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Over 90 days ago
Male, 57
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lisa
Quote by DBarclay
Lots of porkies and outright lies here ... I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments...

Honesty is important, but there's no need for harsh comments. Constructive criticism delivered with tact is much more effective in the long run than harsh comments that only end up discouraging the writer.

Well said, Lisa. Criticism needs to be constructive, even if you are pointing out flaws in someone's story or writing.

"This story sucks. It totally made me blow chunks. You suck, never write again." ... <<<--- this might be true, the story might suck. The writing could be horrible. However, offering this sort of criticism, just because its given honestly... doesn't mean the person giving it isn't a major fucking asshole and their critique is beyond worthless.

Now if instead you said. --->>> "Your story needs a plot. This story was all over the place and never took the reader from point A to point B. The characters didn't seem real and the sentence structures you used were awkward and hard to read. Also, it was full of typos. Find a good spell checker for your next story. Try to run your story down a path of the intended plot and say your character's dialogue out loud to see if it sounds authentic."

Both critiques are honest. Both tell the writer that their story wasn't very enjoyable to read. But one is helpful and the other is just being a bully.
Active Ink Slinger
I was blessed and on the curve, I'm above average, so I thought I would come here and brag. But then I read about 30"!!! And robo-cocks... Now I feel far too inadequate to share.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
I know a MFM menage is a fantasy for many females, judging by polls and questions we've had here. It puzzles me why F/F isn't surging more, though. Maybe women would rather experience it than read about it.

Right. Same as many guys fantasize about two women... but I wonder why M/F/M is more hot right now, compared to F/M/M (the diffence is that in M/F/M, the female is not the central character and both men are bisexual. In F/M/M, the female is the central character and the males are not necessarily bisexual)

I know alot of straight women who are curious, and alot of women who a bisexual, and alot of women who are lesbian, so I was surprised that F/F isn't doing better.
Active Ink Slinger
So I thought I might pose this question about erotic romance and erotica.

Currently, the highest sales figures are still with traditionally printed massmarket paperback books and in erotic romance, this is dominated by straight M/F stories, although its dominance it weakening every day.

But in eBooks, through publishers like Ellora's Cave, Loose Id, Samhain, Siren/Bookstrand, Breathless Press, Ravenous Romance, Liquid Silver Publishing, Phaze and many many more... the top sellers are M/M (not to be confused with gay fiction) and M/F/M menage (which is different than F/M/M)... Straight M/F still does well, but F/F does not (which I thought was strange, but the statistics prove its true)... Additionally, they've noticed that their readers are 75% or more female.

So what's going on? Why is M/M and M/F/M surging up through the ranks? Any theories?

Active Ink Slinger
Holy F'ing sh*t... The internet is dying, the planet is warming... I'm getting off the planet if I find out the sky is falling too!
Active Ink Slinger
why do I suddenly wish to be reincarnated as a droplet of water?

or better yet... "Wonder Twin powers activate: Form of a water drop" ....

*needs to cut back on caffeine*
Active Ink Slinger
I haven't finished the whole series yet, but the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R Ward is awesome if you like Paranormal Urban Fantasy with erotic tones.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
Quote by mastermind4u
I travel to far away exotic places meet interesting people then kill em. I love America

You kill people in other countries?

He was making fun I think... it's a spin off of a line from the movie Full Metal Jacket

Here's the actual line...

I wanted to see exotic Vietnam... the crown jewel of Southeast Asia. I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... and kill them.

It was bold statement about America's decadence. The character was saying it to an army journalist to show that the war, for America, wasn't about freedom or democracy. That it was wasn't to be glorified and it was a very ugly blemish on humanity and American history. IMHO
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SnakeOil
Thanks, BrindleChase, that was most interesting and helpful.

I have taken aboard the consensus from you guys and published the story I mention under my own name. It is Called "Jilly's Story." If you have time, have look, and let me know if you think it works or not.

I read it. I'll give you a quick overview of it, but please understand, critique is best served honestly and its also subjective. I'm a rank amateur, so take it with a grain of salt. I offer it to help, not tear down... good? Good.

So the overall story was good. It has the right elements. A plot, with an arc. It's really more of an erotic fiction biography, than erotica. The first problem is your narrative voice. The entire story is "telling" rather than showing us. Showing is critical in writing, but even more so in erotica. People read erotica to submerse themselves in the characters and what they are experiencing. They want to "feel" what the characters feel, not be told. Does that make sense.

Here's an example of "telling" from your story:
Little did I know he was grooming me for swinging, and had been all along.

This is being told to the reader in hindsight. To show this, the character from who's point of view (POV) we are seeing the story from, she wouldnt know she was being groomed, therefore it doesnt help to put this in your story. If you show all the things that happened for her grooming, the reader will know she's being groomed without the character telling the reader they were groomed. Make sense?

Your story encompasses a very long period of time and multiple scenes... literally a novella's worth. But because you're telling it like notes from someone's diary, it reads like a biography.

