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4 weeks ago
Straight Female, 47
United States


Snake Charmera

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies

Snake Charmera

Merry Christmas my Rump fam. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and Santa has been good to you all. I've been so busy I don't know if I'm coming or going most day. I just needed to stop in to say hey to everyone and let you know I'm thinking of you all.

Snake Charmera

Not at all. They are already getting my littley ready for algebra and she is only in 4th grade.

What was your favorite subject in school?

Snake Charmera

Congratulations to the top ten and all who placed. Thank you to everyone who submitted a story. It's not always easy to hit send. The ones I got to read were very well done.

Snake Charmera

Not very much maybe 20% and even that us generally either baby/toddler music or the music my littley dances too. I tend to listen to audiobooks when I am alone.

Do you listen to audiobooks or podcasts?

Snake Charmera

Good way to early morning all. Been awake since 2 so I guess I'll get the set up started. Bertha is rinsed and filled with some aromatic Columbian ground coffee. The kettle is on for tea and cocoa. Unfortunately you'll have to wait for sweets from Carla and James. My lovebug's sleepover went well and he loves his mema. I'll see him later today as they are coming for dinner. My younger son went racing his dirt bike yesterday and has a spill. He's a bit banged up and bruised but ok. My older son started his passionate seasonal job last night. 12 years ago when he was about 13 we were doing a"scene" for a haunted hayride and "Rabies" was born. The half dog half boy nightmare became someone everyone looked for during our time there. He then took this character and made it part of him and developed into so much more. He has been working at a haunted hotel for five or six years now. This is the promo for this year and my son appears in it several times. "Rabies" is branding a chainsaw this year but he has been in a straight jacket in a padded room amongst other things. He loves scaring grown people until they scream and more. Anyway rambling rambling lol. I think I'm gonna attempt to get some more sleep now. Enjoy this promo and you can look for my boy who makes several appearances.

Snake Charmera

Not sure, would I what? The question before my answer is no. I feel a lot of pressure for a lot of things but have never been an undefeated anything.

Have you ever done some type extreme sport or competition? Anything from doing a mud run, race with cars, quads, etc.

Snake Charmera

Good morning fam. I know everyone here likes their sweets but brought in some breakfast/brunch foods today. I would love a cup of tea and I'll grab some french toast. If you need me I'll be far away from Terrance near Coma and Tose. Happy Saturday.

Snake Charmera

Good evening everyone. It was chilly here too this morning Carl. You really should smile a bit my handsome friend. How are you Scott, Keith, James, Kimmie? Tonight I'm having my first grandchild sleepover. He's only 6 months so won't remember but I'm staying on the couch tonight to be close to him. I'd love to have something to relax with tonight. How about a shot of tequila and a beer? Thank you. Have a great night all.

Snake Charmera

Yes. I don't use this as an excuse but I didn't have the best role models when it comes to money. I try to do better though.

Have you ever witnessed a raid?

Snake Charmera

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Wait…Tonya, are you sure you want Beaver Breath Brandy???

Well, you know your own mind…and you're (just barely) over 21, so…here you go

I know that stuff is kinda harsh but tends to help with tooth pain until it's fixed. I'm not much of a drinker in RL so don't know much about alcohol other than tequila will get me into some trouble, red death will knock me out, sambuca can warm my inners on a cold night, a fruity wine will help me relax, a good beer goes great with a fire and some kind of fruity cocktail works well when out with others.

Seriously I'm more of tea drinker here usually. Anywho it's Thursday night and I just got home from my littles 3 hour dance class and am about ready to hit the sack. Just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone. If I don't get back tomorrow have a great weekend. Hugs πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Snake Charmera

Good evening my lovely Rumps fam and welcome Keith. I will have to check out your story when I get a free minute. Please have bear put your next drink on my tab and of course by mine I mean my dear friend lion. Seriously this is the friendliest pub on the web. I'm probably one of the longer patrons of rumps left here and I do try to pop in as often as I can. If you need anything feel free to ask. These are all good peeps and amazing authors.

Happy anniversary Kat. Enjoy Disney. I haven't been there in 25 years now. Hey bear I'd love a drink please. Maybe a shot of some BBB with a beer chaser. Good night all.

Snake Charmera

No I can't say I have.

Have you ever done anything that most people would not expect from you that they were left shocked and speechless?

Snake Charmera

I do. Both giving ad receiving

Do you like to give or recieve oral sex better

Snake Charmera

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Just curious about this. No judgment from me, so please answer honestly.

If you read a story by an author, do you expect them to return the favor?

I don't have as much time as I used to so I don't get to read as many stories as I once did. I do try to read some authors that I've been following as much as possible but life gets in the way.

If an author reads your story, do you feel obligated to read one of their stories?

I definitely would check out their stories and see what they offer and put them in my queue.

Do you think authors should read the other entries in competitions?

