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Life Changing Road Trip II

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Author's Notes

"As mentioned in Chapter I, this is a story of fiction. The story was read by my wife and she gave it her glowing approval. We are a happily married couple. I hope you enjoy the story. But, if not, that's ok too."

The kitchen table that turned into a pull-out bed was not very comfortable.  But, as daylight slowly rose over the hills to the east of us, the comfort of a pull-out bed was far from my main concern.  As I sat up, the horrifying reality of last night came flooding back into my mind.  What began so wonderfully as a road trip vacation for Stacy and I had turned into an unforeseen life changing situation.  

I looked down the hall towards the bedroom door.  It was closed.  It was so quiet.  The air was still. The leaves on the trees above the motor home were silent.  I grappled with what to do.  Did our intruder kill Stacy in the night?  Was she in there laying dead?  Was he now gone?  I began to envision the worst case scenarios.  

I slowly got up and quietly crept to the bedroom door.  There was no sound or movement coming from behind the door.  It was 6:40 a.m.  I grabbed the doorknob and nervously nudged it open just an inch or two.  What I saw was simultaneously a relief and heart crushing.  Stacy was not dead.  There was no bloody crime scene.  But what I saw felt almost just as bad.  Rick lay there on the left side of the bed on his back, the covers pulled up just above his waist.  Stacy lay on her side facing him, snuggled up against his torso, her arm draped across his chest. Her head resting on his bicep, as she slept soundly.

I was crushed.  I shut the door and went back to my pull-out bed.  I crawled in. Dejected, humiliated, and heartbroken.  I tried to go back to sleep but instead, I laid there staring up at the ceiling.  The reality of what happened last night swirled around in my brain like a tornado, which was such a contrast to the total quiet and peacefulness of the setting outside.  I lay like that for maybe another 40 minutes when the bedroom door softly opened.  It was Stacy.  

She was looking back into the bedroom, clearly sneaking out as to not wake Rick.  She turned and saw me.  She softly closed the door and I watched her petite little body tip-toe towards me.  Her hair a mess.  The shirt she wore I did not recognize;  it seemed too big for her. Then as she got to the foot of the pull-out bed it hit me.  She was wearing Rick's black tee shirt.  She stood there in nothing but his black shirt.  She looked down at me and knew the hurt I must be feeling.  

We didn't have to speak.  We stood in silence for a minute yet seemed to communicate perfectly in that silence.  We could try all day to explain it as a rape or some kind of forced sexual nightmare. But she and I both knew.  She had to know that I could hear everything.  Gently she climbed onto my cramped bed and settled in next to me on her side, resting upon her elbow facing me.  I lay flat on my back looking up at her face.  

Stacy looked at me; her eyes panned slowly from my feet up my covered body until her eyes met mine.  She still didn't speak.  But as she looked down at me, it was crystal clear.  She felt so bad for me.  She felt sorry for what had happened and could tell I was in an emotional hell.  She slid her hand under the covers and rested it on my stomach and softly caressed my tummy and chest area, rubbing gently in circles.  I lay there looking up at her as she stared at my chest.  I felt like a child being comforted by his mother.   She leaned down and kissed my forehead, as her hand caressed my tummy.  

On any other day, this would be a typical sweet romantic gesture from Stacy.  And it could be easily mistaken for one now.  But, her comforting me was joined by the cruel reality that she was wearing Rick's black tee-shirt and it smelled of cigarettes.  Stacy and I never smoked.  So the smell of cigarettes on Stacy's tiny little body seemed so foreign.   She saw me looking at the black shirt and as she continued caressing my tummy and pelvis area, she spoke.  

"I couldn't find my... Well, you know... My clothes, honey."   

I nodded yes meekly, understanding the situation.  Still, in spite of the shirt, Stacy looked somehow different.  She seemed so peaceful.  So at ease.  Considering the situation we were now in, she seemed so relaxed.  She occasionally would lean down and gently kiss my forehead. She spoke softly...

"I had to do it, honey.  I didn't want Rick to hurt us."  

