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DirtyMartini.. Alan... Did he pass away?

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The Creep
A toast to you Alan [bh]

Mana wahine
I did not know him personally but I saw him around Stories Space a lot. I saw that he was always willing to help and share writing resources and tips. This is very sad news, especially for those who have been here longer than I have, and knew him.

Kia okioki te Atua to koutou wairua
Snake Charmera
My condolences to all of you who lost a friend, mentor, fellow lushie. He sounds like someone I would have liked to have gotten to know. May he rest easy and your memories of him be great.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Alpha Blonde
OMG. My eyes skipped across this thread and I was convinced I must have been reading this wrong. This is so shocking. I had no idea he was ill. He was always so kind and friendly and helped me get some of my writing seen and reviewed, always eager to pass on news of potential writing opportunities. He was also a tireless champion of fighting against plagiarism and helping writers protect their work.

There are no words. What a lovely human being and talented author. He will always be remembered fondly.

Rest in peace Alan, my friend.

You were one of the good ones. Always kind, always helpful and always, always classy.

You'll be sorely missed

Love Bug
Quote by sprite
I don't take anyone's passing lightly. that said, sometimes i feel the need to try to convey how special someone was to those who didn't know him, or know him well. just wanted to share a few personal stories.

Although Alan wrote some lovely erotica, at heart he was a poet, and a serious one. he wrote a tribute shortly after 9/11 that is well regarded far beyond the borders of Lush. It is called We Shall Never Forget (you can find a video of him reading it on youtube if you'd like). He also published a book called I Often Wonder full of prose, poems, and short stories. He worked tirelessly to promote his work, and the work of others. He'd often send me links about contests or writing submissions that he thought would interest me. Modern Fairy Tales. Short stories based on Alice in Wonderland. that sort of thing.

btw, he is responsible for "Her Royal Spriteness". that's how he used to refer to me. we used to trade silly barbs back and forth on each others walls. I hope that mine made him smile as much as his made me. He was a good man, a sweet man, and he had a huge heart as well as a beautiful mind. As with all friendships, sometimes we'd both wander our own ways for a bit before getting back to each other, but i always knew that i could send him a note anytime i wanted, about anything, and he'd be there. When i first joined, i was just settling down into writing. it was new to me, writing for an audience, writing something that someone besides me would read. he always encouraged me.

i don't know what else to say. someone so bright is no longer with us. i like to think that there's one more star in the night time sky rather than one less.

Sprite, this is such a stunning reflection on a great person. For those who never had the pleasure of knowing him your words do him justice. He was one of the special ones. He would be so touched.
Empress of the Moon
Alan's birthday would have been Thursday. He would have been fifty six; far too young to die. He had so much more to offer the world. Alan gave himself not only to Lush and stories, bit to other poetry groups as well. His influence on other poets was a positive force. I was devastated when I learned of his death. I'm still asking myself why he had to die, and I'll always wonder how much more he could have given the world as a poet. I just feel overwhelming sadness at his loss as a friend.
Active Ink Slinger

Rest in Peace Alan. I didn't know you well but you were a friend to my Sugarbaby. You will be missed by many here and elsewhere.
Active Ink Slinger
Alan was one of the good guys. He will be missed.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Active Ink Slinger
I Ann in complete shock after reading this. GIANTS NEVER DIE! We were closer when I originally came to LuSH and began writing under my original profile name. Alan was the consummate gentleman and encourager. His sense of humor was unmatched. I will miss him terribly. Rest in love Alan ❤
Active Ink Slinger
My condolences as well to his family and to all who knew him. I ran into him a few times on the blue site and of course in the forums here but can't say we ever got close. He seemed to have a great sense of humor, a trait that I admire tremendously. Rest in peace.
“It's nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.”
Gold hearted fun loving Aussie Angel
My condolences to all that knew him he was a great person who knew how to have fun. His memory will live on through all his work but especially his poetry. May he Rest In Peace
Active Ink Slinger
Alan was one of my first friends when I joined Lush in 2010. He and I each had a short story published in an anthology of erotica a few years back. He believed in my ability to spin a yarn before I did.

