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Life Changing Road Trip Part III The End

"Does Tim lose Stacy to Rick ?"

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Author's Notes

"This is the final chapter of this story. <p> [ADVERT] </p> It is fiction. I hope you enjoy it."

Rick had just left to go hang out with my wife Stacy at the creek. I was in the motor home making dinner.  Five minutes earlier, I just had my mouth around Rick's enormous cock.  I sucked him until he came in my mouth and on my face.  As he stepped out of the RV to go see Stacy, he casually told me to make dinner.  I'm not sure who I hated more at that moment, Rick, for telling me to suck his cock and then make him dinner, or me, for sucking him and now standing here making dinner for Stacy, myself, and for Rick.

After sliding the chicken into the oven and cutting up some vegetables I would have about 45 minutes until the chicken was ready.  I decided to go and, for lack of a better way of putting it, spy on Rick and Stacy.  

I managed to get within maybe 20-25 feet of them.  There was enough shrubs and wild grass to hide me as long as I stayed down low.  

When I first peered through the high grass I could see them standing in the shallow creek.  The water came up to their calves.  Well, to Rick's calves and to Stacy's knees.  As I mentioned earlier,  Rick was around 6'5  and Stacy is 5'1.

They were facing each other and they were kissing.  I realized seeing Stacy kissing him was more painful than hearing them having sex.  It seemed more intimate, seeing her willingly standing there returning his kiss, their tongues swirling in each other's mouth. Rick's huge hand was gripping her little butt. Squeezing it.  

They looked so sexy and perfect. The perfect male and the perfect female. I felt sick, aroused, weak, and as if my manhood had been taken away from me. Was it Stacy or Rick that was taking it from me?

As they kissed I could clearly see Stacy's hand as it slithered inside Rick's boxer briefs and began to stroke him.  Her tiny hand gripped his powerful cucumber size cock.  After a few moments of her rubbing his big dick they broke their kiss.  I could see them talking. It was Stacy that was doing most of the talking. I couldn't hear the conversation but Stacy seemed to be pleading with Rick as if trying to plead her case for something. He was smiling smugly.  She even playfully punched his steel chest.  He must have given in because she jumped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her a few feet over to the large boulder at the water's edge.

He let her down and she kissed him and turned away from him.  His hand gently pushed on her back.  guiding her to bend forward. Stacy rested her forearms against the boulder.  She had her legs standing straight, and was bent at the waist. That perfect ass sticking out for him.  He just reached down and slipped her knitted bikini bottom aside and slowly began working his large cock head into her awaiting tight pussy. Stacy must have been trying to convince Rick to fuck her again. It was Stacy begging HIM for it. Instantly her head snapped upward to the heavens. In no time he was working into her pretty hard. In and out. In and out. In and out.  He was really pounding her.  His huge body slamming violently into her little body.  Rick's huge hands gripping her waist like a little rag doll. Within minutes she was climaxing for him.  I could see her teeth gritting. She turned her head downward as she began to convulse.  Eyes closed, she was trying to not fall. Her legs were giving out as she spasmed.  Rick was basically holding her up as he fucked her continually through her climax. He was relentless on her body. Stacy was literally bucking against the boulder.  She seemed to cum so quickly for Rick, and often.

I felt disgusted with myself. I hated him. I loved Stacy, and yet, here I was hard as a rock watching my wife getting pounded by this giant.  

I stayed hunkered down in the grass long enough to see that Stacy allowed Rick to cum deep inside her pussy, gripping her waist as he exploded his seed deep into her.  

Before we took this summer trip Stacy and I had discussed possibly starting a family, and that maybe we might just begin that effort while on the trip. Stacy wasn't on any form of birth control.  Even by conservative accounts, Rick had cum in Stacy's pussy at least four times over these couple of days. And I was intimately aware that this man could cum enough to put out a brush fire. Surely Stacy was aware of this fact.

I carefully and quietly backed away and headed back to the motor home.  

The dinner was good and I was even complimented on it by Rick. I hate to admit it,  but I felt a twisted inner satisfaction when Rick was pleased with me, even as I felt hatred towards him.  I was definitely confused and dealing with numerous emotions all at once.

After dinner, Stacy said she was tired and was going to lie down in the bedroom for a while.  I was seated in the booth table and she kissed me on the forehead as she headed to the bedroom.  I did see her glance back at Rick.  I think I saw her smile.

As I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes, Rick drank a beer and mentioned that the RV was now running well enough that Stacy and I could leave in the morning if we wanted to.  I offered a sincere thanks for being able to fix the RV.  I am truly grateful to anyone that can fix or repair motors.  It's all beyond me.  

