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The San Diego Affair - Part One

"A wife on vacation with her husband gets what she has been missing"

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Author's Notes

"This story is a condensed version of three separate vacation trips to San Diego. Some parts are true, some parts added, and some parts merely embellished. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It took place in San Diego, but the names of the locations and characters in the story have been changed."

We grabbed a cab from the airport.  Back in San Diego, again. Vacation.  We both needed the getaway from work and life's daily grind.  I was born and raised in San Diego and we look forward to coming back to visit family and friends every year or two.  

We tend to stay at the same hotel each time.  The Sunset Inn, just a short three or four miles west from San Diego's airport.  

It was October.  A good time to visit.  Kids were back in school and the weather is still warm and sunny. Although it is most of the time in San Diego.

I'm Tim.  Thirty-five years old.  I stand a lean 5'5" and weigh 155 pounds.  I'm decent-looking.  Sandy brown hair.  My wife Stacy is insanely hot, but has that girl next door look about her.  She isn't pretentious or spoiled.  She is kind and sweet.  But, it's sometimes hard to square all that charming personality with the fact it's inside 5 feet of pure hot body.  Stacy stands at 5'0" and usually around 110 pounds.  There would be great debate on what her most eye-catching feature is.  For her tiny frame, she has 36C tits, a great little tight butt, and legs that are lean and toned.  She has brownish-blond straight hair that falls usually to her shoulders.  She has sky blue eyes.

Stacy and I met eight years ago at a bar.  My roommate was dating her best friend.  And one night my roommate asked if I wanted to join him for a drink at the bar with his girlfriend.  Luckily, I said yes. The girl he was dating brought her best friend and that turned out to be Stacy.  We hit it off pretty well.  Apparently, I wasn't like the guys she had dated up to that point.  I was self-deprecating and could make her laugh.  She liked to laugh and so we were off.  Looking back on it all now,  I think we were/are like best friends. That can be a blessing and a curse.

The cab pulled us into The Sunset Inn. We grabbed our bags and checked in. It's a wonderful property on a man-made peninsula along the bay entrance to San Diego.  It's basically a two-mile strip of hotels and restaurants, most having a Polynesian or island feel to them.  Plenty of lush tropical grounds, pools, and the hotels are all just two stories tall.  There are wonderful walking paths and a public park across the street that overlooks the bay and San Diego skyline in the middle distance.

Stacy and I tend to just hang around the hotel pool or ride rental bikes around the strip.  We had a two queen bed suite, which was a little larger than a standard size room.  It opened straight into the main bed area, then you walk into a small bar/sink/fridge area,  then onto a small living room with couch chairs TV etc., and then out to the sliding door deck.  Our room was on the second story and overlooked the pool.  

We had settled in and unpacked and it was still just 2pm,  so we decided to head to the pool.  As we were changing clothes my phone rang.  It was Eric.  Eric is one of my good friends I've known since junior high.  He works at this hotel.  He had only met Stacy once before at our wedding.  He and a few of my friends, along with my family, had flown to Seattle for our wedding a few years before.

While Stacy was changing into her swimsuit, I chatted with Eric on the phone for a bit while I was putting some beers and wine in our fridge.  He asked if we had checked in and was everything fine with our room.  I assured him that all was well.  He said he was working at the moment, but would be off in an hour or so and would stop by and say hi to us.  I told him we'd be at the pool and it would be great to see him.

Stacy walked out of the bathroom in her swimsuit.  I was relieved to see it was a conservative one-piece.  Floral print.  Her tits still were obvious,  but I was more pleased that her amazing butt was covered.  Stacy's body is the type that can drive men into madness.  Her legs and ass are why men write poetry.  

I told her Eric had called and that he might meet us at the pool.  She seemed indifferent but she knew it meant a lot to me to visit with an old school friend.  Stacy slipped a sarong wrap around her waist and we grabbed a few necessities and out the door and headed around the building to the pool just behind our building.

The pool area was pleasantly not busy.  Maybe two or three other couples.  The area was spacious and we all had a spot to ourselves.  Stacy laid her towel out on the lounge chair while I went in for a swim.  Ahhh, so refreshing and relaxing. 

After a few minutes of swimming, I saw Eric walking over towards us.  I waved from the pool.  He nodded and came in.  He saw me and then spotted Stacy lying out on her back on the lounge chair.  Her eyes were closed and she didn't notice Eric arriving.  As he approached her, he stopped a pool waiter and spoke to him.  The waiter nodded and left.  Eric said something to get Stacy's attention and she opened her eyes and recognized him.  She got up to say hello and I was struck at the contrast.  Stacy, at 5'0" tall and in a swimsuit, and Eric, who is easily over 6'5" and was in a full suit having just gotten off work. 

I watched from the pool as Eric leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  He had to lean down so far and Stacy had to stand on her tippy-toes. They stood facing each other talking.  I couldn't make out the conversation but I could notice Eric checking her out as they talked.  Or at least it seemed like it.  I couldn't blame him.  While I was swimming in the pool, there was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old kid swimming and he was practically having a wet dream as he would sneak peeks at her as she lay out on the lounger.

As I was climbing out of the pool, the waiter had returned with a tray of drinks.  Eric had pull around here; that's for sure.  He took a glass and handed it to Stacy, and he took one and toasted and she clinked her glass to his.