I sat looking up at her as she spoke.

"I think that, maybe, if we just do as Rick says, neither of us will get hurt. You know, honey?"

I listened quietly.  Confused.  My instinct told me Stacy was lying to me.  But how could I know for sure?  He did seem capable of violence.  Still, my mind could not erase the sounds Stacy made with him only hours before.

"I just want you to know Tim, I love you, and would never leave you or intentionally cause you pain.  It's just, I think its best if we..."

I interrupted Stacy.

"I... I want to believe you, honey.  I do.  It's just.  I mean, I could hear everything last night."

Her hand continued to caress my tummy and pelvis area.  Gentle.  Loving.  Her hand was almost getting close to my penis; the penis that I couldn't help but feel she would find comically small after last night.

She nodded yes, as if to agree that she did respond to him in a way that neither of us had ever heard from her.

"I know baby.  I didn't want to respond to Rick like I did.  I think maybe I just gave in to him and allowed him to do what he was going to do anyway.  To just get it over with, you know?"

Now I knew she was either lying to me or lying to herself about what happened last night.

We lay like this for a while longer.  Her caressing had accidentally caused my penis to begin to rise.  My thin blanket not helping to hide my unwanted erection.  Stacy continued to caress circles on my tummy, pelvis, and hips. I could swear her eyes noticed my growing penis under the covers.  But, she made no acknowledgment of it.  Stacy looked at me.

 "I'm going to make some coffee, want some?"   

I nodded yes.   

She leaned down and gave my forehead a long kiss and whispered  

"I love you so much and we will get through this."   

She then got up and as she scooted off the bed I could see she had nothing on under his shirt.  My penis jolted at the brief site of her bare bottom before the shirt fell back again, covering it.  

She stood at the kitchen counter, her back to me.  Her perfect lean slender little legs were so beautiful.  Her tiny feet so dainty.  She got two cups out of the cupboard and poured the coffee.  She placed one cup on the edge of the counter across from my bed.   She turned and softly spoke

"I love you, Tim. That has not changed. You know that, right ?"   

I nodded yes.

She then turned and softly walked back to the bedroom, entered, and gently closed the door.  I was caught off guard.  I thought she was going to sit with me and have our coffee.  I turned and stared at the bedroom door.  About 3 minutes passed and then I heard some soft whispers.  And then, the unmistakable sound of kissing.  I could hear the coffee cup being placed on the nightstand and then it was quiet for a minute.  

I could hear the faint sounds of Stacy.  It was a muffled groan.  She was trying to be quiet and it was very clear she was trying to keep her sounds suppressed.  But there it was, like last night, the rhythmic grunts began.  The squeaking of the bed began. It was slow but definitely had a pace.  A rhythm. 

Once again the digital clock on the kitchen counter was mocking me with the minutes passing.  After about five minutes of the bed squeaking at a perfect rhythmic pace, I heard Stacy whispering.  Definitely whispering. As if to purposely attempting to shield her actions from me.  Even in a whisper, I could hear the yearning need in her voice.  

"Ohh, Rick... Rick... Ohh ohh. Yesss. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yesss... Oooh Fuck... Fuuuck. Ohhh Gawwd. Gawd... I'm... Going... To... Cum. Going... To... I... I... Gawww... Cummming!"  

I had never ever made Stacy cum from intercourse. I thought it wasn't possible, but she just climaxed with him in like five minutes. And she had cum at least five times with him last night.  There was silence for a minute and then I could hear kissing again.  Then, just like that, it ended.  Quiet.  They had gone back to sleep. Together.

I laid in bed, confused as ever.  A couple of hours had passed since I last heard them in the bedroom.  Morning was slowly giving way to the day.  It was around 10 a.m. that I sat up and set my feet on the floor.  Sitting on the pull-out bed staring at the cold cup of coffee on the counter.  Normally I'd be hungry by now.  But, my stomach was in knots.  I needed some water.  

I got up and grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and sat back down on my bed.  As I took a drink the bedroom door opened.  It was Rick.  