I finished cleaning and grabbed a fresh beer for Rick and myself.  Did I just bring him a beer? The confusion running through me was dizzying. I sat back in the dining booth and Rick sat in the small love seat between the kitchen and the driver's cab. There was a portable radio that came with the RV and Rick had managed to find a station that came in pretty clear.  We sat there in silence for a bit sipping our beer and listening to a 70s AM pop station.  I can recall hearing a Glen Campbell song. It was warm and beautiful outside. I wondered what Rick was thinking. Had he done this sort of thing to other married couples?  Were Stacy and I headed for divorce?  Would she allow me to have sex with her at some point in the future?

As the sun was setting over the hills, the interior of the RV was bathed in colors. A mixture of gold, red, and purple light shone through the front windshield. The last magical rays of light from the day before night fall. It was a beautiful warm summer evening.

It was at this very moment that Stacy came out from the bedroom. Her brief nap refreshing her.  But what she was wearing made me both horrified and aroused.  She walked out of the bedroom as if everything was as normal as any other day in her life.  She walked towards us in her black thong underwear, and nothing else!  She was completely topless.  Her perfect firm tits stood up proud and magnificent.  They almost jiggled ever so slightly as she walked.  She got to me and once again kissed me on the forehead as her right hand slid briefly through my hair.  She then moved past me and plopped down on the cozy love seat next to Rick. The left side of her back rested against his chest.  She was facing mostly towards me.

She sat down so relaxed and carefree.  She eventually put her little feet up on the arm of the love seat closest to me.  Her back now resting against Rick. Rick placed his beer in his left hand and placed his right arm around Stacy's shoulder and his hand lay on her tummy.  I watched his hand gently caressing her tummy as the three of us sat silently as the radio played. Slowly his hand moved up to her bare tits. He cupped them, squeezed them, caressed them. He rolled her nipples between his fingers. Rick was massaging her perfect tits. Stacy laid there completely at ease as if we were three siblings just watching TV.  

Stacy had clearly been ignited by Rick. She was a sensual blaze now. While the days were hot, and the nights were warm, I don't think it was the weather that was causing Stacy to walk around in almost no clothing. Rick was clearly keeping her in a sweltering state around the clock now.  He was the only one that could give her what she needed.  

Rick, for his part, had seemed to chill out a little, as if he knew he was the Master over Stacy and I.  The three of us actually discussed plans for the next day. Stacy and I agreed that we would begin our trip back from where we started. Stacy was still coy and vague on where our marriage was. She gave no indication that she was unhappy or happy with me. Perhaps strangely, I did feel as if she still loved me.  We had no issues between us, other than what had happened on this trip. The main difference now was could she ever go back to having sex with me?  Could she ever give up the big cock pounding that Rick was giving her?

One thing I had learned over these few days was that no matter how close and happy a woman appears to be in her marriage, there is still another level of intimacy and communication between a woman and a man that can sexually satisfy her the way Rick did. It's a level guys like me would never know.  None of us would ever have to mention it. But, as we sat there, all three of us knew without any doubt, Stacy's pussy belonged to Rick. It was his property now. It was as if nature had intervened, and a girl built like Stacy was getting the physical mate she deserved. The superior Alpha Male was getting what he wanted.

It was only 9pm when Stacy got up. She yawned and stretched her arms up.  Her perfect breasts standing up so proud. She didn't speak to Rick. She walked over to me and I could see Rick sitting there watching her ass.

"Do you need any help setting up your bed tonight, honey?  I can help you if you want."

I wasn't shocked by her statement. While it was a kind offering to help with my bedding, it was also a clear sign made by Stacy that I would be sleeping once again out here while she and Rick would be sleeping in the bedroom. This was not from Rick's mouth. This decision was coming directly from my wife. I was hurt by it, but my place had been gently pointed out to me by the woman I love.

"Umm, no. I... I can manage."

"OK then, I will see you in the morning and we can have some breakfast.  Goodnight, honey."  She called me 'honey'. That meant a lot to me.

I nodded yes as I looked up at her.  I wanted to tell her I loved her. But, the words didn't come.

She leaned down and kissed my cheek. She gave me a look as if to say "you are such a sweet man."

With that, she turned and walked towards the bedroom.  Rick and I both not missing a step of her walk. That little perfect ass, small and tight, yet a nice little firm bubble. Those lean shapely legs.  How could any man not pursue her.  And just like that, she was gone. The bedroom door softly closed.

It wasn't even 9:30 when Rick stood up and set his beer can on the table and turned to face me as I sat with my feet in the aisle.  He looked down at me. He didn't speak.  He just waited. It took me a full minute before I realized what he was waiting for. When it dawned on me, I just slowly slid off the seat and onto my knees.  I just had no way of denying him.  As much as I hated him, I knew that if he asked me to, I'd pay him to allow me to suck his cock.