I arrived and he handed me my drink and Stacy and I sat down on the lounge chair and Eric stood as we talked.  As Eric would listen to Stacy talk, I could clearly see his eyes ignoring her face and checking her body out.  Stacy had to have noticed.  I'm sure she thought it was kind of rude or crude, but, being sweet and friendly, she made no mention of it. 

We talked for a bit longer and Eric said he was heading home and would change clothes and maybe join us later.  Stacy and I stood up to say goodbye and he and I shook hands, and then he turned to say goodbye to Stacy. He again leaned down and kissed her on the cheek but fairly close to the lips.  His right hand rested on her waist as he kissed her.  As he turned to leave I saw Stacy clearly, for a second, still on her tippy-toes looking at him as he pulled away to leave.  He left and we sat back down.  There was a brief moment of awkward silence.  

"So, you alright?"  I asked her, as we sat in the late afternoon sun.

"Yes, why?"

"You just seem a little distant or preoccupied.  Maybe it's just me," I said, only half-joking.

"I forgot how tall your friend Eric is.  When I was standing talking to him I barely came above his belly button."

We sat there in silence for a bit, with her comment hanging in the air. We finished our drinks and decided to head back to the room to shower and get something to eat.  I followed behind Stacy as we made our way to the room.  God, her ass and legs were so perfect.  Whenever she wore a swimsuit, or even walked around our house in her underwear, it was like our relationship took on a different dynamic. One of the things about Stacy and I, we are pretty 50-50 in our marriage.  But, when she is wearing a bikini or just underwear or even short shorts, it's like this unspoken thing happens. Her demeanor doesn't really change, it's very subtle, but we both know she has this super power over me: the body she was blessed with.

It was around 6pm, Stacy was in the shower and I was setting up some music to play in the room.  It was still pretty warm as the sun was still working its way toward the ocean.  I opened the sliding door on the deck a little bit and used the doorstop to hold the front door open a few inches to allow some cross breeze.  I got the music going, just some chill background music, and I grabbed a beer and went out on the deck to look towards the setting sun and the pool area. There were some kids playing in the pool.  Parents reading books, all very peaceful. I loved it. 

In the room behind me, I could faintly hear the shower water shut off.  Stacy was out of the shower.  As I leaned on the railing, I looked behind me and saw Stacy come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her hair and a towel around her waist. Her tits were fully on display and I watched her patter about checking her phone, checking the fridge and standing in front of the mirror over the bar area as she applied some moisturizer to her face.  She was standing profile to my position and seeing her perfect firm tits on that lean little body, I felt so lucky.

It was at that very moment that I heard a quick knock on our door as Eric had innocently entered our room.  Since I had propped it open for the breeze, he just knocked as he entered.

"Knock-knock," he said as he entered.

Stacy turned her back to me as she looked in surprise at the sound of Eric's voice.  Now would likely be a good time to mention that I have been known to be sometimes jealous and insecure about Stacy around other guys. This sudden situation was one of them, even though he was my longtime friend.  And one of the things I would offer as my defense would be that for what seemed like an eternity, but was in fact only a second or two, Stacy did not cover her tits right away after she saw who it was.  Only after this strange gap of time did I see her arms come up to cover her tits.  I began to enter the room at this point and could see Eric, still about ten feet in front of Stacy, staring right at her little body.

Stacy spoke first.  "Oh, hi, Eric, I was just in the shower, sorry."  

Stacy apologized to HIM? For what?  As she was saying this, Eric was walking towards her.

"No worries, Stacy, I just saw the door open and thought I'd be OK coming in."  

At this point, he glanced up only for a second to acknowledge me and then his eyes were right back on Stacy, who still had not scurried back onto the bathroom as I would have expected.  Even when Stacy heard my voice as I approached from behind, Stacy stood facing Eric...her back to me.  Her hands and arms were marginally covering her big tits. Once I reached Stacy and was standing next to her did she decide to walk into he bathroom.  It seemed like she and Eric were holding eye contact as she made her way towards the bathroom. She smiled as she closed the door.

"Hey, buddy,  sorry about walking in on you guys," Eric said to me, in not the sincerest of tones.

"Ah, don't worry about it.  We're on vacation, and besides, it was an innocent mistake."

"Hey, so I thought I'd take Stacy and you up to the hotel bar and buy you guys a round or two."

"Sure, that would be great.  Give us a few minutes to get ready and we will meet you up there."

"Sounds good, I've got to stop by my office anyway to check scheduling stuff.  Look for me at the bar, or if I'm not there yet just tell Tony to set you up. On me."

Eric handed me his business card and he wrote something on the back of it and handed it to me.

He then walked over to the bathroom door and said, "Bye, Stacy, hope to see more of you later!" as he chuckled and slapped me on the back and headed out the door.

"Ha-ha, very funny, mister,"  I heard Stacy say from behind the door in a mocking tone.

I had already showered and was just changing my clothes by the bed when Stacy walked out of the bathroom.  Her hair looked so good.  Blond, and combed straight and still slightly wet.  So cute.  Her suitcase was on the spare queen bed and her back was to me.  She slid her towel off and I watched in childlike awe as she slithered on a pair of lavender thong underwear,and stood looking at her clothing choices in her case.