"When I was a kid. My mother used to dress me... Once I got to highschool... And then I went to college. My first girlfriend was..." Stuff like that is telling and is okay, if you truly intended it as an erotic biography. Nothing wrong with it if you were. But I got the sense you were trying to do a story and resorted to "telling" to give the reader a lot of backstory. This is called info-dumping. Info dumping is a lazy way to write and it reads lackluster.

So... what I would task you, is take your story. Dump the backstory and stick to the actual action of the story.

instead of
It was my boyfriend of the time, Mike, who introduced me to swinging. I was nineteen, he was thirty-five.

your story actually begins where she finds his computer with the personal ads showing. so maybe something like this to show, rather than tell...

The glow of the computer caught my attention as I walked by the bedroom. I could hear my boyfriend Mike in the kitchen. Curious, I stepped in and glanced at the screen he'd left up. Personal ads? What the fuck was he up too?

Okay, that was sloppy off the top of my head. I bolded the active verbs for you to see. But hopefully you can see how the sentence structures and tone and tense I used, use active rather than passive verbs. I walked is active. Walking is passive. Mike introduced me is active. Mike, who introduced me is passive. See the difference?

Anyway. I hope that helps some. And remember, it's just one person's opinion. Everyone enjoys different styles of writing and reading. Just thought I would share some of the knowledge I've gained from the authors and editors who have helped me.
Active Ink Slinger
I worked on a little project with several authors, where we posted a short story, all of them posted anonymously by a moderator. The readers were asked if each were written by a male or female author. The results were very interesting. I'm a guy, but 90% of the readers polled thought I was a female writer (my pseudonym was hidden. It was listed as just author #12 or something like that)... and a couple of the female authors were pegged as male by the readers.

But the most interesting item was, that the readers were right in their guesses roughly 75% of the time. Obviously this little sampling is not really scientific evidence... but it was interesting.

Some of my test readers point when I write something that is obviously male oriented. I write erotic romance, so its important for me to be aware of when I am letting my testosterone seep into my manuscripts. *lol*

Here is an interesting site. cut and paste your story into it and it will analyze your story and tell you which gender it thinks wrote it based on word choices...
Active Ink Slinger
*lol* I prefer to get my wood the old fashioned way! I pray I never need pharmaceutical assistance!
Active Ink Slinger
Here's a good formula

Quick intro + heroine meets hero (or whatever your gender mix is) + tension + tension builds + black moment + finale

For a short story, it could be as simple as Jane meets Dick. Jane likes Dick, but Dick is a dick. Dick likes Jane, but Jane is uptight. Dick tries to get in Jane's pants. Jane slaps Dick's face. Dick kisses Jane. Jane fucks Dick.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
People who steal stories and think I was born yesterday with their excuses.

We have 2 less members as of this morning

Seriously? ... Yikes!!!
Active Ink Slinger
My poor Pens!!! *sniffle* ... I was stunned by Halak and the Habs. They rallied against Washington and that was unbelievable, but I never thought they could do it to Crosby and crew. But they did. But what's sad is watching Philly shut them down. I'm like, where in the hell did the Habs that destroyed the Penguins go?
Active Ink Slinger
So many things come too mind. I'm new here... so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.

Here are the things I noticed about this site that makes it "better" than the competition

1. The Talent. There are some top notch amateurs here that I think should consider going pro!
2. That my anti-virus didn't go ape-shit like it does on most other "sex story" sites. I like that you aren't trying to sneak crap onto my PC (at least none that I can detect. *lol* .. JK)
3. That many of the stories here are more than just porn (ei: penthouse forum letters)
4. The lack of "flaming" (this is most refreshing.)
Active Ink Slinger
GALAHAD: It's not the real Grail?
DINGO: Oh, wicked, bad, naughty, evil Zoot! Oh, she is a naughty
person, and she must pay the penalty -- and here in Castle Anthrax, we
have but one punishment for setting alight the grail-shaped beacon. You
must tie her down on a bed and spank her!
GIRLS: A spanking! A spanking!
DINGO: You must spank her well. And after you have spanked her, you
may deal with her as you like. And then, spank me.
VARIOUS GIRLS: And spank me.
And me.
And me.
DINGO: Yes, yes, you must give us all a good spanking!
GIRLS: A spanking! A spanking!
DINGO: And after the spanking, the oral sex.
GIRLS: Oral sex! Oral sex!
GALAHAD: Well, I could stay a BIT longer.
Active Ink Slinger
Things like this are why I contend that breeding is a privledge, not a right.
Active Ink Slinger
In the publishing world, I've noticed there are far more women authors and far more women readers. However, genre plays a hand. Depending on the genre, the balance shifts. In the genres I write and the publishers I work with, the divide is far prominent. the split being roughly 95% female readership... but that's to be expected of Romance sub-genres. I think the industry is partly to blame. There are alot of romance books that I've read that men would enjoy... if minor changes were made.

But I suppose the same could be said of Militaria. If a few aspects common to the genre were made, more women would read it. *lol* .. I'm pushing hard with my published pieces, to appeal to both, but I have to play "in-bounds" with my publishers... anywho.