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I slid his boxer briefs down and grabbed his cock and brought it to my lips. I kissed the head and as my lips slid across the head I looked up at him. In that moment, I wanted him to see that I knew my place.  I sucked him so good. I made love to his cock with my mouth. I got him rock hard. His cock was pulsating. He was hard and easily over eight inches.

Suddenly he stepped back and pulled his underwear down. He stepped out of them and picked them up from the floor.  He looked down at me and said

"OK, that's enough wimp. There are some things I have to save up for our little girl tonight."   

He winked at me as he turned and headed for the bedroom. The door closed.

I could clearly hear them talking in intimate tones.  Between only them. Then the sound of kissing. It was always so impassioned, like her life depended on being fucked by Rick.  It was 9:43 when it began. That familiar rhythm. Slow at first.  Stacy already moaning and groaning. This time though she was making no effort to hide or suppress her noises.  As Rick's pace picked up so did Stacy's response to him.  The sounds she made were like life itself was being taken out of her and then slammed back into her. Tonight, Rick was going to take her to an even higher place. His pace became faster.  It sounded like he was angry. The bed was creaking and squeaking loudly. The entire RV began to rock back and forth.  Suddenly Stacy began to scream.

"AHHHH..AHHH..AHHHHH!"   She was screaming almost non stop.  It honestly sounded like an exorcism was taking place.  

"Oh My God! Oh My God! Please, please, please, fuck me Rick!  Don't stop fucking me. Never Stop. Never Stop. Never Stop!"  

She would then trail straight into literally crying in an overwhelmed pleasure.  It must have felt so amazing, her little body couldn't handle it or comprehend this level of pleasure and physical satisfaction.

"Ahhhhh...Ahhhhh...Ahhhh!"  It was an erotic mix of screaming, wailing, and crying.

She was out of her mind. Out of control. The RV was rocking non-stop. He was fucking the life out of her.  She could only lay there and scream to him.

"Ahhhh...Ahhh...Ahhhh...Ahhhh. God. God. Jesus. God. Fuck. Fuck!"

About every two minutes it would happen.  She would almost be able to announce that she was cumming.  But could only get the first part of the statement out of her mouth before she would go into this other world silence as she was actually climaxing.

"Oh God. I'm gonna...I cum...!"  

And then, half way through her sentence, as her orgasm washed over her entire body, she went silent. The screaming would stop. Even from the next room I could feel her body tensing up and clenching in deep orgasm. Sometimes, during her long and lengthy life changing orgasms she would have a long guttural moan.


I clearly heard her reach peak climax four times. Once about every two minutes.  During the time between her orgasms she would be screaming and wailing almost non-stop. But when she would go into orgasm, she would go silent again. Her little body trying to handle the level of sexual satisfaction Rick was giving her.

He just pummeled her like a jack hammer. The RV was shaking now. The coffee cups were rattling around in the cupboards. The TV remote fell off the counter onto the floor.  It had started at 9:43pm.  It was now 10:33pm. Rick's giant cock was pumping in and out of my wife non stop for fifty minutes !  

Then as Rick fucked Stacy I could hear him,

"Tell me where you want it, slut."

Initially I heard no reply.  He said it again.

"Tell me where you want my cum, Stacy!"

"Ohh Gaaaawd...Cum inside me.  Cum inside me.  Please cum inside me, please. Please.  Please.  Please.  Inside me.  Inside me.  Cum inside me!"

"That's what I thought," he growled to her.

And within maybe ten seconds of his statement, Rick let out a deafening roar.  He began convulsing deep into her womb.  Rope after powerful rope of his seed was firing deep inside her body. I had just heard the most powerful sexual experience of Stacy's life.


He growled for what seemed like twenty-five seconds as he came inside her.

I held my stomach.  I felt cramps.  I was sweating.  My head hurt.  I was devastated. I felt defeat. Loss. The warm evening air was once again quiet and still. I heard nothing more from the room. I got up and turned on the tap at the kitchen sink. I splashed some water on my face.  My legs felt weak.  I opened the fridge and grabbed a beer and sat back down.  I believed with all my heart that I had lost Stacy forever.

I sat there drinking my beer and looking down the hall at the bedroom door.  Closed.  Quiet.  Off limits to me.  I don't know how to explain it but nothing could make me stop loving Stacy.  I sat there, still in love with her.  Wanting to be close to her. Wishing it was me in that bed with her right now.

Then, an entirely unforeseen thing happened.  It was around 11:15 and the bedroom door opened. It was Rick. Fully dressed, boots and all.  He opened the fridge and took two beers out.  He walked over to me.

"Hey Timmy, you take care of our girl now, you hear?"  He gave me a playful slap on my face.

And with that he stepped down out of the RV and into his truck.  He started it up and made a quick u-turn and was gone.  Just like that.