It always amazes me when I see Stacy's clothes without her in them.  They look like miniature clothing. She pulled out a little black cotton dress.  I swear in her hands it looked about the size of a hand towel.  She just slipped it on over her head and slid it down her body.  It was tight but the cotton material was stretchy and looked comfortable.  It somehow managed to cover her, but barely.  I'm not exaggerating when I say it maybe went an inch below her butt. It clung to her lean tiny frame.  She turned and went over to the mirror above the bar area. It was then that I realized she wasn't wearing a bra.  She brushed her hair a little more and checked her lips and eyes.  

I know it's probably my jealous mind, but I swear it was like she knew what she was doing. Torturing me, and yet acting so innocent at the same time.  I loved it and hated it.  Her tits were perfectly formed inside that dress.  Stacy in that dress and no bra is probably what brought on a slight case of worry, and I couldn't help but bring it up.

"Hey, babe, you usually wear a bra with that dress.  Any reason why you aren't wearing one tonight?"

"We're on vacation, honey, and it's so warm anyway.  I just thought it would be OK to go without one."

As we walked down the stairs on our way to the bar, I watched in erotic awe as her tits bounced freely as she made her way down the stairs.  Not floppy or loose, but a firm toned bounce to them.  Often in moments like this, a voice in my head would remind me of how lucky I was to be with a girl built like Stacy, but that same voice would sometimes taunt me about being out of her league sexually.

We made it to the bar.  Night was sending the day away.  It was a cozy place, fancy but cozy.  Again with that island vibe.  Teak wood walls with palm trees and other tropical plants.  The bar was on the left, with tables and booths in front of the bar and it all looked out onto a marina of middle to upper-end sailboats and cabin cruisers.

We made our way to the bar.  It wasn't crowded but it wasn't slow either.  A comfortable amount. Room for everyone. As I stood at the bar waiting for the bartender, Stacy was next to me facing out at the view of the boats.  But believe me when I say most of the guys in there were suddenly looking at her view.  She had on sexy flat sandals that had little string straps that tied around her ankles.  She said they are called Gladiator sandals.  She was definitely tiny, but she was so curvy at the same time. Amazing.  

I said hello to the bartender and handed him the card Eric gave me.  He looked at me and then at Stacy and smiled and nodded yes and told us to go have a seat and he'd bring the drinks out to us. We picked a small booth towards the floor-to-ceiling windows looking out on the boats. Stacy and I were living the good life. On vacation.  A beautiful setting.  I was in heaven. And yet, Stacy seemed slightly different.  

Normally, in these times, she is very engaged with me and we talk like best buds.  But she seemed almost as if she was waiting for something else. It was like her evening had not fully begun yet.  Maybe it was just waiting for the drinks to arrive.  She only occasionally looked at me or spoke to me.  I hoped it wasn't from my bra comment.  She would look around the room a bit, perhaps just taking it all in. 

I left it alone and our drinks came.  The bartender barely even acknowledged my presence.  He was clearly trying to see as much of Stacy as he could.  From his view, he could see all of her legs and was pleased with what he saw.  In that dress when she was seated, it practically was like she was sitting there in a tee shirt. He gave a sly smirk to Stacy, as if he knew what she was up to.  He said he would check back shortly.

I raised my beer glass to Stacy and she raised her wine glass and we toasted.  

"Here's to some fun in the sun," I said.

Stacy smiled and agreed.

Just then Eric walked in. He saw us, and after a brief word with the bartender, he came over to our table. Stacy and I were sitting facing each other and Eric slid into the booth next to Stacy, facing me.  As I said, I know I can be jealous and insecure, so I try to ignore these things. They are probably all made up in my mind.  Besides,  he was my friend.  If it was just he and I there, he would be sitting across from me.

We talked for a bit and had two rounds.  Eric's hands had at some point left the table and were resting in his lap or on his legs, I assumed.  He and Stacy had just gotten to know each other and already seemed to have a sort of comfortable and playful banter. It was like they had a connection on some unseen level.

Stacy was clearly more alive and in better spirits than she was when we arrived at the bar.  Must be the drinks.

Stacy must have been warm from being in the sun all day; she looked a bit flush and wasn't saying a lot.  Eric was doing most of the talking anyway.  He seemed to enjoy bringing up stories from our school days, like how shy I was in the gym showers.  It was true that I wasn't exactly brash with confidence, which is exactly how you would describe Eric.  And I will admit, from what I remember in high school gym, he had a lot to be proud of.  Being 6'5", it would make sense.

We finished a third round of drinks and decided we'd maybe go for some dinner at one of the nearby restaurants.  I got up to settle with the bartender since Eric seemed to have forgotten all about the drinks being on him. The bar was getting a bit busier so I was standing there when Eric and Stacy walked up and she leaned in to me and said that she had to use the bathroom and would rather use the one in our room.  I said OK, and I'd be right behind them as soon as I settled the tab.

As Eric was walking out with Stacy, I thought I saw Eric nod to the bartender. I thought nothing of it.  I figured since they knew each other it was just a "see ya" kind of thing.

