogin to test.

Edit- Tested on Samsung Galaxy S8. cleared all history under advanced on Chrome browser, logged out of lush, closed all tabs and browser, restarted phone, launched chrome again, logged into lush and tried to update post again. still same result.