He walked to the kitchen in front of me.  He wore nothing but black boxer briefs.  I sat in silence.  Hating him like no one I had ever hated.  But it was useless because this giant could hold me up off the ground with one hand while knocking me out with the other.  If I lunged at him I'd probably bounce off his body of hardened steel.  He had his back to me as he calmly poured a bowl of cereal for himself.  Then he turned and faced me, leaning against the kitchen counter.  That was the moment I first saw it.  The outline, the bulge in his form-fitting boxer briefs.  

It was instantly crushing to my own manhood and his eyes seemed to indicate he knew.  It laid in his underwear limp, and yet, appeared like a cucumber.  He stood there casually eating his cereal, facing right at me.  

My eyes, I have no idea why, would occasionally just stare right at his bulge, and then up to his eyes.  He didn't speak.  Just stood there.  He had this endless air of cocky confidence.  And now I could see why.  If I was endowed like him, I'm sure I'd be arrogant as well.  He finished his cereal and was looking out the window behind me and the sun beginning the day.  

"Looks like a hot one, hey Timmy?"
He set his bowl down and walked over right in front of me looking out the window.  His underwear now inches in front of me.  

"Yep, looks like a real nice one, doesn't it Timmy?"  

He lingered there.  I could smell the strong masculine scent coming from his body.  His abs were flat, hard, defined, hairless, tan, strong.  The waistband right in front of me.  The cucumber lay coiled smugly behind the black boxer briefs.  His scent was a mix of sweat, cologne, cigarettes, sex, and this unmistakable masculine aroma.

There was tension in the air.  It felt as if Rick was claiming his place.  He knew as well as I that I couldn't stand up to him without losing my life.  It was sickeningly clear.  I felt my breathing becoming heavier, I was nervous.  Then I made the mistake of trying to look at him; I had to tilt my head straight up to make eye contact.  He looked straight down.  Neither of us spoke.  I held his gaze.  A slight smirk curled across his lips.  I was motionless.  Powerless.  As I looked up at him, I thought of Stacy in there, in the bed. Their bed.  So tiny.  So naked.

Rick leaned ever so slightly forward. The cotton material holding his cock now arrogantly pressed against my lips.  I could literally smell the scent of Stacy's pussy.  I held completely still.  My eyes meeting his.  He very lightly slid the bulge across my lips. The outline of the head of his cock parting my lips.  I held still.  Looking up at him.  And then, he turned, and with a smirk on his face he walked back to the bedroom and swung the door to close but it stopped about four inches from closing.  He didn't care.  He left it that way as I could hear him climb back into bed.

I sat there, breathing heavily.  Confused. What had just happened, I thought to myself.  Then, to my horror, I looked down.  I was hard as a rock.  Why was I so hard?  Why now?  

About noon he came back out, dressed in his jeans and black tee. He had his boots on and he went to the cab and flipped a knob and walked outside.  He lifted the hood casing and fiddled with the engine.  He came back after a few minutes and went back to the bedroom. I could hear some conversation.  He came back out and passed by me without acknowledgment.  He walked out and over to his truck, grabbed the keys, and left again.  He got in, turned around, and he was gone.

Freedom!  But wait,  we had no way of going anywhere.  As I was pondering all this, Stacy came out of the bedroom.  Her attire wasn't helping me get my mind away from the sexual situation she had been in over the last 24 hours.   

She wore a thin white form-fitting tank top.  Her 36c tits outlined perfectly and moved freely with no bra.  Below, she had on a black pair of thong underwear, worn as always high on her hips, creating a V-shape. She walked a bit gingerly, as if her legs were sunburned, and opened the fridge. She stood there letting the cool air of the fridge soothe her.  

She took out some sandwich fixings and made three sandwiches.  She cut them in half and placed three halves on a plate and wrapped the others in plastic and put them in the fridge.  She came and sat on the edge of my pull-out bed, her back to me, and began eating.  She had the plate sitting between us on the bed.  