After a good five minutes of waiting, the bartender had not come to take my card.  He was busy, but not so busy he couldn't have settled my bill.  I was patient though and waited a while longer.  Finally, a cute server girl that must have seen me waiting asked if I needed any help.  I told her I was just wanting to pay my tab.  She took my card and went down to the register.  She spoke with the bartender and he looked over at me and they talked a bit more.  This was at least ten or fifteen minutes after Eric and Stacy had left.  She then left the card on the counter next to the register and walked out the other side of the bar and continued helping customers.

Almost twenty minutes later the bartender came over to me and said the computer was a bit slow tonight and it would just be a minute or two longer.  I was getting pissed.  He brought me a drink and said it was on the house so I sat at the bar drinking it and waiting.  Finally, after almost thirty minutes, he quickly brought me the card and I signed and left.

As I made my way to the room I became suddenly aware that Eric and Stacy had been back at the room for nearly thirty minutes, alone.  I started to jog briskly, my fears and insecurities swelling in my brain. I hurried up the stairs and quietly slid my card and opened the door quickly.

The room was empty.  The main curtain of the sliding glass door was open but the semi-sheer curtain was lightly swaying in the gentle breeze.  I closed the door.  They must have heard it because they suddenly walked inside.  Stacy walked in barefoot, like a cat in that little black cotton dress.  Her sandals were over by the couch.  Her face was flush and she seemed flustered.

"Hi, baby, what took you so long?" she said in an almost rehearsed tone.

Eric walked in behind her.

"Hey, buddy, what was the holdup?"

I stood there, trying to be cool and not appear worried or jealous.  But, without any doubt, if you had been standing in that room at that moment, you would have sensed that I was the third wheel.

It was all Stacy could do to appear happy that I was finally back.  She walked in and hugged me and went over to the coffee table to grab her glass of wine. She had to bend down just slightly and even with a slight bend I could see part of her ass in that short sexy dress.  She turned to me and said,

"Baby, I was thinking that since Eric has been drinking, maybe we should let him spend the night here in the spare bed instead of having him drive all the way home."

I was now feeling more worried but also I knew in a practical sense, she was right.  Plus, with me right there, nothing could really happen.  So, we agreed to let Eric stay the night.  We decided on what restaurant to go to.

Dinner was nice, but again Stacy and Eric sat on one side of a booth and I on the other.  Our server continually acted as if Eric and Stacy were the couple and I was their friend.  Stacy again didn't seem overly talkative at dinner, and was definitely flush.  I assumed it was the warm San Diego weather.

We eventually got back to the room around 9pm and I had forgotten that Eric was going to be staying the night. The three of us hung out in the living room talking and catching up and drinking a bit more wine.

Stacy was the first to go to bed and then I began nodding off about twenty-five minutes later.  So, I said good night to Eric and told him to stay up as late as he liked and just use the queen bed next to ours. The beds were like any standard hotel room with two queen beds. They were side by side about five feet apart, with a night table in between.

Stacy wore nothing but a white tee shirt to bed.  It was about the same length as that sexy black dress. Eric watched TV a little while longer and then turned off the lights except for a lamp in the living room, which was far enough away that it was mostly dark in the bedroom area.

To my knowledge, I fell asleep around 1am.  Stacy appeared already asleep.

I was awoken around 2:30am to some hushed noises. Those noises would turn out to change my marriage forever.

There was Stacy, my wife, on her back, under the covers.  Eric was on top of her fucking her as hard as he could while still trying to be quiet and not wake me.  Stacy's feet were practically back on either side of her head. They were face to face kissing as he fucked her. The bed wasn't squeaking. They actually managed to keep it pretty quiet considering what he was doing to her.  

But what I did hear, and what I think woke me up, was Stacy.  I could hear her voice in what I can only describe as a frantic whisper.

"Oh my God, oh my God, Eric.  Fuck.  Fuck.  Fuck.  Oh my God. You're gonna make me cum!"

As she said those last words, he leaned down and they kissed passionately.  He was driving in and out of her nonstop.  He never stopped.  She seemed in shock. I had never come close to making her cum from intercourse.  I didn't believe she could have an orgasm that way.  But, I awoke just minutes before she would have her first.

He seemed to be fucking as if he was trying to prove a point. To show her that he could take her pussy and make it his. The best way I could describe the tone of Stacy's voice was overwhelmed.  Even in a whisper, there was emotion and passion at a level I had never heard from any woman.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck.  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.  Eric. Eric. Oh my God."  

And then, my eyes and ears could hardly believe what came next.  

"Eric, I'm gonna cum..."

And that was it.  She went silent.  I saw her hands suddenly reach up and practically dig into the back side of his biceps.  Her feet were dangling off his shoulders.  I saw her body push off the bed a little.  Lifting her hips off the bed.  He kept pounding her. And then, Stacy's body became rigid.  She began to convulse uncontrollably.  While the room was dark, there was some light coming in from the living room or from the TV being left on.  I'm not sure.  But, I could definitely see half of her face.  Her head began to convulse wildly.  She tried to hold eye contact with Eric but her head was shaking around so violently that she couldn't.  Her hands were dug into his biceps, holding on for her life.  