I'm friends with a lot of published authors, literary agents and publishing editors... they all concur that women readers outnumber male readers by a significant percentile... where they disagree is, on how large that percentage might be.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Pixie
I think they are trying to fill the void that was created when John Travoltas son died.

That was my first thought too. *very sad*
Active Ink Slinger
gotta agree... I was watching the old movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang the other day... the scene in the candy factory, there were these women working there wearing uniforms. By most standards, they would be considered extremely conservative. Not sexy. Unflattering even.... but I thought they were hot. The women were pretty and the black stockings they wore under the long skirts... wow, call me strange, but I thought this very same thing... a reasonably attractive woman can make damn near anything look hot.
Active Ink Slinger
That's what being a Protestant's all about. That's why it's the church for me. That's why it's the church for anyone who respects the individual and the individual's right to decide for him or herself. When Martin Luther nailed his protest up to the church door in 1517, he may not have realised the full significance of what he was doing. But four hundred years later, thanks to him, my dear, I can wear whatever I want on my John Thomas. And Protestantism doesn't stop at the simple condom. Oh no! I can wear French Ticklers if I want.

any Monty Python fans out there?
Active Ink Slinger
The gentile clack of a rickety old cane prefaces my entrance. Ka-thunk, swish. Ka-thunk, swish. Step follows cane as I slowly put one foot in front of the other that drags along with me. My back is bent, my old bones needing the cane's support as I wobble into the conversation. My ancient eyes strain to focus on the assembled faces. The colors blur, then fade before the fuzz around everything sharpens into partial clarity.

Back in my day... you know, after we discovered fire, but before we discovered the wheel, 43 wasn't that old. Now that I am... it's old. Writing was a pain too, using the burnt tips of wood to draw sigils on the cave walls.

*lol* I think age is irrelevant once you're 18. Some younger people find older people attractive, because they have experience. Wisdom and can stimulate you with conversation. Some older people find younger people attractive, because their bodies are vital, vibrant and beautiful. They have stamina and strength. Its those people in their late 20's and early to mid 30's that have it all. Youthful looks, with some experience and social intellect.

My range starts at 18 and goes into the 60's. I've seen women who are absolutely smoking hot in their so-called old age. And adult-teens who look about as fresh as a compost pile. Hehehe. And vice-versa, of course.

I'm no spring chicken. I still get looks from young women and that makes my day... but I fare better with them once they get to talking with me.
Active Ink Slinger
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

For me... An ice cold beer, receiving a blow job, and watching a hockey game... these are all little slices of heaven for me. Major bonus, if I can have all three at the same time. *lol*
Active Ink Slinger
There are some great points made here. Some I agree with, some not so much, but I think it comes down to the two people in question. Every couple is different. I don't think cheating is okay. Some mentioned how cruel it is to betray their loved one.

But I also feel, is not the one withholding sex, betraying their partner? On a different level? How many years of withholding sex from their lover must elapse before others would consider it cruel? When sex is withheld, it hurts the other partner... At some point, wrong or right, sex becomes the line in the sand. Some advise divorce. But what do you do when you truly love your significant other, but they withhold sex from you. For years at a time? They say they love you and you are still friends. But sex is off the table...

Is there a point when the cruelty dealt by the withholder permisses the other to cheat? Or is divorce the only answer?
Active Ink Slinger
Turning forty *insert groan here* , I had a wake-up call. I was drifting through life. Doing what everyone else expected of me and failing to impress them. I worked hard to provide for my family and pay the bills. But I wasn't happy. Nothing I did was ever good enough for anyone. I don't enjoy my job. So I bought a laptop and started writing. Almost three years later, now, today, I'm much happier, because even though I still have a day job, I get to do something I truly enjoy. And I'm making my dreams come true. I hope my writing career flourishes and I can dump my day job, still provide for my family, and do what I love most, full time.

But yes. I felt dead inside. Like a slave to the grind... The answer is to take charge... no more saying, "wouldn't it be cool if..." ... I thought it would be cool if I could write. So I did.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TaintedRainebow
thanks for all who posted.
Now I have 1 more question::

Do you believe the girl in the "skinny" photo is TOO skinny? How skinny is too skinny?

thanks everyone!!


I think you're very pretty. But if you want the honest truth, yes. For my taste, you are much too skinny. I don't mean that as an insult. Like I said, you're very pretty.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lisa

That's the amount of votes your story has received.

Thanks Lisa!
Active Ink Slinger
I think if you read it, score it.

On a side note, what does the big number in white inside a red box thing... by each story mean?
Active Ink Slinger
<start vent>

Having a bum week. My publisher advised me my editor is lost in space. They can't locate her and we're behind schedule, the book is supposed to release in June and we haven't even completed the first round of revisions. On an up note, my other publisher advised me all the edits are complete ahead of schedule and I should be getting a peek at the cover art soon.

Writing is such a roller-coaster.

<end vent>