I sat there in shock. Things were happening so fast.  The bully had suddenly left the school yard.  I was free of him!  I turned and looked towards the bedroom. I grabbed my beer and walked quietly to the door and opened it gently.  There was Stacy on the middle of the bed.  On her back.  Knees still up.  Legs still apart.  The room was dark except for a dim night light to the right side of the bed.  She had her right hand resting between her legs.  Her hand seemed to be covering her pussy. I walked over to the right side of the bed and sat on the edge near her head. We just sat in silence for a bit.  I wasn't sure she even knew I was in the room. Finally, Stacy spoke in a soft tone.  She was clearly exhausted.

"Did Rick leave?" she asked, as if she wasn't aware of her surroundings for a brief time.

I nodded yes.

She turned her head towards me and I looked her in the eye and watched as tears began running down her cheeks.  Her right hand stayed between her legs.  I reached down and clasped her left hand to mine.  She squeezed it and held my hand tight.  We sat quietly for a few minutes.

"I'm....sorry"  she whispered.

"I know."

"I understand if you want to leave me."  She said it so sincerely.

"Somehow, I think you already know that I never could leave you."

A partial smile that I'm sure she wasn't expecting formed on her face.  A smile, as tears still slowly ran down her cheeks. She lay there naked. Still sweaty. She watched my eyes gaze over her body. She took my hand and placed it on her tummy.  Her knees still up. She let go of my hand.  I caressed her tummy. The circles I traced on her tummy eventually grew wider until my fingertips got closer and closer to her pussy.  And when my finger tips barely grazed her mound just above her pussy, she gently put her hand on my wrist and placed my hand back on her tummy.  All this time her right hand had remained over her pussy as if to cover up her nudity.

I sat a little closer to her on the bed.  She rested her head against my chest.  I brushed her hair from her face and settled it behind her ear.  I softly wiped the sweat from her forehead.  She was slowly coming out of the fog. It was still less than thirty minutes since she had been fucked beyond anything she could ever imagine. It had rendered her unable to move.  

I finally mentioned to Stacy that she didn't have to cover her pussy from me.  She didn't respond.  I asked why she was covering it.  Her head was resting against my chest.  I could feel her silently start to cry a little more.  I held her.  

"What's wrong, baby?  You can tell me.  I love you so much. I never want to be away from you.  We can get past this, OK?"

She leaned into me and held onto me.

There was silence for about two minutes.  Then she spoke.

"I know it must be hard for you to believe right now, Tim, but I swear to you I do love you and I know you are so good with me, and I know you are the man I want to spend my life with."  

"But?" I said, expecting there to be a 'but'.

"When Rick and I were, you know?"   I nodded yes. "Well, I...I realized I wanted him"   She trailed off again.

She sat up a little bit.  She held onto me tight.  Maybe I was naive, but I wasn't prepared for what she told me.

"Tim, you are the man I want to spend my life with. I love you more than any man I've ever known. But I swear to you, when Rick was... um, fucking me, I could not help myself. I wanted him to get me pregnant more than anything I've ever wanted."

We held each other in silence.  I was in shock.  I tried to understand it from her perspective. I know I had heard them fucking. I could easily imagine the sensory overload of emotions that must have shot through Stacy's brain as Rick fucked her to a level I would never know.  I knew that if I was a woman in her place I probably would have had the same feeling or desire.  Rick was the pure Alpha Male.  

Finally I spoke.  I was as gentle and kind as I could be.

"Baby, do you still feel that same way now? Do you still want to have his...?"

She tilted her head up to me.  Her eyes were pleading for my understanding and patience.  We looked at each other for maybe twenty seconds.

As Stacy stared up at me she slowly nodded yes.  She then turned back and leaned her cheek against my chest again as we held onto each other.  

We slept that last night of our trip in the bed she and Rick had shared the last two nights.  Stacy slept like a baby.  I slept a little, but mostly I lay awake pondering what had just happened to us and what our future would be.

We decided that with everything that happened we would head back home.  We drove back the next day and returned the motor home to the rental place.  We flew home and were back with five days of vacation still remaining.  Stacy and I barely left the house those five days.  Stacy was likely either too sore or too embarrassed for sex.  She gently turned down any of my advances.  I realized it was probably too soon.  She was however very loving to me and things almost seemed as if we were closer.  Maybe because we had gone through a storm together and survived.  I know it probably sounds pathetic to some, but I was still madly in love with Stacy.  

About a week later, on a Friday evening, I came home from work, and Stacy greeted me at the door.  She seemed kind of shy.  She walked me over to the couch in our living room.  She took my hand and we sat down.  She faced me and looked peacefully into my eyes.  Stacy announced she was pregnant.  Nine months later she gave birth to a very healthy baby boy.








Written by Stacyshubby
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