Her orgasm lasted at least twenty to thirty seconds.  It was the most powerful orgasm I had ever seen.  Finally her orgasm subsided and her body became limp.  Eric kept fucking her.  His pace had slowed to a medium speed, but machine-like.  Like a metronome.  It seemed like she was quietly weeping, but I wasn't certain.

And then, I heard Eric for the first time.

"Stacy, I'm gonna cum. What should..."

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Stacy cut him off before he even finished his sentence.

"Cum inside me.  Cum inside me.  Please, Eric. I want you to cum inside me."

It was no more than five seconds after she said that when Eric's body suddenly stiffened up and began heaving as he lay on top of her.  It seemed like five or six thrusts.  She held him tight the entire time.  He had completely emptied his seed into my wife.  They stayed like that and kissed for while.  Stacy whispering to him.

"Oh my God, that was unbelievable.  No one has ever fucked me like that.  I've never cum from a guy fucking me.  I can't believe I just had the best orgasm of my life."

They would kiss as she was telling him these things.

Eric spoke.

"Do you think he heard us?"

"No, he is asleep. I don't think he has any idea."

"I think I should go.  I'll come back tomorrow.  Should I come back tomorrow?"

Stacy, to my horror, replied.

"Why do I get the feeling you already know the answer to that, brat?  That was so incredible, what you did to me.  Oh my God.  I'm still feeling it down there.  Please, please, pretty please, come back tomorrow."

She was looking up at him, and basically begging him to come back tomorrow and fuck her again!

Eric said, "But what about Tim? It's not like we're alone."

Stacy replied, "I know.  I know.  But promise you'll come back.  I will figure something out. Just promise you'll come out tomorrow, and take me again."

Eric laughed a smug winner's laugh.  

"Sounds like somebody needs to be fucked really bad, don't they, Stacy?"

"You're such an asshole," she said, smiling up at him. She leaned up and kissed him.

She playfully punched his chest as he got off the bed.  He then leaned down and with ease, he picked Stacy up off the bed, in his arms. Eric carried Stacy over his shoulder to the door of our room.  He set her down. They were now about six feet in front of my bed. He leaned down and Stacy stood on her tippy-toes and they made out like teenagers.

He playfully slapped her bare ass and said, "See you tomorrow."

Stacy closed the door behind him.  As I lay still on the bed pretending to be asleep, I watched as Stacy walked past the two beds like she was on a cloud.  She entered the bathroom and softly closed the door.  I heard her brushing her teeth. As crazy as it sounds, and it may have just been my self-torture, but it truly seemed as if Stacy had a happy bounce in her step as she came out of the bathroom and slid gently into our bed.  She turned on her side, her back to me.  She lay there.  Well fucked.  Within a couple of minutes, she was asleep.

I decided to let her sleep.  I would confront her in the morning.  This would give her a chance to either tell me the truth or I'd find out if she planned on lying to me.

Sleep didn't come to me. I lay awake staring up at the ceiling, seeing Eric fucking her. I couldn't get the image out of my brain. I was shocked, hurt, crushed, and angry.

But, in spite of all that, I will admit, it was also insanely erotic.  I had never watched a porn sex scene that hot.  I had never seen a girl get taken so completely.  He took her physically, emotionally, and in every way possible.  She was unable to even finish her last sentence before the orgasm of her life washed through her like a tsunami.

The following morning was overcast, which was fitting for my mood.  I wasn't feeling sunny.  I looked over at Stacy as the room slowly gained light.  Stacy lay on her side, facing away from me.  The covers around her knees.  Her bare ass taunting me.  So perfect.  So firm and tight.  Those lean, toned legs.  This was my wife lying there, and she had just been fucked to an earth-shattering climax by what I thought was a lifelong friend. I couldn't help but wonder what her plan was for telling me, or not telling me.


Writer's note:  This next section is Stacy telling her brief take on the events I just mentioned.


I would say that I realized I was going to fuck Eric the minute he said hello to us at the pool. I hadn't seen him since our wedding and I forgot how tall and tan he was.  He only stayed for a few minutes but made plans to meet up with us later for drinks.  Don't get me wrong; I love Tim, and our marriage is solid, but the thought of having drinks with Eric later suddenly seemed exciting.

When Tim and I got to the bar, we sat in a booth and ordered a round of drinks.  We were almost finished when Tim spotted Eric walking in the door.

He came over and slid in next to me in the booth and I could feel his thigh against my leg.  I didn’t think much about it at the time.   After our first drink turned into another, I realized that Eric's hands were in his lap, very close to mine.  Was he trying to send me some sort of signal, or was I reading too much into it?  I caught myself hoping he would reach over and put his hand in my lap.  I was so distracted by that idea that when Tim said he was going to pay the tab, I jumped a little and muttered something like “Sure...thanks.”  Eric slid out of the booth and I followed behind. The plan was for Eric and I to head back to the room and Tim would be along in a few minutes.

After the short walk back, I opened the door to the room and realized that Eric and I were alone.  I got nervous, for some reason, like I was doing something wrong.  I walked over to the sliding glass door and opened it, letting in the much-needed cool air.  Eric opened the fridge and took out a half-opened bottle of wine.  He poured us each a glass.

“So, do you guys have any plans while you are here?” He asked.