"Rick is going to a town not far from here.  He said he was going to fix the motor home.  So that's good news, don't you think honey?" 

The way she said sounded as if that was sort of equaling out the bad news of the last 24 hours.  

"Um, yeah, that will be good,"  I said in an almost automatic pilot tone.

"Have some sandwich, honey."

Her body was almost unable to hide or suppress her feeling of never-before-experienced contentedness and glow.  I know Stacy very well.  She would never ever in a million years purposely wish to hurt me in any way.  As she sat there eating, she knew I was hurting.  She knew how humiliated I must be feeling.  I also know she would like to make it right and make me feel better.  But, she wasn't stupid.  She knew that wasn't possible at this moment.  But, in addition to all that, she seemed to be in some way steering me to at least partially believe her story of having sex with Rick to keep us from getting hurt or killed.  

She was processing and experiencing a new level of sexual satisfaction.  A blind person could sense her satisfied glow.  I couldn't help but think that as Stacy sat there, her pussy must still be tingling in a way it never had before.  Neither of us would ever have to say it,  but as we sat there, we both knew with a thousand percent certainty that I could never give her what she had been given over the last 24 hours.  

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We were both learning the more subtle unspoken sides of the situation we found ourselves in.  In a strange, seemingly unfair twist, it did feel that it was Stacy that was in total control over me now, and Rick most likely had control over Stacy in a way that even she never thought possible.  We never said it, but it was there.  Like the laws of nature or the jungle,  it was just known.  She felt it, and I felt it.  Stacy was my wife. But, her pussy likely belonged to Rick now.

Stacy finished her lunch and stood up, her ass facing me and, at this point, just looking at her amazing bare ass cheeks was causing my penis to ache.  Did she know this?  Did she realize what she was doing to me?  It had been over five days since I had last had an orgasm.  She stood at the sink cleaning the dish.  She actually stood slightly bent forward.  Her legs standing shoulder length apart. 

I could feel my breathing becoming heavier again.  My hand slipped under the covers and onto my aching penis.  She had finished cleaning and was just standing there looking out the window above the sink.  Was she doing this on purpose?  I stroked my penis which was hard like steel.  I had to suppress a moan. 

God her ass was incredible.  It was magnificent.  The black thong sitting high on her hips.  I knew I wouldn't last long.  I felt myself getting close.  She just innocently stood that way, slightly bent over.  Her ass. Her legs. So perfect.  Stacy just held still.  Facing out the window.  Facing away from me.  And then it happened.  I came.  I came so hard.  My body convulsing under the covers.  Staring at Stacy's legs and ass. It was all I could do to stay quiet.   

The very moment I calmed down and composed myself,  Stacy casually turned and went to the bedroom and changed clothes.  It was almost as if she stood there waiting for me.  Waiting for me to stroke my little penis to her sexy little body.  

A few minutes later Stacy came out of the bedroom.  She had a towel over her shoulder and was wearing her white macrame two-piece bikini.  It was a thong bottom and two triangle pieces that covered some of her tits.  If you stood there talking to her, you could basically see her tits thru it.  She said she was going to go to the creek and maybe play in the water.  It was now easily approaching 90 degrees so it sounded refreshing.  I told her I would come to join her.  She didn't respond so I quickly got my suit on and followed behind her, catching up to her on the trail.  

We walked along towards the creek.  Stacy still seemed to have a little trouble walking normally, and no one had to say anything about why.  We got to the creek and Stacy was in a doggy style position as she spread her towel out and laid forward on her tummy.  I sat a few inches from her on my towel with my knees up and hands resting on them. 

I was trying so hard not to stare at Stacy's ass the entire time but, I was too weak.  She was laying with her head resting on her arms folded underneath her.  She was facing me, eyes closed.  She would occasionally peek open and see me, staring like a schoolboy at her bare ass.  I didn't realize my breathing becoming heavier and heavier. I was breathing thru my mouth now and it sounded like I had just run a mile. It looked like Stacy had parted her legs a little further.  From my angle, I could almost see her pussy.  

