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1 week ago
Straight Female, 47
United States


Who am I? I am a Mother, daughter, lover, friend. I am a very diverse person. I am an old soul and a little girl. I am a classy woman and a redneck. I'm a people person and like my alone time. I am just me. I am loveable and likable and always loyal.

I am owned by ChrisM. More than that he is taking me on a sweet loving journey. He is my Master, my Sir, my Daddy, my lover and my friend. He is truly an amazing person. He gets every part of me. He is showing me so many new things and makes me very happy. I smile everyday because of Him. Please respect our relationship in all ways.

If we are friends then you know you're my friend forever. I love to talk to people and look for messages from friends. My best ones are awesome. They always know how to make me smile. Aly, G, patokl, punky, moon, Lilly, you all are amazing. I love you to pieces. I'm making new memories with each of you on this journey we call life. Thank you for always being there for me.

I'm honest to a fault and extremely loyal. I've lost friends because of this but will not change. I will stand beside you whenever you need. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I know this is Lush but I will do what I can for you. I look for real friendships not fake ones.

Please remember, I am a real, person with feelings that run deep. I am also an empath, i feel deeply not only my emotions but sometimes those around me. I'm a very sweet natured person, and I will do anything for anyone even at my own expense. Please don't take advantage of it.

My real life is crazy. Lush is my escape. I am a mom first and foremost. I have three children two teenagers and a toddler. I'm here always on my phone and invisible. If I actually appear online, it is for a brief moment of time, and can not have many interruptions. If I am talking with Sir Chris, I am sorry I will not respond. If we are talking and I disappear, it's because real life stepped in and I apologize. I do my best to say bye, but it doesn't always work that way.

Please do not post couple pics on my wall. They will be deleted. I love bondage pictures. Sensual pictures. Spankings are fun. Black and whites are a favorite as well as color splash. Funny memes are great. Nature is beautiful especially wolves and butterflies and flowers. My favorite color is purple. Tattoos are sexy, I have five of my own. I don't mind men or women. They are both beautiful. I personally do not like super harsh sexual gifs. Please respect that. I am usually too nice for my own good so I won't say anything but reserve the right to delete something I don't like.

I like a great number of things. My banter in the forums is generally just that. I am not gonna cyber with you if I post under you, but I will talk to you. If you think you'd like to get to know me just send me an pm and say hi. Black boxes are ok but being on my cell, I do lose them. Hugs~Tonya

I have so many interests I don't even know where to begin. I am a sub who is learning every day. I do not know all there is to know about the lifestyle and am on this journey. I love to read and don't have any one theme I like the most. I also love sensual, sexy photos. I was a photographer for awhile, and it's a hobby.

I am not your typical girl. Living with guys, I have an appreciation of cars and mudding. I will watch American football and wrestling with my boys or motoX. We drink beer and shine and have bonfires. With that being said I also like a glass of wine and dressing up too. I am a very diverse person. My RL best friend says I'm like a chameleon I can fit in anywhere with anyone. I love people and currently spend much of my time with a toddler so would love to talk about something besides Mickey Mouse.

As a sub, please don't expect more than just respect from me. I will kneel only to my Sir, Chris. There are a couple people here who have earned the utmost respect from me, and I will always listen to what they have to say. They are more familiar with the lifestyle and have proven to me they are a Master. I will always appreciate their support.

Favorite Books
I absolutely love to read. I have been told I was born with my nose in a book. I am a Lush author thanks to the help of some great people's encouragement and editing. I'm proud of my stories and yes they are fiction. I write from my heart but try to have fun with it.

Books I love Dartmouth Cobras, 50 Shades of Grey, Winters Wrath, Thirteen Shades of Red, Honor Roll, The Key trilogy, most poetry anything that I pick up usually.

I come here and read group sex, BDSM, spanking, anything that may just catch me that day. I love poetry and things that i can relate too. I can't say I like any one genre although I tend to write mostly about the lifestyle.

Favorite Authors
Bianca Summerland, Nora Roberts, Stella Price, Kelly Collins, Fern Michaels, Frost, Angelou, Poe, the list goes on.

Lush Authors in no order:
ChrisM, Ping, gypsygyrl, Lilly, Master_Jonathan, Green_man, gilrenard, Avgblkgrl, JC72, I could go on forever. There are so many wonderful authors here and I find new ones almost daily.

Favorite Movies
I am a helpless romantic at heart and love sappy Hallmark movies. If there's dancing involved, I will probably love it as well. I'll watch an action movie with my boys or a Disney movie with my girl. I'm pretty open minded.

Favorite TV Shows
I don't watch too many tv shows. It is usually just background noise for me. If i do watch it will probably be the food channel as I enjoy the competitions Beat Bobbly Flay, Chopped, Cake or Cupcake Wars. I also like America's ' Got Talent, Lip Sync Battle is fun as well. With my family, I watch a lot of Disney movies as well as the racing show Street Outlaws and recently The Outsiders

Favorite Music
I am very eclectic with music it really depends on my mood. I can go from Five Finger Death Punch to Skynyrd to Luke Bryan to cash to Waylon to Reba and back again with Metallica and Avenged, and Godsmack must add thanks to an amazing friend Shinedown. I keep learning about new artists and just totally enjoy music. I even went to my first concerts last year seeing Kid Rock and then the Rock Allegiance Tour. Since then I've been to MMRBQ twice seeing many great artists.


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