I'm one of those who won't read others entries until I send in my own if I am writing for the comp. In a perfect world I'd like to read all the entries but that rarely ever happens.

Do you feel you can leave a critical comment on a comp entry?

I think I'd leave a general comment and if I felt strongly about something then I'd send the author a private message.

Do you think differently about an author who doesn’t return reads?

Not really. I know everyone here has a life that takes up time. I'd love for others to read my work and would like to hear honest opinions on how they feel. I know I have a couple stories, not necessarily comp entries, that I've poured much of my heart into but not sure how others truly feel about them.

Snake Charmera

Congratulations Jeff, FB, and SBB on your podium spots and of course the rest of the too ten. Jeff I absolutely loved your story. I'm happy for your win. Congratulations again. Also I didn't get to read as many as I wanted but the ones I did read were great. Thank you to all who entered. I enjoyed this theme and will be looking forward to the next comp.

Snake Charmera

I tend to ramble so I generally give a longer version then I planned.

Do you have a favorite forum?

Snake Charmera

Johnny Depp and I'm not bi but Michelle Rodriguez

Do you stream movies or are you using cable or satellite or both?

Snake Charmera

Does Dunkin count or maybe subs from Quick Chek? Hmmm last place I actually ate out was a local restaurant and bar.

What was the last movie you watched?

Snake Charmera

Good Friday evening rumple's fam. Hope everyone is doing well tonight. I've been busy as always. I finally got a new used car. It's been a long time since I've had my own decent vehicle. I now am the happy owner of a Honda Pilot with a new monthly car payment as well. Now I just hope my other half gets cleared to go back to work soon. He's honestly driving me insane. He's been out since May 1. I've been very supportive and of course took care of him after we found out he had some blockages and need to have heart catherization and stents put in. He had those done in May and June. Now he still has a 100% blockage and needed a special Dr to help fix this. We have finally got an appointment, after they cancelled three times, in October. That has been partly why I've been unable to get on here as much as I'd like to. He keeps me busy as do my "extra" kids I have daily. Monday starts a new season of dance which is five days a week again. She is taking everything from tap and jazz and ballet to a production number and competition and of course her two solos. Those are just a few of her classes. I'm excited to see where things go this year and how much she grows. Anyway there I go rambling again. I'm sure y'all dontiss that lol. Here's a lovely picture from our ride tonight and I'll take a glass of wine if we have any back there.

Snake Charmera

Looks like I'm the first one in today. Let's see if I remember how to do set up. Bertha has been desludged, rinsed and fill with the best brew on the net. The kettle is set to warm up some water for tea and cocoa. There is cream, sugar, tea and whatever else you need set out. While I wait I'll quickly wipe down the tables. Then grab my tea and sit back to answer comments ony story. James or Carl will be along with treats shortly. Have a great day everyone and stay safe anyone in the path of the hurricane. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Snake Charmera

Hurricanes when stationed in Florida and we had a tornado come through here a few years back in 2011 and the wind was so strong it picked me up and threw me into a stack of folding chairs. It turned the tent we were taking down into a kite with my husband and brother as the tail and almost dropped them on the roof of our pool house. Scariest thing I've ever been through. We don't normally get tornadoes here but it was a freak thing.

What is the best movie you've seen lately?

Snake Charmera

Good morning my favorite lushes. Hope everyone is having a great morning. My little starts school on Monday. Can not believe she is in 4th grade. Then we get back to our crazy dance schedule of five days a week. There is only one day she only has one class. The other days she has two and three. That means she will be almost living at the studio. She doesn't mind though. She loves it. Looks like rain here today. Ugh. Please be on the lookout for my comp entry. Hoping to finish it today. Now I'd love some tea please. No sweets though, thank you. Have a wonderful day. Hugs from Jersey πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Snake Charmera

Good morning fam. How is everyone doing? Just wanted to pop in and let y'all know I'm still around. Also to grab one of those yummy Boston Cream donuts and a cup of tea please. How is everyone's summer going? Mine has been busy babysitting six extra kids daily. It's kind of tiresome even though they are all fairly good kids. My littley is growing like a weed these days. She is also trying to find her way. Some days she is still my little girl and others she is a tween. She's still dancing up a storm preparing for her sixth season of dance. She has already picked a song for her new solo

Hope everyone has a beautiful day. Hugs all around. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ€—

Snake Charmera

Something from Master Jonathan or maybe RejectReality or even dark side and I can't forget Verbals Shards.

Same question. What's your favorite story since joing Lush?

Snake Charmera

Good morning bear. How's everyone doing.? I hope my Rumples fam are all doing well. Life is chaotic to say the least. I do try to check my messages at least every other day if anyone would like to stay in touch. I've not done any writing at all and have been getting lost in a couple book series whenever I can. I'd love a cup of tea please. Thank you. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Snake Charmera

Congratulations Rachel and the top ten. Many great stories in this competition. Great job to all.