I was shaken out of my trance by Stacy. 

"Honey,  would you like to rub some lotion on my back?" I nearly fainted. 

I tried to answer her but only managed,  "I... Yes." 

She almost giggled but held it back. I scooted next to her and grabbed the lotion.  I squirted a large amount on my hands and began on her back, all the while my eyes were glued to her ass.  I didn't even realize she could now easily hear my breathing.  She laid there and said nothing.  I rubbed her back all over until I got to her bikini bottom.  I then switched down to her calves.  I worked back up slowly.  Her pussy was in my view now. 

I was losing it.  She had never looked sexier.  Her smooth toned tan skin.  Her perfect ass.  I worked up past her knees.  Her legs and thighs felt so good.  My eyes glued to her ass.  I was nearly there.  And then it happened.  

I suddenly started convulsing.  I accidentally blurted out a bunch of gibberish, "Errrggguh... Uuh."

I shuttered and trembled.  Oh my God, no!  I was cumming again! I tried to hide it from Stacy. I glanced down at her and I swear I saw her hide her face by turning the other way.  I could briefly see the look on her face.  It's as if she had known it would happen or even had planned this.  My shorts were a mess. I had cum in my swim trunks, which were pretty thin material.  Stacy, facing away from me, chimed in.

"Are you done rubbing the lotion on my sweety?  That was kind of quick."  

The words had so much double meaning. I was so embarrassed. I quickly stood up facing away from her and said I'd be back and that I had to go back to the vehicle and use the bathroom.  She lifted her head up and said

"Ok, but here, you need the keys."  

Without thinking, I turned to Stacy, who was about five feet in front of me laid out on her towel.  She tossed me the keys and her eyes clearly went from my face down to my shorts, which were a creamy wet mess.  She looked back up at me and smiled a smile that literally had pity in it.

It was as if things couldn't have gotten worse after last night, my wife most likely could see that I just prematurely came in my pants just looking at her butt.  After catching the keys I turned and walked off quickly to the motor home.

As I neared the motor home, I saw Rick working on the engine.  Shirt off, of course.  He looked up and saw me as I approached.  He went back to working and I quickly got in the motor home before he could see my shorts.  As soon as I was inside I stood in the kitchen and quickly stepped out of my shorts and as I reached for a fresh pair, I heard the door open.

I turned and saw Rick stepping up inside.  He was going to try starting the engine, but instead, he turned and saw me standing there naked and holding the new shorts.  I quickly covered my crotch with the shorts, but he had seen me.  We stood there.  I was waiting for a laugh or a hurtful comment, but nothing. 

He then walked over and stood right in front of me.  Towering over me he looked down and I thought maybe he was going to hit me again.  I stood there before him, naked, short, skinny, hairless body, and my very small penis (I'm 4 inches fully hard).  He lifted his right hand up.  I closed my eyes and braced for the punch, but what he did caught me off guard.  He gently lifted my chin so I was looking up at him, and he said

"You know Timmy,  you'd make a fine girl."  

His index finger brushed across my lips as he pulled his hand away.  He turned and walked to the cab of the vehicle and attempted to start it. I stood there. I had chills running thru me.  I looked down at the shorts I had covering my penis.  I moved them aside and saw that I was rock hard.  I quickly stepped into the shorts and turned to leave, meeting Rick.  He waved his hand in the "after you, ma'am" sign.  I got his feminine jab but ignored it and walked out first.  

"So, where's our girl, Timmy?"

"She's at the creek, I'm going there now," I said.   

"I could go for a swim, tell Stacy I'll be along in a few," Rick said.  

I nodded yes as I left.  
Those same chills from moments earlier washed over me again.  What was wrong with me?  I hated this man more than anyone.  I ignored the thoughts as I made my way to the creek.  Stacy was standing/leaning against a big boulder staring down at the water trickling past. Her feet were in the water.  

"I'm back," I announced as I approached her.