I told him that we were planning as little as possible, hoping to chill out and relax for the week.  He then told me he wanted to show me something and he walked out of the sliding glass door, onto the balcony.  I followed him, and stood next to him, holding onto the railing.

“See that, over there?” He pointed across the road to the naval base. “That entire base is man-made. It took over ten years to build.”

As he was telling me this, I felt him standing behind me, pointing over my shoulder.  I let out a quiet gasp, startled at feeling him so close.  He continued to tell me about the naval base but, to be honest, I wasn't really paying attention.  I had a difficult time focusing because I could swear that I could feel on my lower back.  It definitely felt hard.  He kept talking so cool and casual, but the entire time, his bulge was pressing firmly against my lower back. At that moment, I felt like I was his prey, and I wanted to be caught.

Just then, I heard the front door open and Tim walked in, mumbling something about having to wait a long time just to pay.  I walked in from the balcony and gave Tim a kiss on the cheek, with Eric following right behind me, saying hi to Tim and offering to pour him a glass of wine.  Without even thinking about it, I blurted out that I thought Eric could spend the night because he had been drinking.

“We do have an extra bed,” I stated, surprised at my sudden need for Eric to stay a bit longer.

Tim agreed and grabbed all of us some beers from the fridge, and we sat in the living room, watching TV and talking.

Around midnight, I excused myself and got ready for bed.  Tim was a few minutes behind me, and Eric said he was going to watch a little more TV.

We were soon fast asleep, tired from drinks and traveling.  Around 1:30, I got up to go to the bathroom, wearing only a white t-shirt.  On my way back to bed, I noticed Eric was lying in the second bed, awake.  I give him a little smile, and then he waved me over.  Being half asleep, I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.  I noticed that he had only the sheet covering him, and only to his waist.  From the looks of it, he was naked under there.  I think he caught me looking at him, and when I looked up he had a big smile on his face.

“I've been thinking about you all night,” he whispered to me.

I could feel my face get flush and my heart start beating faster.  He pulled the sheet next to him back, inviting me to lie next to him.  I turned and looked back at Tim, fast asleep in the other bed. I suddenly felt sorry for him in his innocent slumber.

Something about Eric, lying there, was calling to me.  I climbed in and lay on my side, looking up at him.

“Are we really going to do this?” I whispered.

“Only if you want to," he replied.

For some strange reason, I was calm and my mind was clear, despite the fact that I was lying naked next to my husband's best friend.  It felt oddly natural.  I couldn’t help but take my hand and lay it on top of the sheet, on top of his cock. My eyes suddenly got big when I realized just how big he was. It was then I realized that my pussy was already wet.  Instinctively, I moved my hand up and down on his shaft, marveling at its length.

He let out a low moan and pulled the covers down just a little bit more, exposing his beautiful cock. My hand rested on it again, this time reaching around it and noticing my fingers couldn’t even touch.  Oh my pussy was wetter than before.  He took his left hand and reached over to my tits, lightly touching them, teasing them.  Oh, fuck.  My body was starting to tingle.  I wonder if he realized how turned on I was getting.  Slowly, he moved his hand from my tits, down my tummy, and rested it between my legs. 

He noticed how wet I was and whispered in my ear, “Mmmm, god, you’re wet."

Fuck, even the feeling of him whispering in my ear was sending chills down my body.  I couldn’t help but spread my legs, eager for him.  He rubbed his fingers up and down my clit, which was throbbing by this time.  My head leaned back and I let out a deep, guttural moan.  One finger, then two, find their way inside me, thrusting in and out. Oh my god! pussy felt so alive.  I don't think I had ever been this wet in my life.  Tim had never gotten me this wet.  Uh-oh...Tim.  

I glanced over at him, barely able to focus, and I noticed that he was thankfully still asleep.  Eric took his soaking fingers out and pulled them to my mouth, and I eagerly obliged, licking them clean.  He climbed on top of me, his cock hard by this time.  He took my legs and pulled them up, resting them on his shoulders.  He smiled at me and leaned down for a gentle kiss.

This was it...this was the moment that my life, and my marriage, would change forever. He teased my pussy with his head before he finally filled me with his hard dick.  My back arched and I let out another moan, this time a little louder.

Oh, fuck, oh, fuck.  He began to fuck me, my tight pussy struggling to accommodate his huge cock.  In and out, in and out.  Each time, I made a little grunt, feeling every bit of him filling me.  I noticed that the headboard was starting to hit the wall, almost rhythmically, but I didn’t care.

Eric fucked me like I had never been fucked in my life.  It was so difficult to stay quiet.  My husband was lying asleep a few feet away and I was being fucked so good I was losing control of my body.

I wanted to scream so bad.  I was whispering how good it felt.  I wanted him to see, in my eyes, how life-changing this was for me.  What shocked me was it didn't take him very long to bring me to the most overwhelming climax I've ever had.  When I started to cum I was sure I was either going to make some loud scream or I was going to pass out from pleasure overload.  But, I definitely came violently hard.  I think it scared both of us.  

When I finally came down, Eric whispered he was going to cum.  He was thoughtful enough to ask me, but, after the orgasm I just went through, there was only one place Eric was ever going to cum when I was with him.  I told him where I wanted him to cum, and he did.  Just thinking about it now makes me wet.  It was those few minutes I just described that allowed me to know without any doubt, Eric would be allowed to fuck me wherever and whenever he wanted.  I knew right then I'd never ever say no to him.


