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1 month ago
Straight Male, 100


Sometimes crazy, sometimes introspective, I adore women which has led to many adventures and a few misadventures. I question authority, mostly respectfully. I am a terrible friend who rarely posts on walls and I disappear for months at a time. You will find me most often posting smart ass remarks in forums. I'm open to emails and chat requests but prefer to carry on one conversation at a time, would rather focus on one person and I suck at multi-tasking. So if I tell you I am busy please don't be offended, I can always email you later.
If commenting on my stories please be honest, I'm learning. Comments, good or bad, will help me improve!
Guess I should mention I don't post my picture on Lush for professional reasons. I have trouble sitting still, daydream constantly and have an insatiable curiosity. I'm somewhat irresponsible, hopefully not about anything important. I don't pay much attention to time; it basically falls in to two categories for me, dark and not dark. My best hours are 4PM to 4AM which causes certain difficulties in my 9-5 job but is fucking GREAT for everything else.
I'm a bad boy with clever charm. Don't say I didn't warn you.

the power of words and imagination, fitness, bright blue skies and rainy Sundays, drums (the heartbeat of the earth) books, music, cycling, kayaking, making lists, growing stuff, and women. I genuinely adore women, their mystery and differences. I like books, real books that you can hold and have been slowly building a library.

Favorite Books
Les Miserables, Huckleberry Finn, Peter Pan, Anna Karenina, Early from the Dance, Catcher in the Rye, Under the Dome, The Boy in The Blue-Striped Pyjamas, I'll read just about anything even total crap just to see if it gets better. I have a vast book collection on a broad variety of subjects. Bet I have a book that will change your life.

Favorite Authors
Chekhov, Dickens, Robert L. Stevenson, Victor Hugo, Guy de Maupassant, Mark Twain, Carl Hiassen, Elmore Leonard, Bill Watterson (Calvin & Hobbes cartoonist...says more in 4 panels than I can write in a year), Robert Frost, Stephen King, Stieg Larsson, Basho

Favorite Movies
Prefer European movies over Hollywood but a good American blow 'em up movie is always entertaining, James Bond, Love Actually, Slumdog Millionaire, hmmm I can't think of any more...I haven't watched a whole movie in ages

Favorite TV Shows
TV? I disconnected more than 3 years ago, I don't miss it all.

Favorite Music
classic rock, a good torch song, not a big fan of rap/hip hop but I keep an open mind, Gregorian chants, in no particular order: Waterboys, old U2, Stones, Doors, Pink Floyd, Adele, Green Day, Guns n Roses, Dire Straits, Neil Young, Hendrix, Lykke Li, John Coltrane, Mazzy Star, REM, Rush, Who, Lady Gaga (perhaps more for attitude than her music), John Lee Hooker, Matthew Good Band, treble charger, Headstones, Bedouin Soundclash, hell all kinds of stuff...

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Katy And The Canadian

A shy inexperienced college girl surrenders to desire

My name is Katy. I’m from a small New England town where my family has lived for centuries. My father is the town banker, my mother the volunteer who drives everyone crazy with her strident manner. Describing my family as starchy would be putting it mildl...



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