I went over to give her a kiss, which at the last second she turned her head slightly, allowing me to kiss her cheek.  She didn't say much as we stared down at the water.  I think she was looking for the little fish she had seen the day before.  

I spread my towel out next to Stacy's further back from the water and the boulder.  I sat down taking in the view west, the rolling hills and mountains that could be seen miles away.  Across the creek was basically a rolling field with high grass and a few trees dotted here and there.  It was very peaceful.  

Suddenly thoughts popped into my head.  Rick was back at the motor home alone.  He wouldn't take the motor home, would he?  After all, he had a truck.  But, all our money and belongings were in there so, technically, he could rob us and leave.  I stood up and told Stacy I had forgotten to bring a couple of beers and that I'd be right back.  She nodded yes without really even looking up from the water.  

As I jogged back to the motor home I wondered if Stacy could be falling out of love with me.  I was a good caring loving husband, but I knew I could never give her what Rick could.  

I got to the motor home and the truck and motor home were still there.  I climbed up the steps and saw Rick at the kitchen sink getting a drink of water.  He had a towel on his shoulder and was standing in nothing but his boxer briefs.  He turned his head and saw me.  

"Oh, hey there girl," he said mockingly.  

I was tired of the joke and decided to tell him, but then he spoke.  

"Well, I got your rig running. She is good to go."  

The great news defused my annoyance at his comments about me being a girl.

"Oh, really? That's great!" I said.  

I sat down on my pull-out bed and had to take in the news.  What should Stacy and I do now?  Does Rick leave now? How do I get rid of him?  Does Stacy still want to be with me?  My thoughts were suddenly blurred when Rick finished a long drink of water and set the cup down on the counter, turning to me.  He didn't speak.  He just stood there.  Smug. Confident.  I sat there. I met his eyes.  I held his stare. I swallowed.  He waited.  And then, my eyes betrayed me.  

As he stood there his eyes were cold, like a killer shark.  He watched my eyes leave his, and travel down his chest, down his flat muscled abs, and stop at his bulge.  It was so big.  It really did seem like a cucumber was behind those black boxer briefs.  I just openly stared right at it.  Then, the heavy silence was stopped.  Rick calmly said four words to me.  

"Beg for it, Timmy."  My eyes shot up to his.  

I was not expecting those words.  I knew I had fear on my face.  He just stood there so self-assured.  My breathing picked up instantly.  I looked down at his underwear and back up to him.  I felt the words coming. I never believed I'd say them.  

"P-please,"  I stuttered.  

"Please, what, Timmy?"

"Please... Umm, may I... See it?"

"See what, Timmy ?"

"Your... Your... Your... Cock"

"How do you think you should address me when you have a question, Timmy?"

"Please Sir, may I see your... Cock?"

"Well, I suppose I could let you see it.  Crawl over here and slide my shorts down."

Against all my hope that I wouldn't, I did as he said.  I got off my bed and knelt below him.  My hands were shaking.  I reached up and grab the sides of his waistband.  I slowly slid them down.  His superior male cock was now in front of me.  I continued sliding his shorts down to his ankles.  He stepped out of them.  I looked up at him.  I was breathing heavily.  I felt like I might pass out.  

By now I felt this overwhelming need to please him.  I couldn't understand where it was coming from or why.  I looked up into his eyes and begged him.  

"Please, Sir, please let me suck your cock."  

He looked down at me so smug.  He gave a nod yes.  My heart was pounding.  I raised my right hand up and the closer it got to his cock the smaller my hand suddenly looked.  I tentatively wrapped my hand around his thick shaft.  My fingers could not close around it.  I lifted it up and brought the head to my lips.  As my lips slid onto the big head of his cock, my eyes went straight up to meet his.  I knew at that moment I was totally submitting myself to him.  

I kept eye contact with him as my lips wrapped around the head and I closed them and my cheeks sunk in as I began to suck on him.  I sucked the head with a sensual need.  My hand was stroking his shaft now. I could feel him growing quickly.  I sucked on and off the head like it was a lollipop.  Then, as he hardened in my hand, I slid my mouth further down on him.  Sucking a tight seal around his cock.