Finally, Stacy awoke.  She stirred a little and then rolled onto her back, stretching.  I think I saw her face as the memory of what had happened last night washed over her.  Her slow, sleepy awakening suddenly became a jolt of reality.  I could sense it in her.  Sure enough, she turned to me.  She saw me staring quietly at her.  

I think Stacy could see something in my face.  She seemed to know that I knew.

We held eye contact for a few seconds until Stacy scooted over next to me.  She put her arms around me and held me.

I knew Stacy loved me. That was not a question.  I knew she felt bad for what had happened.  But, it was almost impossible for me to lie there and still feel like a man after what I had witnessed just hours before.  Stacy now knew, without any doubt, what a well-endowed alpha male like Eric could give her that a small penis beta male like me could never give her.  I had always known it, but Stacy was now fully aware.

As we lay there quietly holding each other, I knew, without any doubt, that Stacy would need to be fucked by Eric again.  I hated the thought, but I knew, after what I saw, that she would have to have it again.  The thought also crossed my mind that wherever Eric was right now, he knew it too.  He knew her pussy was his now.

Stacy broke the hug and looked lovingly into my eyes.  She could see the feeling of hurt and betrayal all over my face.  Her hand slid down my shoulder, down my torso, and rested on my naked waist.

"Are you OK, honey?  I don't know what to say," she said softly and truly concerned for me.

I stared back at her.  I blinked a few times and after a few seconds, I nodded yes.

"I'm sorry,"  she said, in an almost embarrassed tone.

"I know,"  I replied.

"Did you...hear, everything?"  

I nodded yes.

Her hand on my waist was gently caressing me, as if she was consoling a child. But, it would occasionally glide within inches of my penis.  It was like a cruel erotic torture.  Her body, so insanely perfect.  Right in front of me, and yet seemingly off-limits now.

She waited for me to speak.

" coming back today to see you again, isn't he?"  I asked.

Stacy nodded yes.

"It's...gonna happen again, isn't it ?"  I had to ask.

Stacy paused, and then sheepishly, she nodded yes again.

We both knew why. 

Her hand drifted casually towards my penis.  I didn't want her to touch me there right now, like this.  But, as every minute of the day ticked forward, it felt as if Stacy was more and more in control of me.  It was clear now that Stacy wasn't going to hide or deny what happened.  It was also looking as if she had no intention of not being fucked by Eric, regardless of how it hurt me.

The longer I just lay there and allowed her to rub my penis, and the longer I said nothing, the more it appeared Stacy knew she was taking control now.

I become hard as she just played with it with minimal effort.  Then, as she lightly toyed with my penis,  she spoke again. This time in a calm but confident tone.

"He will probably want you to leave the room while I'm with him."

I nodded yes.

"He might stay the night here."

I nodded yes.

My penis was now hard in her hand.  I hated myself.

"When we were at the bar last night, Eric told me that the hotel occupancy isn't very high right now and that if we wanted to get a second room, he could get us one for free."

Her words were so casual and yet sharp arrows into my manhood.  I knew exactly what she meant.  She would be more at ease if I wasn't in the room when he was fucking her.  But, was it me or Stacy that would be taking the second room? I wondered.  

"He said there is a room available that joins this one, so you'd just move your suitcase right next door.  It would just be for a little while while I'm with him. Then, after he leaves, you can come right back."

She said it so casually, like she was discussing an itinerary for the day.

I nodded yes meekly, as her hand continued to toy with my now painfully hard penis.

Apparently, after getting fucked like she had by Eric, she now must be wondering if I'm the man she thought I was.  The dynamic between Stacy and me was definitely changing.

"Eric is coming out around 3 o'clock.  He has today and tomorrow off so I told him he can stay here tonight.  I will text him and tell him he can stop by the front desk and arrange the second room for us...well, for you." She said it with a slight giggle.

"I'm going to shower right now.  I'm glad you understand that this doesn't mean I love you any less, honey.  Maybe the fact you heard us last night helps you to understand how much I need Eric to come back.  I know this must be hurting you, but remember, we're on vacation and it will only be for a few more days.  Besides, when Eric is working or at home, you and I can still do stuff.  We can ride those rental bikes along the marina.  We can go to that restaurant we saw down the street.  Or, we can just hang out by the pool.  I'll wear my cutest bikini for you.  I know you like that."

She offered all those things for her and me to do.  I noticed she never once mentioned the idea that she and I might have sex.  She seemed so normal, so casual.  Stacy also seemed so obviously giddy with happiness.  She was like a child on Christmas morning, eager to unwrap Eric's large package.

About the time she mentioned wearing her bikini for me, I was having a hard time not cumming right there in her hand as she expertly teased my penis.  I didn't want to show any sign of pleasure at the same moment she was basically informing me she would be fucking my good friend every day for the next four days. It would be seen as her defeating me.  

But Stacy seemed to have other plans.  She knew she had the upper hand.

"You know the little black two-piece I have?  I know how you like that one.  The black thong bottoms.  Imagine me by the pool in that.  My entire butt showing for the men at the pool.  I'm sure a lot of the guests would see it from their balconies too.  Pulled up high on my hips so snug and tight."