He was the first to welcome me back when I rejoined in 2014. He said we've kept the light on for you. He was a light to many here, it seems. I hope his writing stays on Lush for us to enjoy.

RIP Alan.
I'm still in shock from Alan's passing. As a few other people mentioned, I know he'd been having some health problems, but I thought it was something that was being managed. This has hit me a lot harder than I expected. Over the last few years, we've interacted more on FB than Lush. He never failed to brighten everyone's day with his silly jokes or helpful posts, and he was always a gentleman. He will be missed!

Alan really went out of his way to help and encourage other writers, and it would be cool if there was an in memoriam poetry writing contest on Lush or SS. Who wouldn't want to win a Dirty Martini award?

Active Ink Slinger
Like so many here, I never really knew Alan, but I did read from his work and saw how active he was in supporting anything that had to do with writing. My sincere condolences to all who did know him, and now have to miss him.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by CurlyGirly
Who wouldn't want to win a Dirty Martini award?

I love this idea.
Constant Gardener
Quote by CurlyGirly
Who wouldn't want to win a Dirty Martini award?

The online Alan, who showed and shared himself with me - would've appreciated the thought of such a thing. I shall miss his wit and 'humor'.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
for those of us who chatted with him, shared writings with him, read his wonderful wordsmith works, felt his kindness and his great sense of humour ..... we have been so blessed.

for all those who get to know him by others posting their thoughts and memories, and in his terrific writings .... you are blessed too.

Both Alan and I arrived here to Lush in October of 2009. He always impressed me with his poetry and his compassion, helpfulness and his happy spirit, no matter what was going on in his life.

suffice to say .... Alan was a wonderful person who has left us too soon.

RIP Alan

I didn't know DirtyMartini but I did read his poem about 9/11 which was a beautiful piece of work. There is a link in one of the threads here but not sure where. Hopefully someone can find it and paste the link in here. Give it a read. A wonderful talent and a sad loss.
Active Ink Slinger
"Who wouldn't want to win a Dirty Martini award?"

I think this is a wonderful idea, and a fitting tribute.

Nicola, if you're following this, can we? Huh? Can we? (jumps up and down, begging)
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
It'd be lovely if some kind of "In Memoriam" note was to be added to Alan's profile by the site.

I believe he was a gold member, meaning that his subscription will eventually expire, I'd be open to gifting him a Platinum so that his profile and stories remain available in perpetuity. I was never bold enough to ask him to be a friend--I regret that now.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Quote by LYFBUZ
I didn't know DirtyMartini but I did read his poem about 9/11 which was a beautiful piece of work. There is a link in one of the threads here but not sure where. Hopefully someone can find it and paste the link in here. Give it a read. A wonderful talent and a sad loss.

Quote by CurlyGirly

Alan really went out of his way to help and encourage other writers, and it would be cool if there was an in memoriam poetry writing contest on Lush or SS. Who wouldn't want to win a Dirty Martini award?

We've been discussing this for several days in the Mods' forum, and a poetry competition in his honour, will be up soon. Bright minds think alike!

We were thinking it would be nice to donate the prize money to the animal shelter he supported.

A DM badge is a good idea for the winners, we hadn't thought of that. Winners would get a complimentary membership too.

Changing the name of the poetry corner is another option.

Further details will be announced soon.
Wild at Heart
Truly sad.

He really was a supportive dude when it came to writing and helping new writers. I mean how many pirates did he find stealing stories from here? tons.

Honestly, I think a comp in his honor with his specific fetishes as themes would be great. I think he would think that was great.
Wild at Heart
Quote by kiera
I think it's a lovely idea too. smile

Morning Jack

Morning keira. This time it is actually super early morning to me.
Story Verifier
Very, very sad news.
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Rest in Peace !