I realized in that moment that Rick had a cock and I had a penis.  

I sucked nearly five inches down on him, my head bobbing back and forth.  Sucking. Sucking.  I sucked the head of his cock like a crazed porn star.  

I could feel him swelling.  The skin around his cock became taught.  I knew he was going to erupt at any time.  

Suddenly I felt his hand grab hold of the back of my head.  Then his hips began to buck.  

I stayed on his cock, sucking it hard as I received the first large rope of cum fire into my throat.  

I swallowed just as the second rope shot into my mouth, larger than the first.  I swallowed again.  He pulled out and grabbed his cock from me.  I opened my mouth wide.  He stroked his heavy shaft and a third, fourth, and fifth rope of cum shot into my mouth and onto my face.  My face was covered. I had swallowed what seemed like a quarter cup of his superior Alpha Male seed.  He finally finished.  

In what felt like a moment of anger, he slapped my face with his heavy cock. Smearing the cum on my face.  

Rick pulled his boxer briefs up and headed for the door.

"I'm gonna go check on our girl, Timmy.  Why don't you make us something to eat."

I got up, went to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror.  My face was covered in his cum.  I reached up with my hand to begin cleaning it off and just before I wiped my hand with a paper towel, I stopped.  A feeling from depths I never knew overrode me.  Instead, I sucked his cum off my fingers.  I ate every drop of his cum I could get.

I looked at myself in the mirror.  I hated myself.  I hated Rick.  I was furious with Stacy.  

I washed my face.  I walked out of the bathroom, and I started dinner.

End Chapter II

Written by Stacyshubby
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Unknown User
I kept worrying that Stacy would walk in on them at the end.  Loved the characters, really sexy story x
Unknown User
Loved the Alpha-Male Rick dominating both Tim and Stacy. Stacy getting sexual satisfaction from a mansized-cock and Tim learning who he really is... this is one HOT story! well done, Tim. You made me feel as if it were my cock getting sucked... now I need to go have a cum.
Glad to see Tim getting to enjoy some alpha cock.
Damn, this is getting too rough for me. Tim has to get through this and still be a man, even if he can't compete with Rick. Hope all works out and soon, I can't comprehend him sucking Rick off. 
Just so intimate. Am truly puzzled how Tim can despise Rick, suspect Stacy and then become submissive, unless it is a plan to come out of this current situation alive.
Sounds like Rick will be opening their world up to to lots of new possibilities.
The fantasy continues
A great and hot story. I wonder how many bored couples I know that fantasize about meeting someone like Rick.
Well tim, I think you have found yourself confronted by quite a pickle. Congrats on the fine writing. You have told a story, that makes your readers care about your characters. They are rooting for tim and stacy and scorning Rick. All while touching themselves.
I read your comment to Stacy and she said "that's a good way to describe it"
Good story I sure hope Tim gets his revenge!
Tim needs to get some revenge against
A strange twist in the story. Completely unexpected. The next chapter should be interesting.
Well you did it again. I just love it when Rick fucks her, but I need more chapters. I think Rick is going to make Tim clean up Rick and Stacy. Lets see if I'm right.
Kind of a mesmerizing story that many of we 6” guys can associate with. From my experience, most women will fuck and the idea of a huge cock probably helps bring that on.
Oh man that was hot, what a good girl, you are becoming. Well written.
Can't wait for the third chapter. Loved it
Well Tim, I'm glad they finally published your erotic story. I really enjoyed part 1 and liked part 2 even more. I do like how Rick took your wife and then dominated you. I am hoping this story is not over for at least a few more parts. Well done
The marriage is done, she loves Ricks cock more than hubby..... so hubby needs to accept his new role in Stacy and Ricks relationship or find a way to run far,far away.... better yet get some balls and kill Rick cut off his cock to give Stacy as a souvenir and sell Stacy to a black gang where she is certain to get lots of big cock or sell her to a sex slave trade, just be done with her ....