Her hand was now stroking me.  I was sweating.  My mouth couldn't form words to say.  She looked into my eyes.  She seemed to enjoy the painful dilemma I was in.  She knew I wanted to at least offer up some form of protest over this whole situation.  But here I was, unable to even speak.

Then, Stacy went in for the kill.  She knew deep down that I was secretly envious and jealous of well-endowed men like Eric.  After last night, she knew I wasn't man enough to satisfy her like Eric could. 

She took a gamble and gripped my aching penis tighter, and as she stroked me faster she looked into my eyes and said, "But the only time I can go to the pool with you is when Eric isn't in our room fucking me.  You realize the reason Eric is coming out here later today is to fuck me again, don't you, honey?"

By the time she got to the word "honey."  I was cumming like an exploded fire hydrant.  I just kept shooting cum, even as I felt the humiliation falling over me.  I just sat there, my penis convulsing as she spoke of Eric fucking her.

She squeezed every drop out of me.  I was indeed empty, in more than one way.  She didn't say another word to me.  Stacy leaned up and kissed my cheek, and gave me a brief devilish smile.  She got up and pranced over to the nightstand and fiddled with her phone for a minute.  Then, she turned and pranced like a sexy cat into the bathroom and closed the door.  I heard the shower start.

I fell back onto the bed.  What had happened to my wife?  My marriage?  Me?

I had cum so hard, and right after she mentioned Eric fucking her again.  Was I truly a cuckold now?  I barely knew what that word meant.  But I'm pretty sure it described what I had become.

I got up and went to the fridge.  It was early in the day, but it was vacation and if I ever needed a drink, it was now.  I checked my phone.  It was 11:47am.  I opened the fridge and took out a Heineken.  I opened it and took a long drink.  It was cold and tasted good.  Four more days, I thought.  Could I possibly allow this to happen?  Did I really have any say in it?  

As Stacy showered, I walked over and looked out the slider. I looked at the families and couples happily going about their day.  None of them had to deal with a situation like this.  None of them had a wife as white-hot as Stacy either.

The world outside our hotel room seemed so normal and bustled along like any other day.  I was staring out into nothing when I was jolted by a knock on our door.

I set my beer on the counter as I went to the door.  It was a nice young lady from the front desk.  "Mr. Jenkins?"  

"Yes, I'm Mr. Jenkins."

She handed me a small key card envelope. "Here are the keys to room 203.  The room is ready now and all the arrangements have been taken care of."

She handed me the envelope and gave a friendly nod, letting me know to call or stop by the front desk if I have any questions. I think I nodded yes.  I was putting it all together as she walked away.  Before Stacy went to the shower, she had texted Eric and had him make the arrangements for me to move to the other room.  My wife was orchestrating the plan to get me out of the room so she could be fucked by another man.  I closed the door.  

I looked over at the bed.  In about three hours Stacy would be getting fucked on that bed.  In three hours, Eric would be fucking my wife, right there in that bed. As I stood there I realized I was getting hard.  Out of nowhere, a voice in my head suddenly said,  'You're a pussy boy, Tim.'

I snapped out of it when I heard the shower turn off.  I slipped the room cards into my pocket and went into the living room.  I sat on the couch and turned on the TV.  It was the news or sports.  It didn't matter.  I was staring AT the TV, not what was on it.  I drank my beer.  Got another one.  Drank it.  I was working on my third now.  The volume on the TV was nearly mute and I could hear Stacy humming in the bathroom as she readied herself for the man arriving in less than forty-five minutes.

I finished my beer and tossed the few clothes I had lying around back in my suitcase.  I quietly went out our room door and opened the door to the room right next to ours.   I set my suitcase on the bed, looked around and felt so strange to be staying in a separate room next to my wife.  Then, it dawned on me.  The rooms were set up in a way that the beds were back to back to the same wall.  I would most certainly hear them.  My stomach knotted.  I assumed it would be different this time since they didn't have to be quiet like they were when I was sleeping in the bed next to them.  I walked out and went back into our current room.  Stacy was still in the bathroom.  Eric would be arriving any time.

I was making myself a cocktail when the bathroom door opened.  Stacy walked out in nothing but a small white tank top.  It barely covered her pussy.  Her ass was half showing, half covered.  She was combing her silky wet blond hair.  She has always known the effect her body has on me.  She looked over and noticed my suitcase was not there.

"Where is your suitcase?"

"A woman stopped by and gave me the card for the room next door.  So I took my stuff over there."

Stacy didn't respond either way, just had her head tilted to one side and was combing her hair.  She set her comb down and walked over to where I was making my drink.  She reached up on an upper shelf and grabbed her wine glass.  When she reached up to the shelf, her tank top rose up.  She was most definitely naked under that top.  I briefly saw her pussy before the tank top fell back over it.  

I assumed she was still planning on what to wear.  I innocently asked what she planned on wearing tonight.

"Oh, I don't know.  Not sure yet," she said in a vague and coy sort of way.

For some reason, I was hoping it was two pairs of jeans, a hoodie, and a heavy parka jacket. But, we were in San Diego, so that wasn't likely.


End of Part One


Written by Stacyshubby
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